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Bzprpg - Po-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: "Joining our naval crew. Special benefits, you can arrest almost anyone who simply attacks you, and the pay is good." Well, aside from his recent pay, but then again the mission didn't live up to Navy standards. "And if that's not enough, you get a shiny rock." Toranmat would have to find that one, but he was getting desperate to expand the crew.


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IC: "Now, I guess. We're patrolling Po-Koro." Toranmat smiled. He picked up a rather shiny rock. "Here's your rock." He started to laugh. "Don't worry, the rest of the job isn't a ripoff. Plenty of time for combat.OOC: I'll bring in an old villain char. I once gave him away, but...it didn't work out. Apparently he's mine again. I'll update his profile, as all my chars went through a long timeskip. He will be your first test, because judging by Ta-Wahi, you could use some combat training. It should be easy, since I'm also rather terrible at RPG combat.


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IC: Rynekk - FerryAs soon as that Toa spoke his name, Rynekk, the warrior was on edge. This guy knew about him, and generally creepy stalker people with deep voices who know you, don't drop by to say hello. They come to stab you in your sleep."Well..." he said softly, barely audible to anyone on the boat, before switching to a slightly higher volume, "That was interesting. I'll have to find out more about this fellow then. See what he's up to, don't you say Tadris?"-Void



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IC: "I'll join, then" Potaku said. "When do I start?"

Answer already...you answer in Ta-Wahi but not here?IC: "Oh yeah...what IS your name?"Unfortunately for the trio, an extremely large Skakdi was watching them from behind a sculpture, his insanity making him itchy...to kill them all NOW.


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IC: "My name is Potaku" he said. He noticed a large Skakdi watching them. "Hey, what do you want?" he asked.

Edited by Toa of Smooth Jazz

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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OOC: Naru and Zauk to Po-wahi. Good thing BIONICLE characters digest food in such a way that there's nothing for Zauk to... eject. :P

OOC: lolIC: ZaukThe Toa of Lightning sat in the center of the boat, underneath his mask, his face looking unnaturally... green. He was taking long, deep breaths, and trying to focus on something other then the rocking of the boat. The Ga-Matoran had already given him a look when he tried to slow the rocking with his mask, and Zauk decided not to try it again."How much... further?" he asked, not trusting himself to stand up at moment.IC: KytheraThe Vortixx closed her eyes contently as she leaned against the Toa. IC: TirraThe Toa of Cyclone felt herself get encased in Desuka's armor, but payed no attention to it. Instead she was concentrating on her elemental power.Suddenly, and without warning, a cyclone formed around Tirra and the Toa of Sonics. In the center of it, they were protcted from it's winds, but the same couldn't be said for Flame and Blade. Edited by Acrophobia



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OOC: *drums lips* Plot is gearing up and will start in....*looks at watch*....whenever I have a better means of posting.*drums lips*IC(Tosp):Tosp looked at the wall of the hut. How did he end up here?He came to Po-Koro to save the village....and he ended up in a hut with his sorta-kinda-girlfriend. Life could be crazy.Kythera needed to rest for a while, until she healed. Then he would remove the stitches.He sighed, and held Kythera closer.

Edited by thebeggerpie


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IC: TirraThe miniature Toa frowned, and the cyclone around them disappeared. In its place formed multiple smaller, more concentrated, ones. She directed these at the two Toa, surrounding them.IC: Kythera"So... What now?" the Vortixx asked after a while. Not that she didn't like sitting there with the Toa, it was starting to get rather... boring.She needed something to keep her mind off her wound.



