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IC: Julia, Novocain


Julia was in more pain than she could handle. She screamed in agony as her body convulsed, drawing more sickly blood from her nose. One of the nurses was trying to give her some sort of anesthetic through the IV, but at the moment, it seemed not to be working. As the other ransacked the cabinets in the room for more bandages, the door burst open, its doorknob reduced to a pile of ash and molten metal. Novocain practically leaped into the room, then brought up his arm--currently in the shape of a cannon--and blasted the two nurses. He didn't seem to notice Dallas or Alex.

He crossed the length of the room in moments, muttering worriedly under his breath all the way, and thrust an empty syringe into Julia's arm.

"No, no, no, no, no..." he whispered, "this should not be happening..."

The syringe filled quickly with blood, prompting the mad doctor to remove it and stow it away in his lab coat--but not before breaking off the needle, of course.

Edited by The Zytrix


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IC:In a movement so fast not even Dallas' eyes could keep up with it, there was a pistol aimed at Novocain's head. A loud click filled the room as the safety disengaged.


"Step. The ****. Away. From her."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Dallas' face was stony as it turned, though light dashings of shock, bitter recognition, and hatred - yes, hatred - were painted on the smooth surface of his visage in equally subtle measures.


"Alex, he was the one that turned everyone into mutants at Weapon-X," the Californian whispered. "That...that was him, right? He...he was the reason I killed that guy..."


"Yeah. That's him. And if he doesn't step away, I'm going to put a bullet in his head."


Dallas wasn't paying attention; already, even while Alex made his threats, the cells and tissues in Novocain's body that were still organic were corroding away and aging at an increasingly rapid pace inside his body. The chronokinetic was about to bring dust to dust.



Edited by Dallas Winston



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IC: Novocain, Julia


Novocain stopped at the click and froze, only slightly tilting his head up to look at Alex.

"Now now," he said, an ever-familiar grin spreading across his face, "let's be reasonable here."

As Novocain slowly wasted away, his nanobots rushed in to replace the dead cells.

"Do you know what's wrong with her?"

He looked down at her for a moment, then back up at the two teens.

"Surely her healing factor would have fixed those cuts right up by now. No, she has a disease. One that I alone know how to cure."

The mad doctor gave them a moment to process that.

"Because I created it."


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"..."Alex was quiet for single moment, eyes narrowing. "Then cure it. Because otherwise, I am going to put a bullet in your head. And if she dies, I will have absolutely no reason not to."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Novocain


The doctor cackled in spite of himself.

"Oh, don't worry, I will," he said, slowly and carefully producing another syringe, this time filled with a transparent liquid, "but it's not that simple, oh, no, no, no, it is nowhere near that simple."

He shot a glare at Dallas as he slipped the needle into Julia's arm.

"And if you kill me, she dies too. I don't think you want two innocent lives on your hands, do you?"

She gradually stopped writhing, and before long, she settled completely into a deep sleep. Novocain took out the other syringe, the one with Julia's blood in it, and held it out for them to see.

"You see, under most circumstances, this would have been lethal, but there is one thing protecting her from Death's cold, sweet embrace. Care to take a guess? It's her DNA. Her X-gene, specifically. The virus was engineered to kill everything except mutants. However..."

He looked down at Julia's sleeping form.

"Some of the symptoms were...shall we say...unprecedented. And, in just a few days, this virus is going to be everywhere. I can use her blood to manufacture an antivirus, but I need equipment that isn't currently available to me."

Edited by The Zytrix


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"...""Where?" The technopath responded. He looked at Dallas, and for a second, the worry was evident in his eyes. "I know, Dallas. But I literally have no other choice."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Yeah, well. Your feelings about change sometimes. Like when your ex-bestie is about two seconds away from turning you into a werewolf just because he's going insane and he has attachment issues to boot. That kinda screws with your outlook on things, Tali."




"Aw, shucks," Brando replied, turning around and holding Natalie gingerly. "Thanks. Happy birthday to you, too."





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IC: Ashley
Ashley jerked back when Julia began screaming in agony, she wanted to do something to help her...she didn't like seeing people in pain, especially people she grew up with....
Then as if out of a nightmare, some sort of blast knocked the two nurses present away from Julia, what appeared before them was some sort of human-machine combination. Ashley shrieked as she recognized who it was, Novocain.
It had all happened so fast and quickly Ashley wasn't even sure how she ended up there, but she was huddled in one of the far corners of the room, hugging her arms and whimpering. She had her eyes shut tightly as images of being stuck in that horrible lab with that monster flashed in her mind. All those needles...the shocks of electricity...the screams...it was all rushing back from a suppressed part of her mind. She couldn't handle it. 

