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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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OOC: Technically you couldn't do that. A plasma rahkshi's ability covers the entire body. So your guy had to have melted his own hand grabbing me.

IC: Pyre

"Aiding a criminal? Lets go."

He pulled out his scythes and activated them. He fired darts at the other rahkshi (torch )to make sure he wouldn't go anywhere and then proceeded to slash at the rahkshi that attacked him (wraith).

"I'll make sure these guys don't go anywhere. Go check the records."

Edited by PhoenixFireBlaze

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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IC: Punch/Counterpunch/Torch Frost's Dorm

Counterpunch took control of the body. It was time to act tough. He proceeded to try grab Frost who indeed looked like he had been recently cleaned.

"I don't care whose dorm it is. This Rahk has been found trying to hide from his guilty actions."

But then the Plasma Rahk attacked, but he managed to dodge.

Edited by ArcticFreeze17
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OOC: Did nobody read this "Technically you couldn't do that. A plasma rahkshi's ability covers the entire body. So your guy had to have melted his own hand grabbing me." Oh well.


"I'll make them talk alright."


He intensified his plasma coating and melted through the floor. He melted back up right behind both of the Rahkshi and tried to grab both of them, burning and partially melting their armor.


"Lets go. I'll hold onto them."

OOC: I don't know if that is an auto hit. I put "tried" so the action is not complete yet.

Edited by PhoenixFireBlaze

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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IC: Root - Library


Hark! Is that a cry for justice? Root turned, the plants dangling from his headplate swaying heroically. With impressive strength, his small movement tore through the roots binding him to the shelf. A Rahkshi of Density Control was shouting near where the fire occurred. Root turned back to his book. That small injustice was only worth a lazy, "I d-d-dunno. Some f-f-fiery g-g-guy." After all, it was only the Matoran culture section.



OOC: That's you, Smudge.

Edited by Click
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IC: Root - Library


A noble quest? A search for justice? But alas, Root had still not completed his epic. However, a hero will always drop whatever they are doing to search for justice! Root nimbly rolled off the shelf with a tremendous snap of plant matter, leaving behind his book, a tangle of vines, and a few fruit rinds. A new danger struck before he could even get to his feet: his legs had fallen asleep from his prolonged endeavor! With no time to react, Root hit the ground, but courageously pushed himself up, ready to face the sleeping limbs.


"S-s-sure. Let's g-g-go."

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IC: Vlad / Torch's Dorm-->Refectory



"This is madness," said Vlad. "Ve are leavink these maniacs, Ivan." The Ice Bat gave out an agreeable screech as Vlad strutted out the door, starry cloak wrapped around himself. "It vould be impossible for us to get sleep vith that insanity next to our room. Since ve are up, ve might as vell go and do somethink useful. Get somethink to eat, perhaps."


Someone to eat... mmmmm... no, no, I didn't think that... oh yes I did...


SHUSH! I am fully reformed! I do not go about leechink the life from fellow Rahkshi.


Somewhat troubled by this resurgence of instinct, Vlad headed to the Refectory for a bite of tasteless, unsatisfying physical food. After grabbing a bowl of slop, he took a seat at an empty table. Ivan fluttered onto the table and took a mouthful of the greyish goop, apparently finding it delicious. "You are lucky," said Vlad to his pet. "You, are just a Rahi, and you eat vhatever. My tastes are so specific, that I find even zer best corporeal food bland. And this is qvuite far from zer best corporeal food." He sighed, then continued determinedly, significantly louder than was necessary for his nearby bat to hear, "But I vill never again feast on my bretheren. I vill not go back to zer creature I vas!" At the derogatory mention of creature Ivan looked hurt. "No offense intended, my good friend," Vlad added.



OOC: Vlad open to interaction.

Edited by Johnrahk


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OOC: I thought he just heated up his hands...


IC: (Wraith and Torch)

"I'm not exactly...on the register." Wraith replied, sidestepping the scythes and pirouetting round, swinging Arm's Reach at Punch's head.

Five metal darts embedded themselves in Torch's armour...why were they attacking him? Why were they fighting? Why was there all this shouting and threats? It wasn't fair! They were very unkind! Palma said you have to be kind. Palma was a lying, IDIOTIC ####! It just wasn't FAIR! They were all IDIOTIC ####s! They should all DIE! It wasn't fair! They should ALL BURN! BBBBUUUUUURRRRRNNNNN!

