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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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OOC: Tirus smiled thoughtlessly, really not listening to Tajeh. "Yes, yes you are, son." < Worst possible to say in response to Tajeh's comment.IC: Tirus, Onu-Koro"I wish you luck." Tirus said, picking up his massive warhammer from where it was placed, head-down, next to his chair. With a smooth, fluid movement, he slung it over his shoulders, his hand still resting on the end of the shaft, balancing against the gigantic head. "I'm off to Ta-Koro. I don't know if I've mention it, but I own a forge there." With that explanation still hovering in the air, he began to head towards the door, pulling down the brim of his cap with his free hand.IC: Hajia, Onu-Koro"I would love to hear about them while we eat." Hajia said, relieved that his memory was returning.


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OOC: lolIC: KrellI looked at the Matoran with mild surprise. "Of course, I'm not going to leave you here," I said, picking up the unconscious Toa once again. "Onu-Koro..."It was the only place I had to go right now.IC: Gravity"Might not be much of a story," I said, shrugging, "Its still a bit fragmented, but I'll do my best." Smiling once again, I placed a hand on her shoulder before leaving to find some food. I glanced down both ends of the hallway once I exited the room, looking for someone who worked here. I saw someone, an Onu-Matoran, by the looks of his armor, and walked after the being. A few questions later, and I was directed towards an inn next door.I thanked the Matoran, and left the hospital. Once outside, I was momentarily stunned at the noise around me, the hospital had been dead silent compared to this. Shaking it off, I walked towards the inn.



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IC: ZurianaThe journey to Onu-Koro was quiet; each was buried in their own thoughts. Zuria wanted to ask about the chamber: what happened to you, she wanted to ask, did you have a vision? But she didn't, fearing it was to do with his past, which seemed to be far darker than she had anticipated. All she had wanted was to help some poor amnesiac, and here she was almost dying and stumbling across disturbing laboratories.

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IC: KrellWe walked in silence for a time, our footsteps echoing off the walls. The slightest sounds amplified over and over again. Then I just couldn't take it anymore. "I'm sorry," I said suddenly to the Matoran next to me, "I'm sorry for dragging you into this. Its my problem, not yours."I felt horrible for not thinking of it sooner.



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OOC: Tirus smiled thoughtlessly, really not listening to Tajeh. "Yes, yes you are, son." < Worst possible to say in response to Tajeh's comment.IC: Tirus, Onu-Koro"I wish you luck." Tirus said, picking up his massive warhammer from where it was placed, head-down, next to his chair. With a smooth, fluid movement, he slung it over his shoulders, his hand still resting on the end of the shaft, balancing against the gigantic head. "I'm off to Ta-Koro. I don't know if I've mention it, but I own a forge there." With that explanation still hovering in the air, he began to head towards the door, pulling down the brim of his cap with his free hand.
OOC: Yes, yes that would be.IC(Tajeh): "A forge? You mean before you were a adventuring, hammartime, giant....you were a blacksmith?" To Tajeh, it sounded almost impossible. Making weapons and knowing how to wield them are different things. How strange.


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IC: Ferron"Onu-Koro Highway" Ferron read out loud, looking into the dark and damp cave that would lead him to the underground city.the elding Toa of Iron took a minute to steady himself, before he made his way into the dark caves."Sure hope I won't run into trouble" he mumbled to himself.

Edited by Kopakamidak

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IC: Krell"I don't know... Not yet," I replied, my eye unfocused and distant. Everythin was just... It was too... Ugh... Nothing made sense. Nothing fit together properly, the mask, the note. Someone was watching me. Someone was guiding my movements, discreetly moving me towards somewhere...But where?



