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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Lucid / Roof



Lucid shook her head. "Things don't end, silly. They just change." On her finger she felt the gentle grasp of her ring. To show her a perfect unfading beauty would be easy, but using her ring was never something Lucid did lightly. Only if words failed would she invoke a world. "And so can you. Reject those teachings! Don't fear for beauty's death, value it all the more while it still lives."


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IC: Lucid / Roof



Poor girl... she was so blind, so lost. "Then we must bring her back," Lucid declared. She held up her right hand, light glinting off the ring dramatically. "With this noodle I can bring you to a world where all is peace," she explained, though the explanation was probably muddled by her referring to her ring as a noodle. "A world where beauty never fades. Perhaps there, you would find the self you lost. I want to help you, and would bring you there, if you wished it." She paused a moment, glancing up at the stars for warning or encouragement, but neither was to be found and she turned a questioning, serious gaze turned back towards Vitesse. "Do you?"


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IC Phogen: Phogen gave a small, gracious bow, apologetic and thankful for the forgiveness. He had also learned to keep his tongue to himself at times. Better to keep gregarious and jovial than overconfident with the capacity to stumble.


He watched the subtleties of their movement. Personally, he cheered for them to foster their love. I would be nice to have access to a counterpoint at a moment's notice, even if there was no employee. As for Hoto, no bridges had been burned but... There was intent to speak in private later. If she really was going to try, there needed be a discussion about the process.


In any case, this mysterious benefactor, Grossh, was also going to need to be examined. Motives in particular piqued Phogen's curiosity. 'Making friends with rahkshi' was a phrase as laughable as it was suspicious in this case.

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Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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IC: Shock

"Wow. What a bunch of buzzkill. Ah, well. We found Trusty- I think. So, sweet!" Shock said, grinning happily.


IC: Vitesse

Vitesse thought hard for a moment. A perfect world? It sounded good, to forget those awful times. And yet, she had her doubts.. What if this did not work, and she remembered in much more vivid detail? And what about the strange Rahkshi before her? She might judge her as weak, or a monster if she got in her head and saw what she had done. Finally, she sighed. "While I would forget the past, I would also forget the fierce joy of battle, the lessons learned, and all. I'm just not sure if it's worth losing all that." Vitesse said, looking back to the shore, past the causeway... She frowned. The guards were not back, at least not to her eye. They could be hiding, but why? Were they expecting an attack? Changing to a more serious tone, she said, "Did you see anything unusual at the guard camp at the causeway? I don't see any matoran."



IC: Mortsia

Mortsia nodded, when he heard the massive chord, followed by a guitar solo. Slightly curious, Mortsia headed to the gym, the source of all the ruckus.

Edited by Wielder-of-Shadow

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Hoto - Malebranche


Hoto managed a slight grin as she easily slipped her hand into Jayar's. She could decide who was right later. Right now, they were just enjoying the city.


"Back to the cable car it is," she replied.

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IC: Lucid / Roof



"I don't worry about such things," Lucid replied with a sigh. "You still don't understand... You wouldn't lose anything, not unless you chose to do so yourself. I would only be your escort to a world of peace, where you can more recover what you have already lost. The ability to enjoy beauty, to live with joy. It saddens me to see one who has lost this... But if you would still prefer not, I respect your decision." It was sad. She was so lost, so pitiful in her cynicism...


* * *

IC: Shark / Just Outside Crawler



That was only going to work halfway for Kat. She may have stopped him, but Faithful was in front of his unnamed sword, and he brought it forward, blade aimed to slice into Kat's faceplate. Not like she could stop the blow at such close quarters... He pressed forward, powerful legs pushing against the ground. He just had to reach the Crawler...!


But suddenly, fierce pain! It came even as he struck, stabbing into his back, and with it came that same queasy poisoned feeling. The wound throbbed, and he felt his strength leaving him even faster than before. He could not help but fumble his emotionless mask, his face contorting into a pained grimace. Surely not much time before he could barely stand... "Would you... kill me...?" he said, managing a taunting tone even in his predicament. "Won't Fang be proud..."


* * *


IC: Jayar / Fourth Tier



Jayar grinned with relief as he felt Hoto's hand in his, and began to lead the group to the cablecar.


