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OOC: darn, was shooting for that 500 pages first post.


*shakes fist*


IC: Jesika


Jesika's expression morphed from a slightly pained smile to what was probably the closest she'd ever get to a full-out grin. The metallic-winged mutant gave the person who could be quite easily called her best friend, because "only friend" was depressing, a squeeze. "Glad I made it, or else you'd have to find someone else to hug the life out of," she said, her grin looking more like a smirk for a second.


"Speaking of which, what happened to the little, red-headed adorable me...?"


IC: Jesika


That was a particularly good question, though one easily answered as two electric-blue eyes were suddenly staring up into ones that looked almost exactly like her own. "You're eyes are like mine!" A rather excitable little girl said, staring up at a certain mutant from another universe.



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"No, genes. With a g," Dallas explained, an eyebrow raised and a quarter-smile unfurling on his pretty features. "From your eyes to your hair to your personality, they're what make you, you."


He poked her button nose at the final word and smiled for real this time, with straight teeth and an air of amusement.


"I'm Dallas," he replied, lifting the hand he had used to poke her nose and holding it out. "What's your name?"



Edited by Dallas Winston



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IC: Jesika


Jesika giggled as Dallas poked her nose, listening with rapt attention as he explained the entire thing about "jeans" and "geans". "Right, I knew that," She stated, because she totally knew that. Just needed a reminder, alright?


"I'm Jesika!" Said hyperactive girl replied, before leaning in close to the chronokinetic, and whispering, "But I'm not that Jesika cause that Jesika is different and has wings, though she's still me but she isn't me at the same time, mkay?"


"Or, that's what Nathan said."



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"Yeah, I get what you're saying!" Dallas replied. "There's another me here, too. Another Dallas, I mean. I mean, he's not...here right now, but...he's around. But I've met him before, and he's kind of mean. Yells at people a lot. Complains. Not very friendly."


He pouted at this, giving some indication of just what kind of person this other Dallas was.





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IC: Jesika


Jesika frowned, a thoughtful look taking over her face as she considered this information. "Well the other you doesn't sound very nice," she finally concluded, before her face lit up with another realization, "It's almost like you have an evil twin! That you'll have to defeat in order to move on, like in that one video game!"


"But yeah, other me is pretty cool. I mean, she has wings! Someday, I'm gonna have wings too, only, they're gonna be hot pink with blue polka dots. Because my wings have to be that color."



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IC: The sounds of gunfire echoed through the strange twisting corridors of the Big House as the Morlocks scattered. A swarm of woodlice erupted from one wall and the figures of Silver Serpent and Walter were lost beneath its mass of grey chitin. Krystal had vanished somewhere back with the ants.


"This way!" Leech urged to Christopher, "I think Callisto should be down here!"



White Lightning had an entirely different problem. In his running he seemed to be entering a deeper section of the security where, the save on space, they'd just coiled the rest of the prison round in a circle, a constant flow of Pym Particles keeping everything maintained at the proper decreasing levels of size. It stood in front of him, a whorl of cells blocking his path. A big spiralling ant farm that presumably marked the end of this particular root. If he looked closely he could see tiny criminals inside, walking around under the glass ceilings...


A powerful blow backhanded him across the corridor, slamming him into the wall on the other side.


"I don't remember if yous insulted me in the sewers or nots," Rhino rumbled, "Either way, 'fraids I gotta kill you now."



IC: Hiding a group of terrorists was no small thing. Alright so the government hadn't managed to track the Brotherhood down, but they were in a little bit of disarray right now with the switchover from Binder to Ocalan. And they didn't have quite the same resources Alyss had. Snitches in the underworld were always more happy to talk to a con artist and sneak-thief than a fed, especially if she was so delightfully curvy.

The Brotherhood had arrived on a plane which meant landing crew needed to involved, a space on the runway needed to be cleared, all kinds of matters needed to be sorted regarding falsified passports and customs. All that could be tracked down if you knew where to look and who to bride, and worked fast enough. And hey, Alyss had portals. Nothing's faster than 'instantaneous'.

As she tracked down what she thought was the right house, she opened a portal to her side. If the standard door-opening procedure around here including blowing up whoever was on the other side she wanted a quick getaway



IC: She appeared on this plane of existence. Appeared. That was the right choice of word. There was already a version of her on this dimensional sphere so she hadn't sprung into existence for sheer fact of already existing. No did she materialise. There were no fancy effects. One second she was not there and the next she was. So. Appeared.

