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Bzprpg - Po-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: VenatorNow that the being was out of the way and safe... oh wait, he's dead. Venator paused, a moment of silence for the fatally wounded being. It was a sad fate, stabbed by a Rahkshi... But, the fight wasn't over, there was a creature to slay. And Salamander might need his help. He charged back toward the fight, trying to use his mask. He hoped it would work on the Rahkshi and slow it's mechanisms... if it had mechanisms. He didn't know exactly what these creature were, or how to kill them. All he knew was, the creature was terrifyingly terrifying.He was going to name it Utu Jr.

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IC: ArgentumArgentum: Well, I'd say nice things if he does nice things. But, I feel like there's more danger around here.

Hey Retard!


Yeah. I have the same feeling too.

I don't care.

You should. The last time it happened, you ended up on your path to redemption.

It also put me on the road of the Xanthium. That sucked.

True, but....In that time, you also gained power...

Shut up!Argentum: Keh! Shut up! OOC: Next time you make an invasion, make a fort too, at a good structural location with good, structural other RPers to play both sides. Tell that to TKONI, and make sure the last fight doesn't repeat its scenario, please.kthxbai, my work here is done. Cyou next post!

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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IC:The battle raged on. The Rahkshi continued their duels. It was continually impressed upon those they were fighting that the Rahkshi were unlike any foes they had faced before - cunning, resourceful, unbelievably quick, tireless, merciless. Many civilians died from the backlash of their staves, the crumbling structures they left in their wake. Those who kept them at bay would be heralded as selfless heroes the next day, but for now, they were tired, maimed, some even killed. As its peers continued to fight and draw focus, the Rahkshi of Chameleon remained unseen. The streets were mostly deserted - Po-Matoran had fled into their homes or underground. The roar of battle was distant, centralized near the gate. Shrieks of the Rahkshi, cries of agony and exertion, the boom of collapsing buildings, were muffled in this far corner of the Koro. Here, it was silent; the Rahkshi of Chameleon made no noise as it slinked over the sandy ground. It had been searching everywhere, every concealed space it could think of. But what the son of Makuta sought was not there. Finally, as if convinced it could do no more, the Rahkshi of Chameleon turned back to the battleground, and shrieked a long cry. At the battlefield, the other four surviving Rahkshi struck their final blows and then turned away from their opponents. All four transformed into hover mode, and darted away down the main street of the Koro, too quick to be caught by projectiles or weapons. In the air, the Rahkshi of Chameleon rejoined them, and the quintet zoomed out of Po-Koro, back into the desert. They left devastation, wounds, death, and sorrow behind them. Almost as a farewell warning, the Rahkshi of Fear let loose a final warcry, which echoed across the dunes, and strummed a note of foreboding in all who heard it.OOC: Rahkshi out.

Edited by Nuju Metru


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IC: ArdokuThe toa of plasma had entered the fight in it's finishing stages, and hadn't dealt a single blow in defense of the village. His charged pickaxes had missed, hitting the ground and unleashing a large explosion, throwing Ardoku far over Po-koro. There he lay, wounded, but alive. He stood up, and entered the village again, his wounds fortunately not very severe, but they made pain anyway. He walked towards the inn, it luckily having survived the battle (sue me, i don't know anything...). He entered, the house abandoned of all life. "Well, at least I got what I came for..." He said, picking up his pouch of widgets. He entered the desert again, his small wounds healing over time. "What a joke..."

Edited by Chief Engineer Onaku
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OOC: Oh thank goodness. I was afraid I would have to fight that Rahkshi of Fear... :fear:Oh, and they didn't get what they were after. Yay.IC: SalamanderSalamander collapsed on the ground, exhausted from the battle. As the Rahkshi of Fear's farewell cry washed over him, Salamander felt an icy numbness overtake his body. He was exhausted mentally, emotionally, and physically. Even his powers were nearly depleted.At least I survived.He wearily grinned before falling unconscious, his mind retreating into the deepest recesses of his being in an attempt to recuperate from the events that had transpired.OOC: I'm never going to participate in the Staff plot again unless absolutely forced to. :P


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IC (Dekuna): Dekuna was furious. The Rahkshi had come out of nowhere, half destroyed Po-koro, killed and injured its inhabitants and then left as quickly as they had come. The toa of sonics cursed Makuta and his sons for all the sorrow they had caused here today, but most of all for leaving before he and his fellow toa could... could... He didn't know what he wanted to do to those monsters, but it wasn't nice.Feeling utterly exhausted, he walked slowly over to Havon. "You allright?" he asked. It was clear the toa of fire had taken some hits from the cyclones, but he looked in one piece. It was good to have some hope on such a sad day.


