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Friar Tuck

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IC: But the Lys'Muaka didn't leave it just at that. "I have heard my scout tell that there's another group approaching as well-not close to my master in proximity, either. He can't tell how many they are in number or what beings they are," the caretaker added by way of explanation, "so we best be on guard."OOC: The second group is Ferrin & Co. FYI. I presume a kewa looking just as wild as any other would be able to spot them from its soaring position high above and return to Jianheim without being suspected.-The Fearless Leader

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: Oh my, this is going to be an interesting situation when there's so many players involved at once. I hope it doesn't devolve into chaos. I also hope people will give each other time to post. Time zones and spare time and all that. :)IC (Madrihk)"Is that so? Do you know if there was a purple, caped Toa amongst them? If so, that might be D returning with recruits."

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IC: Lezuu shook his head. "If you so wish, my source may be able to discern that on further inspection. He typically only patrols and does not stay long when finding information; that is why I am not supplied with any more information on them than if they are my master or not and if they are alone or in a group."



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IC: Deep in the heart of the Le-Wahi jungle, a tallish figure, carrying a massive travel pack on his back and a pair of metallic rods strapped to his legs, trudged through what seemed to be an endless stretch of vegetation.Normally, a lost wanderer such as himself would be in great danger from predators in this situation, even though he showed no outward signs of weakness, there were plenty of creatures in this jungle whom a lone Toa was viable prey.Of course, the faint crimson glow of plasma that wreathed around him was anything but normal."Karz," the eternally lost toa grumbled, stopping and glancing around. "Everything looks the friggin' same in the Nui-forsaken jungle."Knew I shouldn't have strayed, but this is rediculous, he thought with a frustrated growl. How'd I manage this one?Muttering various creative combinations of obscenities under his breath, the toa marched on.

helo frens

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OOC: Okay kids, this is where it gets complicated :PIC (Trakuda, dining room): Trakuda got to his feet, "Did you say there were two groups?" he asked Lezuu. He turned to Madrihk, "If that's the case, then perhaps it isn't just D coming back from the Koro." the tone he said it in strongly suggested that some of the rivalries Madrihk and D had struck up in Xa-Koro could have returned to haunt them.

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IC (Madrihk)"You're right. Lezuu, if it's not too much trouble, I would really like you to find out who it is. If it's recruits or regular travelers, then that's fine, but if it's someone like Ferrin's gang..."OOC: Which it totally is. :lol:

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IC: Lezuu frowned. "Sir, pardon my ignorance, but I do believe I have never heard of such a character. May you provide me a description of this 'Ferrin'?"OOC: Proceeding as normal for now, but I'm really stuck considering what to do here. Will figure out what to do with Keinju later.-The Fearless Leader

Edited by The Fearless Leader



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OOC: Castles cannot have plausibly been built within the confines of the MNOG2-setting, and a major army/ancient family neither; that is the problem. If the place implodes, so be it. It will honestly be a relief to not have to worry about it any more. :/ I'd say keep your characters, though, just rewrite their background somewhat.IC (Madrihk)"I don't know much of him apart from his name. Pitch-black armor, most likely, given the rest of his gang. He's a ruthless crime lord from Xa-Koro."

Edited by Katuko
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OOC: Dude, do not underestimate the elements. As I said before: A group of toa could. And honestly, Jianheim isn't a true castle (as stated previously). Assuming it's a fortress, that was built by the Ta-Koroans at least without elements.On armies: It's imported. The army was created on another island after a toa from Mata Nui left it and began building it there. The matoran don't know of the word. Those peoples do.On ancient families: Imported as well. Aside from the Lys'Muakas, who are probably considered ancient because of how many people they've had to have taking care of a place in the middle of the jungle for a hundred years, the relationship is ancient and works because the Sarusumas came to the island from elsewhere. They could've been living a good few thousand years as the Sarusumas before moving to Mata Nui.Again, with how many non-native PCs there are running around, I should think a little importing is plausible. It is against the rules; I'm just saying that it can work with due regard to the setting.IC: Lezuu nodded. "Your wish is my command."Heading outside, he called for the kewa and then gave him new instructions. Lekhii flew off again, this time to find out who was in the group.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



