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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Squid



"Diplomacy and peaceful interactions lessons. Care to join?"


Squid turned back to Omega.


"Its important to not let insults get to you. Ignoring them will often spark more insults, and it could get physical.  You need to acknowledge your faults and respond with an answer like mine. If someone insults you based on their opinion, tell them it's just their opinion and you disagree. Don't insult back, don't ignore and don't get physical. Also, don't respond with a 'thank you.' That never works. "


Squid turned to Revenge.

"And that's not a smart thing to say. He may have been rude in your mind, but did he know what was going on in here? Think about the other Rahk's side before making judgements.

Edited by Pohatu: Master of Stone



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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IC: Siren

Siren was in the room with the other Rahks.

She was always with the main group, listening in to their secrets, their tactics, their policies. Nobody had seen her since... well ever to be precise. The plain coloured walls were perfect for hiding in plain sight, never saying anything, always watching, hearing, knowing.

However, this time it had gone on for too long.

She uncloaked next to Squid, seeing as how he was the ringleader for this.

"This goes against school and Rahkshi policy." She said, in her monotonous and robotic tone, aiming it at Squid mainly but to all the other Rahks as well.

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IC Poly: I was getting hungry. It had been several hours. Classes would likely begin soon. I remained still, however, drinking in the tranquility.


OoC he's outside the cave, on a stone near the waterfall.


IC Kat: I strode back into the library, my face set with grim determination. "Phogen, hold off on that meeting with fang a little bit. Might be a situation."


I turned to Hoto, "I found him, and he knows about you. Seems he's got a bit of a grudge with our new friends. Didn't want you at the meeting. I asked him to reconsider, but...." I shook my head. "Either way, I'm gonna go to make sure things don't get violent. If you want to go still, I won't stop you. He's your friend, after all."

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IC: Melody


Melody crawled out and put the rock back in it's place.  She didn't want anyone to discover her seecret place.  Than she quietly poked her head out of the cave.  There was another Rahkshi there.  Melody tried to quietly sneak away without being noticed.  She was very good at that.

Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




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IC: Burst


"Yeah, I'm a Kurahk. Sorry about that. I was trying to set them off..." he said, pointing to fang and the others with him."but, they weren't angry enough for my powers to influence them into starting a fight."


OOC: Burst did explain where everything was to anubyssium in an earlier post.


"Couldn't you set them off no matter how angry they already were?" Anubissium asked.



She's trying to make allies and friends. She's basically trying to make friends with him. Make sense? It does in my mind, at least. Not sure about others'.


IC: Burst


"They weren't angry enough for me to influence them into a fight. All they felt was the irritation that you felt a few seconds ago. My powers can't do too much now, but once my level is high enough, I will have the power to start wars."



Chuck Norik is no match for Bruce Lhikan!



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IC: Revenge


Revenge walked over to Raptor, seething with rage.  "You don't need tools, just some Rahkshi to experiment on.  Are you going to turn this class into another psycological experiment? What about the band Rider was in, was that an experiment? Are you experimenting on my friend!"

Edited by Smudge8

Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




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"Violation: Subsiding of natural Rahkshi intent to fight." She replied.

She watched the two Rahk have a small squabble.

"Perfect example." She pointed to them.

"Fighting makes one stronger, tougher, far less easy to beat. Conclusion: Violation. Violations will not be tolerated."

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