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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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I.C. Kotahk looked around akwardly. He was not used to talking to anyone. Well. here goes nothing. "Are any of you toa good bounty hunters?" He asked the inns residents.Two matoran looked up. "What for?" the ta-matoran asked."I'm trying to track down a Vortixx. He's ripped off a Ko-koro artifact. The price I am willing to pay depends on the skills you have to offer."OOC: open for interaction.


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IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ko-Koro Inn):Henkka turned at the voice, surprised. He saw Ussalaius walking towards him. Henkka hardly remembered him. They had not known each other for a very long time."Um, hello", Henkka said, realizing that Ussalaius and Voi might've actually been very close friends. "How are you?"

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I.C. Kotahk (Ko-koro inn) shook with Ardoku. "I'm Kotahk." he stepped back. "I suppose we should head to a safer area. A public inn usually isn't the best place to talk about law business." I.C. Ussalaius (Ko-koro inn)"I'm fine, but... I'm surprised you are still in one piece. The last I saw of you, you were blasted in the air to who knows where."


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I.C. UssalaiusHmm. He must not be himself today. Ussalaius stared at the ceiling. "So is there anything you've been trying to do in particular, such as any quests or adventures, or have you been wandering around?"I.C. Kotahk"My hut is not too far away. When you're finished with your drink, we should start off."


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IC: Naara merely folded her arms and leaned against the side of a hut. She didn't even lift her eyes to meet Rannin's own, staring off into the powdery wastes with half-lidded eyes.Abruptly Knife's grin was present in her face again-that same slitting of the mouth, that same showing of teeth."Oh, but it's fun."



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: "Hardly."Naara didn't turn her eyes. She merely closed them.The toa sloshed on, through snow and trees and barren rock. Onwards......Always onwards..."Continue if you'd please. I'd like to have that piece finished soon, not in ten-plus years."



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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[Ambages] Ic: "That's very interesting," Ambages said as he ate, though he grinned a little when he heard the mention of the Vortixx technologies. "Perhaps a displaced aristocrat," he surmised of the woman. "The man, however, I did not take as one of the trade. Another dignitary, maybe." From his words, it was obvious that Ambages had more interest in the man than the woman. A meeting would have to be in order.****[stannis] "Hold on one moment," Stannis pleaded, closing his eyes in deep concentration as he waved his hands to dismiss the conversation of his companions. He moseyed off a few paces as his friends looked on at the clearly conflicted matoran leader, and then he finally turned around."The prophesy Nuju gave me makes this mention: The Wanderer’s tread leads to what lies ahead, a place of shades and deceptions. To seek hidden lines and follow the signs will make them the only exceptions." He paused after the short quote. "Nuju called me the Wanderer, just as Takua was. The meaning of the word 'wanderer' could mean Takua or myself -- or both. We must go to a place of shades and deceptions, and perhaps we can find where this is from Jaller just as we can know more about Kapura."However," he said, his voice suddenly turning grave and warning, "where this path takes us is not a path well traveled. The stakes have been raised, and if we progress, there will be blood. I cannot guarantee that any of you will return, and if you do, you will not be the same."If any of you wish to leave us now and share the light you have garnered with the people of the island, you may do so at no cost to your dignity. We have traveled far and accomplished much; there is no shame in leaving now."****[Kaccio] The professor arrived at the gate of Ko-Koro at last, his walk long and exhausting for him, a man of intellect rather than strength. The trip was taxing, and he needed refreshment, but as he surveyed the city, nothing he saw caught his eye. He took note of an inn with a wooden sign, but he did not consider the patronage there to be his sort, and the Sanctum beckoned but he was in no mood to ponder right then.The snows had since stopped, but the path was high and difficult. Exerting a little of his power, he elegantly jumped from the street to the top of the snow mound that spread over all the village, and thanks to his Gravity, he did not sink through the snow but rather walked on it as carelessly as if it were solid ice. His path much easier now, he resolved to journey to the residence of Ambages straightaway.

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IC:Rhanus smiled at Amabages, in the way somebody smiles when their obersvations of a situation differed from their opposites. He had caught the minute difference in the De-Matoran's voice that signaled a higher interest in the male Vortixx. And the owner of the inn did not hold back with his opinion: "If I may give the advice: I would not discount the lady too quickly, good sir. I've seen her for several days now...there is more to that one than meets the eye."---------------------------Across the room, at their quiet table, the Vortixx the two Matoran were talking about at the moment slightly raised an eyebrow as a tingle ran down up her spine. It was not so much input from any of her sense that set her off, no. The shiver was subliminal, as if her dark passenger had nudged her, yet this time, it had not been him, as his interests were focused elsewhere at the moment. She felt as if somebody was watching her...




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Ic: "I'm counting on it,"Ambages said. His mind was cunning enough to understand the current rules of engagement. Vortixx was sly creatures, and the women especially. "I do not discount the nature of the woman, but I have less interest in her than I do the man."

