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The First Toa Team Project


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[uPDATE] Setek ready to leave his enemies in the dust!


Welcome one and all. Since 2007 I always wondered what Toa Lesovikk's Team would look like alive and well. It puzzled me that the first toa team EVER didn't get much backstory let alone design fleshed out. Just killed off without a second thought and left on the backburner. When Greg Farshtey spilled about just what the Red Star was, it further inspired me to recreate the Toa who could have easily been reintroduced in Pohatu and Kopaka's current dilemma in the still unfinished story serial.


Here is my take on how the members of Lesovikk's team appeared before their tragic deaths.


The First Toa Team (Toa Rukai) consisted of (Excluding Lesovikk and Nikila) :


A Toa of Water

A Toa of Stone

A Toa of Fire

A Toa of Sonics

A Toa of Iron

A Toa of Gravity


6 members nameless and unidentifiable in any way other than element. Devoid of personality. How sad.


I'll be posting their concepts here for you all to see. I'll be providing new work later on with character bios and other goodies.



Finished Art/Bios:


"If you're not quick enough to catch me, then you've already lost me."
Name: Setek
Element: Sonics

Toa Tool of Choice: Dual Chakram

Kanohi: Great Kakama, Mask of Speed

Background: A powerful wind whizzed by several matoran as they carried about their duties. This sort of thing is normal. It's even more normal when a huge crash is followed by the end once it passes through the village of Le-Doku. A huff of breath sputtered from the smoke as de-matoran Setek wafted away the fumes to check to see if everything was in place, sighing in relief when he found himself in one piece other than a few scuffs. The matoran was daring, seeking the thrill of speeds far beyond the senses of any matoran that took to land, sea or sky and he was willing to risk it all if he had to. This baffled many of the go-getting, party animal le-matoran of the village who'd rather chill and play some music or wind-fly with the breeze. Yet his stunts always seemed to attract a crowd; and Setek loved attention whenever he could find it. Unfortunately his once brand-new vehicle is totalled and he has no widgets to order another for production. The de-matoran's reputation amongst the mechanics was foul at best: None wanted theirs to be the next scrapheap hauled off to Karzahni by Turaga Imaluni; and Setek didn't want to be around when the grumpy old fart shows up.

Aside from this, it is just another day for the vehicle tester. Were he not outfitted the special sound-mufflers his old friend Gaero fixed up for him he would have been in agony. His job is noisy work, which was strange to the locals who are aware of a de-matoran's sensitive hearing. As he swaggered back toward the garage, he looked over the edge of the bridge and spotted another vehicle speeding below and heading for a group of merchants. When he noticed the driver had been knocked unconscious, his eyes darted toward the ledge and ended up focused on the vehicle. Timing himself, the lithe matoran ran as fast as his small legs could carry him, leaping over the rails and descending to what the ongoing spectators believed to be Setek's doom. Fortune smiled upon the lad as he landed feet-first onto the speeding transport hovering several feet above ground. Clinging to the roof for dear life, he mustered enough courage to pull himself over to the cab, slipping in through the window and slamming down on the air-brakes while drifting and braced for death. A loud crash soon followed, he felt his body aching all over and being pulled out from the wreckage. Regaining his bearings, he is quick to discover that he could not ask about the matoran, let alone speak without pain shooting into his throat and being treated to the sound of silence. His vocal chords were damaged in the crash, leaving Setek broken and mute. Once he was taken to a proper medical facitily, he was paid a special visit: Toa Lesovikk appeared at his bedside, a toa stone glowing ominously in his hand as he approached the wounded matoran.  "I am greatly saddened about your accident and that I could not be there to stop it. Please Setek, take this. This village needs more courageous heroes like you." the emerald Toa smiled small, but warmly. Setek blinked, not knowing how to react until his eyes fell upon the glowing stone. It all happened so fast... what more of a perfect opportunity?