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IC: Alfon"Well whatever the situation is, let's get ready for them."OOC: I seriously wonder what the outcome between Ferrin and Madrihk will be, the other group coming...absolute chaos. Not to mention that the aftermath'll probably be messy. Good thing I have no intentions of sending Delak here soon or else the situation would be complete ridicule :D

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IC (Madrihk)"Thank you."OOC: All right, we will be treating Jianheim as a small stone fortress for now.Both Ferrin and Zaveno will want Madrihk dead, that's for sure, and the group they are with is currently better equipped to fight than the ILS. Solia can speak in Alfon's favor, and the rest of the Le-Koro gang might know of Kethrye. I'd say the result depends on how the talking goes. If people can be convinced Madrihk has "reformed" (or at least wants to fight Makuta), then we may all survive. :P

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IC (Trakuda, Jianheim): Trakuda heard a familiar squawk, and made his way outside the building. Once there, he raised his arm up into the air. A Mara bird, Solia's trademark Rahi messenger, descended from the sky, and perched it's clawed feet upon Trakuda's arm. In it's mouth was a scroll, which Trakuda read through.According to the note, they were being hunted. This confirmed that at least one of the groups was hostile.Trakuda sped back inside, and began waving the note in Madrihk's face, "Madrihk, you might want to see this."EDIT: Solia speak in Alfon's favour? They've never met o.O

Edited by wotsiznum
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IC: Fleya-InfernavikaFleya nodded at Delarix and took a deep breath. She focused all of her power into several blasts and shot them down into the water. It seemed to work, as the ship was quickly doused in sea-water."I hope that helps." she said to herself. Then she grabbed a bucket and took to the air, scooping up more water and pouring it into the flames.OOCI forget, is this an oil based fire? I hope not, because if it is I'm probably making it worse.

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OOC: I presume we went into the jungle and towards Lake Pala, taking D with us,correct?IC: Ziraul decided that whoever this other killer was that they were after, it was not worth his time. They had more elusive fish to catch in the form of the Matatu. Best to make sure that this killer pay for his crimes now, and then head for the Charred Forest, no matter what the team thought . He randomly annouced "I'm going to scout ahead." A second later, he seemed to vanish once again with his Mask of Illusion. He then circled around, ready to stab D with his katana.Miraul sensed Ziraul's actions through his magnetic powers. The electrical activity in Ziraul's brain created a magnetic feild, and the location indicated he was approaching D in perfect silence. He knew what Ziraul was about to do. Powerful magnetic energies suddenly filled the air, as Ziraul was torn away from his illusionary disguise and thrown into the sky too fast to react. A second later Miraul was in the air as well, launching a flying side kick powered my magnetic force into his newfound foe. The powerful kick launched Ziraul some twenty-five feet ahead of the group, before he hit a tree trunk and fell to the ground. Miraul was on top of him in a second, his Kakama the reason for his incredible speed. He had embedded his shield in the ground at such an angle that it kept Ziraul from lifting his head to get up. "I know what you were about to do. As a Toa, I can't allow that."

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OOC: Ferrin took D along with my mask...which will be reforged in the flames of Mt. Doom, so it can't be destroyed easily! MUHAHAHAHAA!IC(D): D awoke, and looked around. Okay, Legs. Still got legs. Face, have that if I'm still alive. And... He casted a quick glance up. I'm with Ferrin. Smeerp. He resumed a state of false unconsciousness.

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IC: Kirbati:"Ahem? I'm right behind you. Excuse my Suletu. I have trouble talking. I overheard you talking about a group of Toa and I'm interested. I am Kirbati, Toa of Onu-Wahi," Kirbati addressed to Ledzel.IC: Tiras:"Makuta scum!" Tiras roared as he fired as massive sonic blast at Helios from the deck.

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OOC: I refuse to believe magnetism will let you do that. A Suletu, sure. Earth, maybe, by sensing movement. But reading magnetic fields in someone's brain? No, stop, please. Why must everyone try to push their element as far as possible?Also, yes, I forgot that the relation was Solia/Trakuda and Onyx/Alfon. Sorry about that.IC (Madrihk)"Ferrin's coming to kill us all right," the Toa said, looking up from the note Trakuda had given him. "You may know him as the guy who wanted us dead in Xa-Koro, Kethrye. He's got some people with him, but evidently at least one of them wants to warn us, so it's not all bad. If Lezuu's master sides with us due to our agenda, then we should be in no real danger."Madrihk said that, but he was not at all confident anymore.