She stayed in her energised form for now. It was always problematic when she became a living portal as it threw her clothes across who knew how many weaves of spacial fabric. Turning back to flesh again was awkward.

Now to orient herself. Operating in only three dimensions was getting more and more difficult as of late...She needed to get to the X-Men, or the Avengers or the Future Foundation or whoever else might be the de facto lead superhero team around these parts. Governments wouldn't help even if they were friendly. Too much paperwork and bureaucracy, a type of dimension even she dared not traverse.

She did not need paperwork, she needed heroes


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Dallas caught the hug and squeezed back effortlessly.




"You know, Shiloh. If you really want to get in touch with your brother, you know how good I am at these things. I can--"


Dominik paused in annoyance at a sudden fizzing sound, like electrical wiring going haywire, and his hazel eyes flicked upwards behind Shiloh's shoulder to see a portal opening up and a...interesting looking...blonde woman pop out and look around, eyeing him and Shiloh in their game of blackjack.


"You don't look like the pizza boy."



Edited by Dallas Winston



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"So... You spent several days and god-knows how much money to spy on me, just so you could kidnap me, and force me to do manual labour?"


"HA! No," Hughes said, leaning back in his chair. He had just finished explaining to Will the amount of effort it had taken for him to bring him here, and was just now about to begin, "Actually... I'm going to forge you to become one of the greatest assassins the world has ever seen, and you're going to help make me even more rich."


"Woah, wait a minute! I can't kill anyone!" Will exclaimed, wishing that he could get away from this guy, "I mean, I may accidentally have destroyed times square, but that was an accident! I wouldn't hurt anyone that badly!"


"And you just admitted to destroying times square. I could hand you over to the government right now, saying that you did that, and they'd probably kill you for it."


"... You're a really awful person."


"Key word there is 'person'. Something that you're not."


Hughes stood up, stretching, "So... Before you get started with you're new life, we have a few things to go over."


Will merely nodded, feeling a bit sick to his stomach.


"First off! You will refer to me as 'Sir', or 'Mr. Hughes'. Secondly, you're wearing a collar. It does three things. Turn your powers off, deliver you a stun if you're being naughty, or blow up if you've done something I really don't like. And lastly... You will follow your orders to the letter. Any deviation from them will be punished. Are we clear?"


"Yes... Sir."


"Good boy. Now, sit tight for a few more minutes, and I'll send someone down for you. Kay? Kay."


IC: (Christopher/Kristen)


"Do you have a weapon handy? Because I think a weapon would be real nice right about now..."

Edited by Varren Rehn
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IC: "I think it would have to be one magnifique pizza chain to get delivery like me," Alyss grinned, "I assume I am talking to...hmm, how shall I put this delicately...the Fraternity of Epsilon Mu?"


She really hoped the mutant was smart enough to get that. If not, her escape portal was still open, she could make a break for it

Edited by Lord of Adders Black


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Typical of Dominik, he kept her waiting; his brows furrowed for several seconds as he ran his hand through his dark blonde hair, and then his obscenely pretty features cracked with pursed lips and a grin.


"Luckily for both of us, you happen to have come to the right Animal House. Dealer busts," he muttered as an afterthought to Shiloh as he stood up and began walking towards Alyss. Gambit's child looked back at the Chicago thief skeptically, shot a glance back at the cards, then at Dom again.


"There's no way you could know that."


"Dealer busts!" he called back with a smirk, motioning for Alyss to follow him. "Come with me. We'll see what we can do about getting you a toga."


Shiloh watched them go, waited several seconds until their footsteps were out of range, then incredulously rolled over Dom's cards to see that he'd landed a 2, a king, and a jack. 22. Dealer busts.





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"Pietro Maximoff died because he felt that it was better to sleep in a cave than build a loft on top of it," Dominik replied smoothly. "Ask anyone on the Internet where that mantra got him."


"I would, but I'm pretty sure the sensible answers would be outweighed by the pictures of cats."


"You'll go far here, Miss...I'm sorry, I never asked your name. I'm Dominik Lord. The Waco Kid of sorts around here."