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IC(Algnia and Ouorp): Algnia scaled the rock wall with some difficulty. Earthquakes, Reckless use of power and loose rocks could kill him. But it didn't. He reached the top and pulled himself up. At that same time, twin hooks latched onto the ledge, a little distance from where he had come up. In a blink of an eye, a small, ugly Toa had appeared at the top of the wall as well. "Good." Algnia said to the other Toa, "I thought you died back there." "If I died, who would serve the Will of Makuta?" she said to the mud covered Toa of Ice. "I would, obviously." He turned from her and continued along the edge of the cliff. He paused when he reached the end of it. Down, far below his feet, nestled in a canyon, lay Po-Koro, the village of Stone. His target for an attack, in the name of Makuta. Ouorp walked over and looked down. "Is that it? It's more defended then you said." she cast a look at Algnia. "No matter." he said, "Either way, they will pay. Just follow the plan." "Right." she said. Both of them climbed down the cliff, dropping on the canyon floor. "We will wait here for a while. Then you will go in and see if anyone in there is.....friendly." he said with a evil grin. "Wait? Why not attack now?" "You know what will be required of you, you need the rest." "I...I forgot. You are right. We will wait."


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IC:The Matoran was running for his life. He had to, there was nothing he could do against his pursuers. He didn't even know why he was in the trouble he was in now. It had all started so harmless...Two Matoran had come by his hut several weeks ago. They had asked if they could spend a few days; they would pay for the accommodation of course. With a little room to spare, he had said yes. Only after they had gotten settled in he realized, that they hadn't given their names upon their introduction. And asking later had seemed somehow inapprpriate, so he had left the matter be. The strangers had mostly kept to themselves, but they were well-mannered and as promised, a full payment was made on their departure. The whole affair had been quite unremarkable.The trouble only began, after they had gone. At first, it was minor things. Small items that had gone missing that he was sure he had placed in a certain location. Then one day he had come home to find his door open, despite having it locked and bolted. Yet no sign of damage was on it. Nothing was missing either, but he contacted the guard, just to be safe. Then things took a turn for the worse. He had been stalked, followed, harrassed. And now they were out for his life. He didn't know why, they had never given a reason. Maybe it was a sick way for them to get pleasure, maybe he unwittingly was in the posession of something the coveted but hadn't found while breaking into his home.He ran on. At a crosspath, he took a left, diving into an alleyway. Breathign so hard, that he felt as if his lungs were about to jump out of his chest, he fell back against one of the walls, trying to calm himself down. He had to think quick. If he could somehow get to Onewa's hut, he would be safe. He would hide there, where the most guards were near. And as soon as he was able, he would take the ferry and make his way to Ko-Koro. Living in solitude was still better than being dead, after all.A flash of silver interreupted his thoughts. His eyes looked down, to see what had surprised him and found the hilt of a throwing-knife sticking dead-center in his heartlight. He didn't understand. But that wasn't important anymore. "Oh." was all the villager said, before his knees collapsed and he slumped down. From either side of the alley, one of the other Matoran slowly walked up to the body. They looked pleased with themselves."I love it when they run." one said. "You can't imagine how exhilerating it is to let them think they got away...just before you drop 'em." The other looked unimpressed as he turned the Matoran on the ground on his back to retrieve the knife. "A pity..." he finally said. "I always like to look in their eyes when they go. You can savor all these little...moments. Good hit though.""Thanks. What do we do with him?""Let's leave him. It'll give the others a nice scare...who knows, maybe we'll find some other game in the crowd his corpse will gather." The other grinned. "Excellent idea!"The two murderers turned and began to walk towards the darker end of the alley. But they didn't get far. The soft sound of sand crunching under feet stopped them dead in their tracks. They whirled around and their eyes grew wide. Their prey was almost standing upright again.Against the sun, they couldn't see his features, but the supposedly dead Matoran was standing on two legs again. The duo was stupefied for a moment, unable to move or talk. Then they instinctively took a step back. "Seems like your aim was worth Maha-dung." the first one said."So the guy wants seconds. Fine by me." the other snarled, drawing another blade from his belt. "You haven't had enough yet?" he spat in the Matoran's direction, advancing with the weapon ready. "But hey, if you need a more thorough killing, let me help you. I'll kill you to death!"He moved forward fast, the blade moving with his arm, to slash at the throat of the Matoran. His companion stood in place, grinning maliciously at the dark entertainment playing out in front of him. His grin vanished in an instant though, as the Matorans arms shot forward. His companion suddenly found his wrist in an iron-grip, while the other hand was closed around his throat. He gurgled, as the victim tightened his grip, having been caught totally off guard.The spectators eyes were wide open. Suddenly, there was a crack, as his companions larynx gave way. He gave a shout, both raspy and gurgling and the victim let him go.The other wasted no time. He was not scared easily, but in this moment, he panicked, turned around and ran.He got about as far as the first time, finding the towering figure of a hodded and cloaked being blocking his path, a scythe on his back. Too late to stop, he ran into the figure, who seized him by the throat instantly and lifted him a foot off the ground. The Matoran almost screamed, but the hand around his throat was too strong. The figure pulled him closer and now the murderer could see the ice-blue eyes hidden behind a grizzly Kanohi staring right into his. As if some part of his mind was still working normally, he ripped one of his own blades from his belt and stabbed the being in the chest. But the thing didn't even flinch!Instead, it pulled him even closer, until their faces were only a few inches apart. "Has nobody ever taught you that you can't run from death?" it whispered. Scared as the Matoran was, that was enough to scare him out of his mind. He gave a hoarse chuckle and fell unconscious right after, as too little oxygen reached his brain.Tupua dropped the unconscious murderer and walked over to the victim of the other, standing over the body of his killer. With a sigh, the Toa released the control of his Tryna. The Po-Matorans legs gave way again, and the dark Toa caught the falling figure and softly laid him on the ground. "You can rest easy now." he said. Sometimes he hated himself for what he was. Now the Toa was left with two bodies and one unconscious murderer. Reluctantly, he decided to take the latter with him. He disarmed and picked up the smaller figure and slung him over his shoulder. Then he turned and walked back out of the alley and into the streets of Po-Koro, heading for the center of the village.OOC: Next Aitua is in the game! Tupua is open for interaction. Big dude looking like a grim reaper carrying an unconscious Matoran walking in broad daylight, people, he's bound to turn some heads! =P