He remained politely silent at Phogen's question, however. Not out of disdain or preference not to speak to it (well, not entirely, he had to admit that played some slight part) but because Hoto probably knew Grossh better than he. If necessary, he would happily elaborate.

Edited by Johnrahk


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IC: Hoto - Malebranche


Finally, a change of subject. Hoto happily fell into an explanation. "Oh, of course, you never met him. Grossh is a... Vortixx who works on the fifth tier. He's very good at shaping metal..." her voice trailed off as she remembered the staff he had made for her... the one she had left behind.


She shook herself and abruptly continued the explanation. "In the last assignment, we were supposed to be finding Suvak here..." More painful memories. "...but... we didn't have much luck. Era, Zelnos, and I ran into him, and he seemed... interested in learning more about the school."

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IC: Shark / Just Outside Crawler



Shark stumbled backwards. The combination of poison and wounds was wreaking havoc on his ability to effectively fight. Not to mention it was pretty difficult to deal with two powerful opponents simultaneously. What had happened to Silver? He could use a hand right now.


But no help was forthcoming; unless Suvak saw the fight and intervened in preservation of the neutral ground, he would have to go it alone.


With all his remaining might he brought his massive sword in a horizontal swing at Kat, aiming to smash her against the Crawler wall, and began to stumble in a circle around her. Just on the other side of her was the Crawler door... He genuinely doubted he would make it out of this in any degree of intact.


No regrets...


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IC: Hoto - Malebranche


Finally, a change of subject. Hoto happily fell into an explanation. "Oh, of course, you never met him. Grossh is a... Vortixx who works on the fifth tier. He's very good at shaping metal..." her voice trailed off as she remembered the staff he had made for her... the one she had left behind.


She shook herself and abruptly continued the explanation. "In the last assignment, we were supposed to be finding Suvak here..." More painful memories. "...but... we didn't have much luck. Era, Zelnos, and I ran into him, and he seemed... interested in learning more about the school."

IC Phogen: That last bit glimmered like a diamond in the muck of Nynrah's swamps. Now that... That was interesting. For someone to be intrigued by the school enough to warrant that as a primary trait, Grossh seemed to be particularly willing to win students over with outings to the city out of his own pocket. Very fascinating indeed.


But to let on that Phogen found his interest interesting would be a disservice. It would be even more of a disservice to reveal the little prodding mechanism she would intrigue this Vortixx with entirely to her companions. But information was required of them as far as this little, forming plan's feasibility was concerned. Instead, idle conversation would do. "Do you think he would be willing to sharpen something of mine on the cheap?"

  • Upvote 1

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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IC: Fang - Visorak Shoreline (Team Backstab)


The Silence Rahkshi's companion seemed to be dealt with for now. He could sit back and let Kat and Exxan...


Fang frowned a low grumble of rage escaped his mouth as he heard the Doublecrosser's words. "Would you kill me? Won't Fang be proud..." Apparently, the Rahkshi had failed to realize Fang was just behind his allies.


The Surahk staggered forward, somehow still managing to glow with rage despite his weakness. A blast of plasma sliced through the air, burning into the Crawler dangerously close to the Rahkshi's head. "I am not like you," Fang snarled.




IC: Hoto - Malebranche


"Sure," Hoto chirped, "He... made me a staff... for free..."

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IC: Torch - Nynrah

"Nah, I just though you meant you could actually see it." I say. "It's over here." I walk over to the huge tree, heading for the roots. As we get closer, a hole between two of the mighty tentacle-like structures becomes apparent. I rip the gap wider, revealing a tunnel winding away into impenetrable darkness below the tree.



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IC: Vitesse

"..But I kill several Matoran in Karzahni... Not like I had a choice..." Vitesse sighed. "Do it. Perhaps it would be better to see the world in a new light."


IC: Shock

"Yay! Dark places! I hope there aren't any fluffy robots or something." Shock said, happy. Shock started humming something similar to Cotton Eye Rahk, an odd song.


IC: Mortsia

Mortsia walked, or rather, climbed into the gym to see an organ. Mortsia, deciding to spy a little, blended in to the rocky gym on the wall.

Edited by Wielder-of-Shadow

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Exxan - Backstab (living up to his team's name).