Abilities: Setek can create and control sound. His toa tool ability to use his chakram as sound amplifiers gives him an edge in effective crowd control. Lithe in structure, Setek is the most agile and acrobatic of the Toa Rukai. While he isn't as durable as the others he makes up for it in speed, reflexes and a touch of luck. His Great Kakama increases his speed to epic proportions, giving a whole other term of "being faster than the speed of sound".  He has a unique abilitiy to form a 'voice' from various sounds in the environment, be it beating drums, voices of other folk or even the rush of wind. He has picked up sign language since then and uses it as his base method of communication. Forming a voice from sound drains him so it is only used as an emergency tactic.

Personality: Reckless, cocky and the energy of an attention/thrill seeking le-matoran. Setek knows he stands out and he loves every minute of it. His courage and forward-thinking can lead him into more trouble than its worth, even if his intentions were good at heart. He fears that one day his luck will run out on him or that the rest of his team would forget or even abandon him if he doesn't throw his weight; something he would never show or tell the others about. He considers himself the most sane of the Toa Rukai, often pointing out things members like Roak would miss or try his hardest to get the others attention despite him being mute. His inability to speak is something he is very sensitive about and would really prefer it Danma didn't poke fun. 


The fourth member has been revealed! Thank you all for your patience. I really hope he was worth the wait. ^^ 

Bionicle © LEGO

Setek © me

 "A great disaster is coming... I don't know when, but we must act fast."


"You will learn RESPECT!"


Name: Waive
Element: Water
Toa Tool of Choice: Bladed Aqua Fans
Kanohi: Great Karahn, Mask of Knowledge
Waive was a simple fisher on the ports of Dokuso Island. The best of the best, she caught fish of all shapes and sizes and in her spare time travelled to Ga-Doku's libraries in the pursuit of knowledge. One day she came across a toa stone, given to her by Toa Lesovikk who was in search for a bright young Ga-Matoran he met in a dream. Taking notice of her, Lesovikk kneels and hands her the stone. It transforms young Waive into a grown woman in the blink of an eye. Marveled at the new found information, she soon realized her mask had evolved as well; she was able to acquire information at any point in time should she lay her eyes on it. At this point she was inducted into the First Toa Team, acting as the team's source of information and co-powerhouse. 
Like any other Toa of Water she can create, control, and absorb water. Her big size enables her to channel and absorb more elemental energy than most Toa of Water. She uses her Bladed Aqua Fans to channel her powers.
Her Kanohi Kahran is able to gather any information on people, places or things she lays her eyes on. She can learn the various substances say rocks or rahi she's never seen and the mask will project the knowledge so she will it. She can only acquire surface knowledge (Ex. She cannot know what you've done in your past life if it wasn't documented at the time of the Kahran's creation.). However should the the mask be heavily damaged or removed she will lose all knowledge acquired over time with the mask's use and suffer limited amnesia up to the point of removal. This limits her in switching kanohi at moment's notice unless she willingly removes it herself.
Waive is sometimes the target of fat jokes (this is not the case, she's only big in frame.) and her self-esteem isn't as strong as the other members of her team but they all respect her for her selfless and motherly demeanor; Especially Roak. She is essentially a very nice girl and loves teaching her Ga-Matoran sisters who frequent the city's schools but is very short with troublemakers. Her initial appearance gives people a calming aura, but anger her and you will soon see the epitome of a raging tidal wave. She is also very articulate with her words, choosing to say them clearly. When no one is around she would sing songs she learned as a matoran on the hills just outside of town under the night sky and would often times fall asleep there. Waive has an incurable fear of claustrophobia, getting dizzy or light-headed in enclosed spaces (her size doesn't help either in some cases); because of this she doesn't stay in her hut for too long.
Bionicle © LEGO
Waive © Me









"Strength is not a weapon, but a responsibility. Use it wisely."