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IC: TirraOne of the main advantages of a Pehkui was the fact that it kept the user's strength level the same, this allowed Tirra to break out of the relatively thin sheet of metal crushing her.The Toa of Cyclone then directed the cyclones that she had created before back towards Flame and Blade, trying to keep them off balance.



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IC: Zauk

IC: Naru"Not too far, Zauk. Just keep your head up and we'll be there soon enough."I hope, Naru thought, not wanting to see Zauk in misery for much longer. Luckily, the dry desert shoreline was already in view, and the Toa of Plasma estimated they would be there within half an hour. Probably less, given how good Ga-Matoran were at seafaring.
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IC: Naru

IC: ZaukThe Toa of Lightning grinned, or tried to, and said, "Best thing I've heard all day."Zauk realised it was the first joke he'd told since Ga-Koro. All this stuff going on, and not a lot of time to think of anything else, he thought, Well... I still have my sense of humor. Fantastic.By now, the boat had almost reached the shore, and the Ga-Matoran prepared to dock.



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IC: Zauk

IC: Naru"Sadly I don't know of any Rahi with nausea-reducing power, or I would use it on you," Naru commented as they stepped ashore. "There is this sea creature resistant to poison, but you haven't been drugged or anything. Besides, I guess it would involve fluids anyways..."The Toa of Plasma thanked the Ga-Matoran and paid her a few widgets despite protests. The girl needed money for her services, after all, or she would go out of business. Whether their mission was important or not, the Matoran mattered most, Naru thought. She turned her back on the sea and looked around for any means of transport. There were none, only an abandoned booth for what looked like a Po-Matoran tourist shop."No carts. Great. We'll just have to walk, then. Not like we're in a hurry or anything, no sir."A bit darker, she muttered: "Guy's probably dead anyways. Well, let's keep our promise to Kaylov and find him still."
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IC: DesukaDesuka continued to pummel at Blade and Flame's eardrums with the sound, bring the sound up to crippling levels of both pitch and volume, in an effort to break Blade's concentration long enough for him to break free.IC: Tadris"Sure, if we had any idea where he went." Tadris replied, stroking his very flat-yet round chin in a mock thinking pose, "Maybe he will come to us... Then we can trick him, ya know what I'm saying?"

