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Day Run: The Garden


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IC: Arena Walking up behind Zanth, Marx said, "So do you got this under control? Or should I help?" Looking at the screens he saw the uneven fight. "Slate get a speed generator and I'll teleport you in." Slate returned quickly with the device. Marx was easily able to focus on an area near Vertak thanks to the shadowy sword and open a portal. Slate went thru and then Marx closed it.IC: ArenaSlate appeared not to far from the Vertak and the three blue team fighters. Launching a power scream that shook the ground he nodded to Vertak and got ready to fight.

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IC: Arena - Forest Region (Blue Team)Kaytana continued to pounce through the tree branches until she came to the area where she sensed the Flag Spire. Feeling around with her plants again, the Skakdi found the exact spot where the structure was located, and opened a path again.She slid down a vine until she was at level with the control panel. With her mechanical arm, she reached out her hand to press the activation button while her other held onto the plant tendril.IC: Arena - Volcanic Region - Red Team HQ (Red Team)"We should start searching, then," Greel said. "There's no telling how close the Blue Team is to finding our own flag."

Edited by Magnus Greel
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IC - Illuxio - Island: Illuxio was prepared to charge forward and attack, as well as activate his Shield Generator again to deflect the sonic attack, when he heard the Red Team member's song. While it had no effect on him, he froze. That was something he was familiar with, even after so long... The thought hadn't even crossed his mind that she would be alive in this universe."Selir-?" he began to call, using his mechanical influence to transfer it over her Crest. He was interrupted, however, as an electrical attack struck him, momentarily paralyzing him.IC - Zanth - Red Command Center: "One flag," Zanth corrected Greel over the comm. "There's not a flag per team--we're all going after the same one." He glanced at Marx. "I've got things covered up here."He looked back at the control panel, activating his Crest again and addressing Artorre. "I'll give you a minute," he said. "But the way things seem to be stacked, I think we need those beacons to find the flag, and we don't have time to waste. Not to mention, by the time you defeat the entirety of Blue Team, the match will be over." He prepared to activate the beacon, keeping an eye on Dalmia through one of the Recorders.Countdown... to what?IC - Sepcret - Volcano: Sepcret forced herself to drop as Artorre lashed out with his mind. She phased into the volcano below her, out of sight of the Toa, and then moved underneath the field, heading back south.IC - Kovian/Vailian/Djoser - Wasteland: Taking advantage of Zaydan's frozen state, Vailian rushed forward, throwing his Amplification power into a massive kick. As the mech was knocked back, large vines rose from the ground to pin it down. He turned back to Vertak and the others. More Red Team members had arrived to fight. Kovian's shield was raised, a barrier between him and their attacks, and Djoser seemed to be sizing up the opposition. Slate loosed his Power Scream; Kovian blocked it with his own."This is pointless," Vailian called, backing up and keeping an eye on Zaydan. "We ought to be looking for that flag.""Change of heart?" Kovian asked him, though did not disagree with the suggestion. Slamming his scythe into the ground, he formed a large cylinder of ice around them, isolating them from the others. Vailian summoned a powerful illusion to hide them, which they used to hurry back into the cover of the mountains.IC - Vertak/Rhindon - Wasteland: Vertak fired at the ice wall in an attempt to break through it, though stopped after a few moments. He'd have to follow them and take them out while they were on the run.Revving the Tumbler, he used Rhindon's directions to follow after the three Blue Team members.IC - Spire - Jungle: The second jungle spire activated as Kaytana touched it, though it, like the other, did not emit a light yet.IC - Dalmia - Mountain: As the action in the Arena continued to rise, Dalmia continued to be still. The illusionary clock he had created continued to count down; judging from their reactions, the audience had noticed it, and seemed rather worried by its implications. A number of Recorders were moving around him, observing the Ring member.Seven minutes... he thought. Tick, tock, tick, tock...

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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Kealen- Tower of TyisIC: A sigh of relief escaped his lips as Kealen watched Alan's eyes open, followed by a slight twitch of his lips at the first thing that came out of his mouth.He stepped forward saying, "Is there anything else you would like us to do?"