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OOC: Okay, ready, Chief.



After a quick search around the docks, Renod led Feldnok toward Po-Koro to find Ardoku. On the way there, they met up with just that person."Hello, stranger!" he calls out to the being as he tries to hide his excitement. He had finally found the being he had sworn to kill and had just the muscle to help him accomplish his task.-Mef Man

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IC: Havon Havon cursed, after all the lives those Rahkshi took, countless innocents and at least one Toa that Havon had seen slain, the Rahkshi had escaped.He turned to Dekuna. "No....I'm not alright, they got away..." He said, gritting his teeth at the end of his sentence. At the very least, at least one of the Rahkshi had fallen.

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC (Dekuna): "They got away" Dekuna agreed sadly. "All these toa, and they still got away." He almost wanted to chase them out into the desert. Maybe with Zealokan's powers, they could catch up to the Rahkshi... No, that wouldn't be any help. Fighting the Rahkshi on their own terms, out in the desert didn't make any sense; it would only lead to more deaths. He had to be sensible about this."We should go help the wounded" he stated. "It's the only thing we can do now".


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IC - Naryth - FightNaryth swung his cannon, colliding with the Rahkshi's head. He blasted, but it missed. Before he knew it, they were gone. He fired at their retreating forms, to no avail.The Vortixx collapsed, exhausted. Fighting these things was more tiring than regular combat.

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: VenatorHe looked at the unconscious form of Salamander, sword in hand. It would be so easy, just a single stab and the threat of the Dragon was gone. But... no. He pulled Salamander against a wall, setting him up in a sitting position. Killing him would be so easy, but he couldn't find it in him. Whatever reason Salamander had fought for, he had earned at least an escape from death by his blade. Killing him would not be right... it was not the way he would act.He sat back against the same wall, shaking his head. Mercy... it was such a challenge at times...

This is my signature

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IC: Havon"Right...where is Virthee and Miha...we could use there help now..." Havon figured Virthee was probably already helping the injuried, but just in case something bad had happened to the good doctor, he looked for him and Miha. "Virthee? Miha? Where are you guys?"

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Ardron cursed. Those things had gotten away, and he hadn't killed a single one. He was disappointed, to say the least. Now it time to find Tarotrix, get him formal medical care, and return to Ga-Koro.IC: As the medic cleaned and bandaged his hastily cauterized wound, Tarotrix watched the Po-Koro guard gather the dead. It was far less then Taro expected, to his relief.I guess the Toa managed to repel those mongrels The next thing he heard was Ard, yelling his name. "I'm here!" he cried.Ard rushed over. "So, I guess our vacation was cut short.""Tell me about it. The barracks look quite appealing right now.""I assume your going to take an ussal to Ta-Koro?""Yep.""Then I'm off to Ga-Koro, my friend."OOC: Tarotrix to Ta-Wahi, Ardron to Ga-Wahi.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC (Dekuna): Dekuna sheathed his blade and began walking through the koro, looking for some way to help. Given time, he knew, the Matoran and Toa would find some way to rebuild. He found it incredible how resilient they were as they recovered from each trajedy and somehow got on with life again. Be it a rahi attack, an eruption or an earthquake, life went on on Mata Nui.Right now, however, things were different. The blood was still fresh, and the buildings still crumbling. It felt like the rahkshi had taken hope with them when they left. Po-koro was a ghost town, a ruin, with being emerging slowly into a new life.Whenever Dekuna found a collapsed building he took the time to find out whether anyone was inside. Two Matoran were burried under a pile or rubble he dug through, though when he freed them, one had a broken leg, the other a cracked mask. Feeling sick with all the destruction, he moved on through the koro without speaking.


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IC: Glinda, Good Witch of the North"Oh dear, that was quite unpleasant." said Glinda. She strode out towards the large crowd of people that had been fighting the Rahkshi. She may not have been useful in the battle, but she could try to help now."Is anyone injured? Anybody need medical attention? Hellooooooo?" she cried, trying to gain their attention.

