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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

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IC"Not remove the parakuka-parasites? But the Turaga- what are you speak-saying?" Laki asked. How could the village leaders function with the slugs on their back?Laki wished Skaarn would say something. The matoran needed something to do, instead of sit here and squabble like politicians without getting something done.

Edited by Visaru

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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ooc: He hasn't said he follows MakutaIC:"Very well, since you all sound so desperate- well, except for you," Skaarn pointed to Dendron "who're both hilarious and insane- I will tell you all how to safely remove the Parakuka. But only if you promise to release me from this prison. I'll remain your captive afterwards if you like, but I do rather hate cages. I'll even add some more details afterwards.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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OOC: Yes, he did. He said Makuta made Hordika (which he is) and claimed that Toa are "mistakes". That, and he was evidently not on the ILS's side during the hive assault. He was made this way by Makuta, he is a prisoner, and he is not trusted. ;)IC: MadrihkThe Toa of Ice grew weary of the delays."Spill it," he said plainly.

Edited by Katuko
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I.C. Vompran

IC"Not remove the parakuka-parasites? But the Turaga- what are you speak-saying?" Laki asked. How could the village leaders function with the slugs on their back?Laki wished Skaarn would say something. The matoran needed something to do, instead of sit here and squabble like politicians without getting something done.
"I'm speak-saying that it's possible that the parukua won't be able to use their powers on the turaga again for a while. The problem is that we know not-nothing about them. Everything here is based off of assumptions."


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IC: Calm yourself down, Bane. Be rubber. Bane calmed himself, then spoke to the Hordika, "Not desprate. Just tired, hurt, emotionally drained, and angry with Makuta-scum who are trying ot play us. You're good, I'll give you that." He looked at Vompran. "Correct. so we stick to non-risky methods until we know with certainty how the parakua works.OOC: My parakua character Baneless/Shade is coming to give information.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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ooc: Yeah, he said Makuta created him. But he also said that he'd decided to join Mata-Nui. Why believe one but not the other? And he's made it clear he doesn't think killing the Nui-Rama were necessarily moral.IC:"To free the Turaga from the Parakuka, you will need two things. The first is Energized Protodermis. The very same stuff that creates Rakhshi. And the second is large amounts of venom from a rare spider species that resides in the caves beneath this island, mostly undeerneath Kini-Nui.ooc: Not sure if EP is known on Mata-Nui. If not, ill edit to just include the Visorak venom.Oh and Katuko, waiting in Po-Wahi.

Edited by Toa Fanixe

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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OOC: Because Makuta tend to make beasts and similar, which makes the Hordika part plausible. Makuta-beasts seldom join the good guys, however, so that is a bit more sketchy.IC: Madrihk"Underneath Kini-Nui, great, sure," Madrihk said. "We're not gonna march to our deaths just yet, pal."

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IC: Doctor Verik (Pala-Koro)"I might have a suggestion." I said, over the commotion. The last thing I ever wanted was to turn a thousand eyes upon me, but given that the leader of this ILS and men were at an impasse. "You did make sure that the messengers will tell of their current affliction?. Well, they could be sent back under guard, it seems like the most politically stable idea. Keeping them here will make each village think that you're holding them hostage. Inaction would not be your best choice here." I sighed, expecting the entire army, the crowd around me to crash against me in rage or something else."However the death idea might be work, I have seen a Toa of Lightning once resuscitate a matoran before with their powers. You might be able to use that same energy but to stop the heart and then bring them back after the parasite dies. A gamble is a gamble though. So if you send them back under guard and work with Koros it would be your safest bet and strength relations with them. I'd hate to suggest this...but they might not be able to lead anymore, their right hands might have to lead without them." This was the issue about not being a romantic in a village full of them, technically most of the island was like this anyways. Such suggestions, such implications were not ones people would often want to consider. Especially my people in Le-Koro.


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IC: Madrihk"Returning them to their villages could be wise, but then they'd have to be guarded and treated miles away from each other. I would have preferred to cure this affliction as quickly as possible, so that we wouldn't have to worry the Matoran needlessly. Still, i guess there's not much we can do here."

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IC: (Doc Verik)"Has your friend in the cage, ever truly encountered these beings, or does he only claim a cure? Here's the the thing, you are at an impasse, if you keep the Turaga here, their villages will eventually come to claim them. If you keep them under guard at their Koros until we can find a cure then you'll still be in the people's good graces. Then when you return with a cure then your goodwill ends up growing." I replied, crossing my light blue arms and my eyes narrowed. Not in frustration but in contemplation."Even though they might be a danger if returned to their village, under both the guards and your protection, they will not be a threat. Keep them here and you risk hatred or worse amongst the people of this island. Though I understand in your eyes if you let them go, you risk endangering the matoran. However if they remain under guard, the very fact that they still have their Turaga back should make them happy, and thus more amicable to you and your group as well. In the meantime we could search for a cure."OOC: I would honestly love it, if Verik gets enlisted in the ILS to help find a way, and failing that a medic is always good.