Name: Roak
Element: Stone
Toa Tool of Choice: Great Mining Pick
Kanohi: Great Hau, Mask of Shielding
Background: In the mining city of Po-Doku, Roak was always different from other Po-Matoran. He was short, precocious and possessed an abnormal strength for one his size. Unfortunately for him he knew not of how to control his strength, often cracking boulders in his hands or bending his protosteel carving tools; it terrified the matoran who worked around him. This lead to the young man being ostracized by his brethren, sending him off into the seclusion of his hut. For days he would be in there, his only friend was a ga-matoran named Waive who would frequently pay him visits to tutor him and keep him up to speed with what was going on outside his home. After what seemed like months, he finally mustered up the courage to go back out into the village, trying to keep his strength at bay. While working in the mines, he accidentally struck the stone with too much force, causing a cave-in; one of the matoran would have been crushed had Roak not caught the massive boulders on his shoulders. 
Toa Lesovikk, who had been following the messages from his dreams bared witness to Roak's display of heroism and might. Stepping over to the young matoran, he asked him if he would want to be able to use his strength for the good of his village. While initially nervous and astounded at the offer, he felt taking on the responsibility of a Toa could help him make a better name for himself and finally have the ability to control his strength. The next day he stood before his once terrified people as the new Toa of Stone, ready to take on any challenge that comes his way. 
Abilities: Roak can create and manipulate Stone. There's also the herculean strength he has for as long as he can remember. His thick body is hard to crack and can take many hits before going down. His years of mining in the Po-Doku caves enhances his ability to see the soft spots in the walls and various other rocky structures; able to bring them down in one strike. 
His Great Hau can create a shield barrier around his body. It's perfect in a one on one battle but useless in an ambush as the constant attacks can overload it and give him a massive headache.
Personality: While initially a boy lacking in self-confidence, his years spent as a Toa of Stone made him more at peace with himself. When he eventually figured out how to control his strength he became wiser (also thanks to Waive's teachings when not on duty), he made it his motto knowing that strength is a tool that must be used with caution. His newly acquired confidence and machismo has made him a tiny bit cocky, despite this he usually maintains a cool attitude compared to most Toa of Stone. If offered to sit down and talk he will do so, he may even tell a story or two of his adventures if he really likes you.  He is sensitive about his height however, so it's best not to mention that he's just under your chin if not lower. He sees Toa Danma as a brother; relating with his own experiences of being the outcast and is usually the only person the Toa of Gravity can confide in him, making them close enough to be considered brothers. His affections are pulled towards Toa Waive, though on his end they may seem one-sided; this isn't the case however as Waive is fond of him as well but chooses to keep their relationship professional even if he doesn't know it.
Bionicle © Lego
Roak © Me







"As long as you're in my sights, no one can ever dream of hurting you."



Name: Ideno


Element: Fire


Toa Tool of Choice:  The Power Launcher


Kanohi: Great Kaulsi, Mask of Fast-Travel



Background: As a matoran, Ideno served his bretheren of fire as a sniper for the Ta-Doku Guard. After 100 years of a long campaign he started to feel tense about the disk launcher he used so frequently. Something felt off no matter how many times he readjusted the aim or rebalanced the disks. His affiliation for weapons; particularily Disk Launchers is unmatched and is always visited by his comrades for maintenance and advice. One day his old friend Gyro showed up for a favor along with schematics for a new weapon: A staff that could fire great disks. Ideno accepted without hesitation and immediately got to work with the lanky iron matoran, toiling over the smithery and experimenting with several builds until he reached his goal. There stood a staff far taller than he was; build from the strongest polymers and protosteel he could scavenge from Gyro's work desk and spare parts from his own launcher. Gyro grinned along with the fire matoran, happy about their new invention. Now they just had to test it.


