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Posted (edited)

IC: Crowley - Sunny Square.


A hiss from behind him, and he turned to see a quartet of those deformed parasite creatures snaking in through the back door of the building he was sheltering in. He didn't hesitate; just attacked, vaporising one with a well-placed plasma bolt before the remaining trio had even spotted him.


They scuttled swiftly over the floor towards him, and he rushed to meet them, claws scything one apart in midair as it leaped at him, another being crushed underfoot as he stomped over it. The final brain scrambled up onto the wall, making its way onto the ceiling and dropping down at his head... 


...only to get caught between his four toothy jaws, and ground into mincemeat. 


Spitting out the foul-tasting sludge that remained, he backed out of the building and out into the open square. More brains would come, and with those robots on the prowl and Hero Factory arriving en-masse, he wanted nothing more than to get out of this city while he still could...


OOC: Open for interaction. 

Edited by Of Australian Origin...

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

Posted (edited)

This time the robots were thrown back several feet. Several of them hit the buildings behind them, and crashed down, inoperable for the moment. 
The rest of them chose the opportunity to flee through the streets and alleyways, leaving the Heroes alone in the middle of the square for now. 

Edited by fishers64

OOC: Woo! Approved!

But uh, mind suggesting a point where Reyna could be dropped off? I'm uh, kinda not sure what to do. xP

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...




IC: Crowley - Sunny Square. 


He saw the crowd or robots disperse, fleeing from... "Heroes..." he started to back off, looking for another structure to take shelter in. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


OOC: I'll just drop her in the middle of the fray then.


IC: Reyna Pherae


Several Hero Pods had already fallen on Tranquis in a short amount of time, but the flood of pods wasn't over yet. As the battle raged on, one voice cut into everyone's comm lines.

"Don't forget about me!" 


With that, a pod careened near the other heroes, and before it landed, out vaulted out Reyna in her regal glory, cape flowing elegantly behind her. She took hold of her blade, and swiped the area in front of her as she landed, both looking flashy and potentially cleaving any stray enemies in her path in two.

"This is Reyna Pherae, joining the fray! A pleasure to meet you all!" the Hero called out, holding her sword close while observing the situation. "What's the current situation? Anything urgent that needs immediate attention, perhaps?" 

  • Upvote 1

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



Posted (edited)

Can't stop now.


Need more villains.


Name: Kaiba Blader


Weapons/Powers: Titanium ceramic katana and wakizashi. Forearm mounted blades. Strength and speed 3x that of the average Hero. Laser vision.




Bio: Kaiba Blader is an old robot. In fact, he is the only remaining prototype for the current Hero Factory bots. 50 years before the first Heroes were built with quaza core technology, there was the Proto-Hero program, which built Kaiba and 99 other robots for the purposes of law enforcement and counter terrorism in the galaxy at large. The program was deemed a failure after several of the bots contracted a highly advanced computer virus that corrupted their systems over time, causing their actions to become more and more hostile and culminated in two civilians being killed. This, coupled with their programming being extremely imperial, caused Makuro to shut down the Proto-Heroes, and have them dismantled. Kaiba, having learned of the virus, and the plan to decommission the program hurriedly tried to convince Makuro that the Virus had since been contained, but Makuro would end up not listening, having already made plans for a new system that would become the Hero Factory. Angry and betrayed, Kaiba went to warn the other Proto-Heroes, only to find most of them already deactivated and being melted down. Managing to save only one of his former comrades' memory chip, Kaiba fought his way out of the facility, and left most of the galaxy. Over time, his systems degraded, forcing him to resort to less than legal activities such as protection and the Black Market to replace vital components.  His programming so radically changed, Kaiba has done his best to maintain his own sense of self, and as a result has a strong, but very personal sense of morality.

Edited by The Amaztastical Lynn
Posted (edited)

Figured I ought to make another villain, since apparently there's not many of them. 


Villain Profile:

Name: Mr Vyle.

Powers, Abilities, & Weapons: As one would expect of an evil businessman, he carries a cane, which conceals an electrified sword blade. In addition, he carries a pistol-like weapon that fires bolts of fragmenting energy, and he himself has the ability to project detailed holograms.

Appearance: His armoured body is coloured shades of black and crimson. He prides himself on his appearance, doing his utmost to be pristine and immaculate at all times. His face, believed to be damaged or disfigured in some way, is hidden behind a visor.