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IC: TawaraTawara brought her foot up through the murky water and watched the resultant splash. "How long till we get there?"OOC: "Watched the resultant splash?" I really have writer's block today. :P Oh, well.

Edited by Toa Alaka

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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OOC: Sorry that I'm posting this late. Had a lot of work to do, still have, but I find myself having a bit of time tonight ^^IC:Leah, Sisk and their companions had all joined the ILS forces as they retreated back to Pala-Koro. And until now, the Le-Matoran who had been in charge of the supporting units for the Gukko Force had kept quiet. But the discussion was going in circles. She looked at Kara. The sergeant nodded slightly. That was the good thing about her right hand, they were on the same wavelength when it came to reading a situation. Stepping up behind Doc Verik, she spoke up: "I am going to have to disagree, doctor. I say our safest bet is to keep them here. We'd all like to see the Turaga back with us. But every Koro had some of their own here today, we've all seen the facts, I am sure they will understand. And there are no guarantees that the Turaga will be able to recover, or if they will ever be the same if they do. You all heard what that shadow-Toa said. Makuta wanted this. We didn't quite rescue them, they were given to us. And we were lucky to have the numbers to subdue them."She shrugged slightly and looked at Madrihk. "I don't think it is safe to bring Turaga back to the Koro, as much as I'd like to. There's something very very wrong about this whole affair...and I don't think I'm the only one feeling this way."----------------------------While Leah spoke, Sisk stood next to Lashev. The Le-Matoran nodded in agreement when his friend finished presenting her viewpoint of the days events. And one thing he was sure she was right about: There was more going on. "Hidden lines..." he muttered. He still didn't know what that meant. He looked at Lashev. "It's a big-bad mistery...one we should take a closer look after were here-done."----------------------------Rhow considered the Toa's words carefully. When he recounted his story of how he had listened in on a group of dark Toa, she had become immediately suspicious. It was almost like they wrote it in the thugs guide on how to lead a party into an ambush. But then again, they had just come together as a group. There was no way the Makuta could have a plan in place for them already. He was powerfull...but not omniscentient. And if the Toa really wanted to lead them into a trap, why pick a group of Skakdi. He was either foolish, or honest. Rhow grinned slightly. Often those two went hand in hand."This better not be a game, Toa." she rumbled. "The last time I helped a non-Skakdi I wound up drooling over a patch of flowers for a day. Not keen on repeating the experience." she said. The female Skakdi looked at the others in the group, sitting and standing around in the bar. "This isn't monarchy guys...what do you think? Wanna help the little Toa out?"




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IC: SalvinnIt wasn't quite something he could explain, then again the Vortixx couldn't explain much of anything, but somehow he knew exactly where he was going. Thus his pace never faltered even once, it seemed he was determined to get somewhere. Where that was, well that was anyone's guess.


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IC: Kethrye -"Why? Is there anyway in which that would help anything?" Kethrye said, stepping in front of Dendron, his nerve wearing thin. The Toa of Ice's face contorted into a grimaced. "No, I see no reason why this piraka would know anything more then we do, Makuta is hardly one to give his minions the whole picture." As he spoke, Kethrye jabbed one of his fingers towards the cage this "Skaarn" person was being held in. "And even if he does have information on the things bonded to the Turaga, why would he tell us anything that we could use against his master?"Now, could we please focus on something other then the prisoner's babbling?"

Edited by BenLuke-116
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OOC: Shall I add the good doctor to the list of ILS members, then? :)IC: MadrihkThe Toa of Ice debated the issue with himself in silence for a short while."Leah's right. There's something fishy going on here, and I believe we won't know until the Turaga wake up. We'll just have to keep them here for the time being. Anything else is simply too risky."He looked over at the Le-Matoran doctor."Try to get a closer look at the attachments and see if they how tight they are gripping; it's hard to tell at a glance if our predictions are correct. If we're lucky they can be removed easily. If we are unlucky, they have rooted themselves firmly."Madrihk then looked at Skaarn again. He had kind of said that he would let him go, but in the end there were promises, and there was common sense."I said I might be inclined to let you go if you told us what we needed to know. Until we can confirm what you say, however, the bargain is not complete. You'll be staying for a while longer."He turned to the rest of his team once more, looking at several members in turn."We'll keep this Hordika caged, preferably separate from the Turaga. Feed him so he shuts up, and find out what you can about the elders. In the meantime I'll see if someone can fix this for me." Madrihk held up his right hand, which still had only stiff iron replicas of his old fingers, the ones he had lost to a teleporting Rahkshi."Afterwards we'll get back to treating our dead. It'll give us some closure on this whole hive business, I hope, and let us think more clearly."As he began walking, he added in his thoughts: ...and keep the sun from making them stink.