Before Ideno could touch it however there was a blast coming from the outer gates. He stormed toward the gate to find the breach: a small pack of kikanalo were enraged and ramming their powerful horns against the stone walls of the village. Thinking quickly, Ideno ran back to the room and nabbed the newly made Power Launcher, hilting it on the crease of the balcony before taking aim; using his body as a balance to keep the large weapon steady before firing the Shrink disk off at the pack. In a flash the mighty kikanalo were no smaller than hoi turtles, scurrying away when they became aware of their new gigantic surroundings. Ideno breathed a sigh of relief, sitting down to wipe the sweat beading from his forehead. A shadow loomed over him; his eyes meeting green armoured legs and realizing it was Toa Lesovikk who was staring down at him with a proud smile on his face. "That was quite a shot." the toa said. Ideno was utterly speechless. "Perhaps you'll be more spot on with this." he continued before handing the ta matoran sniper a glowing red Toa stone. Ideno had no time to respond as the Toa had already vanished with the wind. He smiled to himself as his eyes were drawn back to his new found weapon; his hands shaking with excitement and heartlight pumping.


Abilities: Ideno can create and control Fire. He has the unique ability to heat up the molecules in his body to become hot to the touch. His years serving in the Ta Doku guard has sharpened his reflexes and has near pin-point accuracy with his disk launchers. His Great Kaulsi allows Ideno to teleport to whatever is in his field of vision. He could teleport to other places not seen with the help of a kanohi Suletu wearer but is considered too risky and has never been performed.


Personality: Ideno is confident and outgoing. However his years as a Ta Doku Sniper gave him a bad case of paranoia, leaving him a jittery mess whenever the situation is high profile and tries to calm himself down with an old folk song. With the time for action comes forth however he switches to an entirely different persona; a cool-headed tactical strategist who chooses to keep his distance and plan things ahead. While Nikila excels at thinking on her feet, Ideno plans in advance; deducing every situation before acting on any variables his mind projects. He is marvelled at weapons of various shapes and sizes and talks about them often. His confident demeanor earns him respect among his colleagues but paints a target on Lesvikk's back for who the true leader of the Toa Rukai should be. The Toa of Fire is a firm believer that Lesovikk can lead the team through thick and thin, forming a brotherly bond with him in his time before serving the guard. He waves away the ones who tell him otherwise and like any proud sniper, has his comrade's backs. His loyalty is as fierce as his inner flame that burns for his people, and if anyone should come between that; they will know the real reason you don't play with fire.



Ideno © Me


Bionicle © LEGO








Concept Work:







Waive, Toa of Water (WAY-EV)


The first concept for the First Toa Team. Waive is a big, curvy woman who serves as the team's scholar and powerhouse (didn't see that coming eh?).

Waive introduces a new bodytype I have been practicing with. She's very wide in the hips and quite curvy. While I wouldn't say she's "fat", she is a big, bulky girl and she's proud of it. Waive stands just a little taller than Nikila in comparison (I will show this later in proper scale). I'm very proud with how this turned out because I really wanted to further widen my range of female structures. She also has webbed feet for swimming.
What mask is that you ask? The newly created Mask of Knowledge or "Tapu". The user will be able to attain and retain knowledge passed to them in any given form. This can greatly increase a toa's skill in adapting to new environments or when recalling prior history in the event information is needed. However, should the mask be removed the Toa will lose the information used through its power and will not be able to recall. 
She is also unique in using bladed fans as a toa tool. With this tool she is able to channel her water power with more effectiveness in 'splash damage' than any normal toa of water. She can also use them as impromptu fins when underwater for a speedy getaway (or underwater brawl.)



