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Beat And Rhythm

Toa of Dancing

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IC (Po-Wahi): Elreg lead Maximus back up the sand dune and headed toward the general direction of Po-Koro. Once they were far enough from the battlefield, the Matoran turned to observe Pokorix. As he noted earlier, the Toa had some sort of stone cast on one of his legs and he was clutching his side tightly.Elreg eventually said, "I'll tell you the truth. We're going to have to go to the village. Neither of us have anything to heal nor do we have enough food to make the trip to either Ga-Koro or Onu-Koro. So I have to ask you one question. Hypothetically speaking, is there any reason why anyone in Po-Koro would want to kill you on sight?

Credits: Xanis

"Don't Panic."

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IC (Kona, Kini-Nui): A toa of ice in brilliant white armour approached the two toa and the unconscious leader. He didn't recognise either as Dissonance warriors, so he needed to ensure that Jkeian was in safe hands. It boded well when they layed him on a stretcher, but in times or war, one could never assume."Afternoon men" he addressed them. "Mind identifying yourselves? Its good you're helping Jkeian there, but security in this place is important. I'm sure you understand."IC (Pukeno, Onu-wahi): The toa didn't seem to be too familiar with the Matoran that Pukano was imitating, which he decided was a good thing. In the past, he had been caught impersonating beings by their close friends, and expected to know and remember things about them. It was an awkward situation he was glad to avoid."I'm Pukeno" he replied. "A miner. You probably haven't heard of me". It was true, since there was no Onu-matoran miner named Pukeno. "I haven't heard much of this War Music you speak of. What is it and how does it ruin things?"


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IC / Onu-Wahi with Pukeno:No, he hadn’t heard of Pukeno. Strange, but not unbelievable. Osgilaed liked to believe he knew everyone, but reality said that this was far from the case. Still, it was good to see this Matoran. Although he really must be some sort of deep miner to not have head of War Music, or at the very least he was just a hermit, contemplating life while others lived it. Taking a deep breath, Osgilaed spoke of the one thing that kept bringing his rage to the forefront, “Well, War Music takes music and twists in such a way that it unlocks the hidden elemental potential of any being. I’m sure even Rahi could use it if they were actually intelligent enough. It’s all about harmony between the music and one’s element. One unlocks and directs, while the other provides a foundation and inspiration to draw from.” Sighing, Osgilaed continued, “At first it was beautiful, just a way to fully immerse yourself into a song and experience that always left you with a rush and short breath at its brilliance. But that was before the seeds of corruption took a hold of it and turned it into war. Now with Matoran even with Toa on the battlefield, old rivalries exploded into war, which, to this day, threatens to tear our island apart.” Osgilaed was ready to say more, but restrained himself. His next words would have been harsh and spurred on by a moment’s rush of anger at remembering why all this had started. Just by petty rivalries.


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


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GM/Dissonance ArmyKini-Nui/IC:

Cluprel and Jotham would see that half the army was perfectly fine. Well, they might have had scrapes, bruises, and cuts, but aside from that they were good. The problem was that the other half... wasn't. Whether they were leaning on each other for support or being flat-out carried, a large portion was injured. Every few seconds, another stumbled and fell, or simply just fell of their own accord. Their fellows tried to help, but it was getting to be too much. They were going to need as much help as they could to make just the last few dozen bios into Kini-Nui.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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IC:Quwaro didn't stay to chat. Once again picking himself off the ground, the pale Toa grabbed his things and ran.

They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. 


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.


Come Tenno, you must join the war.

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IC (Pukeno, Onu-wahi): The description of this strange music intrigued Pukeno. There were dozens of forms he could take to get the required elemental potential, and the idea of a tune even more entralling than the songs or birds or the rush of the sea was great indeed. It also explained why Matoran had been fighting in the tunnels near his home when they had collapsed it. They were fighting for power and dominance, for revenge and greed. That he could understand.At the mention of rahi, however, something flared up inside him. Even rahi... if they were actually intelligent. This was exactly the sort of ignorant thing that made the surface-dwellers intollerable to his kind. They were constantly assuming that they were above rahi, which mostly they were, bit it ticked off the exceptions no end. Rahi such as his species, the Keetongus, the Tahtorahks, had often longed to be treated as more than just beasts, and even teach the toa and Matoran a lesson. At least the Artakha bulls got some respect.Osgilaed's comment, innocent though it was, brought up the long-running gripe. In a flash, Pukeno felt his muscles bulge as he changed form into a huge blade-burrower and swung a claw towards the toa. "Rahi are more intelligent than you can guess" he bellowed. "Just because we choose not to live the way you do, we do not lack anything in brains, or power!"Even as he was shouting, part of him was berating himself for losing his temper so quickly and blowing an opportunity, while another urged him on to greater violence. He was ready to tip either way.