Edited by Doctor Wotz
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IC: Naru

IC: Zauk"Right," the teal-armored Toa said, jumping down from the boat, "Dead or alive, we still have to find him. Preferably alive."With that, the Toa began the walk to Po-Koro. It wasn't so much finding the place, as the path was easy to find, but more of the sheer size of the Wahi and the amount of time it took to get there. Zauk didn't say much during the trip, and focused on the task at hand; which was now walking.This was a bit harder then it sounded, as to the Toa of Lightning it felt like he was still rocking from side-to-side. Eventually, or he hoped, the feeling would go away.



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OOC: I must say, this is the first time I missed a post that was directed at one of my characters. I feel bad.IC(Tosp): "Hmm...oh, I don't know." he said, scratching his head. He looked at Kythera, or as best as he could with her being so close. "We could go walking, if it doesn't hurt your back." he said.


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IC: Zauk

IC: NaruUnlike the cold climate of Ko-Wahi, the hot weather of Po-Wahi suited Naru perfectly. As a Toa of Plasma, she thrived on heat and warmth, and so her orange and white armor was practically beaming as they followed the dirt path through the Motara desert. She noticed that Zauk did not look too good, though, so she offered to absorb some of the heat around him as well if it became too much for him. If it became to much for her as well, she could just expel it into the air by using her power.IC: MitaMeanwhile, in a bed on the second floor of one of Po-Koro's inns, a bluish-gray and black Toa of Sonics moaned in agony. She wasn't injured, but she had a splitting headache. Mita clutched the sides of her Mahiki and wished to whatever higher powers existed that it would stop, but to no avail. excessive drinking was not exactly a new experience, but she never learned from it either. And this time, it really was excessive. Mita could hardly remember what was in the bottle, but she knew that Jenx had wanted to keep it away from her. Too bad she hadn't done it sooner.Speaking of which... where had Jenx gone? Mita tried to force herself out of bed, but her mind held her back. Just a few minutes longer, then. Not like anything important was going on anyways...OOC: Yep, bringing her back from hiatus since I'm in this topic anyways.
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IC: Naru

IC: Zauk"If it's not too much..." he replied to the Toa of Plasma's offer. Zauk wasn't one to ask for help, having spent most of his time alone in Ko-Wahi. That, and he was used to the freezing temperatures of the cold Wahi. Needless to say, it was hot for him here.Thankfully, Po-Koro was now visible-well, visible with his mask's scope-and hopefully there would be some shade there. "Doesn't seem that much further," the Toa of Lightning commented, "To Po-Koro, that is."



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IC:Miha"Alright, I have an idea." Miha said, as the group traveled through the hot arid desert, aiming for the Koro that lie ahead. "We should spit up temporarily. That way, we can get more stuff done in Po-Koro faster. I mean, do we really need that many people in the temple? I mean, me and Havon could go visit the temple, while the rest of you guys just go and refresh out safe-house, or recruit more people into the Hau Karda."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Rynekk - FerryRynekk gave a small smile, "Well, I guess you're right. It's no use worrying too much, yet. Let's just find these 'Aggressor' guys, and figre the rest out later."But despite the cool attitude, the Toa was still indeed worried about the stranger's words. I have been watching you for a long time, Rynekk. We will meet again. What did he mean by that? Could one of his victims' friends or relatives be coming to exact their revenge on him? His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden jarring movement in the ship, signifying that they were docking. Shaking his worries out of his head, Rynekk sighed and headed for the gangplank.-Void