Edited by Skitty

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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And then just when Dallas had himself under control, Ashley lost it. She was screaming and crying and pointedly refused to look at Novocain while he attempted to work and rambled at he and Alex, and slowly the realization hit him and soaked him like hot oil. The Californian couldn't take it; the pacifistic streak snapped, and he wrenched away Alex's gun and fired three bullets into Novocain's chest and throat, blowing him backwards into the wall. Whether the nanobots would heal him or not, Dallas didn't care. He fired at the mad scientist until he heard a click, then he let the clip slide loose from the gun and handed it back to Alex.


"Well, I did warn you," he replied with a cold shrug. "This is what happens when you ###### with Showstopper."


The only sound was that of Ashley whimpering, and the cold clicks of Dallas' heels, as the Californian lifted his girl gently into the air and carried her out of the hospital ward.



Edited by Dallas Winston



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IC: Tali leaned back and sighed.


NO ONE cares about you. No one has even TRIED to look for you, have they? You're going to be here forever...


Tali bottled up her feelings.


IC: Natalie grinned, relaxing in Brando's embrace.


In fact, if they didn't get going soon, she was gonna fall asleep.

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

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IC: Novocain, Julia


The silence persisted. For a surprisingly long time, it seemed that the scientist wouldn't stand back up after all. His robotic hand twitched, and suddenly, he wretched, spilling blood and phlegm interspersed with fragments of metal across his white lab coat. He reached back and clutched the table with his organic hand and coughed several times as he slowly lifted himself up to his shaky legs. A line of silver appeared over the hole in his throat, then receded to reveal freshly-grafted new skin.

"That ungrateful, pretentious little...!" he sputtered, taking in a deep breath and stopping himself mid-insult. He hoisted himself up onto the counter.

"Bah, nevermind him. We have more important matters to attend--"

He was cut off by Julia wrapping her trembling hands around his throat

"You!" she screamed, "why won't you just leave me alone?!"

With surprising strength, she brought his head forward, then rammed it into the cabinet behind him. He gripped her forearms and slowly but surely managed to pull them away from his neck.

"Please, you don't understand, I--" he pleaded.

He was interrupted by a frustrated shout from Julia, whose claws now waved in the air as she tried to writhe her way out of the doctor's grip.

Edited by The Zytrix


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After crashing through a wall, some teacher had whisked Rene away, and given him a short lecture on controlling his powers. The blonde teen had nodded and shook his head at appropriate times, throwing in a "yes, sir" and "no, sir" wherever it fit, and before long he'd gotten out scot-free.


Now came the real adventure: finding Dallas in this maze of a mansion.


The kinetopath wandered for a solid half hour, jumping up and down stairs, peeking in and out of rooms, and generally just having fun. He flipped off a balcony and landed softer than a feather, prompting a scattering of applause from a gaggle of young girls. Rene winked and doffed an imaginary hat, then continued his search.


The adventure ended on the top floor, with the teen peeking out of a window and seeing a familiar figure sitting on the lawn with two girls. He grinned.


"What a champ. Dal picked up a girl for me."


He stepped back, then took a flying leap and dove through the window. He fell through the air, executing a series of graceful flips and corkscrews, then landed on the grass like a whisper, behind Dallas and his two friends.


"...when your ex-bestie is about two seconds away from turning you into a werewolf just because he's going insane and he has attachment issues to boot. That kinda screws with your outlook on things, Tali."


Oh. Serious Issues Time. Rene had a feeling these were rather common around here. It was almost enough to make him miss the Brotherhood.


The Brotherhood... nah, not really. But he did miss Shiloh. His twin was practically half of him, and not hearing or seeing her telepathic messages was like tuning at 7:30 only to find your favourite show was inexplicably not on the air.


He sighed. He hadn't thought about his twin in awhile, he realized guiltily. He'd have to figure out where she was. He was older, after all, if only by sixteen minutes and twenty-three seconds.


But, for now, Dallas. His friend looked like he could use, well, a friend.


So he walked up and gently ruffled Dal's hair. "Hey man," he said with a smile. "Sorry, I got lost. Who're your cute friends?"

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IC: Ashley


Ashley trembled terribly in Dallas' arms, the terror and the shock still coursing through her body. So many memories surged through her mind, she could almost feel all the needles, all the pain. It took her a few minutes to even realise she was no longer near that monster, and that she was being safely carried away.