Edited by Dallas Winston



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"Hmm. Cute. Well, anyway, here we are. Honest Abe's study."


Dominik turned back towards Alyss and stood as a slim barrier between her and the door, holding up a hand gently, rolling his eyes backwards towards the mahogany door.


"Now, a quick word. I'm the good cop of this little duumvirate. Be prepared for a variety of questions and tests that border on sketchy, callously cruel, suicide-inducing, and just plain inappropriate. You look like you can handle it, but I've seen a lot of good people leave a conversation with him in tears, mumbling how they need to go sit on a bridge with a bottle of Jim Bean and rethink their life."





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Rebekah leaned back in her lounger, staring off toward the ocean. Brooklyn was asleep next to her, at least, she looked it. She was either asleep, or in a state of deep relaxation, judging by the timing of her breaths.

The former Weapon sighed quietly to herself. For the first time in months, her guard was down. Not physically. That was something she was not yet capable of, her constant alertness drilled into her through years of pain. The wall that she had constructed around herself, the air of quiet apathy, was gone, and for the first time in a long time, her emotions were visible underneath the surface.

They were by no means clear, but they were there. Hidden underneath a layer of absolute joy were all the feelings that she tried to hide, to cover up. A violet flash heralded the arrival of her guitar. Not the same one as usual, this one was an acoustic. It wasn’t new, either. It was battered and faded, and the strings had been changed multiple times. She didn’t know where it came from, she just knew that one day, she found it. Hidden away in the storage pocket, disguised in her mental registry by hundreds of weapons, there it was.

She liked to think that it was from her old life. One little fragment of herself she had managed to keep, one thing she had managed to keep hidden from Weapon X. She didn’t know if that was true, but she kept it quiet regardless. She never used it when anyone else was around. It just felt like she wasn’t supposed to, like if she did, it would as if she had bared a portion of her soul for all to see. Superstitious, sentimental nonsense, but on this one subject, she went along with it.

Hesitantly, her fingers found their positions and began to play. This wasn’t like the covers she sang in her dorm. Those were songs she’d heard and liked. This was something she’d written on a whim, something she didn’t feel like she had quite right.

After a moment, she began to sing. Quietly, inaudible to anyone beyond a few yards of her, but she sang nonetheless.

“Oh there’s a girl in the corner,

Quiet as the shadows,

And avoided like the plague.”

“Sightings as rare as a blue moon,

Because she’s alone all day.

Closed up in her denFearful of the world.”

“But one thought’s on her mind

One thought’s always there.

Will anyone notice when she’s gone?

Will anyone care to spare, a thought?”

She kept singing, content in the knowledge that no one was listening. She didn’t dare sing when Brooklyn was awake, she’d been through enough already. And she didn’t need to hear this.

“Or will the world just keep on spinning,

Impassive and bleak?

A cold, cold place

For a girl like her.”

“She doesn’t know where she’s going,

She doesn’t know where she’s been.

All she knows is that when she’s gone,

Nothing will change.”

“The world’ll keep on spinning,

Her room filled with someone else.

She’ll be replaced like a tool,

And she knows she’s a fool,”

“For ever daring to think that

That might not be the case.”

Quite abruptly, she stopped, suddenly self-conscious. This song... It wasn’t done, and it never would be. “No one needs to hear what I think of myself.”

She fell silent, but the thoughts refused to go away. Most of them won’t, you know. They won’t care if you disappear. No one spent a single moment worrying when you were in that coma except for Alaric. He might care, but he’s been growing further, and further away. That was to be expected, though. He finally got his girlfriend back, of course he’s going to want to spend more time with her.

Brooklyn would care. She would care, and it would break her heart. Rebekah reflected, looking over at her girlfriend. It was hard to say if she was still asleep, but she hoped the Californian was. She didn’t want to have to talk about it, it would just make her upset.

You know what you are?

You’re scared. You are absolutely terrified of interacting with people, because you can’t take rejection. You’re so desperate, that you can’t deal with rejection. And so you hide away, taking cover behind books and doors, because you’re afraid of what people might think of you. Because you can’t face the caricature of you they’ve painted in their minds.


