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I, for one, eagerly await the inevitable Island Liberation Squad VS. NEX conflict.

ILS vs. NEX?Fascinating.

Given a certain ILS leader's actual alignment and agenda, that might actually turn out to be ILS plus NEX instead, if the reasons and advantages are there.I mean, if you gotta control an island, you gotta have a "security force" that do your dirty work, correct? :P Edited by Katuko
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In Doomie's defense, the battle against the Mystix and their allies for Xa-Koro (in which he killed two mystix npcs tiars & gaea) turned out relatively well. The only real casualties were a few random NPCs, those guys, the five attacking NPC Mystix, and some buildings.On the other hand...That's only the short-term turning out fine. :devil:

Pyrrhic Victory. It was a Pyrrhic Victory for the Mystix.And I seriously doubt there will be an ILS vs NEX conflict, being Zoma's self-appointed second-in-command. I know more about NEX than many other than Zoma himself. I even have an elite character, who is in the highest echelon of NEX.That battle is almost definitely a no-no.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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Well, I'm sure Zoma'd be happy to give his own opinion.Which I doubt would be much different to mine.Luckily, we have a number of villains trying to get to the Death-Blade, and kill each other in the process, so things are looking good.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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Nope, if you have a villainous character and PM me soon I should be able to have Reich contact said character and give them the necessary information to join the search-y quest-type-thing for the Death-Blade.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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Well, I'm sure Zoma'd be happy to give his own opinion.Which I doubt would be much different to mine.


A large battle between the forces of NEX and another group actually sound interesting and fun to me, and it would show that NEX is actually making an impact on the island with their violent ways, which would be most interesting. And then bringing in a third faction to fight would create quite a bit of enjoyment.

I would be something I would find quite entertaining and worth having happen.

And just one last thing to add, though I suspect many already know: NEX's intentions are not to rule the island, they are a bit darker than that.

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Not really much of a fair fight. The raid on the hive is undoubtedly going to weaken the ILS to some degree.-Teezy

Don't forget, seeing as Tillian's group would probably ally with the ILS, they'll have a NEX member hiding in their midst. :PAnd I think everybody over in Ga-Wahi is acting like they've seen a ghost. What's wrong with you guys?

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Well, that'd screw things up a lot.And Armadijo/Mango, his madness is too great to make things fine.

Or is it? :devil: @TD: There's no way you're convincing me the current largest team of PCs in their little fortified village can't take on a small organization of murderers who typically do not wage open war. The ILS may be at a disadvantage in that most of them are healing, but I'm confident the power of the fortifications they built in a few in-game days plus the experience of fighting together as a team against rahkshi once should give their mainly-toa population enough relative strength to take out a dozen or two highly trained assassins. Edited by Armadijo



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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There's no way you're convincing me the current largest team of PCs in their little fortified village can't take on a small organization of murderers who typically do not wage open war. The ILS may be at a disadvantage in that most of them are healing, but I'm confident the power of the fortifications they built in a few in-game days plus the experience of fighting together as a team against rahkshi once should give their mainly-toa population enough relative strength to take out a dozen or two highly trained assassins.

That would most likely be correct, though I must say that if anything of the sort happens, it will not be taking place against the ILS at their own base. NEX is not foolish, he's not going to send assassins into a highly defended base in an attempt at conflict.

This is my signature

It has words in it

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If anyone wants to be a part of something special with the Infernavika, head to the Magma Lounge in Ta-Koro. We leave in a couple days real time.Trust me. You don't want to miss this.-Teezy



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If anyone wants to be a part of something special with the Infernavika, head to the Magma Lounge in Ta-Koro. We leave in a couple days real time.Trust me. You don't want to miss this.-Teezy

Weren't the two pirate groups supposed to team up?

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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The settlement at Lake Pala is made out of stone foundations with wooden huts. There is a wall of stone and iron erected around it, courtesy of our local Toa. A simple iron fence with elemental electricity running through it stands by the lake edge. Tearing these down would of course be as simple as getting some other Toa of the same elements, or to fly over them, but they hold Rahi out and that's all they are meant to do.The ILS will be weakened by the upcoming battle, no doubt about it. We have been scraping by on what I like to call realism, which means none of our current arrangements require any stretch of the imagination. I don't know anything about this NEX group or the Infernavika crew, nor about the apparently "meme" characters Tillian and what's-their-names; but if they are "large" or "top-trained" organizations, know that I don't care about backstory in an eventual fight. I honestly don't care for conflict between these groups, though, unless there is a very good in-character reason for it. Some people here seem to go around picking fights or creating super-dramatic events at random. I care more about writing than fighting, since fighting in a pure text-based RPG (no stats, I mean) tends to go down the path of "that's ########" way too fast for my tastes.The ILS is not really well-known yet (the Rama hive attack is meant to expose us more) and none of us have had any dealings with those other groups to my knowledge. If you want to interact, feel free to do so by any means, of course, but know that introducing yourself by trying to set fire to our village or ambush one of our teammates is not the sort of interaction you would want.