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IC-Hasil:Hasil walked into the village, seeing the devastation caused there. And rahkshi had flown by him as he had entered, screaming so much that even he was afraid of it. However, he knew there was a tribe of Mri in this area, and hopefully he could find some to help him.As he walked into a scorched and pitted alleyway, he saw three beings. Two he did not know...one was a Toa of Fire, and the other was of a different element. The third, however...Hasil walked slowly up to the dead being and knelt down, looking at his mask. There was a hole in it between the eyes, going into the skull. Hasil shuddered, then knelt his head and began to weep.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: Yeah, except last time no one wanted to do it. XDIC: Tahuva knew Po-Koro had good medical care. When there was a plague there, the entire Koro became a hospital. So, he just got Barricade and Velan some help.Barricade woke up. "What...happened?""We finished our training and showed up to help.""Training?""Yes, and you missed all of it. You're now officially our weakest member!""WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Wait, no. Que is.""Where IS Que?""Wait, what."Karz. A missing member. Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing, I suppose. "He must have been kidnapped."OOC: TKONI/Shadow Guardian, could you be the one to capture Que? Or you, JL?


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IC-Hasil:Hasil, still weeping, looked up to the Toa's mask in front of him. "Why," he said quietly. "Why did you die, uncle Jan'antel? Why did you have to die?" He had never felt this strongly over the death of a member of his kin or his tribe before, and his great-uncle was from another tribe. He stopped, and stood up.Hasil rounded on the other two toa by him, and kicked awake the Toa of fire."Which of you did this?" He said, his thumbs in his belt. "Which of you killed him?"

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Glinda, the Good Witch of the NorthGlinda walked through Po-Koro, generally bored out of her mind, and just happened to look down a dark alleyway. Noticing several beings, she slowly walked down the path and was horrified to see a dead being on the ground and another attacking two others."What in the name of Goodness is going on here?" she demanded, waving her staff to make the water in the air thicken.

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IC: SalamanderSalamander woke up with a snarl. If his powers hadn't been so depleted, he likely would have also woken up with lots of fire, but he was currenty out of fire, so a snarl would have to do."What kind of moron are you? If one of us had killed him, do you think we would have just sat around, waiting to be caught?"He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself."He was killed by one of the Rahkshi that attacked the village. They left only a short while ago..."


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OOC: I'm not attacking them, I'm waking Salamander up.IC-Hasil:Hasil looked up, starting to have trouble breathing, and saw a Toa(?) of Water(?) gliding over towards them. "One of these men killed my uncle here!" He yelled back at the woman, angrily. "And once I find out who it was, I'll kill them!" He was certain that something killed his uncle, though not very certain that it was one of these two toa that were by him. He was still weeping, wishing he had been able to see his uncle one last time before this happened. The memory of the last time he spoke to his uncle was coming back to him..."Really?" Hasil demanded, staring at the Sen'en sitting near him. "You really think that that was rash, old man?" He nearly yelled, looking over at his great uncle."Yes," Jan'antel said wearily, bowing his head in his hands. "Attacking another Kel'anth out of spite was rather rash, and you're lucky he didn't kill you. Although, it does seem that you obtained a few new scars from that."Hasil looked back, startled by his uncle's words. "Out of spite?" He said quietly. "He killed my brother, and I attacked him out of bloody spite?" Hasil turned and stalked out of the room, leaving his uncle at the table."Killed by one of the Rahkshi?" Hasil said scornfully, looking down at the Toa of Fire. "My Uncle would more likely hide than fight, friend, and yet it appears that that's what he was doing. Are you sure you didn't just jump out of an alley at him?"

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: It's a force of habit with Salamander. I didn't think you were attacking him.IC: SalamanderSalamander feebly tried to stand up, but to no avail. He settled back up against the wall, trying to ignore his dislike of being "shorter" than the rash youth."That doesn't change the fact that if one of us had killed your uncle, it would be incredibly stupid for us to simply sit around the crime scene. As for hiding... I won't deny that he did seem incredbibly weak. Maybe if he had chosen to hide instead of fight he would still be alive. As it is, he was killed by a Rahkshi, and that's all there is to it."