MOC: http://i.imgur.com/r5plbmE.png

Bio: Corruption comes in many forms. Some slip slowly into the dark, while others blunder in headlong. There are some who are born evil, and some who spend their entire lives wondering where they went wrong. And then, there’s people like Vyle. Originally a businessman on some distant world, he quickly grew bored of the petty squabbling of the politicians and bureaucrats. He wanted something more. Something new and bold and exciting and terrifying, all at once. So he took to a life or crime, and found a new organisation to fight, one that seemed – to him, at least – far more corrupt than any other: Hero Factory.   

Location: Traferous' Ship. 


And just to show that I'm not playing favourites, here's a hero as well.


Hero Profile: 

Name: Saracen Rune.

Powers and Abilities: Special gravity-manipulating capacitors built directly into his armour allow him to fly and hover near silently. Maximum movement speed using these is limited to his body’s own terminal velocity. As such, his armour has been reinforced to withstand these increased speed and pressures, making him more durable than the average hero.

Weapon(s): Saracen’s weapon of choice is a sturdy, powerful rifle that fires precise, high-impact energy bolts across mid-distance. In preparation for taking on larger vessels in the air, his rifle has been equipped with a secondary RPG launcher. His helmet is equipped with a set of goggles possessing several variations of targeting software – telescopic, thermal, and night vision – to assist in his aiming.

Appearance: Clad in blue and grey, this hero is slightly taller than average, and carries himself with a haughty air of confidence that is more than a little intimidating.

MOC: http://i.imgur.com/ch9Z1wp.png

Bio: Not particularly talkative, Saracen just gets the job done and gets on with his life. He is quiet, calm and efficient, and will carry out his orders to the letter without hesitation. He has little understanding of true ethics or morals, as he’s been brought up to believe that whatever Hero Factory does or asks him to do is the right thing. 

Edited by Festive Australovenator

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


IC: Splint


Seeing a Hero get taken out by an explosion, Splint ran off to help him.. The others seemed to be keeping the robots under control. A bot was leaning over the kid, ready to destroy his Core. It was so excited at the prospect of killing a mighty Hero that it never felt the dagger made of nanites enter its back.


Splint knelt down by the fallen hero, and placed a hand on his shoulder, allowing the life-giving nanites to enter his systems. The explosion had been bad, but his armor had protected him well. He'd be just like new in a couple minutes. Splint got up and started keeping watch for any brains trying to seize an opportunity.





IC Kathrine Scarlet- Comm Towers:


It wasn't too long before I'd reached my destination,  the Comm towers. If I could get inter planetary communications back up, we could get some help from the big guys up top.


....not that I needed help, of course.


In any case, a quick application of my plasma jets, and I was inside the comm tower. Now to get this thing running again.....


IC: Reyna Pherae


Reyna turned her attention to Dane, and nodded. "And what a fine job you did!" she congratulated earnestly, holding her sword above her head in a sort of salute. The Hero then opened up comms again, looking around. "I've landed safely and without issue. Any Hero around with other pressing issues, give me a call and I'll be right there as soon as I can!" Reyna communicated, turning again to Dane. "What's your name, good hero? You're obviously not someone to be trifled with!"

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...




OOC: Actually I figured I would have to do most of the villains. But villain PCs make my life easier, so glad to see them. 

Can't stop now.
Need more villains.
Name: Kaiba Blader
Weapons/Powers: Titanium ceramic Katana and wakizashi, arm blades, enhanced Strength and Speed(not super level, but definitely above average), laser eyes, limited flight(carries only 500 meters).
Bio: Kaiba Blader is an old robot. In fact, he is the only remaining prototype for the current Hero Factory bots. Deemed too dangerous by his creator, Kaiba was to be decommissioned, permanently. When he learned of this, Kaiba took fate into his own hands, fighting his way to freedom and escaping. After time spent away from most of the universe, Kaiba re emerged, ready to accept his end. Until he found out about his replacements. Hundreds of thousands of robots, untrained, untested. Dangerous. he confronted the creators, but they simply waved him off. Kaiba now understood that they'd never cared about the creations, just the results. And it made him angry. He swore on that day to bring down the totalitarian governments and create a new universe, one where the law was not just enforced, but law enforcement were not just drones to be thrown away.

Approved, but I'll be watching that speed/strength enhancement. 

