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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Savina"I-" Savina was interputed by the roar of a bear. "Grecko!" She turned around, the bear came running toward her and stopped when he was just besides her. Savina hugged the bear and then began to pet him. "That's a good boy..." Grecko looked at the two toa and growled a little, not trusting them at all. "Hey, don't be rude Grecko, they seem okay..." Grecko snorted.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: This looks interesting. I think I'll say that the ash bear Lema saw was Grecko.IC (Lema): The green toa continued to steal through the forest, following thr tracks of the ash bear. Eventually, he got close enough to see the beast, and got quite a shock when it was hugged by a green and blue toa.Interesting he thought. That's an unusual rahi to tame, not that I can talk.He activated his kakama and zipped closer, no more than an insant of blur among the trees. From his position behind a tree, he saw two other toa, one white and one red. It wasn't often he saw other toa in this part of the jungle. He decided to stay hidden and find out more.


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IC (Matan and Natan):After their audience with the Turaga, the two Skakdi left his hut and proceeded to the outskirts of the tree-village. They were not particularly worried about being strung up in a tree – Matan had plantlife powers after all. Still, they were not about to go looking for trouble.When they reached a likely spot, they began to do as they had told the Turaga they would. They joined wills, and, with the aid of their elemental powers, began to build themselves a dwelling. The branches of the tree began to shift and grow in odd directions, the wood bending upwards and becoming interlaced with pieces of iron which were growing in mid-air. The display was exciting to watch as a house took shape where there had been only empty branches. It took the pair the rest of the afternoon to finish.It was larger than most Matoran huts – it had to be in order to accommodate a pair of Skakdi. There were three rooms; a bedroom sporting a pair of beds made from spongy leaves and soft woods, a general living room and a workshop where the brothers could ply their craft. It was here that Natan’s iron was most prominent, forming the workbenches and floor. A lightvine ran around the roof and gave off a soft glow to light the dwelling. The grey Skakdi removed his tools from his pack and set them down on the table.“Welcome home, Matan” he said. “While we’re stuck on this rock, this is base”Matan said something unintelligible in response and flopped down on his bed. The exertion and concentration required to create and shape so much plantlife had really taxed him.


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OOC: Sorry for my inactiveness :(IC: AckuneHe had gathered all of the supplies and now was going to to look for Kethrye. Sensing him with his mask he called out, "Kethrye! Good are you ready to go?""And who's this?" He asked indicating the Skakdi.OOC: Great, now I have to catch up in Techna, Ko-Koro, Le-Koro, and Ta-Koro. :P



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IC: KahuwaAs soon as Kahuwa spotted the bear, he pulled out his two hook-like katanas to hack the beast to pieces but was soon startled to see Savina hugging the bear. The Ta-Toa lowered his swords while keeping a superstitious expression on his face, still puzzled at the odd turn of events. Kahuwa was about to ask what all of this was but was interrupted as he heard a brief VOOSH-like noise and the rapid tapping of running feet using his Arthron.The black and red Toa turned to the direction of the noise and raised his katanas as he did so, ready for any incoming attack which may occur. "Who's there? Show yourself before you I cook you alive!" yelled Kahuwa to whoever was hiding.

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IC (Lema): Lema cursed inside his head. How had he been spotted when moving at such speed? It didn't matter now. He had to show himself or fight."Toa Lema" he said, stepping out from the trees. "I was wondering what that bear was doing within a few kio of Le-koro. I see I had nothing to fear, however."


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IC: Kahuwa"I see. Name's Kahuwa, Toa of fire. Pleasure to meet you, Lema." Kahuwa had lowered his blades but just in case, he still held on to them. You could never be too trusting nowadays."Anyways, Savina, why don't you enlighten us about the bear. How in karz did you tame that thing?"

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IC: SavinaSavina tensed at the sight of yet another Toa, but eased up a little when she saw he wasn't being threatening, still, she didn't like...so many people...at once...She remained on her knees as she rubbed Grecko's back. "Well, I found him...many years ago...he had been caught in...a hunter's trap...I saved him, healed his wounds...and went on my way...though, he followed me everywhere I went...and, we've been together ever since..."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: JLJL found no one answering. Well, except for a guy who said no. Perhaps there would be better luck at Ta-Wahi.....OOC: @Rakata, Dhaejunn VS JL again? :biggrin:Anyways, JL to Ta-Wahi.