Stone, Fire, Sonics




Roak, Toa of Stone [ROH-EK]:
Roak takes on another body type: Hunched, burly and short, he can pound the pavement easily despite his small stature. When I think Toa of Stone I think a big guy, but that doesn't necessarily mean height. Pohatu is a good example of this.
He sports the Kanohi Hau, but you already knew that. Great for protecting from the front... not so much from all sides.
His Toa Tool is a large mining pick-axe. Excellent weapon for sweeping enemies off their feet or using the environment to his advantage. Examples are it gives him an edge in scaling mountains or other rocky/icy surface or when he needs to use a railing for transport. With his immense strength, Roak can topple cliffs if he strike the right spot with it and can easily clear the path for his comrades.  
Fun Fact: "Roak" translates to "Rock" in the matoran language.
Ideno, Toa of Fire [EE-DEN-OH]:
Ideno has an average body type but his armour is more fire-themed than most Toa of Fire. But this isn't what he's unique in.
The rare Kanohi Kaulsi, mask of Fast-Travel. Ideno is limited to teleport wherever he can see and he can only do this himself or when carrying objects. He CAN combine his ability with a Suletu user to travel to an unseen area but it is risky.
Finally, the Toa Tool you did not expect to make a return: The DISK LAUNCHER! Ideno has modified his disk launcher with a staff of fire his deceased mentor used as a matoran. The launcher can be used as a blunt weapon or spear with the staff in place and it provides a good form of channeling his fire. Like Vakama, he can use any sort of disks on his person or stumbles across and can combine disks to maximize effectiveness. Ideno is a technical fighter and prefers to use his head instead of rushing into a fight. This is why I chose this tool.
Fun Fact: Few Toa use the Disc Launcher as a Toa Tool.
Setek, Toa of Sonics [sE-TEK]:
Setek provides another uncommon body-type of mine: The lithe male. His body is streamlined and gives him more of an edge in agility against friend and foe alike. His armour protrusions take on the look of "sound waves". However, the ends on his shoulders are used to identify sounds should any be made nearby, acting as a sonar. 
With the famous Great Mask of Speed, Setek is able to move at speeds quicker than the eye can see. Not to be confused with Quick-Travel which makes the user intangible on teleportation, Setek is tangible in all forms and needs to be aware of his surroundings and moves slower than a Quick-Travel user.
Setek uses chakram as his toa tools when dealing with enemies. He can use them to amplify his sounds as well as alter their projections when used in a certain way. They're identified as bladed rings  that Setek can use with deadly accuracy and fluid motion. 
Fun fact: Setek's Kakama enforces his "Faster than the speed of sound" moniker.
Pay no mind to the [ ] drawn toa heads, those have nothing to do with Gaero. Poor Gaero had to share his design with some stupid blurbs in my sketchbook. Anyway...
I couldn't pinpoint a good mask for him so I gave him Waive's as a subtitute (even though the aforementioned design was for Gaero's original mask called the Dalaxia, Mask of Multi-Vision.)
HOWEVER, I created a substitute for this kanohi which can be seen next to his fullbody form. A more in-detailed sketch is on the next submission which I will point out in the comments.
Gaero Toa of Iron [GUY-ROH]:
His body is tall, thin, strong and stretched like a laffy-taffy. Gaero's body is built to withstand punishment with durable armour and allows him to use various power equipment no normal toa can use. He towers over his teammates in comparison. 
He wears the previously mentioned Mask of Multi-Vision or "Dalaxa". With this, Gaero can cycle through various forms of sighting abilities (Gamma, Heat, Cold and Nightvision). Custom made for him and him only. He fused two kanohi and two disks to create it. Here is a brief run through: 
- Gamma is essentially the power of an Great Akaku, X-Ray, which sees through objects.
- Heat gives him the ability to spot heat signatures from opponents, objects and environments.
- Cold operates the same way, used to detect enemies who can hide their heat signature.
- Night is essentially the power of a Great Ruru, Nightvision, which he can see in the dark with.
Gaero's Toa tool is a jackhammer (not seen). A heavy piece of power equipment that he can use to channel his iron element. With this tool, Gaero can combine the sounds with Setek to create massive reverb against enemies (Wub wub wub wub wub wub). Can also be used to break into objects (or armour) too tough for Roak's pick.
The Jackhammer can be seen in the link above. It's on the very bottom of the page. Gaero's Dalaxa is the mask on the top-right of the page.
Toa Danma, Toa of Gravity [DON-MAH]
Body of a fighter, something you usually see in the gallery. Though it's not every day you see a Toa of Gravity. 
Went through several kanohi changes, settling with the non-organic Kanohi Kadin, Mask of Flight. Danma can sore through the air like a Gukko bird on speed. Its appearance really suits his rebellious image and yes, he is missing an eye. Mask may be subject to change.
His Toa Tool is a gravity-mallet (NOT MJONIR) and is able to extend into a sledgehammer when needed. Used to channel Danma's fierce gravity powers, he can make the hammer light as a feather or make it strike you with enough force akin to being hit by a subway train.
Welp, there you have it. 6 concepts of the Toa. Finished, detailed work will be provided soon enough, hope you enjoy it for now! The new designs will come in the same order. Feel free to give input, it's sorely needed and can be of great help towards their overall look!
Artwork © Faybos (Me)
Bionicle © Lego
Edited by Faybos
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I really liked how you went for different body types with the toa. It's something you don't see very often.