Edited by Despair


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OOC: Speaking to Ace, I was.IC-Hasil:Hasil, hearing the two toa speak, sat against the wall next to the toa of fire, and buried his head in his hands, weeping yet again. There logic was infallible, and he had no way to prove that his uncle wasn't killed by a rahkshi. In fact, the wound appeared to be from a Rahkshi of fear's staff.He looked up, tears flowing from his eyes, though not quite as strongly as before. He looked down at the ground, thinking, and stood up completely, helping up the Toa of Fire next to him. "Well then," he said, "I say we find these Rahkshi that killed my uncle, and kill them in retaliation." He then looked down at his uncle. "How did he die?" He asked quietly, hoping for more of an answer than just that 'he was stabbed, you bloody brakas monkey!' He wanted to know not just how, but also why, why would his uncle do this?

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: ArgentumArgentum scanned his surroundings. And there they were, several Rakshi, hovering at high speeds. Too far and too quick for any attacks. But the direction they were from....Po-Koro. The Toa of Magnetism turned towards Ratchet.Argentum: We have a problem. Po-Koro has been attacked by the sons of Makuta, I believe. They're beginning to mobilize.OOC: Me?PLSSSS?

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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OOC: Oh, oops. My mistake.IC: SalamanderSalamander gestured towards the desert."They left."His head slowly dropped down, as if Salamander no longer had the strength to keep it steady."And can we please talk about this later? I'm kinda not in the greatest condition right now, and not really in the mood to be trading tales..."


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IC-Hasil:Hasil sat the Toa of Fire in a stone chair he found, remarkably undamaged, only slightly charred by fire. He then kneeled down on the ground beside his uncle, thinking. He looked up at the Toa. "If I help find you medical help, will you tell me what happened?" Hasil asked, his eyes downcast.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Salamander"Yes, I'll tell what happened. Now can you please stop asking questions?"His voice carried a slight edge, but his eyes were unusually dull and lifeless. He tried speaking again, but no words escaped his lips. With a silent shudder, he passed out, his arms dangling limply from the chair.OOC: I'm done for the night. Need to get some sleep...


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OOC: YES! It's actually been one of my goals to have Tahuva work against Makuta after the Deceptoa were taken care of. (And though they have survived as the Phantoms, the DOTM Arc is finished so I'm happy.) And sure, you can capture Que and have us rescue him.IC: Ratchet stared at the sky. "What...are those things?""Rahkshi. The Sons of Makuta. Deadly creatures with the powers and traits of their master." The situation was grim. "This is where our training will pay off. Be ready.""I thought Makuta was a myth!""Oh, he's real. He's real." "Then why don't we a-storm into Mangaia and destroy him?""One does not simply walk into Mangaia.""Argentum, what do you think about this? Do you know anything more about them?"


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IC: ZealokanWith the Rahkshi gone, he let his Razor-Sharp Boomerang return to his hand, and split it into his Blades. However, he didn't sheath them. He instead buried them in a wall in rage. 'Darn it all to Karzahni!! They got away!!!' He kept slashing and slashing at the wall, then turned to a rock-face and sent a blast of Kinetics towards it, causing it to fragment. Instead of speaking, he gave his brothers an intense look of rage and despair, and sprinted back to the Caverns.

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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OOC: And so it begins... :PIC: ArdokuThe toa of plasma slowly turned towards the being greeting him. "And who would you be?" He remembered that face, there was no mistake, he knew that person, and for some reason, he connected that very being with the feeling of dread. But still, he had no idea who that being was, and his instincts could always be wrong... yet, he was cautious.