In an a flash, Alexander Smith had descended the stairs, landing near Nero, eyes narrowed in worry. "Where is she, how bad is it, and when did she show up?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Have you ever gone to a Chicago high school? Because I went to a Chicago high school. Quebec isn't that bad," Dominik snickered. "Regardless. It's a debate for another time. Into Hannibal's den we go."


He spun airily on one heel and then knocked three times politely. There was no response, a signal that Abraham was at least interested in seeing who it was; Dominik nudged open the door to see the other half of the Brotherhood's leadership structure sitting at his desk, reading Milton. The door opened all the way, and the lightjumping bishonen walked in, followed closely by Alyss.


"Evening, cutiepie," he drawled, sitting down in one of the chairs across from Abraham's desk. "Brought you a present."



Edited by Dallas Winston



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IC: Julia, U! JuliaAt the sound of Alex's voice, a sound somewhere between a whimper and a groan escaped Julia's lips, and her maimed hand flexed slightly. A drop of unusually dark blood trickled from her nose.The air near Dallas (the one from another dimension) rippled and creased, and from that crease fell a clearly disoriented Ultimate Julia. A surprised yelp accompanied her arrival, and she stumbled forward a bit, but caught her balance before she would have fallen over altogether. She gave her surroundings a brief scan."Hey, Dallas."OOC: Newly updated (and pre-approved) profile for U! Julia:Name: Julia PhillipsCodename: PhelineAge: 17Gender: FemaleFaction: X-MenPowers: Superhuman speed, strength, and agility, as well as enhanced reflexes and two claws in each hand that extend from her knuckles. She can cover these claws in organic metal.Appearance: Tall and rather attractive with heterochromatic eyes (green and blue) and a set of extremely sharp teeth complete with fangs where her canine teeth would normally be.Her costume consists of a black skintight suit with a red X-Men logo on the belt and the collar.Weapons: A set of claws the boots of her costume.Skills: Knows several martial arts.Personality: Julia's curiosity and kindness eventually spiraled into promiscuity when Alex and Jordan died.Weakness: She is very fragile and usually won't stay in combat after sustaining a few major hits.Bio: In the Ultimate universe, the entire Phillips family was created as an experiment by Weapon-X. Julia herself was cloned from the DNA of Wolverine and put into an artificial family unit along with her "mother," Helen Phillips (also the head researcher of the project), her "father," Julian Phillips, and her "brothers," Jordan and Jackson. Their home was situated in a quiet town in Kansas, where they lived a peaceful and happy life, all the while under constant and discreet surveillance. One day, around the time she turned fifteen, Julia discovered that her entire life was a lie and convinced her brothers to flee with her. In the ensuing bid for freedom, Julia and Jordan escaped, but Jackson was captured.She and Jordan fled to Xavier's institute where they tried to live as easily as they could.That is, until the Phalanx invasion started.Julia promptly enlisted herself in the X-Men where she met and fell in love with Alexander Smith, much to the dismay of her fellow X-Man, Dallas Green. In a massive attack involving almost every available Technopath the X-Men could muster, Alex and Jordan were killed, leaving Julia depressed and distraught.

Edited by The Zytrix


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I find myself confronted by a gaping huge gray mass of stupidity in front of me. Rhino may be stupid, but he's tough as . That backhand really knocked me good. I got on to my feet and turned my hands into fists, and electricity surged. "Some double agent you are. I think it's time to calm the beast down, and put him in his pen!" I fired bolts of lightning at his head, trying to make him slow down, or just shock him out. Then I charged at him and made a round-house kick to his face, but was met him a hand grabbing my ankle, and tossing me to the wall.


I got back up, and just kept rapidly firing bolts at him. Making this walking tank to surrender, will not be easy.


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"You know, people are not typically considered gifts. Unless you're into certain criminal activities that I am not aware of." Abraham said, glancing at the page number, as he closed his book and set it off to the side. He briefly spared a glance at Dominik, before his gray eyes moved to the newest arrival.


If the eyes are the window to the soul, then Abraham's soul was complex beyond belief, and infinitely difficult to understand. No emotions presented themselves on the surface, nor did any expression cross his face. He didn't seem to take note of any physical beauty in his analysis, examining only the characteristics that could be quantified, calculated. Estimates of ability, guesses at power. It was a gaze that felt colder than the coldest parts of the world.


"How may I help you, Ms....?"