My sword still buried in Shark's back, I pushed the blade in deeper, twisting it as I did to widen the wound. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Kat:


With my good arm I caught the blade, the blunted edge leaving a deep dent in my palm.


"Not this time."


I poured level four Fear into the sword.


I stomped down towards his knee, aiming to crush it, make him incapable of fighting. My previous blood rage had died, and now I just wanted him downed.

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IC: Shark / Just Outside Crawler



Fear wasn't too hard to escape when you were doing fine and dandy in a fight, or even losing marginally. But when a plasma burst had just flown past your head, your vision was spinning with nausea, and there was a sword being twisted around in your back, it was a lot harder to tell yourself everything was fine, it was just an illusion. The visceral fear was already there, bubbling just below the surface of consciousness, no matter how you tried to cool it. Get yourself blasted with fear energy, and it exploded like some deadly geyser into your mind.


Shark's face was contorted in a grimace, and it was only made worse by Exxan wrenching the blade in his back. His whole body either burned in pain or ached, his vision swam, he felt like he would benefit from retching all over the ground. He barely managed to block Kat's foot with a clumsy swing of Faithful, and even so the kick just bashed the flat of the enchanted blade into his knee. The small degree of resistance he managed to offer meant that it wasn't crushed, but it hurt like Karz, even more so as he staggered to keep his balance on legs that were increasingly unsteady.


And the fear... ahh, the fear! It poured past the walls he had erected, flowing into every dark twist of his normally emotionless mind and laughing cruelly at his uncontrollable panic. What if they ruined him, so he could never kill again? What worth would living hold!? No no no! "Suvak!" he cried out as loud as he could, unable to keep the fear from his voice. "I claim sanctuary! Get them away!"


* * *


IC: Lucid / Roof



"Killed..." Lucid gasped. Death was a hard concept for one who barely seemed to understand life. But she had already committed to helping this poor misguided Rahkshi. "That is not deserving of punishment, but cure." The rainbow Rahk reached out her hand to Vitesse' head, laying it gently upon her faceplate. "Now we depart..." And the world slipped away.


~ ~ ~


IC: Lucid / Dream Forest (Roof)



Slowly, reality faded back into view, though it would not be a familiar reality to Vitesse. It was among the worlds of Lucid's dreams, as beautiful as one she had visited with Root what seemed like so long ago, if not more so. Almost too beautiful to be real, and yet far to beautiful not be real. You just had to believe it, or your mind would go mad from trying to reject such wonder.


But it was not the same world as the one Root had seen. The two Rahkshi stood on the beach beside a small, peaceful waterfall and a pond filled with lazy shining fish. The bright starlight shimmered in the water, dyed chromatically as it filtered through the flowers of as many colors as Lucid adorning the towering majestic trees all around. Sent into the air by the gentle crash of water was a cool and calming mist that filled the air with shimmering droplets of water, off which glinted elusively a rainbow if you looked at it from the perfect angle.


There was much more plant life than just the trees, though: it seemed that every available surface provided a home for form of some thriving plant, the variety of flora as infinite as it was glorious to look upon. The best kind of garden: a natural one, unfettered by some gardener's idea of beauty so pitiful in comparison to nature's master plan. And as the soil housed foliage, so did the foliage house Rahi of every sort, from small squirrel-like creatures darting through the undergrowth to the colorful tropical birds who freely bestowed upon the newcomers their melodies. The only limit to what you might encounter was Lucid's imagination, and it wasn't even breaking a sweat.


And it easily had energy left over to wreath Lucid in the faint ethereal glow she favored when she was within the world of her dreams, the glorious queen of this reality. "Welcome to my realm," she said to Vitesse dreamily, waving an arm grandly towards their peaceful, surreal surroundings. "Do you like it?"

Edited by Johnrahk
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IC: Vitesse

Vitesse gasped- a sound, she thought, she had never made. "How- A- " for a moment, Vitesse was lost for words. Finally, Vitesse whispered, "It's beautiful. How-" Vitesse could not find the right words.

Edited by Wielder-of-Shadow

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Vitesse

Vitesse looked around, and smiled for one of the few times in her life. She saw, for the first time in a long time, true beauty. She admired the plant life, the Rahi, and everything else. For the first time, she felt truly free. "Thank you," she whispered.