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Srizz | Arena | Blue Team | Sky "Scouting for blues," he replied icily. "And for the record, I don't recognize you either. Don't recognize half this team. It's a bit big, in case you hadn't noticed, and we didn't get much time to meet-and-greet." Another lucky aspect of camoflaging himself in sky colors: Any hint of blue would likely be mistaken for a glint off his armor. "And speaking of which, shouldn't you be looking for something? Spires, flags, enemies, people to shoot at who aren't on your side?" Now he sounded more sarcastic and annoyed than actually angry. -=H-D=-

Edited by Half-Dragon

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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IC: Arena"Alright. I'll just watch the screens for a moment then."Marx looked over the screens he looked at the combatants and the various places they where. Making mental notes of how they looked, what powers they used and how they acted.IC: Arena"Your invisiblity does not hide your foot falls." said Slate.As he sent a sonic wave into the ice cylinder, shattering it. Ice rained down and harmlessly bounced off his protosteel armor.Using the speed generator he rocketed after the others but he was sure to use his power over sound to nullify the sounds he made as he ran.IC: ArenaSol used his power over light to change his armor to various greens and browns so that he would blend in with the trees.He leapt from branch to branch looking for anything that would lead to the flag.IC: ArenaToxin looked around at the screens in the control room.He found it odd how he was sitting back while the rest of the team was doing stuff. But this Toa of ice was right they could send him in with the teleporters when they located the flag. And that was a lot better plan that just walking around and blowing stuff up and hoping to find the flag.

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IC: Arena - Volcanic Region - Red Team HQ (Red Team)Greel listened to Zanth speak, and once the Team Zero leader had finished, he asked, "Fighting over the same flag once it's revealed?" A sly grin was plastered on his face. "Oh, this is going to be fun."The teal-armored warrior focused, opening another gateway. "I'm going to check the mountainous section of the field. Perhaps there is a beacon somewhere hidden there." Switching on his generators caused Greel to become disguised and absolutely quiet. The closing of his portal alerted the others to his departure. Now in a stealth mode, he could search the mountains he now stood on without interuption.IC: Arena - Forest Region (Blue Team)Kaytana watched the spire's illuminated tip for a moment, before using the vine she was climbing on to swing back into the treetops. Her momentum had actually brought her through the layers of branches and leaves (which had quickly moved out of her way as she passed) and out of the canopy. The Skakdi fell a little, a branch jutting out to catch her, its sticks and twigs lined up and looking like a hand. She stood on it now, surveying the sky and trees before her.There are those clearings, Kaytana thought glaring at the hills in the distance. They easily stuck out against the green coloration of the forest. Controlling the trees, she leapt off the perch, and landed on another branch that had sprung out of the canopy. Repeating the same feat again and again, Kaytana made her way to the easternmost mountains.

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IC: Artorre: Arena (Volcanic Region, Southwestern) (Red Team):Artorre groaned as the blue dropped out of sight."I think she got away," He said into his team crest. "I'll head for the forest now."He shot off toward the northwestern forest.

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IC (Chorc/Cheiz, Blue Team, Wastelands): Chorc imply had Cheiz raise the plates on his other arm to deflect this round of oncoming bullets."It didn't work the first time you fool, why did you think to try again!" the kraata jeered. He sent more lightning bolts arcing at Aranai and the mechanical serpent, which struck the tail of the roving vehicle. But Chorc's power was more than just electricity, it was chain lightning. As such the attacks that hit the tail started leaping up from segment to segment, dancing up Aranai's ride...IC (Chyff, Blue Team, Blue Base): "Aright Blue Team, you hopefully heard Illuxio. Those beams of light from the spires are a trail, we have to follow them. Start converging on each other, them follow the trail. I think I've got these teleporters figured out so I can beam you some reinforcements when you reach the flag."He turned to Toxin and stopped talking over the team crest for a moment, "Just to check, you are immune to the poisonous stuff you create, right? I figured you'd be useful for a smokescreen, hold back red team so we can get the flag and get out but that won't work if you're going to poison yourself as well as them."


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-==IC: Selirah==-Selirah frowned."Do I know..." Selirah began to say, and her eyes widened, as she realized the implications, but frowned.But what do I do...? Selirah thought, and sighed mentally."Lyxek...?" Selirah asked, calling out from her vehicle, even as she got out.-==IC: Kairan==-"What team are you on, then? I've never seen you around the Arena at all, though you have a point." Kairan said, even as he edged toward where he hoped the Spire was located.-==IC: Zaydan==-Zaydan sighed, as she pressed a button, causing the seat she was sitting in to eject; and fly into the air. Zaydan flipped forward, and aimed her arm toward Djoser, quickly unleashing a Rhotuka toward him, even as she summoned a knife out of iron from her spare armour, and flung it toward where she hoped Vailian was after that last attack.