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OOC: Havon, Miha, Fov, Tegam? and Amakav? from Onu-WahiI'm not sure if we still even have Tegam and Amakav but whatevers.IC: Havon - Exiting a Onu-Wahi tunnel and out into the Po-Wahi desert -​After what seemed like an eternity, Havon and his team finally found their way out of the dark tunnel and into the blistering heat of the desert, though Havon didn't seem to mind in the slightest. "Okay! The Temple of Creation is that way!" True enough he pointed exactly the right way to go, it helped that in the past he'd traveled the desert quite a bit. Havon didn't hesitate to big leading the group toward their destination."Alright, I have an idea." Miha said, as the group traveled through the hot arid desert, aiming for the Koro that lie ahead. "We should spit up temporarily. That way, we can get more stuff done in Po-Koro faster. I mean, do we really need that many people in the temple? I mean, me and Havon could go visit the temple, while the rest of you guys just go and refresh out safe-house, or recruit more people into the Hau Karda." Havon looked at Miha. "Well, okay. Me and Miha will visit the temple, the rest of you guys...get us more recruits!"

Edited by King Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: TadrisGroup of Toa leaving the ship slowly thinned as they walked through the sands of Po-Wahi, each leaving to pursue his or her own goals, until only Tadris and Rynekk remained. Po-Koro was a group of dots on the horizon at this point, but the huge sculptures outside the gates of the village stood out in the bleak desert landscape."Po-Koro... It's been one heck of a journey, but it looks like we winded right back here after all." Tadris mused as they passed over a sand dune and on to the final stretch of beige to reach the village. It was clear, even from this distance, that extensive repairs had been carried out, and that it was back to it's former state. Or so they thought...

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OOC:How exactly do they know where the Temple is again? I didn't think it had been discovered yet...IC:Miha"Alright, we'll meet you three at the Po-Koro shelter." Miha to the other three members. "Alright, to the Creation Temple!" She followed Havon for a few seconds, then spoke up again. "How do you firespitters and rock-heads take this arid heat anyways?"

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC:Lojak sighed, looked deep into his glass and turned it over trying to drink. Nothing fell from it into his mouth. LoJak sighed again. He'd blanked out for a minute there. Too busy thinking about nothing to focus on what was around him. That, or drunk. Hopefully the former, although that probably wasnt the case. He turned his head towards the sky and groaned. How had things gotten so bad! Then he rememberd he was inside a pub, so technically he was looking at the ceiling, and felt rather stupid. Or drunk. He groaned again.Not too long ago he'd been fighting with other Toa, helping to defeat evil infect Rahi alongside heroes such as Merror. At some point he'd gotten seperated from the fighters, and became helplessly lost in the tunnels beneath the Island of Mata-Nui. He had wandered for days without food or water in dark, unable even to use his powers to create light for himself out of fear that Makuta had his minions around. After what seemed like an eternity LoJak emerged from the darkness into the sun-filled land of Po-Wahi, half deluded and starving. He'd happened upon a barkeep, who invited him to stay at a pub he owned for a few days. LoJak had been there for over a month already.He wondered how he'd ended up in such a sorry state, drunkard in Po-Wahi. He knew the answer, of course. Makuta. Makuta truly was the root of all evil, at least on Mata-Nui. It was he that had killed the Toa Mata, he that had unleashed the Infected Masks on the Rahi and it was he that felled Mata-Nui, guardian Spirit of the island. LoJak would stop him. Yes, he decided, he would march right on up to Kini-Nui and put an end to Makuta. He withdrew his sword and raised it to the air and stood up. Suddenly his legs wobbled and the bar seemed to be shaking. Then, before he could block, the floor rose up and hit him square in the face, knocking him unconscious.He awoke on the floor, his sword beside him. Okay, he thought, first I'll process that poison they call wine here, then I'll go save the Island. And hey, at least I'm not hungover. His sword was dropped beside him, clanging on the floor. His world exploded in pain and white lights, every artery pulsing and ready to burst . He crumpled into a ball, not knowing what else to do. "And careful with that sword of yours" the barkeep said after having returned the blade to LoJak. "Nobody in your condition should be holding something as sharp as that.""Make it stop" LoJak whimpered, holding his ears. "Make the sounds stop" he begged to no one in particular. Ok, he thought after the pain subsided a little, so maybe I am a little hungover.ooc: Interaction anyone? Katuko maybe?

