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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC (Merror)Merror strode quickly through the jungle despite the load of Pulse's dead weight on his shoulders.Soon the trees and vines thinned out and he and Weta found themselves in front of the tree that supported Le-Koro. Merror stepped into one of the lift-pods, placing Pulse on its floor where he could see him, and operated the controls to send the pod upwards.While it travelled the considerable distance from the ground to the treetop village, Merror watched the Toa of Ice. He appeared to be nearly conscious...best to keep a close watch on him.





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IC (Weta): When Merror put Pulse down on the lift's floor, Weta didn't take his eyes off the rogue toa. He may have been unconscious then, but he could wake up at any moment and push him off the lift, freeze him in ice or a whole lot of other unpleasant things. When he felt the lift stop moving, he magnetised Pulses arms to his sides and his legs together in an attempt to stop him escaping, then picked him up and began to make his way towards Turaga Matau's hut.He found that Le-koro had changed in the 25 years since he had lived here as a matoran. In addition to the Le-matoran bustling through the streets, there were also a few larger beings like toa and Skakdi. These beings had been a rare sight in his matoran days, but it now seemed they were common enough for many buildings to be adapted for their height.


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IC (Merror)Merror stepped out of the lift after Weta, thanking him for taking the load. What with the vines AND the magnetisation, Pulse wouldn't be able to move a muscle.They quickly made their way to Matau's hut. Once there, Merror knocked respectfully on the wicker door."Turaga Matau?" he called. "It's Merror. I'm sorry to disturb you again, but I've got another rogue Toa here."





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IC:Rhow began to laugh. It was genuine. Her companion was a source of food, a little payment and amusement she realized. "Dakran, eh?" she asked. The name sounded like something he would make up on the spot. Maybe he had, but what did she care?"Well, we're in luck. We've got jungle in front of us, behind us, left and right. It oughta be somewhere in there." she added.------------Sisk had watched the battle between the Shadow and the other insane beings and Merror with the group. It had been short, intense and some stray elemental blasts had almost knocked him out of the tree he was hiding in to keep an eye on them. It had been over as fast as it had begun as well and now they noticed the Shadow was missing. Sisk had been too busy with keeping himself out of sight and safe, so he hadn't seen where that being had run off to. But the general assumption seemed to be that he'd gone to Kini-Nui, for some reason. "That's nut-mad." the Matoran muttered to himself. And Pirok and some others wanted to follow. Of course he was curious about that place as well, but Merror had said something about bringing Pulse back to Le-Koro. That was a much safer route and Sisk, unburdened and trained in the Le-Matoran ways began leaf-running back home, the noises masked by the sounds of the jungle.He also didn't need to have the lift come down and fetch him. Using his memory he picked a route that led him to one of the middle-platforms of the hidden forest-village. Well, hidden if the inhabitants chose it to be. Now the question was, how to find Merror again? He was thinking fast, while making his way past platforms and crowded suspension-bridges. Then he realized the answer was dead-simple as well. With Pulse knocked out and in custody, he knew the Toa would deliver him into the hands of one of the Islands security-services. Or at least would try to do so. And that meant his friend would probably ask Turaga Matau to judge the rouge. Picking up his pace, he began jogging, taking deep breaths as he did, until he saw the familiar figure of the red and black Toa, standing in front of the Turaga's hut, knocking on it."Merror!" Sisk called out, the odd head turning in his direction as he did. "Thak Mata Nui I quick-found you!"OOC: Ha, I knew there was a way to get him back in contact without having him fall out of a tree and facplant in front of Merror's feet.