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IC (Past) - Tyis/Jyehn - Council Room: "No, you're free to go," Tyis said. "Perhaps you should consider joining the Arena match--it will begin soon."IC - Illuxio - Island: Illuxio gripped his head as the electric shock wore off. He quickly activated his Shield Generator before more attacks could hit him. He blinked as he saw Selirah."It is you," he said, recognizing her. Then, recalling where he was, "But not the same one I knew..." He would have frowned if he could have. "I'm not Lyxek. But I do know you... kind of."IC - Sepcret - Arena: "Roger that," Sepcret responded to Chyff. She turned back to observe the map above her. "Here's an update for you: The next spire seems to be in the Red base..." She frowned as the light was suddenly redirected to another volcano. "... Scratch that."IC - Kovian/Vailian/Djoser - Escaping: A combination of illusions, sonics and ice had created a protective barrier around the three Blue Team members, who continued to push their way toward the mountainous south. Sheets of ice circled around them, blocking physical attacks, while a sonic barrier disoriented the Red Team members. Finally, Vailian's illusions made it virtually impossible to get a good idea of where they were at, as a dozen Kovians, Vailians and Djosers circled around and dodged.At the center of all of this, Kovian had activated his mask to turn himself invisible, assisting Djoser in manipulating the ice while also maintaining the sonic field. They were approaching a rocky outcrop, managing to avoid or block most hits, though he wanted to get a vantage point before actually fighting back."Keep pushing," he said. "Don't let them close in."IC - Zanth - Command Center: After waiting exactly one minute, Zanth activated the Red Base spire. The light was redirected again, shining on a volcano directly south of the base. The Team Zero leader frowned as he noted this. Looking at the map of the Arena--which had updated now to showcase the locations of all six connected beacons--he saw a pattern beginning to emerge, though he couldn't confirm it until the next beacon became active."Let me know if the next beacon sends the light into another section of the Arena," he said over the Crests. Three in the west, three in the north... OOC: For those who want a visual reference, here's a very quick outline of all the spires so far.

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IC: Arena - Forest Region (Blue Team) Kaytana finally came to the easternmost hills that were bare of any plant life to detect anything hidden on them. From here, she could see much of the hill tops, and her eyes scanned their peaks and bases. The Skakdi even had the branch she stood on to raise her higher into the sky to get a better look of the ridge. If there was another structure on them, Kaytana would see it. If not, then she felt the need to level them.IC: Arena - Mountainous Region (Red Team)From his spot on a mountain, Greel took off like a rocket with his boots, though ironically sounded and looked nothing like it. An aerial view of the sector would be the best and bring faster results than hiking up and down the great hills. He made sure to check summits, cliffs, bases, and possible caves -- anyplace where a beacon might be. This search of flying up and down and getting close to the rocky terrain was done carefully with the use of portals.

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IC: Calik - IslandsCalik stepped through the dimensional gateway--To find himself facing several rather confused beings (Illuxio and Selirah, not sure if I'm missing anyone)."Er, alright," he muttered to himself, before drawing his sword, "What brings you folks out on this fine evening?"-Void

Edited by Emissary to the Void


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IC: Artorre: Arena (Forest, Northwest Border) (Red Team):Artorre stared as the light bounced to a volcano. He looked ahead to the forest. He fired several rockets at the trees ahead. After the explosions, the shattered trees sparked and grew quickly into a blazing inferno.IC: Elittra: Arena (Large Island, Beach) (Red Team):Elittra swam up to the shore and stepped onto the island for the second time. She looked around. "Looks like you're outnumbered."

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IC: Arena"Yup completely immune. If I can create it I'm immune to it." replied Toxin."I can handle a smokescreen."IC: ArenaSlate gave up chasing the three blue team warriors. They simply were not worth the trouble."Marx, I can't get them." he said into the team crest."I saw. Just be ready to be teleported when we find the flag. Or another fight." said Marx.He sat on a boulder and started to wonder why everytime he got in a fight the opponent just happened to be more powerful than him. Why? Why was he always outnumbered, overpowered and beaten. He had been killed and reborn multiple times but still he was too weak. He had been redesigned to hunt Makuta but still he was too weak. WHY?He struck the boulder with a closed fist and it shattered, forcing him to stand up.Looking around he now wondered why had he chosen to join a team and fight in an arena? Did he want the money? No. Did he want the fame. Nope. Did he want to be remembered? Well maybe but not for this. He wanted to be remembered as a hero not some showy Toa that fought for entertainment.His mind was now clouded with rage. Great, he thought, Now I can't control my temper.

