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Bzprpg - Po-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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OOC: Yeah, it's been some time since I saw that post... :P


The sound of Mef's curses echoed throughout the well. The thought of getting in the poisoned water wasn't something he wanted to do."Okay, here I go," he says while reaching for his sword. Maybe he would be able to hook the mask with the sword. After a bit of searching he found the source of the disease.A Mask.Karz, this could have been done by Makuta's followers..."I find a Kanohi," he calls out to the others. "I'll try to fish it out." Mef dips his sword beneath the waves and pulls up; trying to place the end of the sword in the eye slits of the Mask. It was working so far and the Onu-Toa began to lift himself out of the well. "Pull me up," Mef yells.-Mef Man

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OOC: Oh my god he's back.IC: [Uyism]Uyism walked along the streets of Po-Koro, hoping to find something to do. There were not many things to really experience for the Iroiit, because she did not actually know anything about the surface world. However, one of the Onu-Matoran she had met had told her about bars, so she decided to visit one.OOC: Uyism open for interaction.

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IC: TirokkThe toa of iron faced Ardoku, then punched him in the face. Not hard though, quite lightly actually, meant as more of a "Quit it!!!" than something to do actual harm. The punch took Ardoku by surprise. He wasn't thrown back by it, but he hesitated for a second. He looked Tirokk in the eyes. "What was that for?!!" "For our last meeting." Seemingly, Tirokk had some past grudges against Ardoku."Our last meeting? Do I know you?" If something had happened in the past, he really didn't remember. However... he sort of did recognize the other toa's face. What's more, he also recognized someone else in the group. The toa called Mef...

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IC: (Uar)Uar silently cursed as Vidar dodged his attack, which had depleted most of his elemental energy. Then, Vidar sent a cyclone his way, which, quickly picking up some fire and sand, had become a whirlwind of deadly glass shards. The cyclone started pulling him in, sweeping him off his feet. He couldn't create a wall of ice to block the cyclone, having depleted his elemental energy, and activating his Kakama was useless, his feet having no traction. After getting sucked in, Uar noticed that the glass shards weren't that dense in the whirlwind. A few shards barely missed him, with one grazing his arm. All he could right now was wait fo his elemental energy to recharge, try not to vomit from the immense dizziness induced by spinning at high speed, and hope he wasn't sliced to pieces.

My BZPRPG Characters



BIONICLE Table-Top Roleplaying Game System Project, Started by The Iron Toa


I used to write something about my rank here, but then I took an arrow to the knee...

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OOC: Pirok, you have made MISTAKE NUMBER ONE of the BZPRPG.You may know that I can't kill Wraith. Put your character doesn't. Nor does Wraith. Nor does Echelon! In this situation, if Wraith were your character, I would be quite within my rights to do him some serious damage, if not actually kill him.This always annoys me. Zadron is a prime example. A signature move of his is to position himself behind his target with his blade in front of their throat. Sometimes people just have their characters blindly attempt to escape - despite the fact that Zadron could kill them easily the moiment they moved!This game has rules. Your characters, however, don't know that. Don't break the Fourth Wall.[/rant]IC (Echelon)Echelon heard the roaring of a fireball behind him. In an instant, he swung Wraith around so that the Toa's body would intercept it.He quickly sought out the caster of the fireball - the irritating Fire Toa from Le-Wahi - and magnetically slammed him into the wall of the canyon.He looked back to Merror, Havon and Miha."If any of you tries anything I will break your friend's neck," he snarled, holding Wraith in front of him.IC (Merror)Merror cursed. What was Pirok doing?You fool, he thought. You could have got Wraith killed!He looked back at Echelon."What do you want, Echelon?" he shouted.

Edited by Ghosthands





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OOC: Yes, but Pirok has been more rash recently. And you can't say that word, GH. Tut tut. :PHe isn't really thinking things through anymore...IC: PirokPirok picked himself up off the ground. He knew that the Toa with Echelon was in danger, and that if he attempted another attack he could get the Toa killed. However, he was surprised no-one had attempted to attack Echelon when he was busy slamming Pirok into the wall.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: Don't attack the one person holding Wraith hostage please.... -_-IC: Wraith, HavonWraith was able to quickly make a sheet of ice on his chest when the fireball hit, preventing it from burning him. "What the karz are you doing you fool!"

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC (Echelon)Echelon smiled."That's better," he said. He turned to face Merror. "What do I want, Merror?" he said, a smile still twisting the corners of his mouth. "That's a very good question. Of course, I would greatly appreciate it if you would all give up hope of ever stopping us...you are all proving to be a nuisance..."He looked around at the defiant beings."Thrown down your weapons," he said to them. "Or your friend dies."





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IC: Pirok"But I can't! I don't have a weapon." Pirok pointed out. He hoped someone could get to Wraith while he had Echelon distracted (that, of course, being the point of his being irritating).