Edited by Vezok's Friend




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OOC:I'm not sure Mata Nui rainwater would have pollutants, but could still have the other stuff, so I will accept that as a partial explination, even if I think electrocuting rainwater is a little crazy. As for the hit on Takamaz, I will accept that hit if you make it so you targeted him in paticular, and not the entire team through him(seems kinda foolish to knock out the guy who can put out the fire the fastest, though). Let's try to avoid further disputes so that we can focus on what this RPG is made for-having fun.IC: The Matatu accelerated scythe was fast, but a Kakama was faster. As the scythe staff came down, Vilak's longswords met it, plasma coating cutting the scythe blade in two as well as the supporting staff, leaving Vompran with a flaming stub of a weapon in his hands. Vilak ducked back from the falling scythe parts, before circling around, retracting the coating on one blade and coming at Vompran's Matatu with his pommel, aiming to break it, seeing it as one of the worst threats to his fighting style currently on the battlefeild.Divan was shaken slightly by the Pakari smash attack, and combined with Kethrye's slowly forming ice layer, he began to fall. But Divan took a clever approach, triggering his Kakama in a high speed crescent kick aimed at Onyx's Pakari. If he was going to fall to, then he might as well get rid of the cause in the process.Trakuda's warning was almost completely ignored by Miraul's team. Hikari paused long enough to raise a crystal barrier to slow the spread of blaze in certain bad areas, but it would not completely stop it.

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OOC: All right, I'll make it so Takamaz was the only one who took the hit. As for that kick to the Pakari: darn you.IC: Alfon / OnyxTakamaz stayed motionless on the ground, showing no signs of getting back up. Satisfied that Takamaz would no longer be trouble, he turned to face whatever else was happening. Seeing his brother getting high-speed kicked in the face, knocking his Pakari off and sending it clattering to the ground sparked a sense of panic in Alfon. "Someone get his mask!" yelled Onyx's little brother.Onyx saw tiny blurs and flashes of light in his vision and pain was gnawing away at the spot where Divan had kicked him in the face. He landed on the ground with a small thud and struggled to get a hold of himself. He spotted what he thought was Divan's silhouette in his fuzzy vision as he was laying down and quickly sent his blunt-edged sword swinging at him. The speed and strength of the attack were greatly reduced and it actually took effort for Onyx to swing it, much to his displeasure.

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OOC: Been a while since I read M's profile, so I definitely remembered red and black, but apparently forgot the armor-color. ^^IC:"I..." Sisk started, catching his breath. He wasn't used to running this much. Not that he couldn't, but usually there was no need for that much swiftness. "I tried to quick-follow you from fire-Wahi." he started again, referring back to Ta-Koro. "But once I quick-fetched Skyscratcher I was hidden-ambushed by Rama-Buzzers. I quick-lost them, but also you. I've tried finding you ever since. I didn't, until I came across your battle-fight with Shadow. I saw and heard much-all."




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IC (Madrihk):The pain was mostly gone, replaced by numbness. The hole in his arm was still very much there, however, and Madrihk thus had no real means of doing anything useful to the fight. Now that he had withdrawn for a bit, he noticed that the trees around them were indeed on fire, and like Trakuda had shouted, they were burning fast. The Toa of Ice saw one of the enemy Toa try to quell them, but overall it had little effect. The forest would soon be a raging inferno."Hey," he shouted, limping over to Trakuda, "the Matoran's right! If we keep this up, there will be no escape for any of us!"OOC: Except perhaps the lake...

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OOC: No worries ;)IC (Merror)Merror nodded."You've come a long way to find us," he remarked. "The jungle's a dangerous place, as I'm sure you know, but with all these Dark Toa about it's even worse. I will speak to Matau quickly, so he can pass judgement on Pulse, and then I must go in search of Vidar and Echelon. I fear the Chronicler's Company are all in danger, but I don't know where they have gone now. They went down the Onu-Wahi tunnel, but that could have taken them anywhere on the island."





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IC (Solia, Lake Pala): Solia ceased the downpour on the other team, and took back all the water that it had left on the ground. She then unleashed it, in a huge burst, into the trees. It dowsed a lot of the fire, but as the battle raged on, the fire continued to spread."You fools!" she shouted furiously at the other team, "Have you no care for the world you live in? Is your goal so absolutely dire that you would burn down the most beautiful jungle that ever existed to accomplish it?!"The tremendous output of energy she had just used made her weaker, but she continued to fight.