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-==IC: Kairan==-As Kairan flew closer, the light beam redirected, nearly blinding him temporarily, as he flew back with a frown."Heading to check that out now." Kairan replied to the message, as he shot off, flying after the beam, wishing he could have double checked with that mysterious person, but..."Also, there's a cloaked being flying around the base." Kairan noted over the Team Crests, even as he flew toward the next spire.-==IC: Selirah==-"You look like him, though..." Selirah said, and frowned."What do you mean by 'not the same I knew'...?" Selirah asked, getting an idea, even as she walked toward the alternate Lyxek, ignoring that the others were gathering to take out Illuxio.-==IC: Zaydan==-Zaydan frowned, as she looked around the area, looking for anything metallic that she could manipulate to attack the trio with her powers.

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IC: Amalia:Amalia arrived at her destined destination, but found no trace of Artorre. She then headed north bound, detecting his former signature as she ran along. She was concerned about this sudden disappearance, but believed he was perfectly sustainable.

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Alan (Past)/Tyis IslandIC:

"Zanth? He kept the meeting? How long have I been spouting cheese balls? And what in a mukau's completely irrelevant name do you mean, 'You can stop that.'? Stop what?" said Alan, his eyebrow raised as he propped himself against the nearby podium.

Khadbaen (Past)/Ring HQ and Wherever ElseIC:

Khad did whatever the heck for a bit, then went and bought some clothes, then went to the arena. Through his team crest he asked Chyff and Srizz, "You two pahrtihcihpatihn' ihn the mahtch?"

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC - Illuxio - Island: Illuxio paused, contemplating how to respond. He completely ignored Elittra and Calik, his Shield Generator continuing to separate him from the Red Team members."I'm not your Lyxek," he corrected after a moment. "It's difficult to explain. You're dead in the universe I come from. Everything is. I was the Lyxek of that universe. But now I'm not. I'm an AI with Lyxek's--my old memories. Mostly repressed memories. But I have some of them." He magnetized his swords to his back again. "You're this universe's Selirah. Not much different from the one I knew, by the way you're talking."He shrugged. "Anyway, you really think I look like Lyxek?" he asked, seeming to shift gears. "I did base my new body's appearance off of him when I created the schematics, but I find Swerv left out a few details. I'm not as handsome as I used to be, for one." Illuxio's tone carried a smirk to it. "That was a joke." IC - Kovian/Vailian/Djoser - Wastelands: Kovian didn't allow their defenses to drop, even as their attackers seemed to peel away. Arriving at the rock structure, he waited until Vailian and Djoser had entered before following after them.The way the stones had been set up had created what was essentially a room. A hole in the ceiling, where most of the rocks met, allowed sunlight to pour into the place, though Kovian found it unnecessary with his scope. Looking around, he set his eyes on a control panel, which was placed next to a metal tower directly beneath the hole. He raised an eyebrow, recalling the chatter on the comms."Beacon, beacon, beacon..." he muttered, walking over to it. Pressing the activation key, he watched as a light turned on at the tip of the spire, though nothing else happened. He shrugged, looking at Vailian and Djoser. "Let's keep an eye on this place until we get an indication of where we need to go next."IC - Kairan - Volcanoes: As expected, a spire had rise on the volcano now being pointed to by the beam of light. Activating it would send the beam into the jungle, toward the northernmost beacon, which Kaytana had already activated.IC - Kaytana - Jungle: The slightest glint from one of the hills would presumably catch Kaytana's attention. It was almost on the very edge of the field, barely jutting out from the top of the jungle's canopy, planted in a hillside.IC - Greel - Mountains: As Greel flew, he would note several things--assuming his eyes were as good as he seemed to think. For one, Dalmia was still standing, completely motionless, atop the tallest mountain, his clock continuing to tick around him. Going west, past him, would reveal an odd, tower-like rock structure in the middle of a valley-type area between four smaller mountains.IC (Past) - Tyis - Council Chamber: "Never mind that," the Guild of Tyis leader said. "Yes, he did keep the meeting. Although it was moved to Team Zero's base. As I said, Kairan and Sanshou are taking care of it; I imagine they wouldn't take too kindly to late-comers."