Figured I ought to make another villain, since apparently there's not many of them. 
Villain Profile:
Name: Mr Vyle.
Powers, Abilities, & Weapons: As one would expect of an evil businessman, he carries a cane, which conceals an electrified sword blade. In addition, he carries a pistol-like weapon that fires bolts of fragmenting energy, and he himself has the ability to project detailed holograms.
Appearance: His armoured body is coloured shades of black and crimson. He prides himself on his appearance, doing his utmost to be pristine and immaculate at all times. His face, believed to be damaged or disfigured in some way, is hidden behind a visor.
MOC: http://i.imgur.com/r5plbmE.png
Bio: Corruption comes in many forms. Some slip slowly into the dark, while others blunder in headlong. There are some who are born evil, and some who spend their entire lives wondering where they went wrong. And then, there’s people like Vyle. Originally a businessman on some distant world, he quickly grew bored of the petty squabbling of the politicians and bureaucrats. He wanted something more. Something new and bold and exciting and terrifying, all at once. So he took to a life or crime, and found a new organisation to fight, one that seemed – to him, at least – far more corrupt than any other: Hero Factory.   
And just to show that I'm not playing favourites, here's a hero as well.
Hero Profile: 
Name: Saracen Rune.
Powers and Abilities: Special gravity-manipulating capacitors built directly into his armour allow him to fly and hover near silently. Maximum movement speed using these is limited to his body’s own terminal velocity. As such, his armour has been reinforced to withstand these increased speed and pressures, making him more durable than the average hero.
Weapon(s): Saracen’s weapon of choice is a sturdy, powerful rifle that fires precise, high-impact energy bolts across mid-distance. His helmet is equipped with a set of goggles possessing several variations of targeting software – telescopic, thermal, and night vision – to assist in his aiming.
Appearance: Clad in blue and grey, this hero is slightly taller than average, and carries himself with a haughty air of confidence that is more than a little intimidating.
MOC: http://i.imgur.com/ch9Z1wp.png
Bio: Not particularly talkative, Saracen just gets the job done and gets on with his life. He is quiet, calm and efficient, and will carry out his orders to the letter without hesitation. He has little understanding of true ethics or morals, as he’s been brought up to believe that whatever Hero Factory does or asks him to do is the right thing.

Both approved. 


As Katherine looked around the tower, she would notice that a bunch of wires had been ripped out of the control panels, as if the person was in a hurry to stop something. Perhaps they could be welded together and fixed. 


However, the screens around her pulsed with static. One helpfully indicated there was no signal. 

Posted (edited)

Name: Azure Stryker, the Sapphire Swordsman.


Powers and Abilities: He emits electricity in either sparks and fields. He’s also heavily armored as he is an XL model, but despite this he is also particularly quick and nimble.


Weapon(s): He wields two swords.


Appearance: I believe a MOC image will suffice.


Bio: Azure, the Sapphire Swordsman, was given his title, not because he had Sapphire Swords (he does have two decorative ones just for show, but that’s besides the point), but because to all the villians he has captured ranted about having to fight against a streak of blue and found that extremely annoying. Azure spends his time training alone or talking with other heroes.

Edited by Shard the Gemknight Toa

Name: Azure, the Sapphire Swordsman.


Powers and Abilities: He emits electricity in either sparks and fields. He’s also heavily armored, but despite this he is also particularly quick and nimble.


Weapon(s): He wields two swords.


Appearance: I believe a MOC image will suffice.

Bio: Azure, the Sapphire Swordsman, was given his title, not because he had Sapphire Swords (he does have two decorative ones just for show, but that’s besides the point), but because to all the villians he has captured ranted about having to fight against a streak of blue and found that extremely annoying. Azure spends his time training alone or talking with other heroes.







An evil brain skittered over the floor and attempted to climb Katerine's leg. 


IC: Mr Vyle - Gran Tranq.


Standing near the window of one of the hotel's upper rooms, a lone being peered out onto the streets below. The Hero Factory had sent its manufactured drones to protect the plant, as he'd expected. With any luck, this town would become their tomb. 


He turned away from the window and headed for the stairs. He couldn't stand idly by and hope everything went according to plan. He needed to take care of this personally. 



IC: Saracen Rune - Main Communication Tower.


The Hero Pod's hatch exploded open long before it reached the ground. Saracen emerged, his gravity capacitors allowing him to levitate high above the city and get a bird's-eye view of what was going on. 


The main communication tower in the centre of the city was almost directly below, and he swooped down towards it, rifle held at the ready in anticipation of whatever might be waiting for him down below. 



IC: Crowley - Sunny Square.


Spotting another open building, he started across the square towards, doing his best to move both quickly and quietly so as not to draw the attention of the group of heroes still lurking nearby...