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IC: ArgentumArgentum: Much...much more. Makuta has powers of each Rakhshi, a lot. He has servants, Toa, who do his bidding. These Toa are far more powerful than all of you combined. Last I heard, one of them created a super-vacuum, which sucked everyone into a sandstorm caused by that same vacuum. It is these Toa what we must try to capture, and interrogate, because it is them that know about Makuta.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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OOC: More powerful than six Toa? Holy Karz, they either belong to staff or are just plain GMing...IC: Ratchet fell over in shock. "No...then all our training was a waste..""It is never a waste, Ratchet. There is no limit to what we can do if we do what is right and stay together. One day we will match them. But today, we must investigate."Barricade nodded. "Yes. This is RIDICULOUS! You, Argentum. Are they more powerful than you plus all of us?""A better question would be, where to find these Toa?""Answer both please." Dervian and all the Xanthium (for once) were paying complete attention to what Argentum was saying.Pyras broke in. "Tahuva, what has become of the Pyros?"A long explanation ensued."Mata Nui..." Pyras stared into space, then finally spoke. "So this small but deadly battle broke out in your home town?""Yes. Most of the damage has been repaired by now.""Hmm. And Senturon has betrayed us.""That is true."Pyras nodded. "Tahuva, one day I will die. I can sense my time is soon to come.""You have been alive since the dawn of Toa...that is understandable." Tahuva frowned. Even his usual emotionlessness could not hide his despair. He had only just met the metaphorical king of his people, and now this king was going to die."I have been a Toa for far too long...it is time I gave up that rank." Pyras gave Tahuva his weapons. "Forge your sword and mine into one blade, and keep my shield."Tahuva took the weapons. "I cannot merge our weapons yet, but I will.""As Toa become Turaga, they give their great powers to a cause. On some occasions, to reverse irreversible conditions. In others, to defeat final opponents. But today, I give it..." He took out the Matrix of Leadership, the blue crystal that symbolized the Pyros. "To you." Pyras channeled all the Toa Power he had into the Matrix, shrinking into a small, hunched being. A staff appeared in his hand, and his mask became Noble. A king no longer. Now a sage, a Turaga. "This is your inheritance. The sole survivor. The Pyro who has stayed pure." He tossed the Matrix, which gently levitated to Tahuva. "Merge the Matrix with your heartlight."Tahuva stared at the crystal for a long time. He did so...A massive glow erupted, as the Matrix somehow slid into his heartlight and flooded his body with energy. He grew a foot, his muscles bulged, and his elemental power skyrocketed. The brilliant energy fused the two swords together, and Tahuva was transformed. Outward, the same. But inside, he had ascended. His eyes gave off a bright glow for a moment as he declared, "I am Tahuva Pyro, inheritor of the Matrix, last of the Pyros, defender of good, and bane of evil." His eyes returned to normal, and he fell out of his trance. He had inherited all the wisdom and power of Pyras. Turaga Pyras approached Argentum. "Now, we stand a chance."


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OOC: Now, THAT was Godmodding. You can't transfer Toa power - You can use it to create stuff, but not transfer.And yes, staff characters + Good RPers.IC: ArgentumArgentum: I can probably take one of them myself, provided I have enough time. (OOC: Posts.) And, if they work together, no doubt we would lose. Find? Oh, yes. They are doing Makuta's bidding. Find Makuta's tasks, and you find them.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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IC: TangruaAfter the battle, tangrua returned to his shop, , only to find that the roof was gone, as well as one of the walls. He began wandering around town, looking for his roof.IC: TegamTegam wes helping treat the wounds of the injured. Just because he didn't have as good a reputation around here as Virhee, it didn't mean he wasn't as good a doctor. IC: Amakav"I hate Rakshi." He mumbled, looking for his companions. He saw Zealokhan go into he shop, and then Tangrua drag the Rakshi into the caverns, then start to look for the roof. Finally he found Dekuna, wandering through the koro. "Dekuna! Wait up!" he shouted, trying to get his attention.

Edited by NStephenH
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OOC: Lhikan did it, and he was basically an average Toa. That's actually where I got the idea.IC: Tahuva nodded. "Makuta's goal is not to take over the island. If his forces are this powerful, he could have done that long ago. He wants something much less simple."Pyras shook his head. "Makuta is an all-powerful foe. He must be after something he cannot take, maybe even cannot touch.""Then he is not all-powerful. That narrows down our list of possible goals. Argentum, what do you say?"


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IC:Tillian stood in shocked silence, amazed at the speed the Rahkshi had escaped.You did it, Tillian. You're alive.He turned to the dead body of the Rahkshi of Hunger and yelled triumphantly with an exahusted, exhilarated laugh."YEAH! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, YOU OVERGROWN LITTLE SLUG?" he yelled, kicking the body. "DO NOT EVER SCREW WITH MATA NUI AGAIN."He had killed a Rahkshi.-Teezy



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OOC: Lhikan made Toa stones. He used his energy to create Toa. Nowhere did it say he could use his energy to increase the power of another Toa. Thats where I got the fact that you're G-Modding.IC: ArgentumArgentum: What I have to say is that they're hunting for something. We need to know how to find the next target.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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