The names seem a little too...englishy, however.

Edited by Yukiko
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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif zTCqe.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

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Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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I really liked how you went for different body types with the toa. It's something you don't see very often.


The names seem a little too...englishy, however.


Thanks! Diversity is a must when constructing a team. I tend to avoid cookie-cutter body types.


Well, with Waive and Roak I'll give you that much on english-y names. But Ideno, Gaero, Setek and Danma certainly do not. However, when you pronounce Roak the way I labeled it, it sounds far from english-y.

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These sketched concepts has some potential! I like how it is turning out from the way it looks, and I can't wait to see the finished final pieces if you plan on doing them. How long do you think you it will take before you get to the final stages?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking forward to the future progress and completion of this project. Your style is clean despite being able to cram details into the images. I wasn't too sure the first time I clicked here and saw Waive's rough sketch, but you tidied her up very nicely and she is portrayed in a great pose.

Edited by Torran
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I really like the ideas you have here. On the names I'm kind of half-and-half. Roak and Waive seem a bit too english-y for me too, but Setek and Ideno I think sound pretty nice, for example.


Also, Toa Disk Launcher; YES, ALL OF THE YES. I've got my own character who uses one too, good to see others also like this idea.


I really like Ideno's combined Staff/Disk Launcher, it's a neat concept and it looks pretty darn cool.


Waive looks very good, you pulled off the, ahem, "Roundy" female look pretty well.


I like the concepts you have for the other ones, especially Ideno, Setek and Gaero. I'm not totally sold on Danma, though, maybe once you get a better sketch.


I actually like the goggles on Gaeros Kanohi, it looks like engineer's goggles, it fits.


Setek looks like something out of The Jetsons with this armor protrusions :P


Seriously, though, I like it, especially the choice of weapon.


This is some really nice work, looking forward to see what becomes of it in the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like the ideas you have here. On the names I'm kind of half-and-half. Roak and Waive seem a bit too english-y for me too, but Setek and Ideno I think sound pretty nice, for example.


Also, Toa Disk Launcher; YES, ALL OF THE YES. I've got my own character who uses one too, good to see others also like this idea.


I really like Ideno's combined Staff/Disk Launcher, it's a neat concept and it looks pretty darn cool.


Waive looks very good, you pulled off the, ahem, "Roundy" female look pretty well.


I like the concepts you have for the other ones, especially Ideno, Setek and Gaero. I'm not totally sold on Danma, though, maybe once you get a better sketch.


I actually like the goggles on Gaeros Kanohi, it looks like engineer's goggles, it fits.


Setek looks like something out of The Jetsons with this armor protrusions :P


Seriously, though, I like it, especially the choice of weapon.


This is some really nice work, looking forward to see what becomes of it in the future.


I realize Waive may need a name change but I'm quite comfortable with it at the moment. Yes, the disk launcher is often viewed as a useless or otherwise unneeded tool as I've picked up from several people who have created toa for the past decade. Taking this into account I intend to bring this tool back and show just how cool and useful it can be in the right hands, glad you think the same way.


Danma... he's what you'd call an alpha sketch compared to the others. I have some reworking to do.