OOC: All open for interaction. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

Posted (edited)

IC: Azure Stryker, the Sapphire Swordsman/Roof of the Grand Tranq

I watched the ship that dropped me off fly away. I turned around, swords in hand.


OOC: So...what do I see? Btw, I added a last name.

Edited by Shard the Gemknight Toa

IC: Crowley - Sunny Square.


Realising he'd been spotted, Crowley abandoned all attempts at stealth and took off across the square, bounding swiftly towards his chosen cover, his long-limbed strides chewing up the distance with ease. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


IC: Crowley - Sunny Square. 


Reaching the building, he squeezed his misshapen frame through the doorway and took in the interior. A bar of some kind, by the looks of it. sparsely decorated, and full of overturned furniture and broken glass. The curtains were drawn; the only light came in through the narrow doorway and the static-fuzz of the viewscreens on the wall. 


Perfect... He scuttled behind the bar itself, taking cover and waiting for his pursuer to enter the building. 

  • Upvote 1

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


IC: Crowley - Sunny Square (Empty Bar). 


He waited, poised, behind the bar until he heard the sound of broken glass crunching under his hunter's footsteps. The moment he was certain his foe was inside he popped up from behind the bar, firing twin bursts of plasma energy at the hero before taking cover once more. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


IC Kaiba Blader - Sunny Square:


Through the smoke and broken robots stepped a black and crimson warrior. An elegant, powerful build made him an unmistakable Hero.


Except that Kaiba Blader was no Hero. Not anymore. 


Flicking Brain ichor from his blade, the old bot observed the Heroes. So full of energy. Potential. All of it wasted by the creators.


Even now, one such Hero had one of the Parasitic Brains attached to him. The Blader scoffed. Such ill made counter measures.


he would free this one. First from the Brain's parasitic control, and then from the creator's.


His face set, Kaiba Blader rushed forward from behind the Brain controlled Hero, aiming to slice the wretched creature from his head.


OOC: That's Rocka.


IC: Reyna Pherae

"I'm on my way!" the hero declared over the comms to Katherine, taking a moment to determine where the comm tower was. Then she began dashing towards it at breakneck speed, low to the ground with her cape flowing behind. Reyna wasn't sure if she could make it before things wrapped up in there, but she was going to try.


OOC: Not sure how tall the communication tower is, never kept up with Hero Factor sadly. xP But if it's too tall to run up, I'll have Reyna voice her objections.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...




IC: Saracen Rune - Main Communication Tower.


Landing atop the structure, he started looking for a way inside, blasting a few brains with his rifle as they crept out towards him. If the tower array could be brought back online, the planet would be able to call for more reinforcements from Hero Factory. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

Posted (edited)

IC: Splint


Seeing the hideous tooth-claw creature run across the square reminded Splint that there was more than just brains and robots on this planet. He shifted his weapon into a sword, just to be ready for when something else attacked.


Like the red and black titan trying to scalp the gold-armored hero...Rocka, was it? One of the bigwigs on Alpha 1, anyway. The titan's build was similar to that of a Hero, but different somehow. It reminded Splint of some of the pictures of first-generation Heroes he had seen. Perhaps he had some connection to the Factory's early days? Regardless, he lacked a Hero Core, and was currently attacking Rocka. Splint "broke" off a piece off the sword, which turned into a throwing knife. This he hurled at the titan. Meanwhile, the sword accounted for the missing material by becomeing a slightly smaller sword.




Edited by Unit#phntk#1

OOC: Just to be clear, is Rune on the same communication tower as Katherine, or a different one?

IC: Azure Stryker, the Sapphire Swordsman/Roof of the Grand Tranq
I watched the ship that dropped me off fly away. I turned around, swords in hand.
OOC: So...what do I see? Btw, I added a last name.

Last name approved. :P


As Azure Stryker stood on the roof of the Grand Tranq, he would see the square down below him where a bunch of Heroes were still standing and a bunch of damaged attack robots slumped against the walls. If he looked closely, he might see on of the Heroes head off in pursuit of a beast and another black hued being enter, heading for a golden Hero he might recognize as Rocka.

But what might catch his eye the most - if he looked over at the Theater, he might notice a group of brains and brain-controlled citizens maneuvering a massive cannon into position.