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IC / Onu-Wahi with Pukeno:“AaaaaAAAAAaa!” Osgilaed sang, turning what was originally a shout and making it into what he hated, War Music. Even a simple tune like singing the letter A brought devastating results when it came to Osgilaed.A fist of earth rose up and blocked the Blade Burrower’s claw. Osgilaed was very glad he had decided to back up. Stepping back down the tunnel a few more steps, he took out his Tupan and stared into the eyes of the Blade Burrower as he said, “Now either you’re a Matoran with a strange power and a multiple personality complex, or some type of Rahi I’ve never heard of and have never known when I’ve actually seen one.” Osgilaed paused, thinking over what he had said to illicit such a response. He couldn’t immediately think of anything, not with the threat of imminent danger overwhelming him. Strangely, he felt no anger; if anything, he felt remorse for somehow verbally injuring this creature. “If I said something insulting, I am sorry. I did not know to whom I spoke.”


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


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IC (Pukeno, Onu-wahi): Pukeno finally reined in his anger and slowed his breathing. The blade burrower changed shape once again, rapidly shifting through the shapes of a gukko, a muaka, a lava eel and finally Osgilaed himself. "I am a rahi, any rahi and all rahi" the doppleganger spoke. "Though not a dumb animal. I and others like me have long resented the belief that all rahi lack real intelligence. Its a something of a sore spot for us. I'm sorry for going off at you like that.""Now, I think it should be obvious that I am not a miner, though my name is Pukeno. Your music - was that what you did just now? It looks... complicated."


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IC: Jotham sighed. "We are allies, as we said before," he replied, holding up his right hand in a fist. The emblem of the Dissonance was engraved on the armor on the back of his hand. "My name is Jotham, if it matters so much. Now, if you don't mind, we could use a little help." He created another trio of stretchers, which floated out into the midst of the force towards a few of those who looked to be in the worst shape.


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GM/Tribes of RhythmEvery Wahi Aside from Ko/IC:

As the Tribes began to arrive in their respective Koros, Onu-matoran messengers popped from the earth and gave the message for them each to hurry to central points in their homes. For Ta-Koro, it was the castle of Taxuth. The Ga-Koro residents were called to the massive central lily pad. Citizens of Po-Koro were told to gather in the center of the market. Le-Koronans were told simply to fly above the treetops. In Onu-Koro itself, the denizens were ushered to a massive cavern where Onuraf resided.Why the gatherings? Apparently, something had been discovered regarding Kini-Nui.

GM/DissonanceKo-Koro and Kini-Nui/IC:

Something similar happened in Ko-Koro, for the citizens remaining there. They were told to quickly ascend to the top of Mt. Ihu to meditate and be told of something. Those in Kini-Nui were called to the main courtyard of the temple, or fortress as it was now. In addition, medical aid was promised to all military units that arrived.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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IC: Skyra - Le-koro -As soon as he had heard the message, Skyra wordlessly began to jump from branch to branch, getting higher and higher until he reached the very top. It was time to see what this message was all about. Skyra broke through the thick leaves of the tree tops, he could see the sun glaring into his eyes.

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Runner - Ta-Wahi BeachRunner quickly took chase, living up to his name in that department. Activating his Kakama, the Toa soon found himself in front of Quwaro, staring at him with a look of concern and exasperation."Please, I just want to talk," he said in an almost pleading tone.-Void



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IC (Kona, Kini-Nui): "My apologies, Jotham" Kona said. "I didn't recognise you. You are welcome here so long as you oppose the Tribes of Rhythm". He then created an ice stretcher similar to Jotham's and used it to help wounded warriors up into the fortress. Whatever news the warriors were about to be given, he felt it was important to know, but more importantly, he wanted to get the wounded to the medics. From a practical standpoint, this war was going to be won by warriors - knowledge was useful but it could only take them so far.IC(Lema and Weta, Le-wahi): The two scouts recieved the message from a flying turaga, and made their way back to the village. Lema circled high above on Pori's back while Weta flew under his own power, skimming the treetops. They were soon joined by a multitude of other Le-koronans, soaring on rahi or riding gusts or wind. Soon, the whole area was buzzing with flyers like a swarm of insects attracted to rotten fruit.

Edited by The Lorax


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IC: Aquila - Ko-KoroHe ascended Mt Ihu along with the Ko-Matoran. He was told it had something to do with Kini-Nui. Perhaps intelligence that could help Le-Wahi in the War? He adjusted his robes, and shoved through to the front of the crowd.