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OOC: Most definitely yes!IC: (Doc Verik)I nodded, well at least the group had made a decision. Waiting for them to wake up was probably the best choice but after that, they would have to be returned to the villages. The populace was always a fickle lot. I just hoped the Toa's decision to keep them wouldn't come at a cost, the last thing Mata Nui needed to be, was to be divided amongst itself. I noticed this leader's injury."Sir, if you let me take a look at that I might be able to help," I said. However I just realized that he suggested that I look at the parasites, being anywhere near these creatures was less than appealing to me. However my reaction quickly changed as I thought about what might be brought to light or what might happen if I refused. So I would look into the Turaga but not before if I could see if I could help the Toa of Ice.OOC: Yes, though I think, it should be treated like he's forced to be there and working with them. Blackmail would make sense, if he was here when the fighting started (which in my head he was, he just ran when it started). Thus if he argues about looking into it, one of the characters could simply whisper that they know he deserted them during the fight.Or you can just threaten him with violence. That always works.


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IC:Leah nodded. She wasn't part of the ILS and extremely loyal to her position in the Gukko Force, but Madrihk ran a tight ship, so to speak, which she had found immediately respectable. She felt it was probably safest to leave the Turaga under the care of the ILS. Which was not an easy decision, but it was the right one. She turned to Verik. "His hand is missing the apendages after the first knuckles, save for the thumb. He did get some immediate treatmenat, but there was only so much we and the ILS could do while under fire. I hope you can do something for him. In the meantime I'll take a closer look at the Turaga. Once you are done with Madrihk, come find me." She turned and walked away, making her way over to where the ILS was keeping the Turaga.OOC: Katuko, maybe specifiy how the Turaga are acommodated? I suppose they're under guard and not left unconscious and in the open ^^




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IC: Madrihk"Hm, I guess a medical checkup might be wise."Madrihk showed his hand to Verik, silently hoping that it would be easy to fix. At least two of his teammates had mechanical limbs, after all.OOC: For reference, only the thumb is normal, the other four fingers were severed clean by a Rahkshi staff. Stiff replicas have been cast in iron, to stop the bleeding and make the hand slightly more usable during the fight. By the way, what color is Verik's mask? Gotta make a sprite, y'know. :PThe Turaga are (regrettably) kept in a iron cage with thick bars, due to the possibility of them going wild again. The entire team is essentially keeping an eye on them.

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OOC: Well, they were pretty feral ^^IC:Leah stopped in her tracks a short distance away from the cage. A few ILS members were standing guard directly in front of it. For a moment, she considered turning back. She suddenly felt very uncomfortable being so close to the mutated elders. But the feeling quickly passed. She was a proessional after all. She quickly showed the guards her shoulder-badge and they let her approach unhindered. She rounded the cage slowly, until she found the figure of Turaga Whenua, lying in a psotion that would allow for her to examine the parasidic being attached to his spine without having the risk of reaching far into the cage. The Turaga, though unconscious, still looked as horrible as they had immediately after their transformation. The Parakuka was almost indiscernible against the changed armor of its host by now. But the soft pulsing gave its outline away. A shudder ran down Leah's spine as she looked at the creature. From what she could see, they were firmly rooted against the Turaga's spine. She sighed. This didn't look good at all.




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OOC: A solid green, not really dark green, not really light green, just normal green. Hmm, just this once Verik will have prosthesis on hand but I expect more limbs and appendages to be lost.IC: (Doc Verik)I took the Toa's hand, and looked it over, the cast iron replacements weren't that great. Manageable but not what I would have give one of my patients or suggested. I bought prostheses from time to time, and as luck would have it I had one. Functionality probably would be best as it would be originally, but hopefully better than the Toa of Ice's current situation."It's not causing you any pain currently? Were the wounds properly dressed and sealed before you got these replacements on?" I asked. I peered through my green Pakari, examining the hand. To be honest, whoever else was playing doctor wasn't doing a good job of it, maybe enough to get by, but without proper cleaning and sealing the wounds shut, he would lose more than a few digits.


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IC: (Doc Verik)I bit my lip to prevent me from groaning or frowning, or both, these warrior-types never really thought of their own health, they'd an injury get infected, they'd ignored it forever, unless it was absolutely life-threatening."Take a few of these, they'll dull the pain for a bit. While I remove these prostheses." I waited a few seconds for him to down the pills before continuing. Gently I pulled the iron appendages off. Grabbing some cleaning alcohol, I cleaned up the wounds. This took less than 30 seconds to do. It was a hand, not something worse. I grabbed gauze from my medical kit and wrapped it around each finger, but not before stitching up the open wounds, the gauze was then wrapped around by bandages. I pulled out the new digits, they were of a platinum shade, and I fitted each to his hand.I stood back, cleaning my hands with the same alcohol to clean the infection, before throwing some water on them."How do they feel? How do you feel?" I asked.