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OOC: For reference, he's not above the base anymore, he's just fairly close by and was on his way back to blue when Kairan spotted him. He's also not cloaked, just using his mask of illusion to color himself sky-blue and white. That's the camoflage. Am I spelling that right?IC: Srizz | Arena | Blue Team | SkySrizz hissed at the interloper as he passed by, then continued on his way. Once he was well out of earshot he touched his team symbol, still red-shifted for security but acting like a blue. "They've got a serious head-start," he said uncomfortably. "Unless we get real lucky with either spires or a flag, our best option right now would be to make sure they don't have a base to return it to. That's the second half of CtF games." By now he should be too high in the air for anyone not using a blue crest to hear him. "I'm headed back to base to scrounge up some explosives. Anyone good with stealth and sabotage, feel free to tag along."He should be at the blue base pretty soon now. Would've been there already if he hadn't been held up like that...-=H-D=-

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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-==IC: Selirah==-"Ah, that makes sense." Selirah said with a nod, and chuckled at the joke."Well, I admit it took a few seconds to recognize you, but that might also partly because I wasn't expecting any version of Lyxek to be here." Selirah said, and nodded again."Is good to see someone who knows me, though; someone I know, even if it's not the same universe's version." Selirah explained, a slight smile on her face.-==IC: Kairan==-Kairan quickly landed, and jumped out of his mech, even as the Toa of Lightning ran toward the spire, and pressed down on the button quickly, hoping that it activated the spire."I think I just activated the next spire, but I don't know if I'll make it to the next one before anyone else." Kairan said, even as he dashed for his vehicle once more.

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OOC: Whoops, forgot about Aranai.IC: Artorre: Arena (Jungle Area, West Border) (Red Team):Artorre drove along the jungle border, starting similar fires all along it."I would suggest any plant life users that might be on red team get out of the forest."IC: Elittra: Arena (Large Island, Beach) (Red Team):Elittra looked back and forth between Selirah and Illuxio. She also cast a glance at the other red team member there. She slowly started to realize that they weren't going to be fighting this blue."Might as well sheathe your sword," She said to Calik.IC: Aranai: Arena (Wastes, Fighting Chorc/Cheiz) (Red Team):Aranai thought fast. Water could draw away the lightning, but the impurities where what made it conduct electricity, so if she just gathered the water from the air, it might not conduct electricity. Instead, she drew the water out of the ground, creating a stream from the side of her vehicle right to Cheiz's feet. It was exhausting, however, due to the extremely small amount of water in the ground.OOC: That reasonable? =P I'm no electrician. Or halfway fit to be one. =P

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Alan (Past)/Tyis IslandIC:

"Eh, I was the one who was supposed to attend the meeting, so it probably wouldn't be worse then eating a lohrak with madu jelly. But I trust both of them with my life, so I'm finer than a grain of sand with it," responded Alan with a nod. He quickly realized that one of his eyes was twitching and tried to stop it. Success was mild, as the rate slowed, but the eye still twitched. Shrugging, he hoisted himself to his feet and turned toward Tyis. With an exaggerated bow (not that he realized it), he said, "Well then, I guess I'll be off to... wherever. Again, how long has it been? Has the match happened?"

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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IC: Arena - Forest Region (Blue Team)Kaytana spotted the glint at the hillside and positioned herself to leap toward the spot, though the stench of smoke reached her before she could. Glancing around, the Skakdi of Jungle noticed the blazing flames consuming the forest, and gasped. Someone was trying to burn down the woods!Her eyes narrowed and her teeth clentched. Fires were beginning along the edge of the jungle, revealing the path of whoever was doing the deed. Evidently, it wasn't a very wise thing to do: destroying the forest would also damage and possibly destroy any Flag Spires within. The matter had to be ignored for the moment. If she wanted to investigate what might be another tower and escape the burning forest, the Skakdi would have to move. Then she could deal with the culprit. Jumping over the treetops again, Kaytana came to the point where the structure (or whatever it was) jutted out of the canopy on the hill. She lowered herself down to the hidden object, using both the branches and vines to get there. On the ground now, Kaytana looked at what she hoped to be another spire. Hexxon and Anar watched as beams of light appeared from different points around the field. From here it seemed that the connected rays were forming some tupe of pattern.IC: Arena - Mountainous Region (Red Team)Greel flew by the tallest mountain, the presence of up above Dalmia on its tip became apparent to him. The being might have been a statue with the lack of movement he made. Though, as long as he didn't notice him, the Team Red member didn't worry. He only continued his way, coming to a hollow surrounded by four mountains.Careful inspection resulted in him spotting an unusual structure in its center. Its rocky texture and surface almost blinded him to its true importance, though its shape kept him from leaving without at least a cursory inspection of the tower-like formation.Diving into a opened portal, Greel crossed through the dimensional doorway, bringing himself up close to the spire as he floated above ground. From what he heard back at base, this fit the idea of the beacon he had when overhearing the progress of finding spires to reveal the lone flag. Greel stretched out an armored arm toward the tower's control panel, assuming that was the way to activate the mechanism.

