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BIONICLE MAFIA XIII: Tower of Trepidation


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By the way, 800 replies to the topic, whoa

Blue Zoltan>>>Green Zoltan. Green is not a creative color.

That was a fast edit, almost got rid of it before I could catch it :P

Edited by Chro

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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I can care less about trying to save Meso.


I resent that, sir. Although I'm glad to hear that you can care less. I wouldn't recommend it, though, for my sake.





Edited by Mesonak

The Three Virtues YouTube Channel




Check it out for laughs, discussion, and more.

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Too many unicorns and you lose the capability to keep secrets and tell lies.


You see, 2% unicorns is actually equal to about 13% lies, and 71% strawberries. In terms of power, not what they do.

Edited by Agnes Oblige
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Hey, um, SV? Let's not reveal roles on the main topic...especially when you're dead...even if the guys is pretty much assured of death anyway.




Deliberations hadn't lasted long.


A large group of Matoran had decided Pulse was guilty within a few hours of debate, and were now dragging him towards the gallows. Detective Baltarc read out the results of the voting after Pulse had been tied up.


“Matoran of Chuggo Nui,” he began, “you have found Pulse guilty of the murder of Lhikevikk.” Turning to Pulse, he asked, “Do you have anything to say in your defense?”

“...no.” Pulse replied.

“Nothing? Not a single word in response?”

“What does it matter? You're going to hang me regardless. I even voted for myself when I saw the bandwagon arising. Just get this over with.”


Baltarc was taken aback. “...well...ok then,” he said finally. “Who am I to complain about a criminal with a firm grasp on his tongue?”


And with that, Baltarc pulled the lever, granting Pulse his wish of a quick death.


Pulse, Dark Hunter, Lynched


“Well,” Baltarc announced after a few minutes. “That went well. I wonder what was happening here...the Dark Hunters usually aren't this clumsy.”




The Matoran quickly packed up their things, eager to get away from the ice floor. They by passed the traps ascended the stairs to the next floor, which, in turn, revealed itself to be based around fire.




The Shadowy One's Lair

Floor 6: (Gee I wonder)

Floor 5: Fire

Floor 4: Ice

Floor 3: Earth

Floor 2: Air

Floor 1: Water

Outside the Tower




After getting off to a quick lead, things had taken a bad turn for the Dark Hunters in the last two rounds. Could the Shadowy One's underlings get it together in time to stop Mesonak and his allies from escaping?


Roles have 48 hours to PM!



Edited by MT Zehvor


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