Her whimpering hadn't ceased however, she looked at Dallas with teary eyes, her arms grasping one of his arms tightly, as if she was afraid she'd somehow slip away.


Why were all these terrible things happening? First it was Jeremy and Ashlynn, then she had heard about what had happened to Dr. Mccoy on the flight here...and now Julia was sick and...Novocain was here. Ashley was incapable of wishing death on anyone, but she certainly would have been alright if Novocain was locked away in some dark hole and never seen again.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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"This is Julia, this is Tali," Dallas replied bluntly, motioning with his perfect midnight-colored bangs towards each girl in turn. "Girls, this is Rene. He's kind of my lover."


As he spoke, his hands slid up towards Rene's neck and wrapped around the back of his hair, ruffling it affectionately before dropping down into Tali's embrace again.




"It's alright, Ashley," Dallas replied, pushing gently into his old dorm and parking her down on the bed. "It's me. You're safe. No one else in the world is getting in. It's me. Dal."



Edited by Dallas Winston



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IC: Ashley


Ashley didn't let go of Dallas, she seemed so afraid that didn't want to be parted with him for a second.


Her voice was quivering as she continued to whimper, almost sounding like a puppy. "D-Dallas...he...he wasn't really there...was he? He can't really be here..."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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"You know, he isn't very willing to comply. Funny, 'cause his name is Will," Hughes said, mostly to himself, watching the screen that was broadcasting a live image of the young mutant's room into Hughes' more private office.


Hughes had decided to watch Will, just to see how he'd react to the sudden change in lifestyle. First, Will had tried to use his powers. Hughes guessed it was more of a trial thing to see if they'd work, but he had made assurance double-sure and turned the collar on. Hughes spent the next thirty minutes chuckling to himself as Will tried one method after another to escape. Trying to open the door, looking for secret panels, trying to smash the door down...


"Most kids his age would break down and start crying if this happened to them," Hughes mused, "But he... He's no average nut. He's got a thick shell..."


Hughes turned back to his desk, looking at a few assorted papers here and there. Mostly legal documents and other boring things... But among them was the real treasure. Offers. Black-Market offers for his team to go out, kill a few people, hold a few hostages, so on and so forth, then come back with money. More importantly, he was trying to pick a good job that Will could accomplish with little help.


The good thing was, he had one.


"Hey, call up the new kid, would ya?" Hughes asked the other person in the room. Giroux stepped forward, face as plain as always.


"I have a job for him. And I want you to go along, just to make sure he doesn't screw up. According to this thing here... Angela Dean is on the grid again."

Edited by Varren Rehn
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"Ashley, look at me," Dallas pleaded softly, climbing up onto the bed next to her. "Look, look right here for just a sec. We're both crazy, alright? We're both absolutely bonkers out of shape cloudcuckoolander crazy, and this time tomorrow we'll be in California eating Captain Crunch and snuggling and eating each other's clothing again, alright? This is just one of our little mental non sequiturs, Ashley. I promise. Okay?"



Edited by Dallas Winston



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What do you call a person who has a conversation with a dead man?


Angela Dean was a precognitive, and little more, but there she had been, talking with a weak and hospitalized Beast while visions of his imminent murder flashed through her brain.


Had she warned him? No. She half didn't believe herself, and the other half just... didn't care. What had the furry headmaster ever done for her?


That was the thing: just about nobody in this rotten school had done jack all for her, despite touting a reputation of being a safe harbour for mutants all around the world. Except... not really. The safest, most comfortable she'd felt had been with a group X-Men hailing from an entirely different dimension.


Sitting on her bed, Angela's lips twitched in a ghost of a smile. That had been fun. Busting into a maximum-security prison to rescue a technopath messiah. Escaping the destruction of the Manor. Going to rescue the mutants held captive up in Canada. Beast hadn't owed her any of that, and she didn't owe him.


Sighing, the precog stood to her feet and walked out of her dorm. She kept walking until the halls and the classrooms, and finally the mansion itself was behind her. She was walking down a long road... alone.


Not for long, though. In her mind's eye, she could see a truck approaching. One that would pick her up and offer her a ride into the city.


It was time for Angela Dean to find her way home.

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IC: Ashley


Despite her fears Ashley couldn't help but smile at Dallas, looking into his eyes made her feel, safer. "Pinky promise?"


Dallas reached out his pinky and hooked it around hers, leaning forward and kissing her cheek lightly as he held her softly.