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC:"Allright, hang on!" Agni called down to Mef. He pressed one foot firmly against the side of the well, leaning back with his weight and pulling on the rope to get the Toa of earth back to the surface. Soon, Mef was near the edge. Agni held out a hand out to his companion for him to grab.




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IC(Agarin): Agarin chuckled at Tanuka. "Now that you mention it," He joked "Your Kaukau IS looking more like a Miru."OOC: Well, I'm kinda lost. I can tell that the marines are kidnapping old Chronicler's Company memebers to keep Macku calm, but what's this about Hafu being dead and an attack on Kopeke? I may have read things wrong, but I'm just trying to double-check.

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OOC: Okay, as it stands now, here are the events, Hafu was kidnapped by Echelon and his ilk. They left a decoy to make everyone else think Hafu was dead. Hafu was interrogated and is now missing. Kopeke was 'attacked' and kidnapped by the missing Raiders.IC: "EEP!" Tanuka snatched off her mask and looked at it in horror at first before shooting a glare at Agarin. "Not funny." She hissed before putting it back on.

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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"Uuuaaaah..." Tanuka covered her face with her hands. "...Why are you being so mean Agarin?" She whined.

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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She peeked at him from behind her hands. "...then why are you teasing me?"

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC(Agarin): "Because we're friends," Agarin replied kindly, "And friends can bout with friendly teasing. Haven't you noticed how Kalama and the marines all tease each other? They don't get mad or cry, they all laugh and retort with jokes of their own. It's because they're friends and have the ability to laugh at themselves and their own flaws, as well as make friendly jokes about each other."

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Tanuka rubbed her left arm which now hung at her side embarrassed. "...never really had friends before... this is only my second time out of the village..." She said with her head slightly hung.

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC(Agarin): "Don't hang your head, Tanuka!" Agarin snapped sharply, "You don't know this, but that doesn't make you stupid!"Agarin looked at Tanuka's hurt expression. He sighed and his face softened."Sorry, Tanuka." He apologized, "I barely know how to fight, so I just make it up as I go along. You do the same thing. We're basically the same. You're a good person, Tanuka, and even though you don't really know how to have friends, you're one of the best I've ever had."

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IC: The local tavern in Po-Wahi was the typical one favorited by the more shady inhabitants of Mata-Nui. Dust covered every inch and the smell of a dozen alcholic drinks was thick in the air. Men sat at tables, drinking as if there was no tomorrow. They were the rough and rowdiest of the island, all gathered here in this bar. This was the kind of place to find information if one was looking for something or someone. It was then that a tall female Toa, beautiful as a swan walked in. She was very pleasing to the eye, but at the same time, the look in her eyes told everyone that she was a fighter. Most of the men's eyes followed her, rarely did a beautiful woman just enter their tavern. "Aye," A bulky Po-Matoran called out to her, a hammer strapped to his back. "Come here, lass!" He yelled out. The lady's eyes flashed over to him and the man's heart raced as she walked towards him. He then calmed down and grinned, "Yeah, mind if I buy ya a drink?" He asked. Instead of saying yes, the woman whipped out a dagger, pointed it at his throat and made a slashing noise with her throat. The message was clear now... This woman wasn't here for a drink."My name is Masane... I'm looking for a certain someone. They call him Rulsik."


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OOC: Awwwww man! Combo breaker'd twice! :superfunny:IC: Tanuka jumped at Agarin's suddenly increase in volume and reflexively flinched at the aggression in his voice.She listened to Agarin's words seeing him relax. A small smile came to her mouth hearing him call her friend. "...Y-y-y-you consider me a friend?" She asked the Toa of Sonics.

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC Nen:"Your my friend too," Nen said to Tanuka. "We haven't known each other long, but we've foguth scorpions and chucked maha, and if that isn't enough to make us friends, then it doesn't matter because I think we're friends anyway."

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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"That's... that's sweet of you Agarin, that really is. I've never had a friend before..." She said shyly before giving a small giggle at Nen's statement."...So... what do you think the others have found? They're bound to have arrived at Kopeke's place already."

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC Nen:"I'm hoping they've found him unharmed, or safely removed from harm by the marines. Either way as long as Thama and Kalama and Cyrax don't end up having to fight anybody without us, that's okay. If Kopeke has been hypothetically captured by the marines, that will delay any assassins after the company because they won't know ahead of time that Kopeke isn't at his hut. That gives anybody trying to find the rest of the company for positive reasons more time to find them."

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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"If they did find the Marines I hope they're okay... I mean some of the stories they tell." Tanuka shivered. "Glad I wasn't there. Even better not on the opposing side. Kalama should be okay right? I mean... he's a Marine too and everything." Tanuka bit her knuckle worried about their small but feisty leader.

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC Nen:"Besides, Kalama is their leader and their friend," Nen added. "I'm sure the other marines can take the time to not kill their friend long enough for him to tell to not kill him. Have some confidence in our teammates. Worry about them, yes, but don't let the worry consume you. Always have a bit of optimism."

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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