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OOC: Henkka, in Voi's body, from Ta-WahiIC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Le-Wahi):Henkka wandered in the jungle of Le-Wahi, desperately lost. The story of how he had come here was incredible and unbelievable.For thousands of years Henkka had been a time traveler, locked in the timestream, teleported around in different times and forced to possess the bodies of others in order to correct mistakes or prevent hazardous accidents from happening. In other words, changing events to better throughout history. His actions had lead to the present changing drastically from the one it originally was.Only recently, during his previous assignment, had Henkka discovered that his worst enemy, a being named Alex, had also been locked to the timestream in a similar way. However, instead of having to do good to be transported to a different time and place, Alex's purpose was to bring pain and death in order to move on. The two arch-enemies had fought and been transported together into this new timeline.The two enemies had allied to find a way to escape the circle that kept them leaping around within timestream. When they formed the theory that when the other one of them dies, the other can return home, they had started battling each other. Henkka had suffered a devastating magnetic blast from Alex, who possessed a Toa of Magnetism, in his head. This has caused Henkka to reflect the several personalities of those he had been possessing over time. The personality had changed often, making him think he was either a therapist, a fortune-teller, a Krana, whatever he had been. And just a moment ago, thinking he was a window washer and very afraid of Alex, he had run into the jungle to escape. But now his personality had changed again, this time to reflect that of a Ga-Matoran waitress Henkka had once possessed in order to save a colleague of hers from sending her child to a deathtrap.To make a long story very short, Henkka was now lost."Help!" he shouted. "Help!"OOC: Henkka is open for interaction, in case you hear him shouting for help in the jungle.

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IC: Kethrye came to a stop and diverted his ice beam towards the ground. " I think we'd better stop that fire before we solve this little conflict we're have," Kethrye shouted towards Divan and his group. " After all, no one wins if we're all burned to a crisp." The Toa of Ice focused and fired a beam of ice at the fire, quenching a small portion of it. Almost out of energy. He thought. extinguishing this fire may prove difficult.

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IC(Zand): "Za?" The vortixx was confused as to what just happened. He was even more confused as to the fact that his group didn't even participate in the fight that just occured. "No, seriously, za?" IC(D): The toa ran to the clearing, beginning to notice the flames. "Ugh...lightning won't help here...but...I could...ugh..." He ripped off his mask, feeling a tad dizzy. He strapped some plants to the eyeholes, allowing for it to function as a bucket. He filled it up with water, and threw it at some of the flaming trees. He played with electricity in his fingers as he did so, ready to fight off anyone who attacked him while he helped save the wahi. He blinked, for but a moment, and it felt as if a week passed in front of him. "What just happened? It's almost as if..."IC(Love): "It's almost as if...I just lost some time. Oh well." She led the group out of the inn, before seeing a familiar face. "Compy!?"

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IC - Neirak - OutsideNeirak, who was looking away, didn't notice her discomfort."Well," he said, "I suppose we should keep looking."He began off, heading to the next inn that was a ways down. The Vine something or other.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC - Neirak (Compassion) - Reuniting with the Spectrum"Well, I certainly hope that-"He only heard the words 'Compy' and 'Yay' before he was pounced on. He was so surprised that his form flickered into a plethora of different beings before coming back to himself."Oh- hello Love. Are the rest of you guys around here?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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I.C. Vompran did a back flip and kicked (midair) the sword far into a tree that was on fire. "A weapon for a weapon." He said as he landed. "I say we extinguish the fire. Then we fight." Vompran used his element to cause the trees to swat at one another, thus smuffling some fire. He still watched Vilak angrily though. Just in case.


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The Matoran smiles as she watches the beings swarm around Neirak. A tear slowly rolls down her face as she thinks back to Mar.I'll find you, darling.She quickly wipes the tears away. "I'll leave you three alone, Master. I wouldn't want to spoil another meeting between you all."-Mef Man

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IC - Neirak (Compassion) - ReunitingNeirak motioned for Alissita to come closer."Well, there are only two of us here... But you certainly don't have leave."He turned to Love."This is Alissita, Alissita, this is LoveMardi." he introduced.OOC: Chronologically, the last time he saw them, they were like...one person.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC - Neirak (Compassion) - lolwut"Who the heck are you?" he gestured to Mardi.He cautiously turned his head to Alissita."Maybe we should go..."He, too, was confused. Who was this other person?

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC(Love, Mardi): "This is my sister Mardi. You don't remem-aaagh..." The 'aaagh' was the sound of Love remembering that Mardi and Love were, until recently, in this reality, the same person. "She is my twin-sister-clone-every-emotion-of-mine-except-for-the-ones-that-have-to-do-with-love.""Thank you for that incredibly redundant recap.""You're welcome."