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IC: FerronFerron's heavy boots made soft echoes as he continued his trek through the dark caves, the monotony only broken by the occasional noise coming from one of the many side tunnels.His shield was safely strapped to his back, his satchel packed with his hard-earned savings and he was ready to conjure up any melee weapon he could desire, should the situation arise.His only companion in the darkness was the occasional noise he was unable to identify.OOC: You two above me seem to have something interesting going on, could I join in somehow? (better to ask than hint, right?)EDITED

Edited by Kopakamidak

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IC: Tirus, Onu-KoroPausing, Tirus looked over his shoulder at the Ko-Matoran. "Exactly. There's a reason I chose a warhammer as my weapon."OOC: EDITED
OOC: YOU EDITED IT? *gasp of horror*IC(Tajeh):Tajeh stood up from his chair. "I do think there is a difference between a warhammar and a normal hammar."OOC: Edited to add a period.... Edited by thebeggerpie


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IC(Tajeh): Tajeh stepped forward only to fall mask first into the ground. "I swear people on advanced technology in a different universe where we are just a toy line keep on nudging me to the ground to further plot lines in their simple forums games." Tajeh muttered as he lay on the ground just behind Tirus' feet.


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OOC: You two above me seem to have something interesting going on, could I join in somehow? (better to ask than hint, right?)
OOC: Sure, I'd love to have another person within our little plot. If you'd like, Ferron could run into them as they get closer to Onu-Koro. Or, anytime now, seeing as you never know what to expect in these tunnels. :)IC: Krell [Onu-Wahi tunnels]I didn't answer for a long time, prefering to focus on something else, anything else, then the memories that came from that place. Then, I spoke, my voice little more then a rugged whisper. "I saw a note," I said, my voice so low that even the echo was faint, "A note that said: "Good Job"."That was all I wanted to say, but keeping it inside was no way to deal with it. "Zuria... I had a vision... A memory. I did recognise the place. I had been there before. When it was in use," I said to the Matoran, my footsteps growing heavy along the earthen tunnel. My breath became short, and I felt my heartlight flash rapidly as the images returned. I couldn't go any further. It would kill me. I was killing me, slowly, from the inside out. It was my fears. Fears of what I was, what I had done. Suddenly, I caught a glint from the unconscious Toa I was carrying's armor. Briefly, that symbol that I barely recognised before was visiable, and it sparked a quiestion within me.I stopped, and pulled the shoulder armor off with a clawed hand. Extending my arm, I showed the piece of armor to Zuria, the symbol facing her. "This symbol... What does it mean?" I asked, my voice still low.



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OOC: Awesome, I'll take you up on your offer. Right now.IC: FerronFerron was lost, completely and utterly lost. He’d been walking in the darkness far longer than he should.Must’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere” he thought.Ferron kicked a rock lying on the side of the road in frustration; he had no map, or light for that matter.Ferron froze when he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps come from one of the many tunnels leading deeper into the depths of Mt. Ihu. No, wait; multiple footsteps.He turned in the direction of the sound just as the footsteps silenced, only to be replaced by a strange voice that was merely a whisper. Ferron couldn’t make out what the stranger was saying, but judging from the sound of the chatter, it wasn't too far away.Ferron formed a cup with his hands and sent a hollering “HELLOOOOO” into the darkness.OOC: I wonder how Zuriana's going to react :cheesy:

Edited by Kopakamidak

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IC: ZurianaKrell stopped, and pulled the shoulder armour off with a clawed hand. Extending his arm, he showed the piece of armour to Zuria, the symbol facing her. "This symbol... What does it mean?" he asked, his voice still low.Zuria's eyes widened in horror. "That symbol... It's-"“HELLOOOOO!”She whirled around in surprise to see where the voice came from. After a day like this, she wasn't taking any chances. "Who goes there?!" she cried, backing away from the source of the voice. "How long have you been following us?"

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OOC: Kaithas and Co from Ko Wahi.IC: And it's dark. This reminds me of my time under... Where was it? Some kinda coliseum. Good thing my night vision is still intact from then. "I don't like this."IC: Norfan"Never been to Onu Wahi before."OOC:: Norfan from Ga wahi.. Figured it was time to breathe life into her again.

No such thing as destiny.

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IC (Revor):"Take a look at the piece of the map, does it match up with any of the surrounding tunnels?" Revor said, looking at a map of Onu-Wahi. "With our luck, the place could be caved in and flooded, so no one can get there"OOC: He is unknowingly heading towards constructman's character, the one with the other axes. Forgot his name.