Edited by Toa Fanixe

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: SuchiaSuchia looked admirably at the various assortment of travel-wear for those constantly on the move. Everything from sunglasses for those wandering around Po-Wahi to folding fans to keep a cool air blowing for anybody in Ta-Wahi, goggles for the high-fliers in Le-Wahi and a rather pleasant range of earmuffs to keep the cool away from those in Ko-Wahi. Suchia tilted her head in interest at the sight of the latter. The others looked tacky and were clearly just being sold to the gullible who would think those might actually work or not break within a few seconds of usage. But the earmuffs at least looked nice, especially a rather thick, glittering blue pair that reminded Suchia of the gentle roll of the ocean. Shelling out a few widgets, she cheerfully purchased the earmuffs and placed them on her head, ignoring how daft she might look and instead focusing on how comfortable they felt on either side of her mask.OOC: Itbegins.jpg


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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OOC: Well, Havon doesn't know exactly where it is, but he knows the best place to look would be the Po-Koro Ruins, which has the entrance to the temple...actually I believe it's located very close or even in Po-koro. Well, at any rate, we're gonna attempt to find it, and I'm gonna pm Nuju and tell him what we're doing and see what he says.IC: Havon - Po-Wahi Desert -"Well, we Fire types have a natural resistance to heat...as for the rock-heads, you'd have to ask them." Havon said rather cheerfully as they headed toward Po-koro, cause Havon figured the Temple could be too far off from the koro.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Zauk

IC: Naru"Sure it's not just a heat mirage?" Naru asked, despite seeing the unmistakable silhouettes of the stone statues lining the village entrance herself. "You never know what the desert can do to those that are not used to it. But yeah, I'm just kidding. Lucky me have spent half my time here in this Wahi, and I believe I'm seeing the same things as you."

ooc: Interaction anyone? Katuko maybe?

OOC: Well, sure, though my character is totally hung over as well and probably in a different bar from what I remember. It was technically of closed since the owner was out adventuring and Mita was only let in due to coming there with a friend of the owner. A bottle later and it was the end of the line for that. :P
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IC: Naru

IC: Zauk"You've been here often?" Zauk asked as the Koro got closer and closer. That was another thing that interested him, what the villages were like now, having not traveled around the island recently. Come to think of it, the Toa of Lightning spent most of the last ten years in the Ko-Wahi Drifts. Might explain why he was so uncomfortable around females, although, possibly not.By now, Zauk could make out individual building in the village without the use of the scope on his mask. However, they disappeared behind the walls once they reached the bottom of a dune.



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IC(Algina and Ouorp): Algina kept a steady eye on Po-Koro. If they didn't destroy it, they would at least damage it. Beyond repair? He didn't know. He turned back to the small cave they carved in the rock wall. He heard that the ILS were busy in Le-Koro. This couldn't be any more perfect. He knew all about the ILS, yes he did. If only he could crush them himself, but what could one do against many? Join their ranks. Break them from within, he thought as he crushed a rock in his hands. Yes. Once Po-Koro is.....taken care of.....I'll attend to the ILS...He sat down in the cave and looked at the snoring Toa of Sonics across from him. She'll only be useful for a while....then I can remove her. Makuta only needs one follower.OOC: A slight glance at my future plot lines...... *evil laugh*