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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IC:Quwaro began to regain his composure. He glared at Runner, mouth clamped firmly shut.IC: Ta-Koro~Castle TaxuthOne could easily mistake it for a pile of junk if they looked quickly, without interest. But those who actually took their time to examine would find that the misshapen mass was a monster of a man, a Toa of FIre who was one with his instrument. Oro, or the Sovereign of Flame as he called himself in these strange times, sat patiently in the courtyard of Taxuth. He did not reach out to others with greeting. The Sovereign simply sat and waited, wondering why the meeting had been called...IC: Onu-KoroWithin Onu-Koro, a similarly massive, if more symmetrical Toa also waited patiently. Goun tapped her foot to a simple four note beat, wondering who else would come.

They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. 


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.


Come Tenno, you must join the war.

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IC (Po-Wahi): "Alright, I think I can work with that," Elreg replied as he lead them closer to Po-Koro, "All we have to do is walk through the gates and put on some sort of performance so we can earn some widgets."Maximus gave an odd whistling snort and when Elreg turned to face him, the Manas was somehow able to convey a sense of bemused disbelief with his eyes and mandibles."Don't worry," the Matoran insisted, "I have a plan for getting through the gate. For the money, I'm not so sure. You wouldn't happen to have any talents, would you Maximus?"

Credits: Xanis

"Don't Panic."

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IC / Onu-Wahi with Pukeno:“I, uh, it’s fine, I guess,” Osgiaed said, unsure as to this shape shifting Rahi’s true intentions. But nevertheless, he answered Pukeno’s question, “Yes, although most can’t do it through song, they need a more controlled version of harmony and melody. I honestly can’t believe I just turned what started out as a yell into War Music. I guess I’m better than I thought. Although that’s what I get for practicing singing for who knows how long now.”


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


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IC: Pokorix (Po-Wahi)"Alright. You can.. have this." he said, pulling out a wallet with about 55 widgets in it.IC: Gakia (Ko-Wahi)A lone Matoran stands atop Mt. Ihu. She watches the slopes, eyes searching for any sign of anything. Though she is a Ga-Matoran, she wears grey armor. A breeze blows past her, and she shivers, tightening her grip on her sword. And so she watches, and waits.OOC: Gakia open for interaction.Zakaro


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC (Po-Wahi): "Well I guess I'll just have to improvise something... what? You can what?!"Elreg stopped walking unexpectedly, causing Maximus to run into him from behind, sending the Matoran mask-first into the sand. As he picked himself up from the ground, spitting sand from his mouth, Maximus quickly apologized."Its fine, don't worry about it," Elreg reassured him, "You can seriously make music as a Rahi?""Yeah," the Manas insisted.Elreg pondered that for a second before throwing up his hands and saying, "Why not? You can already talk. Why should I find this so hard to believe?"It was afterward that Pokorix tossed his wallet to Elreg. The Matoran looked inside and then passed it back to Pokorix saying, "Keep it. There is barely enough to buy food for two of us, let alone pay a doctor to get your injuries healed. No, I think I have a plan now. We just need to get past the Po-Koro gates."Elreg then continued walking toward the village, silently begging to Mata-nui to allow his plan to work.

Credits: Xanis

"Don't Panic."

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IC: Tunneler Skeleton (Deazthria) / Po-WahiThe Tunneler tossed its head with the strength of the unliving, sending the worm flying into a nearby mesa, the drills biting through the rock. It had suffered damage, yes, but it still stood strong, and, like the worm, felt no pain.The beast opened its great maw, and released a powerful blast of elemental air. As it collided with the ground before its remaining enemies, it send out shockwaves of wind before quickly forming into a great windstorm, one tossing the undead corpses amongst it around like insects in a dust devil, and battering those trapped within.OOC: So sorry about the delay my good men & women.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC (ZOMBIE):Trakuda used this to his advantage, leaping atop one of the corpses and riding it through the whirlwind, until it spiraled to the top, launching him into the air, where he was caught by the newly-repaired worm after some skillful midair flute-playing. Now seated within the worm, he continued to sound his flute, causing the drill-heads of the worm to dart off and shoot straight towards the undead Rahi.OOC: If you're wondering, there is a small sort of bubble which Trakuda is inside. There are air holes, but he is very cold in there and will have to leave soon.

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IC: It was not long before the group arrived back at Kini-Nui, where the injured were immediately taken by other willing hands to the fortress' hospital wing to be given proper medical attention. One of the beings helping - a Ko-Matoran, by the looks of him - caught Jotham's attention. "Hey, you just got here, right?" the Matoran asked."Yeah.""Soon as we're done with this, we're supposed to head to the main courtyard.""Why?" Jotham asked, intrigued."Dunno," the Matoran replied, shrugging, "but that's what everyone's saying.""All right. Thanks."A few minutes later, Jotham found himself leaning casually against a courtyard wall next to Cluprel and Kona, waiting for something to happen. "By the way, I never got your name," he said, addressing the latter. "Or yours, come to think of it," he said to Cluprel.