Edited by Magnus Greel
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IC: Artorre: Arena (Forest, Southwest Border) (Red Team):Artorre breathed the thick smell of smoke in the air. It was invigorating. The forest was well on its way to burning down now, and although he worried for a moment that any spires within might be damaged, he quickly decided that they were at least fireproof.He sent another volley of missiles into a few more trees, then started another fire amidst their fragmented remains.

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IC (Chorc/Cheiz, Blue Team, Wastelands): Sending the water along the earth had grounded it, and the electricity was channeled harmlessly away. Chorc responded with more lightning bolts, this time jabbing at the cockpit like blazing fingersIC (Ikssrss, Blue Team, Island): The accuracy Rahkshi had made his way to the watery island area, and was currently watching over the conflict between the two teams. Seeing that Illuxia seemed to be holding the defensive side of things, he decided to tackle the offence. He selected a couple of choice knives and hurled them at Caliak and Elittra's unsuspecting backsIC (Chyff, Blue team, Blue base): "That you Khad?" Chyff asked, "I'm here, so is Srizz. He on our team now?"IC: Eremia had come across Artorre and his attempts to burn down the entire forest region. Remaining out of sight (easy to do amongst the smoke and shadows) she used her Komau to start planting ideas in his head. That the rest of the red team were all against him, that burning the forest down was futile, and so he should instead turn his weapons on the other reds, that he could earn some points and prestige in doing so. It wasn't a blunt force attack (which could be resisted), just suggestion, little niggling thoughts, doubts and worries that would eat away at Artorre and gradually bind him to Eremia's will without him ever realising mind control had been used.


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IC - Illuxio - Islands: As the initial thrill of seeing an old friend wore off, Illuxio realized just how depressed this meeting made him. "Right..." he said. As the guilt of everything he had done in his universe rushed back to him, he yearned to spill his apologies to someone. Illuxio figured now was as good a time as any. "Listen, Selirah... The reason my version of you is dead... I--"He was interrupted by Ikssrss's attack, moving back to avoid the inevitably angry response from the Blue Team.IC - Spires - Arena: From the volcano spire that Kairan had just activated, the beam of light shot into the jungle section, where it quickly traveled from the northern spire to the one Kaytana had just activated, and then to the last, southernmost one. From there, it leaped to a spire in the eastern part of the wasteland, finally coming to a halt.In the south, Greel's spire activated, waiting its turn to direct the beam to Blue Base, after which point the location of the flag would finally be revealed.IC - Zanth - Red Base: "That tells me everything I need to know," Zanth said to himself. Then, over the Comm, "Here's an update for you all: There are three beacons per area. All nine in the east, north, and west areas have been found; start searching the central and southern sections."IC - Tyis - Council Chamber: "I just answered that," Tyis said. "It's about to. You two should probably hurry to the Arena."OOC: Oh, ToD, still waiting for an Eryn post. You're holding Elithes up. X3

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-==IC: Kairan==-Kairan frowned, and nodded, as his mech shot off toward the wasteland, following the beams of light from the air."The only question is where it'll lead after this... Keep an eye out, everyone; and prepare to move out quickly, I might not be able to return to my mech in time." Kairan called over the Team Crest, even as the mech traveled toward the next Spire.-==IC: Selirah==-Selirah looked at him curiously as he was cut off, and then spun around, nodding to Illuxio; if he knew her, he'd know what she was about to do, as she held her staff in front of her, aiming her next attack at Ikssrss, even as she began to sing, attempting to send the Rahkshi to sleep. However, it was simply a distraction, as she changed the song slightly, attempting to send sonic waves from the sky, down toward the Rahkshi.

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OOC: Ah, sorry.