Edited by Katuko
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Trust me, what I'm planning with the Infernavika has nothing to do with the ILS. Nor do I intend to march Tillian into Pala-Koro, accidentally or otherwise.-Teezy

Oh, no worries about you. It just seems that people jokingly elevate your characters to godlike levels. I don't know where that came from, but I'm more worried about those players if they try to diminish our comparative stature with words. :P
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The ILS will be weakened by the upcoming battle, no doubt about it. We have been scraping by on what I like to call realism, which means none of our current arrangements require any stretch of the imagination. I don't know anything about this NEX group or the Infernavika crew, nor about the apparently "meme" characters Tillian and what's-their-names; but if they are "large" or "top-trained" organizations, know that I don't care about backstory in an eventual fight. I honestly don't care for conflict between these groups, though, unless there is a very good in-character reason for it. Some people here seem to go around picking fights or creating super-dramatic events at random. I care more about writing than fighting, since fighting in a pure text-based RPG (no stats, I mean) tends to go down the path of "that's ########" way too fast for my tastes.

Neither of the mentioned entities has shown the intent to attack Pala. Wait, so you're "scraping by" but will only be weakened by a full-fledged attack? I remember when you said it would take many weeks of hard-work in game to finish it. It took maybe ten days out of game and it is referred to as a fortress. At the same time, I remember you criticizing Jianhiem, a comparatively small outpost only referred to as a castle for its purpose of housing a family of nobility. In fact, wasn't it your rather exaggerated criticism that called attention to it and got it destroyed?You can't really tell people not to attack. It's like any other establishment by people who want peace. Those who serve Makuta's are going to want it gone. That's realism. It depends on the players themselves if it's going to be a good fight.

The ILS is not really well-known yet (the Rama hive attack is meant to expose us more) and none of us have had any dealings with those other groups to my knowledge. If you want to interact, feel free to do so by any means, of course, but know that introducing yourself by trying to set fire to our village or ambush one of our teammates is not the sort of interaction you would want.

I don't see how they aren't at least acknowledged across the island. Your character posted signs across the Koros advertising them. It's also on a well-known lake. It's an open target with a bullseye painted on it. What if it is what they want? With the Koro in its weakened state as you put it, it's that much more vulnerable and an easier target.

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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The ILS will be weakened by the upcoming battle, no doubt about it. We have been scraping by on what I like to call realism, which means none of our current arrangements require any stretch of the imagination. I don't know anything about this NEX group or the Infernavika crew, nor about the apparently "meme" characters Tillian and what's-their-names; but if they are "large" or "top-trained" organizations, know that I don't care about backstory in an eventual fight. I honestly don't care for conflict between these groups, though, unless there is a very good in-character reason for it. Some people here seem to go around picking fights or creating super-dramatic events at random. I care more about writing than fighting, since fighting in a pure text-based RPG (no stats, I mean) tends to go down the path of "that's ########" way too fast for my tastes.

Neither of the mentioned entities has shown the intent to attack Pala.Wait, so you're "scraping by" but will only be weakened by a full-fledged attack? I remember when you said it would take many weeks of hard-work in game to finish it. It took maybe ten days out of game and it is referred to as a fortress. At the same time, I remember you criticizing Jianhiem, a comparatively small outpost only referred to as a castle for its purpose of housing a family of nobility. In fact, wasn't it your rather exaggerated criticism that called attention to it and got it destroyed?You can't really tell people not to attack. It's like any other establishment by people who want peace. Those who serve Makuta's are going to want it gone. That's realism. It depends on the players themselves if it's going to be a good fight.

The ILS is not really well-known yet (the Rama hive attack is meant to expose us more) and none of us have had any dealings with those other groups to my knowledge. If you want to interact, feel free to do so by any means, of course, but know that introducing yourself by trying to set fire to our village or ambush one of our teammates is not the sort of interaction you would want.

I don't see how they aren't at least acknowledged across the island. Your character posted signs across the Koros advertising them. It's also on a well-known lake. It's an open target with a bullseye painted on it. What if it is what they want? With the Koro in its weakened state as you put it, it's that much more vulnerable and an easier target.
clap-gif.gifVery good points, if I say so myself.-Teezy



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