Edited by Βalta


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IC: Artorre: Mt. Ihu:Artorre trudged up the mountain, shivering, and looked around. He sat down in the snow and waited.OOC: Oh, right, Artorre open for interaction.

Edited by Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons

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IC: Pokorix "OK."IC: Gakia (Ko-Wahi)Looking upon the slopes of Mt. Ihu, she could see what looked like a Toa of Fire. He seemed to be wearing sound-proof armor, but in these times wearing that type of armor didn't mean someone was part of the Dissonance. Eyes narrowing, she dropped off the mountain's peak to the oppsite side and peered out at the Toa from behind it.Zakaro


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC (Kona, Kini-Nui): "The name's Kona" he introduced himself. "Warrior of the Dissonance and leader of Squad 73, a part of the 5th legion"IC (Kuba, Po-wahi): Kuba threw up a wall of stone to shield himself from the winds while he carefully kept up the tune that made up his sonic titan. The giant had been sucessful against one air-powered zombie, so he brought it against the tunneler, swinging its musical club at the lizard's ribcage.IC (Pukeno, Onu-wahi): "How... fascinating" the rahi breathed, still apperaing as a mirror image of Osgilaed. "It seems that this music could be used to accomplish many great things".


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IC: AquilaHe dropped back to the Toa of Fire. 'What do you think this is about?'

OOC: This is to me?IC: Artorre: Mt. Ihu:"I don't know, but it better be important if I have to be up on this mountain," Artorre replied, adding in a rather colorful word, "to hear it. By the way, I'm Artorre, the master of bad first impressions." He extended a hand. Edited by Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons

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IC / Onu-Wahi with Pukeno:Osgilaed shifted his body weight and looked Pukeno up and down. He didn’t normally make it a habit to look into mirrors or even pools of water, so it was strange to finally be able to see himself in his entirety. He supposed he should be freaked out, but instead he was feeling a sense of wonder. The Rahi before him had more complexities than all Rahi he had seen beforehand. “Indeed,” he agreed, “Unfortunately, most use it to achieve only death and destruction.”


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


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IC: Gakia (Ko-Wahi)Her eyes widened even more as she saw many Matoran and other beings come over a rise. 'Why is half the Dissonance here?' she wondered. Walking around the peak, she made her way down to the main group and asked, "Why is everyone coming up here?" A Ko-Matoran answered, "Someone told me that we should come up here to meditate for something." As he walked past her, Gakia stood there confused. "What's going to happen?" she whispered.Zakaro


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC (Kona): "Good to make your acquaintance, Cluprel" Kona said to the pale green toa. "Do you know anything of the news we are about to be given? If the tribes are gathering another army, it could hardly come at a worse time".IC (Pukeno): Pukeno noticed that Osgilaed was looking at the body he was now using. On the few occasions he had shown beings their own form were disturbed by it, and they had reacted strongly, either in fear or revulsion. This toa, by contrast, didn't seen off-put by it. This proved his metal, in Pukeno's eyes. "But it can be used for good?" he clarified, "to create objects of worth and beauty or to bring beings together in peace?"So that the toa wouldn't have to keep talking to himself, he shapeshifted again, this time into a yellow, one-eyed rahi which could walk alongside the toa, rather than flying crawling, or tunelling. He thought it might make the conversation easier.


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IC: Aquila'I wanted to turn the tides of the war in my own little way. Actually, wanna know a little secret?' He quickly slipped the end of his Blade Flute out of his sleeve, and placed a finger over his lips. 'Truth be told, I'm not sure which side I'm on.'

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
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IC: Nizkholi: The Drifts: Alone: Having been told by a passing Ko-Matoran of the gathering at the tip of Mt. Ihu, he decided to take a "shortcut" through the Drifts. Once he thought he was alone, he made sure by using his ice powers to harden the snow for a half-kio around. Anyone following him would have their feet trapped in the ice, and he sensed through his element that no one was struggling against the ice and snow. He reached for his duduk and played a Kewa-calling song. A few minutes later, one of the graceful birds landed right next to him. He attached an ice tablet to the bird's back, and sent it off towards Le-Koro. It read:To the Captain of the Gukko Force:All Dissonants in Ko-Koro amassing on Mt. Ihu's peak. Prime target for attack. Lava pots recommended. Send an expendable soldier to be downed. Will be running psychological operations on the ground. May the glorious music of battle ever fill you ears.-Your undercover musician


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IC: Artorre: Mt. Ihu:Artorre didn't react to the musical weapon. "You better not let anyone see that. Not much tolerance for the undecideds here." Then, with a wink, he then laughed as if he had been told a joke. "Nice meeting you, but I better be going."

Edited by Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons

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