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Lucid / Dream Forest (Roof)



The knowing grin Lucid bore grew only wider. "It is the least I could do for one in such sorrow," she whispered back. "One whose name is...? Wait, let me divine it..." She snatched up her guest's hand and examined her palm with a divinitative eye, tracing one finger gently along the joints and lines. "...Eredivis, yes?" she declared at last, satisfied with the indisputable accuracy of her reading.


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IC: Vitesse

Vitesse decided to go along with it." Yes. How did you know?" All the happiness she had since lost returned, in this moment. Her shattered self had reformed. And yet, she remembered everything: from the joy of battle, to the few friends she had made. She was truly whole now.

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Lucid / Dream Forest (Roof)



"It is written in your palm, for those who know how to read it... And I do." replied Lucid mystically. It occurred to her, though, that Eredivis probably didn't know how to read it, so she added: "But forgive me, I have not yet introduced myself. I am Lucid." Still holding Eredivis' hand from her reading, she gave it a dreamy shake.


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IC: Xara - Library. 


I got to my feet, abandoning my half-finished tray of food and wandering off in the direction of the library. I'd spent too long focusing on the physical side of warfare. It was time to start looking at the mental side....

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Vitesse

"Nice to meet you Lucid," Vitesse said. She still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that a Rahk could imagine something like this.


IC: Shock

Shock followed torch into the darkness, still humming Cotton Eye Rahk. It wasn't long until they had reached a small hollow. Shock stopped humming, and looked around for a flamethrower.

Edited by Wielder-of-Shadow

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Nightmare

After having Mercilessly Beating up a Dummy for the past 10 minutes, he Decided to Get away from the Musical Instrument.

Where to go?


IC: Blade-Hallway

Blade was having an argument with Charlie.

No, I Will not hunt down Nightmare and kill him for Attempted murder, considering, he didn't even attempt!



Why not?

Because, I said no, I'll only injure him, if he injures a Friend.

But he Will! He already has! In the Future! In alternate universes! Shoot him! Shoot him now!

With what? My Shield? Tooth?

Right. Stab him?


Edited by Dragon11603
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IC: Torch - Nynrah

Trusty, like a twisted metal creature, hung back at the edge of the tiny cave. Hello, my old friend~

I grab the flamethrower, dusting him off and flicking the ignition switch: a yellow light flares and coalesces into a sharp and focused bright-blue flame at the base of the weapon's mouth. I grin. I keep grinning. I begin to chuckle, but stop after I realise how cliche it is.

"Let's go." I whisper, swaying slightly.


IC: Raith - Dorms

I reach my dorm, letting the living rock door swing closed behind me, sending the lock's bolt across with a flick of my wrist.

Making my way over to the bed unit unsteadily, I sit down...I need time, time to think and contemplate...time to dream. Suddenly, a weariness that I could never admit to myself existed envelops me, and I feel my eyes closing. Never let your guard down. Stay alert. I need to rest my mind. I need peace.



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IC: Lucid / Dream Forest (Roof)



"Nice to meet you, too," Lucid replied, relinquishing Eredivis' hand. "So... are you feeling better?" she asked, as she knelt to pet an inquisitive squirrel-Rahi who had approached the two of them. It rubbed into her hand without the apprehension one might expect a wild creature to exhibit in an encounter with a newcomer, for Lucid was not a newcomer. She was the queen of this realm, and every aspect of it paid her admiration and gratitude.


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IC Shock

Oh. Now this was good. Speaking out loud, he said, "Are Matoran houses on the island made out of wood or some other burnable matierial?"



IC: Vitesse

"Yes, thank you." Vitesse said. A tropical bird landed on her shoulder She looked at it, and smiled.

Edited by Wielder-of-Shadow

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: The fight had close enough and loud enough to the Crawler that Suvak had no real choice but to take note. He stepped forward and pulled Exxan away first. He had no choice but to leave the sword in Shark's back; without knowing what it had pierced or ruptured, dragging sharp metal through it might just make things worse.


"Enough! Aim that anger somewhere useful! I need every able body if we're going to save those taken by the Visorak!"


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IC: Exxan - Backstab (Terrain Crawler).


"If you want me fighting Visorak, I'll be needing my sword back," I growled, striding forwards and reaching out for my weapon. No more mercy, no more playing nice....

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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