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IC:Sisk nodded. "Well-thought," he said, "I remember Hasil...it would be much-nice to see him again."
IC-Lashev:"Agreed."IC:Unari went about his business as always, giving out drinks (and potentially useful advice) to everybody within the bar. He noticed that Rhow was outside, arguing with some small Toa. "Don't kill him!" The Toa of Air yelled. "Or if you do, clean off the blood!" He then busied himself, running drinks around. Except once space, one empty table.Nobody would sit near that table. At that table, however, was a wheelchair. And in that wheelchair, a thin Le-Matoran, his muscles atrophied from lack of use. He sat, staring, until a fly touched one of his eyelashes and he reflexively blinked. Anybody looking into his eyes would notice the concentration afterwards, as he tried to blink, but he gave up.That's me. Yeah. Cetran. Just a small little Le-Matoran, nothing wrong, everything was nice and dandy-except, wait for it...I had Total Locked-In Syndrome! To most beings, I would look like somebody in a coma, unable to move at all. Which, I couldn't move. I couldn't even blink my own eyes by myself. Well, I could, but unless you count sever, head-splitting pain as a good thing, I wouldn't recommend it. One thing was different from a Coma, though-I'm completely awake and able to think.Yeah.Fun.I sat there, you know, 'cause it's the only thing I can do, as a patron asked Unari about me. Same old answer, the exact eplanation I gave to you, except without any of the flare. She sat down, glaring at me, something akin to pity in her eyes...though I knew she thought I was a freak, they all did. Just some stupid little Le-Matoran, one who can't even do anything. Yep, I can't do anything physical of my own accord. I can think, and scream inside my head all I want, but that does nothing.Eventually, Unari came over to me. He looked down at me, seemingly caring, though I couldn't tell. It's not like I had a mask of truth or something, and I'm not even a bloody Toa. Great Karzing hero I would be, anyways, completely STUCK, inside my own HEAD."Would you like to go outside?" Unari asked me. Oh, yeah, sure, big guy. Like that's going to do anything except attract even more flies. No, I'll just be sitting there, hoping somebody'll push me off, and-"Yeah, I think you could use some fresh air." Why did you interrupt my thoughts? Let go of my wheelchair, your freaking brakas! Let go! I'm not done ranting!Well, we all know what happens next. Oh joy, I'm outside, the sun shining right into eyes I can't shield or squint, so he has to position me in a nice shady spot, the exact same bloody spot all of those Skakdi were in. Joy. Now I got to listen to every last thing they said, all of them arguing, what fun that will-"Hey, Viloz," You bloody fool! You've interrupted my thoughts agai-"Would you mind watching Cetran for me?" Stop that! Bloody Karz, if I could talk, you would go deaf from how much I would yell at you, old man!

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: Introducing a new character, my first evil one in this RPG:IC: KynaeraNear Rama hive battlefield"Thataboy."The Muaka snorted angrily, but it could smell the shadow radiating from Kynaera's skin. The cracked infected mask now perched on its shoulder, collected from one of the dead Rama lying across the nearby battlefield, brought it under Makuta's rule; and as Kynaera was but an extension of that rule, the Muaka could not harm her.She stroked its right foreleg again. "Thataboy," she repeated, the sibilant murmur barely audible even to her. "Now. You have work to do."She pointed out of the jungle and across the clearing. Faint figures of Matoran traipsed through the distant hive's ruins with caution. The Muaka purred in understanding."Fetch."It moved hesitantly toward the hive. Kynaera activated her Mask of Telekinesis to give it a helping shove; it stumbled forward, its slink shifting into a lope. Another shove made it flat-out run.She disappeared as soon as she was sure the Muaka was on its way.

Edited by Legolover-361
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OOC: Sulov from Le-Wahi.IC: A lone matoran trudged through the jungle around the Hive. His eyes flitted about, looking for enemies and shelter alike. A pack of rations sat on his back.New home. By Hive?, Sulov thought. Nothing swampy. Must be sta-Sulov's thoughts all stopped when he heard the sound of something crashing through the undergrowth behind and before him. Something that snarled and was tearing at vegetation.Rahi attack-people could be there. Stop!Hopping onto a limb, the ex-Ussalmatoran leaped again. The impeccable balance gained from years in the saddle allowed him to move from tree to tree more quickly on the ground in spite of his load.Sulov now moved to intercept the creature before it came close to the former battlefield. His senses were just as alert as previously. He had to find and stop this thing before it ambushed any remaining victors.

Edited by Francis Wisehead



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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