Wraith stood back, seeing the wild look in Torch's eyes, while spinning and kicking Pyre in the face before he could grab her, with enough force to knock him backwards again, due to her high density.


With deathly calm, his form swaying slightly, Torch got out his flamethrower, aiming it at the large crowd at the door, including Pyre and Punch. He turned it on.


A jet of flame projected itself outwards from the weapon in a V shape, forming an inescapable beam of white-hot flame, all enveloping and all-destroying.

It surged forwards like a tidal wave, blazing through the ranks of the onlookers, sparing none it's charring wrath. None could escape. None would escape.

B U R N.

Torch's eyes were calm as the flames rushed out. He saw only beauty in the flames...their orange-white light spakled in his optical receptors as he stood perfectly still, the burning essence engulfing his enemies.

They deserved it. They should not have come after me for something I didn't do.


Wraith winced at the smell of burning flesh, before punching her way through the thin plaster wall to the side with maximum density, expending most of her power for now. In the adjacent dorm, she kicked the door outwards, fleeing into the hall and blending into the shadows, before silently making her way down the corridor. She tried not to look at the storm of fire behind her.

It was so messy.

Edited by Sil



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IC: Pyre


Fire? I have plasma armor for crying out loud. Its not going to hurt.... much.


He stepped out of the flames. He saw that other rahkshi run away.

He ran up to Torch  and prepared to punch his face with his plasma hands.


"First you. Then that other rahkshi. She should be hurt due to her hitting my plasma armor."


OOC: Imma coming for you! Also Wraith should be hurt. I clearly said I had plasma coating on the entire body (which is a plasma rahkshi's ability) and she hit me. Therefore the plasma should have affected her in some way.

Edited by PhoenixFireBlaze

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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IC: Punch/Counterpunch/Torch Frost's Dorm ---> Library

Counterpunch quickly dodged most of the attacks and left the dorm with only his back slightly cooked. He got to the library.

"Hey! Exxan! We found the arsonist, but he isn't giving himself up. He's currently trying to burn everyone in sight."


OOC: I'll be gone for a while.

Edited by ArcticFreeze17
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IC: Root - Hallways


Root stumbled out of the Library, bravely not showing how uncomfortable his legs felt. As he heroically charged down the halls, he hummed a little ballad he couldn't remember where he first heard. He was clueless as to where the fiery Rahkshi had gone, but his companion surely knew, and they were leading Root straight to him for a great confrontation... hopefully.

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IC: Chekquars (Dormitories)


Chekquars had been interested enough when the crowd came in, but soon sighed at the total lack of caution and much of a plan in general.  At Vlad's appearance he could barely keep from hissing in annoyance and anger at the light the Hunger Rahkshi seemed to live for whatever reason, to the Darkness Rahkshi it made absolutely no sense. 


As the crowd- more of a mob by now, really- gathered by a Dorm, Chekquars slipped on top of a row of the things, looking down upon the group and noting who was there. There was a note of surprise at seeing Wraith apparently playing a game with the arsonist, and all he could do was watch the idiots turn things directly into a fight. 


He wasn't surprised when things went horribly wrong, then, and the jets of flame scorching into the crowd were expected. The brightness and strength of the fire was. Chekquars crawled back a bit, as his powers cloaked him in an unnatural darkness that nearly nobody would be able to see through, none considering that they weren't focused on him. The light from Torch's flamethrower easily lit up the scene that continued to unfold. 


Chekquars pulled back his arrow, kneeling up a bit. Once there was an opening, it would be simple to hit the pyromaniac in a spot to keep him from escaping.


OOC: Man, things are really happening here. :P 

However, Phoenix, I would be careful about dealing with the fire here. Plasma and fire are too very different things, and I don't think Plasma Rahkshi automatically get Fire Resistance. If that was the case, Fire Resistance would be completely and totally useless. So.. 

Just be careful, eh? Even with Plasma all over, a jet of flame is going to do something. 


