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BIONICLE MAFIA XIII: Tower of Trepidation


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iBrow, I know you're weaker alive.


That's why I advocated not killing you at first, and killing you now. You're still dangerous either way.


Uh, that makes no sense. There are only three of you alive - killing me is doing the village a favor at this point, because I have already eliminated several players from the "could be mafia" list. Death would only improve my investigative abilities, and then it's simply a matter of assembling every single player against you.

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Death wouldn't do anything to you. Dying does not improve one's investigative abilities considering that just about 95% of innocent people trust you. I just want blood.


Not sure how that post 'makes no sense',

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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"I know you're weaker alive"

"That's why I want you dead"


That is how it does not make sense. In addition, you have already admitted that death would make me stronger, so you once again contradict yourself with your latest post. Perhaps 95% of innocent players trust me now; with death, boost that up to 100%.


And if what you say is true, then perhaps I should start looking for those who do not trust me. ;)

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My interest in this game has decreased significantly now that I no longer have a nifty Mafia role... if you remember, I actually mistakenly thought I was a dead Dark Hunter before remembering I was a living villager... so I apologize for my lack of contribution to the game over the last few rounds.


Welp, you know who to blame for that. :P



I definitely do.

However, aside from that, and indeed despite that, this has been one of the most enjoyable Mafia games in a long time, as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by Chro

save not only their lives


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Welp, while we're waiting, we might as well do something productive and begin deliberating on who should host XIV.


After XIII ends, I plan on hosting another one as a side game, as there were a number of ideas that I wanted to include in XIII but didn't make the cut. I've run the general outline by a few people, and it's gotten positive reviews so far, so I'm hopeful for it.


Anyways, all that to say that I'd prefer to run this as a side game, but if no one else wants to host XIV, I could probably expand it out to a full Mafia game and run that as XIV. That said, variety is the spice of life, and having one guy host multiple titles in a row definitely runs the risk of stagnation. So if anyone wants to host XIV...now's the time to put your hat in the ring, so to speak.



Edited by MT Zehvor


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I would say I want to host, but with this game coming to a close so soon, I fear I will not be able to. Because Hawaii.

doesn't mean I won't be able to play, but I certainly won't be able to host a game.


Steam name: Ehksidian

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I'll be willing to host XIV. I'm thinking of a money-based theme.

I will support this concept if this guy is included somehow.






That guy

is freaking evil. But the outfit you get from him is pimpin'.


Steam name: Ehksidian

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Actually now that I think about it, my next game has some monetary elements involved as well.


I should probably check to make sure we're not doing the same thing.





Night had fallen. The floor of lava was eerily quiet. The Matoran were all asleep, the lava was moving slowly, and Turaga Mesonak was sitting in a rocking chair reminiscing about his good old days. Little was stirring this night, including the Dark Hunters.


That was unfortunate for Baltarc, as had he been awake, he might have noticed someone approaching him.


A gentle shove nudged Baltarc awake.


“...hmm? What is it?”


And then a not so gentle bolt of light incinerated him.


Baltarc, Dark Hunter, killed by the Guardian of Light


The semi-Toa stared at the pile of ash he had just left behind, and then walked away, leaving even less stirring in the night than had been before.


The Dark Hunters' numbers had been reduced to one, plus the Master of Illusion, who had spent the night scribbling on a crossword puzzle. Victory was within the village's grasp.




Shadow Flaredrick: Got pretty sick of those “Save the Ga-Matoran” ad campaigns

Burnmad: Burning with utter madness against those pesky Matoran of Water

Chro: Was all fired up about getting rid of the dumb Water Matoran

iBrow: Obviously killed the last water Matoran to remove suspicion


24 hours to vote!



Edited by MT Zehvor


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Burnmad, Flaredrick and myself have all been confirmed innocent by various means; thus, I will vote for Chro, in the hopes that a Mafioso (or the MoI) is on this new list.


I've got no problem being out-nulled, though.

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Welp, it was a good run.


Sorry to Tyler, slightly less sorry to Baltarc. =P


Especially sorry to MoC, who saved my life and all. You guys might have won if you had let me hang before. =P


Edit: Oh, and null.


- :burnmad:

Edited by Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons

Avatar by Brickeens




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I have narrowed down the suspect list for the Master of Illusion and final mafioso to the following three players:






I have not yet looked back through the post-swap scenes to see if Baltarc was present in any lists; if he was, anyone there can be considered innocent of being the mafioso, at least.


EDIT: Chro and Dapper were on a list alongside Baltarc. I have removed them from the list above.


Switching from Chro to null.


(This creates problems because I am allied to two of these players. Hmmm)

(Maybe the MoI is hiding elsewhere, yes, that must be it)

Edited by Agnes Oblige
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Hooray! I knew it was Baltarc.


I'll vote null because none of those suspects are likely to me.



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Going for Chro. I'm not suspicious what so ever. No hard feelings bro. :P

yes hard feelings


Voting iBrow because he wanted Chro dead once.
he changed his mind
Flaredrick is more suspicious now
and thus I vote for Flaredrick
Edited by Chro

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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Wait a second, what means have been used to confirm Flaredrick's innocence? I know that Burnmad's possibly innocent because the poll he was in had Cupcake, but that's not really definitive. I'm aware that an Akaku was used on you, but I haven't heard anything about Flaredrick.


(Directed towards iBrow)



Edited by Mesonak

The Three Virtues YouTube Channel




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Wait a second, what means have been used to confirm Flaredrick's innocence? I know that Burnmad's possibly innocent because the poll he was in had Cupcake, but that's not really definitive. I'm aware that an Akaku was used on you, but I haven't heard anything about Flaredrick.


(Directed towards iBrow)




I might not be remembering correctly, but I believe both Flaredrick and Manducus were in the same suspect list as Burnmad (which is the one where Swimming Beard was lynched).

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Shadow Flaredrick: Found sleeping in a cardboard box nearby the scene, perhaps the new Dark Hunter got tired on his way out?

Baltarc: That detective act he's put on lately has been pretty suspicious, to say the least

Kaiser Mandicus: Covered in leaves and mud

Cupcake Seal: Hates Le-Matoran with roughly the same passion as Tyler does the entire village

Burnmad: Proficient with fiddles, recorders, guitars, cellos, and nearly any musical instrument as a weapon


Yeah... but remember, could be two on one list

Edited by Chro

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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I can prove my innocence. Though, it's hard for me to tell y'all since i don't know how to take screen shots on my computer. Which is why i use my phone here, but my clipboard doesn't work on this site. It's replaced with a load of smilies i can use.

Screenshots pertaining to this game are illegal, so that's probably for the best. :P




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