IC Kaiba Blader - Sunny Square:
Through the smoke and broken robots stepped a black and crimson warrior. An elegant, powerful build made him an unmistakable Hero.
Except that Kaiba Blader was no Hero. Not anymore. 
Flicking Brain ichor from his blade, the old bot observed the Heroes. So full of energy. Potential. All of it wasted by the creators.
Even now, one such Hero had one of the Parasitic Brains attached to him. The Blader scoffed. Such ill made counter measures.
he would free this one. First from the Brain's parasitic control, and then from the creator's.
His face set, Kaiba Blader rushed forward from behind the Brain controlled Hero, aiming to slice the wretched creature from his head.
OOC: That's Rocka.


Rocka heard footsteps behind him, and turned just in time to get a blade in the face, oddly slicing down in front of him. The brain on the back of the hero hissed. "Who are you?"

If the other heroes behind Rocka in the orginal group looked, they would be able to see the evil brain on Rocka's back.

OOC: Not sure how tall the communication tower is, never kept up with Hero Factor sadly. xP But if it's too tall to run up, I'll have Reyna voice her objections.

OOC: There's a stairway...or she can climb up. You and her can decide which is the better option. :P

As the Katherine flew up through the window, she might notice the antennas on the top of the tower. If she looked closer, she would notice that there was no cables reaching from the antennas to the inside of the tower. Unlike the tearing of the wires inside, this appeared to be neat and deliberate.


OOC: Other ICs incoming. 

  • Upvote 1

OOC: Just to be clear, is Rune on the same communication tower as Katherine, or a different one?


OOC: Um, I'm not sure. The Kathrine posts don't really specify which one she was on. The tower Saracen's currently prancing about on top of was intended to be this one: 


A massive tower in the center of town may be especially key.

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

Posted (edited)

IC: Azure Stryker/Grand Tranq

"Better make my way down..." I murmur.

I begin to enter the top floor and begin to look around.


OOC: How many floors to this thing?

Edited by Shard the Gemknight Toa
Posted (edited)

IC: Mr Vyle - Gran Tranq. 


One floor down, Mr Vyle had nearly reached the stairs when he heard Azure's heavy footfalls coming from above. He tightened his grip on his cane, and continued downwards. Whatever was up there, it sounded big...

Edited by Of Australian Origin...

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

Posted (edited)

IC Kathrine - Sabotaged Comm Tower:


Frowned again.


this was professional work. I wasn't sure I had the materials or technical know how to fix this tower. I keyed my comm, "This Tower has been sabotaged too badly for me to repair. Marking it and moving to the next one."


I flew a bit away from the tower, then fired, scorching the outside with a large X shape. Another hero was setting down atop one of the central towers, I rocketed over to his position. "Need a hand?~"



IC Kaiba Blader- Sunny Square:


Dissapointed that his initial attack had failed, the Blader spotted the knife spinning toward him, and angled his blade to intercept it.


"I am Kaiba Blader. Your predecessor, Hero." he sneered, Snapping a kick to the golden Hero's chest.

Edited by The Other Other Alex

OOC: Got preoccupied, but back in!




A pod containing the most disastrous life form slowly emerged from the sky, arcing down at a painful angle and smashing into a partially destroyed structure. When the smoke cleared there were two canisters, one of them fading away while the hero inside pulled out his shield.


"Goodness, not even any salted peanuts. What kind of a flight is this?"


Seeing a fight up ahead, he began racing over there.

OOC: Open For Interaction. And villain coming soon.

  • Upvote 1

IC: Saracen Rune - Main Communication Tower. 


"We need to reestablish communication with Hero Factory," he replied, picking up a struggling brain and tossing it off the side of the tower, "Help me find a way inside." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

Posted (edited)


IC: Azure Stryker/Grand Tranq
"Better make my way down..." I murmur.
I begin to enter the top floor and begin to look around.
OOC: How many floors to this thing?

Three. The Grand Tranq is huge, but I picture it more big across the ground than up in the air. Out instead of up. 

OOC: Alex - Fishers' post indicated that the brain was on Rocka's back, not his head, which is why we didn't notice it before. So unless Blader can arc those lasers, he's not hitting the brain.

Yeah, I actually went with the set version just a little more here, as opposed to the TV show Surge version. The books also have brains on the backs too, and since we're playing Tranquis, I tipped my hand that way a little. 

As Karter's robots returned, the villain sent them to guard the doors and entrances. It was then an alarm sounded - two Heroes were on the main comm tower, with a third on the way. He pressed a button urgently. 
All around the top of the tower, a bunch of lasers blazed to life in an intricate pattern, one that missed the antenna, but one that would hopefully fry any we were standing on top. A few seconds later, a similar field blazed to life around the tower's windows. 
It appeared that the heroes would need to stop these fields or go around them somehow. 

Edited by fishers64
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