OOC: With Hatann he'll shatter em' . :PIC: Dhaejun:Dhaejun could see the firey home of the Ta-Koroans in the distance, itching for action.OOC: Dhaejun to Ta-Wahi.
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IC(Infected!Love, Mardi): The two toa stood at each other. "Love, look at yourself. You're not acting normally.""LIKE I EVER DO!" A massive vine jabbed at Mardi, as she used her bow to fire a rock at Love's mask.They both hit.The infected mask of healing hit the ground, as did Love. "What...just happened? Mardi? Is that you?"The vine had punctured her chest."Yeah...Lovey....it's...urk...me...aa...""What...have I done?"Mardi had a smirk on her face. "Hah...you did...nothing...Lovey...aaag...""You're...dying...""You can't...help me now....I'm in too much pain..." Mardi fell limp onto the vine. It was a kind of vine that was laced with small thorns, rare on most islands.Love picked up Mardi, and began on her way, her mask on her back.IC(D, Love, Mardi): The toa looked at some paper he had tried making. It had taken a bit, but he now had...a scrap of paper. "Arg! Who knew that making paper was so hard!""Help..." D stood up. Two toa had gotten into his hut. And one was unconscious. "What is this madness?""Help...her..." Love collapsed on the ground, as did Mardi. A bit of blood came from the stomach wound she had endured."What the karz...? Hey! Anyone know any medical procedures?" He started to get some of the plants he collected for making the paper, wrapping them around the wound to close it off.

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IC (Lema): "What's a dregier?" Lema asked. "I've never heard of one. Is it some other tame rahi, like a mana-ko maybe?" He hadn't meant to be so sarcastic, but a toa having the skills to gain the loyalty of something like an ash bear had put him off his stride, and he was getting a bit defensive.OOC: These guys have been inactive for ages now, so don't mind the passage of time stuff.IC (Matan and Natan): The two Skakdi brothers slept like logs that night - they had had quite a week. With being caught in a storm, being washed up on some backward speck of an island and being attacked by strange and confusing and confusing natives had been only the start. Now, safe and sound in a village, they slept long into the morning on the beds Matan had made. when they rose at last, the bright sunlight was streaming down through the canopy. After a quick breakfast of fruit, they went outside their house and worked on making a sign. For the time they were staying in Le-koro, they would need some income. The sign was mostly made of wood, but was inlaid with shiny golden letters. this is what they said:

Matan & Natan - Engineers

Tinkers, crafters and weaponsmiths.

For all types of machines, hand crafted weapons and armour restoration.

Wood and metal objects a speciality.

Enquire inside.


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IC: Kahuwa"Rescuing a bear from a bunch of hunters. Isn't that sweet?" remarked Kahuwa in a half-honest tone and half-sarcastic. To Kahuwa, saving the bear was a good deed but at the same time, it almost sounded a little loopy. If it were the Ta-Toa in Savina's shoes, he probably would've eaten the poor thing. As far as interruptions went, his train of thought was once more disturbed when Kraeyn randomly said "Dregier.""Heeeeey, Frosty, that might be your name! Ring a bell? Maybe it has something to do with those mountains or wolf you mentioned earlier."

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IC: Pordal, Yerith, Yu'rek, Nik-Kolii"I'm fine," Pordal gasped, his strength returning to him. "Just a few burns is all.""Let's get you patched up before there's another attack," Yerith said. "Now, this is all Mekrof's doing, yes? Well, he has a remote commander in this village who might have some information on him. This commander is also the supplier of the acid-fire zamors that we've had fired at us. I've saved one for... persuasive reasons."Yu'rek listened as he patched Pordal up. A remote commander, eh? If they took him out, the Skakdi forces won't bother them in this village... What a plan. But where to find him?"I thought I saw a shifty Skakdi somewhere to the south," Nik-Kolii stated, laying down a map of the Wahi. "It wasn't Mekrof, but this guy was manufacturing some of those Zamors. Hop on and I'll show you."He jumped onto the battle Gukko, waited for his comrades to join him, then took off to scour the jungle.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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Kylina finally got back and simply walked into the pilots quarters."I'M BAAAAAACK!" She announced before looking around the mess."...you boys went and partied last night didn't you?" She said."See bro...? The grand mistress... knows all..." Mawl groaned. "You... owe me... fifty widgets..."Tawk just snored."Where's Xavier?" Kylina asked."Closet... and not so loud Kylina..."Kylina opened a closet and found Xavier curled up in a fetal position. "So... many... pretty... girls... so... much... attention..."The Ga-Matoran rolled her eyes and gave Xavier a swift kick in the back causing him to yelp and snap to."Oh... hey Kylina. How are you?""Just fine. Geeze Xavier, you're hopeless, when are you going to grow a spine and talk to girls like a regular Matoran? I'm a girl and you talk to me just fine.""...I don't know... it's just not the same. You don't quite expect the same things those other girls do."Kylina snorted. "That's sweet Xav. I'm flattered I'm the only girl who doesn't turn you into a gibbering Kewa. Get up and help me wake up Tawk would you? We've got rotation this afternoon."