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IC(Tajeh):Tajeh stepped forward only to fall mask first into the ground. "I swear people on advanced technology in a different universe where we are just a toy line keep on nudging me to the ground to further plot lines in their simple forums games." Tajeh muttered as he lay on the ground just behind Tirus' feet.
OOC: ...That might be the most ludicrous fourth-wall breaking I've ever seen.IC: Tirus, Onu-KoroTirus paused as heard Tajeh fall face first into the ground. Pausing mid-stride, he grabbed the Matoran's shoulder and lifted him up. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Well, are you almost alright?"


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OOC: Here goes nothing.IC: Ferron (Onu-Wahi tunnels)"How long have you been following us?"The second voice told Ferron two things: 1) he was much closer to the stranger than he thought; 2) there was at least two.Ferron took his precautions, and took the time to spawn a mace in his left hand before he approached the voice.Ferron took some long steps forward, and could finally make out a small silhouette by squinting."I wasn't following you" he said with a reassuring tone "I've been wandering the caves without direction for about an hour.”"As for who I am; the name is Ferron, Toa of Iron"

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IC: ZurianaFerron's words were met with a sigh of relief. "Sorry, I got a bit anxious... We haven't had the greatest day ever, to put it lightly." Zuria took a few steps forward. "My name is Zuriana, and this is Krell." she neglected to mention Krell's memory issues and the unconscious Toa (who was hopefully still unable to be seen under the darkness), partly because she was still slightly suspicious of this newcomer, but mostly due to not wanting more lives to be put at risk.

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IC: Krell [Tunnels]I saw Zuria's eyes grow wide from the symbol, and guessed it wasn't all that good. However, before she could finish, a voice called out fromt he darkness. Immeadiately, I had my dagger out and in my armored fist, while my other hand was held out and pointing into the darkness.A few words were exchanged between Zuria and the voice, before I heard footstops coming closer. Eventually, a powerful looking Toa came into view, his form outlined in the darkness. Zuria seemed to relax, and introduced us after the Toa of Iron had himself. I didn't relax, didn't come closer, staying in the darkness, while black flames curled around my dagger. Mostly because of the large, mace-like shape that I saw in the stranger's hand.Already, I forming a plan to stun or kill the Toa if he proved to be hostile. Hit the lightstone first... Wide burst of my dark fire, blind him... Circle around, get Zuria to safety."Your destination?" I asked, my deep voice filling the confines of the tunnel. I didn't stop forming a plan, constantly changing it as i gathered more informatio of my surroundings and the Toa infront of us.



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OOC: Final post (back-to-back posting had a three-post limit, right?), then I'm going to bed.IC: Ferron"Your destination?"The sudden bark that came from what looked like pure nothingness had a tense undertone to it, one he'd heard countless times before. Plus the fact that his interrogator was practically invisible left little to the imagination should a conflict ensue. Ferron decided to meet his strangers halfway, and absorbed his mace."Onu-Koro, and I'd give a lot for some directions" he replied and threw his arms out, gesturing to the many branching side tunnels, simultaneously making it explicitly clear he was unarmed.OOC: Was that fair? I just felt like Ferron, who's got a number of battles under his belt, would know a thing or two about this stuffI guess I'll find out tomorrow.

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OOC: Back-to-back posting has no limit, however, double-posting in the same topic is not allowed. You're fine and don't have to worry about that, though. :)And as long as the information in a post is something that your characters would know, then its fine to put in a post.IC: Krell [Tunnels]"You need not give us anything," I said to the Fe-Toa, my fingers momentarily tightening around my dagger as I saw him absord the mace-like shape. However, I relaxed somewhat as the Toa held out his arms. Alright... i thought, going over it in my head, Iron... He controls iron, like the lightning earilier and my fire...My mental list of these powers was rapidly expanding, and I wondered if I'd find the end to them. Although he appeared unarmed, if this being had control over Iron, then almost any weapon was at his disposal. Still, I decided to try and trust someone for once, so I banished the flames from my dagger and stepped into the dim light. "For we have the same destination."