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IC - Neirak - Outside He felt scandalized."I don't know who you are, but I'm looking for the Spectrum."Neirak heard Alissita's voice. He chuckled."Go ahead."

Edited by The King of No Isles

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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"Thank you, Master," she replies, relieved before sitting down on the cold ground. The Matoran smiles before looking down at her freshly healed wounds. She hadn't been able to examine them before, but now she had time since her master was busy talking to the beings.First she looked at her wrists. Alissita sighs as she sees the bracelet type scars on her wrists. It looked as though she had carved a jagged piece of jewelry around her wrists instead of wearing a simple bracelet. Thankfully, the wound didn't hurt, it just didn't look that well. She tries to look at her back, but she couldn't see it. Besides, she didn't want to start taking her armor off in the middle of everyone.Alissita looks back toward her master and the beings, her head shaking. She would try to listen to the beings and see what the Karz was going on with them...-Mef Man

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IC:Sisk nodded as Merror told him about the situation. It seemed a lot had happened. "At little-least we have names for the murderers." he commented. "If they are as fast-quick as you say you will need transport that is as fast-quick as they are. I think I can aid-help you with that." he added. Then he shook his head. "But I shouldn't keep you from doing much-important things like talking to Matau. Please, as you quick-were."




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IC: AlfonElectricity won't help here, nor will my wires or anything I do, making me useless. Neither am I wild enough to imitate Voriki, D, whatever his name is.Alfon simply stood where he was, still prepared to attack if anyone provoked him but remained as he was. If they were to put out the fire, it wouldn't do if any single one of them were to provoke one another, provoking the entire team in result. The Toa directed his focus to Axana since she was a Toa of electricity as well.As far as I'm concerned, she's useless here as well and could decide to attack us any moment. She's kinda ugly too...not my type.OOC: Don't take the insult personally toatc, Alfon just doesn't like large and bulky women :P

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OOC: GH, have you PM'ed Emzee and/or Nuju?IC: PulsePulse, being a liar by nature, was faking unconsciousness. Although, all things taken into account, he couldn't do much if he WAS conscious anyhow. He figured if the Toa were talking to Matau, he might be able to escape...


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: Yes - Emzee.IC (Merror)Merror frowned. By his reckoning, Pulse would soon regain consciousness...Crouching next to the Toa of Ice, he delivered a powerful punch to Pulse's jaw that should keep him out cold for another hour or so.Merror sighed. He hated having to be violent, especially to unarmed beings. But Pulse was dangerous; Merror couldn't afford to have him loose in the middle of Le-Koro.





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OOC: That's what I get for skimming through the posts, and while I'm fine with me making a mistake, I don't take Ramanox would have jumped unless Pulse had been running. Could we Retcon and say that the electric cage was weakening, it won't change any events, just make Ramanox's attack more plausible.IC: RamanoxRamanox also set off with Merror, "Merror, I too came here to see the Turaga, so I'll accompany you." Upon seeing the arrival of Sisk, Ramanox greeted him.IC: TorvTorv watched Ramanox leave, Karz, I need to stay with him, the stupid Karz-Forsaken mask is keeping me from doing so. None the less Torv still left with the others.OOC Torv to Kini-Nui.


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IC Yghari - Green Vine Inn - Talking: "You run into me, and tell me to watch where I'm going. I wasn't moving for the record, so the proper term would be 'watch where you're standing'," he growled at the being who nearly ran him over. He turned to Love, and looked at the being she had spotted; apparently someone had bypassed the elevator, and rose himself up to the village with nothing more than a pillar of crystal. "Interesting... now, are we going to Ta-Koro, or aren't we?" he asked, not wanting to dictate what this group did and did not do. -Yghari

OOC: I am always busy at the worst moments.IC: "What did you say to me!" Rage growled, her eyes flashing red. She growled, she had be aching for a good fight. She didn't like this guy's tone of voice. He was standing in her way, he should have moved, otherwise he wouldn't have bumped into her. "Listen bud, you were in my way." She didn't care about this team called "Spectrum" this being need to apologize for getting in her way.OOC: Someone needs to defuse the situation, Love or Compassion would probably make the most sense.


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