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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OOC: Traxin and Zarrus from Ta-Wahi.IC: A silence filled the air for a while, penetrated only by the squelching of mud and snapping of twigs, as the two walked through the jungle. Eventually Zarrus grew tired of ignorance, "What did you mean, back at the hospital? About home?"Traxin sighed, "We aren't from here Zarrus. Think about it. I'm the only Toa of Sonics on the-""You're a Toa of SONICS?!""Yeah. And I hate to break it to you, but you're gravity, not earth." Traxin paused, but Zarrus said nothing, so he continued, "Neither of us are from here. We're from some other island, far away. Solia, she became a Toa through the powers that be on our island, and Trakuda... I just figured he wouldn't want to leave Solia. You know what those two are like."The silence returned, and the two continued their trek through the jungle.

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IC: Yerith, Pordal, Yu'rek, Nik-Kolii"I think I see the encampment," Yerith called out over the rushing wind. "What do you say we give these [censored]s a taste of their own medicine?"He pulled a few vines out of his pack."A'right," Pordal said, holding on for dear life. "Let's, uh... go, then."He, Yerith, and Yu'rek leaped from Nik-Kolii's battle Gukko, and slid down the vines to the ground below. There was a sudden tingling on Pordal's back. Yerith had prepared a weapon for him. Once he hit the ground, he pulled out the iron tube and shot at the guards.Yu'rek joined the effort and took down the Skakdi with Pordal. There were in, for now."All right, we find this son of a Brakas, we get the information we need from him, and get out," Yerith said, outlining the battle plan.Yu'rek nodded and sneaked into the camp. A few grand-looking tents and one stone building. But if that building housed the objective, it would take some real guts to reach it. It was two hundred bio away and surrounded by tents, no doubt housing hostiles."There's a path running up the middle," Pordal pointed out. "Then it forks at the building, splitting this place up into thirds. The way I see it is I set one third on fire with my elemental power, Yu'rek gets the other third with his flaming crossbow, and Nik-Kolii lights a few of his disks on fire and gets the last third.""Brilliant," Yerith stated, rubbing his Mask of Stealth. "On my go, execute the plan... NOW!"Pordal let loose a great gout of flame, devouring a few nearby tents.Yu'rek signaled for Nik-Kolii, then launched a few crossbow bolts into a few tents, beginning the next part of the conflagration.Nik-Kolii was able to observe the split-into-thirds camp and the fire Pordal and Yu'rek were starting in two of them. He took out a lighter and set a blaze to some of his bamboo disks. Then he patted his Gukko on the head and fired his load into the third section.Pordal saw the fire rain down from Nik-Kolii and his Gukko and cheered."Hostiles exiting tents," Yerith shouted, drawing his weapon. "Charge!"Yu'rek stood from his position and ran into the flames, firing at any Skakdi that dared fight him. They were about halfway to the building, when they were surrounded.Nik-Kolii opened the path for them with another fire-disk strike from the air."They're gonna feel that one!" he mumbled to himself, reloading.Pordal charged up to the building, kicking open the door and climbing the stairs. Everywhere he looked were crates of the Zamor spheres. The spheres themselves were not yet armed, but all it took was a few taps...Yerith charged the guard at the top of the stairs and plunged a knife in his throat. There was a futile struggle, and in a minute or two, the gurgling and clawing stopped. Yerith yanked the blade out and broke down the door."WHAT?" a Skakdi inside called out.Yerith punched him, knocking the target into some crates. Then he tossed the Zamor he had captured on the ground. The acid ate through the wood floor with ease as the fire began chewing outward."You recognize this?" he taunted, standing back."Please, don't hurt me," the Skakdi said. After a quick verification check, he was confirmed as Mekrof's ally. "What do you want? I'll give you anything!""Where is Mekrof?" Yerith growled, drawing a pistol."Onu-Koro!" the Skakdi called out in fear. "He is staying in the grand suite at the Onu Inn. Now let me go!"The fire was leaping closer to the Skakdi."Thank you," Yerith said, turning to his friends. "That's all we needed."The Skakdi was about to thank him and run off when Yerith spun around and shot him in the head. The fire consumed the room as the trio exited."Look's like we're off to the underground city," Pordal said, letting Yerith de-materialize his weapon."Not yet," Yerith said, looking down. "First we need to rest. Then we meet with some old friends."Yu'rek nodded as they all climbed on the Gukko and flew away from the great fire. A plume of smoke rose in the air, reaching the clouds.Well, it was likely that no one would notice...

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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