"Pinky promise."
Ashley gave Dallas the tightest hug she could, and then didn't let go. She was starting to feel better, the shock had gone away, but it was doubtful she'd be letting him go anytime soon.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Dallas held Ashley as though she was a football being run in for a touchdown pass; keeping her safe was vital to his very survival, towards his future, and to let her down now would be doing just as much a disservice to him as it would be to her. Under normal circumstances he would have turned on the TV in here and they would have watched something funny they could both laugh to, but Dallas felt no driving desire to try and divert Ashley's mind from what had just happened.


"Just relax, Ash," he sang softly. "It's okay. I'm still right here."



Edited by Dallas Winston



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"Can I ask you to surrender?"


The voice had come from behind Angela. If she would turn to look, she would see Will Ambrose, outfitted with some sort of light body armor, and a power-suppressor collar on his neck.


"You don't ask them to surrender. That's like asking someone if you can kill them," The radio in his ear was adjusted far to loud, causing Will to wince in pain as the words were said. The Lumokinetic reached to where the radio was connected with the suit, and turned a knob to decrease the volume.


"Seriously, can you do me a big favor and surrender? I try to avoid having to fight people who haven't done anything wrong."

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"Ughhhhh. Guess we really gotta go,"Brando grumbled, as though he still had half a mind to just let James fight out whatever he wanted to do himself. "Siegfried and the others can hop to whenever."


He pulled Natalie back up to prevent her from falling asleep and slowly guided her into a standing position; the marksman took care to help her with each step, making sure she didn't fall over out of sheer exhaustion.





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IC: A jingle sprang to life in Siegfried's pocket as he placed a box of supplies on a high shelf, an off hand "Thank you" sounding from behind him as his mother bustled around her shop, getting things in order. Siegfried slipped his phone out of his pocket and took a glance at the message.


Siegfried let out a huff of air, then kissed his mother on the cheek and strode out of the flower shop. In a few moments, he was off across the New York skyline, headed to Stark Tower.

~Totally like a boomerang. I always come back. Just never when you want me to.~

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IC: Ashley


Ashley took a deep breath...and then held it. After about twenty seconds she finally realised it, panting a bit to catch her breath. Somehow this seemed to help her calm down.


"Hey Dallas?" Ashley said after a bit, her voice had the slightest quiver to it but it was relatively normal now. "What's a cloudcuckoolander?"

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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"Someone who's...well...they're the plucky, lovable dreamers, so to speak. Like the Mad Hatter without mood swings or bright orange hair, with an extra helping of personality."




"Tell me about it."





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Whenever anybody came next to check up on Luka, instead of the cynical young Russian, they would instead find a note at his desk:


"I regret to inform any members of that Brotherhood which I allied myself with so long ago that I am not going to be seen much in the following months by any of you, if at all. I have devoted multiple years to the service of our goal, but now I am afraid I must, myself, take a break. I am going back to Mother Russia via way of a ferry across the Bering Strait; there I will travel back to my hometown. Perhaps I will try to get some aid for you all, though I fear it far too likely that I shall be captured as I leave. And so I must say goodbye, that I am off on a vacation...Or, as your colloquial American usage would have it go:


Gone fishin'."

Edited by Ilyusha Blokfase

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC:"That would be Shiloh. Despite your suspicions, she's one of our least combat-oriented members. She can bring inanimate objects to life. There's Nate, who has extraordinary accuracy. Dominik, who can travel through light sources. Magnitude, who can change his own size. Alexis. She's technically a cannibal. Absorbs people, and uses them to fuel her own abilities. I would recommend watching out for her. She has a tendency to devour first and ask questions later, if at all."


"I think that Asura and Dana are around here somewhere. Luka departed a while ago, though he thinks no one saw him." The strategist was running through his mental list staring at the wall in thought. "Gemini, a middle aged user of fire and ice, left a while back. He hasn't returned, and I do not expect him to.""And then there's me."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"He makes kids cry for fun. It's less of a power and more of a tried and true skill," Dominik quipped softly from his book, one finger holding up his temple while his thumb ran parallel to his chin.





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IC: Nathanael.


Nathanael sat on a post by the warehouse docks, bored beyond words. So far New York had been more then a drag, the petty crimes weren't fun anymore, robbing a bank would be pointless. The most interesting thing so far had been the Brotherhood, and that was saying something. For the two months Nathanael had been with them they had done nothing but argue."Ere's gotta be a something I an do, sitting round ese ocks ain't goin get nuttin done." Nathanael said to himself as he stood up, and then jumped up and down in boredom. He considered a list of things he could do, while he airboxed.