Edited by Zakaro


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC: Revenge-Hallways/Infirmary


Revenge heard that the culprit had been found, but he kept on going.  He was like a bulldozer, shoving Rahkshi aside. Down the halls, looking in each room.  When he got to the Infirmary he looked in and found his target.  "YOU!" he shouted at the laser vision Rahkshi.

Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




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OOC: I did say it would hurt. But not fully because the plasma coating would block some of it.


The flames hurt. But he didn't care. He would bring justice even if it hurt like an arrow to the knee.


"Time for a nice hug," Pyre said as he activated his plasma coating.


OOC: Also yeah the plasma coating covers the entire body. If you don't believe me, check the wiki. Also yeah Wraith should have burnt whatever came in contact with Pyre. I didn't make it an autohit. It was your decision to hit the guy with burning armor :P

Edited by PhoenixFireBlaze

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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IC: Root - Infimary


Root heroically burst into the Infirmary shortly behind his companion, gasping for breath. He stepped in front, boldly stating, "L-l-leave him t-t-to me!" 


He pulled up his long staff. No use injuring the villain to much, so Root kindly left the blunt seed pods ungrown as he pulled the staff back and smacked the Rahkshi of Laser Vision on the head.



IC: Tube - Outside


Tube covered a yawn and sat down. All quiet outside of the Academy, but if someone tried to leave, Tube was ready to stop them. Maybe.

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IC: Bullseye/Dorm Halls ---> Infirmary

He was tired, but he did what was asked. Without waiting for an answer, he rushed back, hoping that Deadeye hadn't left the infirmary. He was so caught in his thoughts that he almost bumped into a Rahkshi of Density Control and a Rahkshi of Plant Control.


OOC: That's Revenge and Root, BTW.

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IC: Rotary.

Rotary heard the shouting stop right next to his dorm. Disappointed, Rotary looked out of his dorm to see the crowd of Rahks enter the dorm. He then saw a large bout of flames and one run away. He walked up behind someone who was outside and tapped on his shoulder.


OOC: That's you Zakaro.


IC: Hashan.

Hashan once again, was left behind when there was action happening. However, he was not going to let that stop him. He folded the page that he was reading and put the book back before racing after the people. He came up behind them when a new Rahk was charging at another one in the infirmary.

"Hey." He said. "What's going on?" He asked a Rahk slightly taller than him.


OOC: That's you Click.

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IC: (Wraith/Halls)

Punch looked at his hands, which were smoking slightly.

He hadn't noticed it at the time, but that rahk must have had plasma armour...d#mn him to Karzahni!

She continued to stealthily make her way down the corridor - she would need to get to the Infirmary...


IC: (Torch/Dorm)

The Surahk charged out of the flames, but Torch turned up his flamethrower's setting: it was no longer an inescapable blast of flame spanning dozens of square feet, but instead a focused beam of white hot heat capable of softening metal in seconds. Aimed directly at the Surahk.


IC: (Snake/Outside Dorm)

Snake had looked up seeing the fiery blaze a second too late. 

His form was engulfed in the yellow-hot jet, organics roasting, blood boiling and metal melting. He fell.



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IC: Root - Infirmary


Root gave the Rahkshi one more smack to ensure he wasn't lying. His eyes burned with righteous fury, daring the villain to try anything, wishing him harm if he did.

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IC Kat- Refectory


I waved off the concern.


"I'll be alright. As for Nynrah.... Well, probably not a good idea to go over there for a little while. They're.... Understandably upset with us."


Just like I told Tridax they'd be. Idiot.


"We all got pretty banged up, but Fang should be waking up anytime now, if you want to see him."


Speaking of which.


I hugged the blind Rahkshi who could only be described as my friend.


"It's good to see you."

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IC: Bullseye/Infirmary

He saw an opportunity when he saw Revenge lift Deadeye.

"Hey, by the way, would you mind taking a barbed arrow out of his bag? He kinda took that from me....And BTW, we found Torch, the arsonist. As I left, he apparently put up his flamethrower and began to try and scorch everyone."


IC: Toxin/Library ---> Infirmary

He saw Bullseye pass the same corridor more than once.

"Well, something's going on." He thought to himself.

"Hey brother," he turned to Stronghold. "I'm going to see Bullseye, tell me the results if I miss them."

As soon as Stronghold nodded, he left.

Edited by ArcticFreeze17
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