I must say I agree, that mask is a keeper.


And more will come in due time. Toa Roak is just around the corner.



Looking forward to the future progress and completion of this project. Your style is clean despite being able to cram details into the images. I wasn't too sure the first time I clicked here and saw Waive's rough sketch, but you tidied her up very nicely and she is portrayed in a great pose.


It's what I do! I admit it wasn't a good idea to just pop in the beginning process but I figured it'd be smart to show just what I have in mind for Lesovikk's Team. It was intended that people could step in and give any ideas or suggestions on what could be used in the design. Sadly it backfired quite horribly. Further characters will be released in the same format as Waive. It may take some time but I aim to finish this project.

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Loving Roak's armor, all the stoney studs coming out really gives him a lot of character rather than the smooth shell plating as in the rough draft. Also noticed you included the Mata head peak behind his Hau, that's an interesting feature.

Looks like he could take on a herd of Kikanalo all by himself. :P


Glad it all meshes together nicely. Yes, I made it very, very clear that the roughs do not represent the final drawing as there will be a number of changes.


Oh yes, Roak is one of the mightiest, unfortunately even his strength could not overpower the Zyglak Horde.


I have a WIP of Ideno as the next toa coming up. If you or anyone else has a suggestion, feel free to let me know. ^_^

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  • 4 weeks later...

Viewer input's been encouraged since Day 1, it's my fault for not making it clear beforehand so don't worry. Ideno is nearly finished.


Head, armour, and launcher studies are complete so his final is just around the corner. The trick is locking his pose in on an 8.5 x 11 paper with his staff. I'd shrink him down but it will affect his detail. I'm still working to get a compromise but if all else fails I'll crank out a bigger paper.


Here's a refurbished prototype, as you can see there are quite a few differences in his design:




The second one is more ideal, absolutely fits his backstory (which I will supply when finished of course.) The only problem is getting his staff to fit onto the page when drawn in the final. Of course, I could change the pose if there are better approaches. That Kaulsi will be the hardest part, as well as the launcher but I can't wait to final finish him.


"Ideno, as a matoran, was a sniper for the Ta-Doku guard. A charismatic man who's pride is as big as his heart, and he shows it. Patience is his virtue... but doesn't qualm his paranoia due to the pressure his teammates put on him. However, his views on fighting are quite skewed- he doesn't believe in close-quarters combat and prefers to keep his distance and plan things out." - Just a piece of his background. Will be reworded later but this is essentially part of him.

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  • 5 weeks later...

You know that actually makes sense. Now that I'm done with college, I'll see what I can do.


In the meantime, here's a gift to you all who are still following the project:






Ideno's mask and armour. Tell me he isn't on fire.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

UPDATE: Toa Ideno has entered the ambush! This Ta-Doku sniper is packing heat, ready to take on the horrors of the Zyglak horde.




Hope you all enjoy! I know it's been awhile but I wanted to get this just right. Thanks to all of you who continue to follow the project and I hope to complete this project before the summer ends.


Next on the list: the Toa of Sonics, Setek.

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  • 1 month later...

UPDATE: Setek is well on his way. Worked up the initial sketch for the pose and working on a study for how his armour and face will look Chakram included! I have nothing to show right now but I assure you, he will show up soon enough. 

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You sir have a fine art style, your clean lines and geometry are quite pleasing to the eye. I'd also like to say it's rather nice to see something aside from sprites and humanized drawings on this forum. I enjoy your anatomy as well, it adds a layer of personality to your characters.


Keep it up. -Zee

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~The City of Legends.~



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  • 2 weeks later...

You sir have a fine art style, your clean lines and geometry are quite pleasing to the eye. I'd also like to say it's rather nice to see something aside from sprites and humanized drawings on this forum. I enjoy your anatomy as well, it adds a layer of personality to your characters.


Keep it up. -Zee

Haha I don't hear that too often. I'm glad it's interesting, it gives me hope that people will actually consider these characters solid placements for a long forgotten team. 