He had no idea where the enforcers were so attacking them wasn't an option. As fun as general mayhem would be, it would also draw needless attention from the cops and he didn't feel like avoiding anymore police officers right. And then there was always, robbing a bank. "Aw, I may's well think about it while I eat." Nathanael said as he stopped airboxing and began his slow walk to the city.

Life comes, and life goes, flowing like the tide.

Peace ebbs, and peace flows, often fleeting just like time.

Love can last, but only so, there isn't much before you die.

People pass, come to and fro. And eventually revenge too, doe lie.

For in the the end, it's only the vengent who lasts forever.

The Vengent Spectre.


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IC Asardin, Rage, Foreshadow

Asardin, or as he was known in America,-Abrahem Hassani-was sitting down at a table in a park, flipping through a tablet of some sorts. Ever since the attack on the conference centre, the Babylonian had been more prudent in his dealings. He could not risk going into an all-out war right now; America's military was too strong at the moment. Instead, he'd have to plot in the shadows. "Oh well," he thought. "I've spent three thousand years waiting; who's to say that I can't wait more?" Still, it bothered him that he would have to continue to wait; his patience was starting to run out. This was affecting him, as he was having a hard time thinking. "I need something to calm me down," he thought. Then he spotted something...


Carter had decided to try his hand at something less usual. He had a good job at the factory, that was for sure, but Cater was never really the type to work for somebody else. He wanted to go his own way, so he decided to try his hand at running an independent business. Which just happened to be a food truck. It hadn't been easy to get; he had sold his motorcycle and gotten a big loan from the bank to get it, but it was worth it. The real challenge was cooking food that would attract customers. The cooking part wasn't so difficult; his girlfriend had often times forced him to to learn how to cook, whether he liked it or not. It was what to cook that gave him trouble. Right now, he was selling innovative sandwiches, which seemed to be doing well. With a food loving investor at his back and several aspiring cooks on board, it looked like that he was going to do okay. A well dressed man came to the truck, ordering a "triple pulled meat" burger which was promptly passed to him; Carter immediately began working on the next one.


"285 days since stranded 87 years into the past. Time machine 10% complete; progress extremely slow." Sighing as the thoughts swirled in his mind, Peter sighed a sigh of frustration as he walked through the streets, lamenting his predicament, "At this rate I'll never get back!" he thought in despair. Then he spotted an unusually large group of people in a nearby park. "Is there something going on?" he thought curiously as he approached the crowd. A large group of people had surrounded a truck of sorts and the smell of food was heavy in the air. Nearly bumping into a well dressed man, Peter asked him "What's going on?" Asardin replied, saying "It's a food truck. This is my first time, and it's really-" "What's a food truck?" Peter asked in confusion. He had never seen one in his life before. Asardin shot him an incredulous look and replied "It's a truck that sells food. Think of it as a fast food joint on wheels." "Truck... food... what?" "Okay kiddo," Asardin continued, getting really impatient. "Will this fool leave me alone?" he thought. "By the gods..." "Ever heard of a food cart?" "... uh-huh," Peter replied hesitantly He had seen some of them before while walking through the streets. "This is a motorized food cart. Anyways, you really should try the sandwiches. They're really good." "Will this baseborn fool get the #%&$ away from me?!" Asardin thought, getting extremely annoyed. "Uh-huh..." Peter hesitantly walked towards the food truck. Shaking his head, Asardin returned to his sandwich while flipping open his tablet again. "Plans for shipment of supplies..."


A very confused looking youth approached the truck. Carter went out to the ordering counter, watching him as he came to a stop and then just stood there. Finally, the cook got impatient and asked "Are you going to order anything?" "... what to order," Peter muttered to himself. "If you can't decide, maybe try a 5 cheesesteak? Or a jalapeno pulled pork sandwich? Or maybe something a little more unique, like the-" "I'll have the 5 cheesesteak," Peter replied, not sounding confident at all. "Okay," Carter replied, and immediately got to work on the sandwich. After some time, he wrapped the completed sandwich in foil, put it in a paper tray, and handed it to Peter. "... thanks," Peter muttered as he took thge sandwich, walked a few steps away from the truck, and then took a bite. "Whoa..."

Edited by Constructman: Black Knight
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Angela sighed. "If I were going to surrender, I would've done it already."


She turned around, her blue eyes flashing as they swept up and down Will, scrutinizing him.


"Didn't you get briefed? Precog. Future-seeing. Anything you say or do is redundant because I already know it's coming. So hurry up and get to the point."

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