Edited by The Snark Knight



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Tali waited until Jesika released Dallas, leaving him sitting on the grass alone. She took a spot next to him.Oh.At this range, Tali's small empathetic sense clicked on. She put her arms around him as she felt some of the pain he was going through. "Hey."OOC: Pain sensing at close range approved by the gm.

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

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IC: "I was on a team with Electro, punk," Rhino snarled, throwing a punch at the floor that shook the ground, knocking White Lightning to the ground, "He had real juice. Think you sparks hurt me?"



IC: "Bisset. Alyss Bisset. Also known as Le Lapin Blanc, Master thief and con artist extraodinaire, window dressing if needed, and probably a whole bunch of other things. Oh, and I happen to be a mutant. Which is probably the important part."


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Abraham nodded, staying silent for several moments. He glanced at Dominik, and raised an eyebrow, before looking back to Alyss. "Take a seat."

Edited by The Snark Knight



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Hey. What's up, you hungry too? Rebekah needs to hurry up and get back. I'm peckish."
Tali sighed. "I know John is bugging you." Her voice fell. "I'm a bit empathetic too."
"Blessing and a curse," he muttered as Tali's arms wrapped around his back and her hands met at his navel. "John's not worth wasting the emotion on. He'll be dead soon, and there's nothing I can do about it. He's better off that way. And you know what, Tali? I am, to--"
There was another large flash, and from in front of both of them Julia tumbled out, catching herself and looking up. Her eyes met those of a surprised Dallas, and she smiled.
"Hey, Dallas."
"...Uh, hey."
Edited by Dallas Winston



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"Let's see how you like a grenade on your face!" I tossed a shock grenade directly at his face, then it blew up on him as it hit his nose. I had time to to super charge a bolt to 4,000 volts, then shot it off at his face. There is absolutely no way, that he can stand that amount of voltage, on him. Especially on his face.


While that flew towards him a ran up to him and readied a charged punch to the face.


"You think some villain of electricity is good enough, try a hero."


I threw the punch at him...


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IC: U! JuliaIt took Julia a moment to register that she and Dallas weren't the only ones in the immediate vicinity. She hesitated a moment before nodding in Tali's direction."Tali."She allowed herself to fall back into a sitting position next to the Chronokinetic."God," she muttered, leaning back on her elbows, "interdimensional travel is so disorienting."


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IC: Taralynn, Las Vegas. Parking Garage.


"Undying Love." Taralynn repeated softly, as she looked into Alaric's eyes, and then turned away in vague discomfort. Normally these words would have gotten a much bigger response out of Tara but right now, not so much. " I would say the sports jacket would have been enough, but you would know I was lying." Tara said laughing.

Life comes, and life goes, flowing like the tide.

Peace ebbs, and peace flows, often fleeting just like time.

Love can last, but only so, there isn't much before you die.

People pass, come to and fro. And eventually revenge too, doe lie.

For in the the end, it's only the vengent who lasts forever.

The Vengent Spectre.


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"That's one of the reasons I stopped trying it. Another reason I stopped doing it: no one tried to help me get back."




"Well, in fairness, it's a pretty freaking nice jacket," Alaric replied before cutting right to the point. "Tara. What's bothering you? You're off; don't try and tell me that you're not, because I've known you since you were a baby and I can tell you right now that you are. Come on. It's me. I want to help you."





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IC: Jesika


The hyperactive girl glanced down, her electric-blue eyes searching for whatever was so fuzzy, and rubbing up against her leg. And making adorable little noises. "Awwwwww," Jesika cooed, picking up and hugging the cat close, completely unaware of the fact that it was in fact another mutant.



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IC: Nathan


I flew over the mansion property with great speed, the wing guiding and carrying me through it's currents as I searched from signs of John and Rebekah. Unsurprisingly, a 8 foot tall werewolf was pretty easy to spot from an aerial view, I caught view of him through a small opening in the treeline that served as the roof of the massive woods that surrounded the institute.


I slowly began to descend as I kept on him, using my powers to blow branches that obstructed my view of the werewolf out of my way. I got low enough that I began to carefully dodge and avoid branches and trees, but I didn't land, I wasn't stupid enough to get any closer and let John try to take a chunk out of me or try to infect me with the lycan curse. I had enough problems as it was.

Edited by A billion cats

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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