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OOC: ...That might be the most ludicrous fourth-wall breaking I've ever seen.IC: Tirus, Onu-KoroTirus paused as heard Tajeh fall face first into the ground. Pausing mid-stride, he grabbed the Matoran's shoulder and lifted him up. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Well, are you almost alright?"
OOC: :PIC(Tajeh):"Maybe. My dignity is intact. I hope. I left it somewhere." Edited by thebeggerpie


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OOC: Starting an in game comedy series.IC: Zharuk, Vhisoli, Dakan, Cosi, and PineasLaughia Episode 2: Absolut Fail*Zharuk walks up to a cabinet*Zharuk: Hey, what are these bottles?*Cosi walks over*Cosi: It's called vodkaZharuk: Ok, but how did they get here?Cosi: Somebody put them thereZharuk: But who?Dakan: I did while you guys were all fooling around with the beerZharuk: That fast? I never saw you.Dakan: Kualsi*Dakan points to his mask, but ends up knocking it off. It flys onto the counter, knocking over one of the vodka bottles, which breaks over Zharuks' head.**Zharuk groans*Zharuk: Could you please be more careful? This isn't some slapstick comedy we're inDakan: Oh, what is it then, a fantasy/sci-fi TBRPG?Zharuk: NO, it's REAL LIFE*Cosi rolls his eyes. He picks up Dakan's mask and hands it back to him**Vhisoli walks over. She picks up a bottle of vodka*Vhisoli: Nice choice Dakan. I've heard that Absolut makes good vodka*Zharuk, Cosi, and Dakan look at her confused. FInally, Dakan realizes what she is talking about*Dakan: Oh yeah, right, the brand. I haven't heard of it before though.Zharuk: Yeah, for a moment I didn't know what you were talking aboutCosi: I've never heard of this brand. Where did you get your info Vhisoli?Vhisoli: From a bunch of Ko-MatoranZharuk: What kind of Ko-Matoran?Vhisoli: Ko-Matoran on the streets*Cosi stares at her*Cosi: I've never known you to be that trusting in random strangers Vhisoli*Vhisoli's hands go up in the air*Vhisoli: Hey! They said they were alcohol critics!*Pineas walks up. He looks at a bottle, opens it, and starts drinking from it*Vhisoli: Hey! You're only supposed to drink that 1.5 mL at a time!*Pineas keeps drinking. Finally, he stops*Pineas: Wow, good stuuuuuuuff...*Pineas flops down on a couch**Zharuk rolls his eyes. He tries to haul Pineas off the couch but fails*Zharuk: You know, sometimes I do think that life is a comedyDakan: Albeit a very bad one. This isn't even funny.OOC: New Episode tomorrow... I hope

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IC (Desilix):After a half hour of searching, he turned to the rest of the group and said "You know, maybe if we turn back and.."He fell scilent.. he heard a voice off in the distance in a house. He heard "I do think life is a comedy". He gestured the rest of his group to be scilent. Was it? Yes, the voice of the Toa of plasma they fought, the one with the axe heads. He wispered to the rest of the group "The axe's are probably in that house over there, and so is that plasma-toa. He is not alone"

Edited by Toa Of Virtues


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OOC: He's in a building, not out in the open. This is verified here, here, and in the post aboveIC: Zharuk"So what now? Are we drinking the vodka?"IC: Vhisoli"I guess you could if you wanted too..." She poured small portion on the vodka into a mixture of peach, cranberry, and pineapple juice. She sipped the drink she had made

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IC: CosiWhile Zharuk and Vhisoli were having a drink, Cosi got up and started twirling his hammer about. Then he sensed something: a disturbance in the magnetic field around them. He started accelerating the speed of his hammer while getting the claws on his other hand into positionIC: DakanMeanwhile, Dakan was trying to wake Pineas up. He started repeatedly hitting him with pillowsIC: MerlaWhile all this was going on, Merla hid behind a side door.

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