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IC:LoJak breathed for a few minutes. Now that he thought about it, the ground wasn't too bad. As long as you're lying on it there's no way you can't fall. He should spend more time on the ground. Here in Po-Wahi there sure was a lot of it, so maybe the Koro wasn't too bad after all. If only they could do something about the alcohol here..LoJak tried to collect his bearings, but the other people in the pub were making far too much noise. Every laugh and yell induced another jolt of pain in LoJak's already hurt head. He decided he had to get out. Carefully - and especially quietly - he grabbed hold of his sword and slid it back in its' sheath. Then he grabbd to nearby stools and pulled himself up. He went too fast and the building swirled, so he slowed and held his head in place with one hand. Finally upright he released his hold of the stools and kept his arms wide for balance. This wasn't too hard, he thought.Gently moving one leg in front of the other he made his way to and out the door. He thanked Mata-Nui that they didnt make squeaky wood floors in Po-Wahi, which would have done a real number on him. He shuddered at the thought of the sound and the pain it would bring. He carefully traipsed away from the bar. Luckily enough there were a number of bars in the area which kept the locals nice and drunk, so not too many people saw LoJak walking like a fool. This place just keeps on getting better and better,he thought. That's when gang of wild hooligans began to approach from down the street behind LoJak. They probably weren't actually troublesome or rowdy, but in LoJak's current state, they might as well have been. They were shouting at each other, and throwing some sort of ball around. All the sound..... it was gonna make his head explode. He had to get away.As quickly as he could, he made his way to the nearest pub he could find, the one he had been in earlier now well ten buildings away and out of reach. He tried not to make any unneccessary movements, but it was rather hard, and he felt like his brain was on fire. LoJak walked up to a pub door. He swung his arm towards it, but froze an inch before. Thinking better of it, he lightly knocked on the door. No point in killing himself, not now. He'd just began to like the Koro."Let me in" he whispered. Raising his voice to a normal level, he continued "Please save me!" He swooned and nearly fell over. He caught himself on the doorpost. He saw the gang getting closer. He prayed someone had heard him.ooc: Katuko, think you can help now? Toa of sonics have good hearing don't they?

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Zauk

IC: Naru"Sure. I've practiced my element in the desert countless times. There so much heat here that I don't have to worry about running out, and nobody cares if I melt some sand. Like this."Naru pointed her palm at a random angle away from the road and let loose with her plasma power. The air fizzled as it spontaneously ionized and a staggering amount of heat energy was set in motion. Just a second later, Naru stopped, and absorbed some of the residual heat from the sand again. What was left was an uneven sheet of glass, courtesy of swiftly melted and then cooled sand."The Po-Matoran told me to train in the desert after I tried that little trick in the middle of town. But still, Po-Koro's where I've spent most of my time. Ta-Koro is nice as well, but it's so full of ash and smoke everywhere. I prefer the sunlight, personally."

ooc: Katuko, think you can help now? Toa of sonics have good hearing don't they?

OOC: Oh, I'm going to, but Mita actually has a headset of sorts permanently attached to her mask; which protects her from loud noises and makes her kinda bad at hearing. :lol:IC: Mita"Whu-what? Who's there?" Mita crawled over to the door, with some effort. Her head was still aching. "I... I'd really not want to get involved in any fights or anything right now. Preferably never, but you know how it is..."
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IC: He had been noticed. Time to move in for the kill, then. "RAAAAH!" He jumped out, kicked the Ta-Matoran into unconsciousness--and a brick wall, then pulled out his flame cannon. "I AM..." He cocked it and gave it access to his innate powers, like Hakann and Thok's weapons, then fired at Potaku and Treize with a sweeping motion. "GALVATROTH."OOC: As I'm sure you've guessed, Hubert, he's a bit bigger than "Optimus." His body structure should also somewhat be reminiscent of the Transformer expy chars that Treize has been running into one after another, which I'm sure an observant eye would notice.


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IC: Potaku dove to the side to avoid the blast. He then got up and activated his mask. He charged at the Skakdi, swinging his club.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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