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IC (Trakuda, Jianheim): "Good idea." he quickly scrawled the question on the back of the note. When he got back outside, the Mara bird was still there. He put the note back in it's beak, and it disappeared into the jungle."Done!" Trakuda said as the others came outside the building.

Edited by wotsiznum
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OOC: Yeah, let's head outside, though I think the building has been allowed to stand, albeit at a smaller size than a kilometer-long estate. Also: I think he meant it has just been sent.IC (Madrihk)"Good work," Madrihk said. "We'll just have to wait for either group to arrive, then,"

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IC Yasurek:Yasurek dodged the plasma blasts that had come towards him. A few explosions later and the ship was once more on fire, by a random person who had found them in the middle of nowhere. Mata Nui, we're really popular with destructive people, he thought to himself. Apparently Lohkar was tired of it too because they were now chasing after the plasma toa's boat with the intent to blast it. Yasurek wholeheartedly approved this course of action. He headed below decks to the front guns. Taking position at one, he heard Lohkar's command to fire and launched a blast at Helio's boat.OOC: What kind of cannons does the ship actually have?

Edited by pokemonlover360

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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IC Yasurek:Yasurek dodged the plasma blasts that had come towards him. A few explosions later and the ship was once more on fire, by a random person who had found them in the middle of nowhere. Mata Nui, we're really popular with destructive people, he thought to himself. Apparently Lohkar was tired of it too because they were now chasing after the plasma toa's boat with the intent to blast it. Yasurek wholeheartedly approved this course of action. He headed below decks to the front guns. Taking position at one, he heard Lohkar's command to fire and launched a blast at Helio's boat.OOC: What kind of cannons does the ship actually have?

Ordinary ones. The kind used in the Golden Age of Piracy - a long metal tube on a wheeled chassis, which fires large metal balls using an explosive charge. I may say we have some kind of reload system, but the powder we use isn't very safe. That's one of the reasons we're going to Xa; one of my characters has invented a new, highly efficient, and much safer explosive which we are going to buy LOTS of.IC (Lohkar)Lohkar grinned in grim satisfaction as cannonballs hurtled at the boat.





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IC: TellusTellus had been stuck for an instant, unsure how to use a cannon. He watched Yasurek load and fire one, and, grinning fiendishly, he repeated the actions of the Ko-Matoran. There was one difference, that being that Tellus loaded a just little more powder that might be wise in the cannon.Tellus touched off the cannon. With a BOOM it went off, enveloping Tellus in a cloud of smoke. He staggered out, armor streaked black with soot, hacking and coughing. He had taken the old tricorne off of his head and was using it as a fan to try and get some clean air. "That'll teach you ta- COUGH COUGH- try an' burn the ship when I'm carpenter aboard!"

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I.C. (Vompran)What did Madrihk do while he was in Xa-Koro to get a crime lord to want him dead?Vompran thought as he finished eating and drinking an enormous amount. (due to the requirements of nutrients to make plants)He walked outside and jumped into a enormously tall tree, climbing to the highest branch to look see who was coming. It was hard to make out how many there were because of all of the trees in the way.


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OOC: He kinda told you all while we fled Xa-Koro. The traders turned out to be criminals, there was a fight, and now their leader wants them all dead. Of course, it was actually Madrihk that attacked the smugglers first, but that little detail has conveniently been left out, of course. :lol:

Edited by Katuko
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OOC: OKAY TOATC AND EW, Draverian Joskiir has arrived. (By way of the most epic fight Ko-koro has ever seen)IC: Draeverian Joskiir (and snippets from CKMC's "Salamander")Salamander felt DJ shifting, and when he looked down, the Toa had somehow managed to grab onto his body. His plan to drop DJ from a suitable height (he had been thinking about a thousand feet) wouldn't work as long as the other Toa was clingng to him like a baby Brakas monkey to its motherOkay, suit yourself.A plan already in mind, Salamander flew higher still, until all of Ko-Koro was nothing more than a large blot on ther otherwise blank expense of the region. When he felt that he had gone high enough, Salamander looked down to see DJ still clinging to his body. More than that, he was still clinging to the foolish hope that he might be able to walk away from this battle.Salamander wanted nothing more than to crush that hope beneath his feet, to burn it until it was unrecognizable, to shred it to pieces, and finally to show it to DJ.Let him see his "hope". It will be in scorched pieces, but let him see it. That is the nature of this world.These thoughts in mind, Salamander lifted his remaining free hand and faced it towards DJ. His face was set into a calm expression of lazy enjoyment that masked the fierce emotions he felt."Dragon Blast."The burst of flames that erupted from his palm once more was again directed at DJ, but this time luck wouldn't save him.Let them burn... Let them all burn.Not knowing how far up he was, Draeverian released his grip, only to realize it had been a really, really bad decision.Oh, Karz.. Was all Draeverian had time to think before his air was wrenched from his body as he plummeted, head first, over the edge of the cliff Ko-Koro was built upon, descending into the sounds of the jungle thousands of feet below. Pulling up all his willpower, the icicle organ he had created stopped its beat, his transmission music would be too much of a tax on his concentration to be able to live through this. With a silent shout, he whipped around, now falling spread-out like a Le-toran with a mask of levitation. Only, Draeverian didn't HAVE a mask of levitation. He had a mask of fate."Don't fail me now, Rivet," He said as he un-collared his partner once more, the wind almost taking her away from his hand in its greedy grab for his blade. He descended rapidly, in seconds the sound of the jungle was more than just audible to the plummeting biomass: it was a roar. He made contact with a massive leave, Rivet biting her way deep through the rippling sound-surface of the plant as he slid down it's gargantuan expanse, falling onto the following leaves in similar style until he was deposited, feet-first thanks to the Calix, on the jungle floor."Never again," He said, then collapsed, the energy in his body having been sapped right out from the life/death experience he had barely endured.OOC: Draverian Joskiir is in Le-wahi.

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IC - Kiox - SwimmingSwimming. He'd been swimming for hours. His muscles were leaden, and he could barely lift his hands. The boat was supposedly somewhere around here, according to some islanders who'd spotted it off the west coast.Why had he chosen to swim? He felt like he'd been out here for forty days. To be honest, it was half wanting to prove his strength, half wanting to build up strength.Either way, he felt stupid now."Captain!" he yelled.He attempted to float on his back."Doo'slay'r!" he slurred.

Edited by The King of No Isles

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Fleya-InfernavikaFleya nodded at Delarix and took a deep breath. She focused all of her power into several blasts and shot them down into the water. It seemed to work, as the ship was quickly doused in sea-water."I hope that helps." she said to herself. Then she grabbed a bucket and took to the air, scooping up more water and pouring it into the flames.OOCI forget, is this an oil based fire? I hope not, because if it is I'm probably making it worse.

Take three guesses as to what this fire is based on.The first two don't count. :devil:IC: "Doomslay'r!""The cry reached our mild-mannered toa's keen ears. There was an innocent in trouble. And therefore..."The bombarder's eyes were shadowed. He stepped out from under the kanoka launcher which he had totally not just been making out with and stood up straight."OUR HERO WOULD SAVE THEM!"At this, said captain stepped forward and struck his breast with one hand in an epic pose. Just posin'...Starin' off into the sunset...Lookin' goo-"DOOMSLAY'R!"Right, right, right. Innocent-saving time. And all that.The good captain leaped back into his seat with the pounce of a muaka. He then used his super speed to reach into his backpack--Aim with his eyes of seeing stuff cooler--And throw with his arm of auto-throwing, putting all the strength of a kane-ra behind it.Kiox' eyes widened even in his delirious state. WHAT THE KARZ-He only had enough time to think that before the several madu cabolo hit the water and blew up, the resulting force upheaving his body and sending it flying onto the deck past several cannon balls.The dazed Kiox felt a tap on his head. He looked up.The Captain's blurry face grinned as he gave a three-finger salute. "GOOD INNOCENT, I HATH RESCUED YOU THIS FAIR DAY. METHINKS THOU SHOULDST NOW GO OUT AND TELL OF MY SUPREME AWESOME SO THAT ALL MAY HEAR THE DARING EXPLOITS TO BE EMULATED OF..."He struck the same pose as before."THE CAPTAIN AKI RUA DOOMSLAYER THE FIRST, BABY!"Lezuu had taken up a good sniping position in the pumpkins. He had already gotten some more explosive shuriken in case of a fight. Peering out of the shadows, the le-matoran waited to see who would arrive at the estate first... Edited by The Fearless Leader



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