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Looking great! He has a very nice, smooth aesthetic. The only criticism I've got is the mask. With all the smooth, rounded corners through the rest of the armor, the sharp, "streamlined" look of the Kakama doesn't fit. Also, I love the little borders on the legs such as the one right below the hip joint. You should put more of those in. :)


This is a great project and I haven't posted enough praise yet. Your style is very organic, yet with just the right details to make it feel like something from the Bionicle universe. I love the character each design has with your unique body types and armor detailing. The poses are chosen very well and they look fluid, which is always something hard to do. I wish I had half the skills in characterization that you do.


By the way, are you planning on coloring these at some point?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for the feedback! As I've said before, it's really appreciated that I'm hearing what the community thinks about the designs.


I'm afraid Setek won't be showing up for a bit. I've come under some hard times recently but I am trying to finish it when I can. Unfortunately my heart and mind are currently in a state of disarray.


I ask that you don't give up on this, I do want to finish it. and I will.



I'm going to take up questions about the project if anyone has any. Ask anything and I will answer to the best of my ability.





Edit: Double post merged.


Edited by -Windrider-
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  • 2 weeks later...

Due to the recent unveiling of the name of the First Toa Team, I'm going to remove the placeholder name "Doku"  in place of a name I and a few others feel is more fitting for this awesome team.


The First Toa Team will now aptly be named "The Toa Rukai" which translates to "The Toa Team" 


Credit to Out-of-gloom for the help in providing a more solid name.


Yes, I'm aware they are called "The Toa Cordak (Translated to Desolation)" now but I refuse to believe any matoran would shame heroes that put their lives at risk (and eventually lose them) with such a demeaning term. If anything, "Rukai" would be the original name of the team before the startling relabel to "Cordak".


This Toa Team was the first to show unity between a group of heroes with the same ideals and encouraged other toa to do the same, that is why they are important. 


Thank you all for staying with me thus far. It won't be long now before I bring the aforementioned Setek, Toa of Sonics. He is nearly complete.

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  • 1 month later...

UPDATE 2015! 


Hello all who still tune into the topic each day to check for updates. If any have followed me on tumblr they will know of the recent teaser for Setek's Final. I know how much this dragged out because of certain issues in my life that took me for a spin. Artwork was postponed and it hurt me every day to know that I still did not have a finished piece to show you guys. Not anymore. I'm back and ready to finish what I started and I hope you all still believe in this project as much as I do.


So as a thank you and reassurance that I'm seeing this through to the end, here is the FINAL WIP for Setek's final. It's the least I could do.



Excuse the size. Heh.


Setek is just around the corner. Keep your fingers crossed, I know I am.

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Wow! A lot of time and effort put into these, with great story presence and personalities. I personally really love the almost Miramax trilogy-style you used for them - it looks great! The armour is richly detailed and the more organic components really add to these Toa's appearance and characterization. I love the masks in general. The eyes are super expressive and the adaptation of many of these iconic Kanohi look really really cool. Can't wait to see more!




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Let's start off Gaero's introduction with his original concept art, just to refresh the memories of previous followers and to the new who have overlooked it before.









His mask is the top left, I took care to scribble the alternate mask in the former picture. Here is also a rare proto of his jackhammer (which will be getting an absolute overhaul.)


Suggestions? Come now don't be shy, I love getting feedback and it really helps with the process. (I intend to have Gaero finished well before I did with Setek.)




Wow! A lot of time and effort put into these, with great story presence and personalities. I personally really love the almost Miramax trilogy-style you used for them - it looks great! The armour is richly detailed and the more organic components really add to these Toa's appearance and characterization. I love the masks in general. The eyes are super expressive and the adaptation of many of these iconic Kanohi look really really cool. Can't wait to see more!








Glad the style, personality and stories are working out so well for Lesovikk's Team. Who might be your favourite member thus far? (and this question goes out to any and all who view this thread!)

Edited by Faybos
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