Eryn/Arena, With Elithes and Co.IC:

"What, the heat? It's not that bad... Anyways, scans show a few spires here and there, out of the ordinary. Seems a few of the contestants have also noticed them, and I'm getting reading of... beams of light reflecting from some of them to others. Probably a good idea to follow the crowd."

Alan (Past)/Tyis IslandIC:

"...Oh? So it's only been a day or so? Or did something unexpectedly postpone the match?"

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC (Past) - Tyis - Council Chamber: "One week," Tyis said. "Some sort of power failure that temporarily swept across City."IC - Elithes - Volcanic Area: "Yeah, I kind of figured..." Elithes said, pointing upward. In their... rather long span of not doing anything, the map above the field had updated to show each of the active spires and where the path was going. Currently, it was reflecting into the central section. "Let's head zhere; ve've dawdled long enough."Without waiting for a reply, he started heading in that direction, using his jump pack to quicken his pace.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: Amalia:Amalia had taken the route of going through the west side, where the forest was. It appalled her when she saw it blazing due to Artorre's attacks. That's when she got his warning. She used her momentum to run along the trunk of the tree, jumping onto the top of the branches, getting a lookout of his location. When Amalia attempted to contact him via telepathy, she found an outside source- specifically a Komau wearer. She traced back to Eremia, who was mentally assaulted by Amalia's mind, releasing vile and grotestque memories to her while remaining on the tree top.

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-==IC: Kairan==-Kairan frowned, as he continued to speed through the field, looking around for signs of anything, even as he headed toward the next Spire. However, it seemed still a while off, even as he noticed more and more spires active than he had thought.Are the other Red Team members that good at finding these...? Or... Kairan thought, as three blue team members suddenly de-cloaked in front of him, causing Kairan to scowl, even as he thought back to the countdown.We don't have time for this! Kairan thought with a frown, even as he drew his mech's sword, and attempted to slash out at the Blue Team members, though they quickly moved out of the way. He noticed two of them were simply using Masks of Flight; but... One of them was also using a mech, which would make the fight tougher at that point.

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Alan (Past)/Tyis IslandIC:

Alan stopped his slow movement toward the door. In fact, he was completely still and silent for quite a few seconds. Then, with a sigh, he said, "Blithering mad for a full week... That's interesting. Why does it only feel like a few hours, or even minutes have passed? Why does it feel as if it's been years, too? Why does it feel like I'm drinking Brakas... Wait, where did that come from?"

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC: Artorre: Arena (Forest Area, Southwest Border) (Red Team):Artorre smirked as the feeling of mental suggestion came over him. Being a Komau user himself, he was very familiar with anything related to mind control. He started firing rockets randomly around him, trying to hit the subtle attacker, who was hopefully not too far away.IC: Aranai: Arena (Wasteland) (Red Team):Aranai flung the front of her vehicle behind it's rear. As the chain lightning ran up the sides of the vehicle, she pulled the key out of the ignition and ejected herself from it. She ran around the back, pulling out and loading her flute in the process, and attempted to fire a dart in between the hulking Steltian's shields.IC: Elittra: Arena (Large Island, Beach) (Red Team):Elittra grunted as the throwing knife grazed her shoulder. She spun around, holding the wound, and threw a lightning bolt at the attacker.

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IC: Srizz | Arena | Blue Team | Blue BaseIt wasn't long before Srizz arrived at the front of the base. He let down the disguise, revealing his normal, red-and-black form with the blue crest, and dashed through the doors. It occurred to him that while he now knew the layout, he wasn't actually sure where the armory or supply depot were. And of course it would reveal too much to any interfering reds if they put up a map. So instead he went for a little-used yet remarkably effective tactic: He turned on the crest communicator and asked, "Hey, which way to the bombs from the entrance?"-=H-D=-