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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk sighed. "Hau, there is something I have to do before I can stick around for any length of time. I've got to go back to Ga-Koro."He stood, and straightened. "I should be back within a day, at the very latest."With that, the Titan turned, and his mask glowed as he warped across the Wahi, headed to his destination.OOC: Krayzikk to Ga-Koro



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC-Beatha:Beatha grumbled, looking around at the outside of the academy. "Long time since I've been here," he muttered. He'd gone by a different name then, of course, and most likely nobody would recognize him...most likely he wouldn't recognize anybody here now. He wasn't sure if this was even the same school he remembered.He checked the door, to see if it was locked, and stepped inside once he was sure it wasn't. Looking around a bit, he came into a room that had two beings: One he didn't recognize, and the other was the large Titan, Krayzikk."Do you have any idea at all how annoying you are to follow?" He asked, annoyed, right when Krayzikk said goodbye and teleported off. The Toa of Fire groaned, slamming his head against the wall.He looked back at the being Krayzikk had been speaking to. "Is he always like this?" He asked, exasperated.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Hau's lips stretched into a mischievous grin. The action flashed his brilliant teeth yet again, each a crystal glimmering in a dark void.He nodded. "Krayzikk's schedj is pretty darn crazy, if ya know what I mean. I've only been his friend a while, but he's always got places ta go," The 'matoran' reflected. Hau stuck out one fist. "I us'ly don't talk ta old guys...But ya look like a real fireflyer."He grinned again, but this time without the mischievous quality."Name's Hau."OOC: If Beatha has lived in Ta-Koro recently, then he probably already knows Hau by name alone. And do note the village does not have much good to say about him.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: Beatha has been in Po-Wahi for the past hundred-something years.IC-Beatha:"Yeah, something I myself have noticed," Beatha groaned. "I'm Beatha. And Hau...didn't you do something stupid in Ta-Koro not too long ago? I haven't read my records of you in a while, but I'm fairly certain it mentioned something about you not being very well liked." Beatha, sighed, pulling up a chair and sitting down."Well, Hau, do you have any quick transportation to get back to Ga-Koro? I need to keep track of him and make sure he doesn't commit three rather spontaneous murders...or, spontaneous to others, I should say," Beatha finished.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Hau's face remained in a grin, but his chain hissed against a black-and-gold arm. The toa withdrew the proffered fist."'Ve a Kakama. That's about it."

Edited by Armadijo



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC-Beatha:Beatha smiled, the first time in what seemed like ages the Toa of Fire had let loose that particular expression. "I know what you mean," he said, laughing slightly. "I used to get insulted all the time just because I wore a Tryna. Now, with all the Skakdi and Vortixx and what-not, I'm a bit more well liked than before." His grin grew slightly sober."Ah, well, lad, we ought ta find a way ta get ourselves over ta Ga-Wahi now, don'tcha think?" He asked, trying to see if he could make himself almost as indecipherable as this other Toa wanted to be.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Hau blinked. The chain stopped moving completely.He was fairly certain the last time he had seen the word 'lad' used, it was inside his history book's list of Old Mata Nuian words."Yeah," He tossed out, grinning again. "I think there might be some gukko stabled here."



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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I.C. Kotahk, Tamaka, Takana,"Let's go then." The group made their way to Kotahk's hut. Kotahk opened the door and entered."Ok, here's the deal. I'm willing to give each of you fifty widgets per day, if you'll help me capture Zenex the Vortixx, and whoever else tries to oppose us, and retrieve the energy crystal he stole from the Ko-koro lab."


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Ic: Hiemalis did not trudge his way up the mountains of Ko-Wahi -- he knew them too well, knew the easy paths to their summits, traveled their snows too much. The trip was easy for him, though perhaps less so for Kol. At last, however, they reached the cave where Kol had suffered weeks before, still as heathen and brutally simple as it was when he had arrived. Nevertheless, there were some things that had not been noticed before in the matoran's captive stupor, things that drew a more civilized image for his then-captor. A simple straw mat in an alcove served as the bed for the lord of winter, unused with the long nights of wandering and pondering. A crag was stashed with books, the contents surely unknown. A table, seemingly carved from a tree trunk entirely. No chairs were present, only rocks that surely were the best seats the necromantic lord could need. This was the cold lord's home, and it a home, not just the dungeon-like pit Kol had experienced earlier.Hiemalis crept to his bed and in an exasperated sigh of relief of returning collapsed on the straw mat with pleasure. It was cold there -- as always -- and Kol could feel the telltale frigidity flow through the tunnel-like home, but he could not discern if it was the wind outside sweeping in through the hole in the ceiling or the aura Hiemalis always exuded. It did not matter. This was to be one of the few times Hiemalis was open and portrayed a somewhat civil and relaxed air to the matoran.(No, he's not going soft, he just is an actual person, lol.)

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IC:"Ow, Ire. That hurt." groaned Trad.Ire gave him a look. "What is going on?""Have you ever heard of visions?" whispered Trad."Of course. You were in a trance!"He told her everything. Ire, however did not believe most of it.

"Wer Traumt?"


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