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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IC: Arena - Forest Region (Blue Team)Kaytana, upon seeing one of the spires was actually doing something besides glowing at the tip, slipped away back into the forest. Seeing the foliage and greenery burn around her encouraged the Skakdi to move faster, also made possible by creating a wider path for herself with her power over the still living plants. There was no time to check the other ridge in the southern section of the jungle, however, if she wanted to make it out without getting roasted.The Skakdi's keen eyes caught sight of the pattern of roots that acted as a marker to her vehicle's location. Kaytana wasted no time in getting back on and starting up the speeder. She sped off once it was ready, just in time, too -- a flaming branched smashed into the spot where had just been. Her destination, unlike her previous one, remained the same. She still wanted to find the one torching the forest, and having seen their path of destruction from the canopy, the Ring member knew exactly where to go. Hexxon and Anar continued to watch as the light beams reflected off each spire. Now all they needed to do was wait until all the beacons were found, and then teleport to the end of the ray's path. There, they hoped, would be the flag.Wasponax had remained in the mountains, clanking around and seemingly forgotten. Though his strolls were interrupted by an ambush brought on by a Red Team competitor. Thrilled by a chance to finally excerise his Mech in a fight against a living creature, the Dark Hunter retaliated. Feeling the rush, adrenaline, and heat of battle (including the heat provided by his machine's mechanisms that warmed the metal in the cold temperatures of Kai-Nam), he struck back with fire and a spray of his own insects in the face of his enemy, which flew out of the vehicle's mouthpiece. A spinning buzz saw sliced the air above the Red Team member once or twice, being one of the silvery shields of the Mech, which glowed with heat. Some of these swings were blocked by the weapon of the opponent, who now successfully landed several kicks to Wasponax's metallic shell.IC: Arena - Mountainous Region (Red Team)Greel's eyes gleamed as the tower of rock's point lit. As no other results became apparent (along with the presence of any more switches), the teal-armored and gold-skinned being simply shrugged and spun around in the air, disappearing into another one or his gateways.

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IC (Eremia, Forest, Blue Team): Being a master of manipulating the mind, Eremia could deflect a psychic attack when one came her way. And Amalia had made herself more vulnerable than she realised when trying it. Not only had she created a psychic link between herself and Eremia that allowed the latter to bypass any mental defences, but in thinking up the grotesque imagery Amalia had pre-placed it in her mind. All Eremia needed to do was use her Komau along the mind-link to give Amalia a little nudge, and all those visions were released upon the psionics Toa rather than her intended target.The missiles were easy too. Eremia controlled the element of iron, and they were made of metal. So it would look suspicious to have a patch of area suspiciously devoid of explosions she just made a few alterations to the missiles' courses. They'd still fly and explode as normal, but at a safe distance from Eremia herself. With luck some of the bombardment might even hit the mysterious psychicIC (Ikssrss, Island, Blue Team): The song of sleep in conjunction with the lightning bolt probably would have worked on someone who wasn't a Rahkshi of accuracy. Even with Selirah's influence he could still predict from Elittra's movements what she was going to do and where her projectile of choice would hit. He leapt from his position, twirling in mid-air to avoid the bolt and the following sonic hammer-blow. As he span he threw a series of caltrops at Elittra. None of them were on a path to hit her, they were just in case she decided to try another electrical attack. They'd act as lightning rods, drawing the bolt's power to themselves and then, simply through the movement of electricity through circuits, pass it onto whatever they hit. Which, if Ikssrss's aim was true (and it generally was since, again, accuracy powers) should be Selirah.Of course, even if there was no lightning bolt, one f the red team now had a number of vey spiky things flying at her, which wasn't pleasant even if they weren't electrically chargedIC (Chorc/Cheiz, Wasteland, Blue Team): In the time taken Aranai to eject, load and run, Chorc and Cheiz had closed the distance between them. Cheiz was no sprinter, but he took huge strides which really ate up the distance. The dart bounced off one of the Invulnerability plates on his leg as the Steltian took a broad, lunging sweep at Aranai with a huge and heavy arm...


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IC: Calik - IslandsIt was only with the aid of his Calix that the Toa managed to avoid being stabbed in the shoulder, instead, allowing the blade to slash a long gash across it. Painful, but not debilitating. Something at least.He spun around instantly, drawing one of his daggers from his belt, and hurling it at his assailant, Ikssrss.-Void



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IC (Past) - Tyis - Council Chamber: "And that would be what I referred to before..." the Guild of Tyis leader said absentmindedly. "The mind is a fascinating thing. Perhaps the way yours perceived the passing of time was a way to protect itself from further damage." The being shrugged. "But who can truly know?"IC - Elithes - Volcanic Area: "So judging from vhat Zanth said," the bounty hunter thought as he observed the map above, where eleven beacons were shown to be active. "Zhere should be two more in zhe central arvrea and two more in zhe south..."That was an accurate assumption--once the current beacon (the one now holding up the line) was active it would transmit to the last, inactive Wasteland beacon, which would jump to the active beacons in the Wastes and in the south. From there, it would be one button--in the blue base--that separated the flag from the contestants.

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