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IC: (Scott Jackson)"Yeah. I'll live. the armor had a built in repair unit, so that's why I'm walking right now." Scott took Zack's hand, got up and asked "You alright? I can see your bleeding from your leg."

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: Summer-flight (X-Manor, basement)Ashlynn gasped when Alaric was now crouched down in front of her holding her hands and massaging them. "Ric?" she said confused why he was even talking to her after what she'd done to him."You don't hate me?" she said looking up at his face.I ended it with John... You should of seen him. He didn't say anything to me but I could see I hurt him like nothing else has. He quit the X-Men and left the school... oh Ric I just couldn't do this anymore... I couldn't love both of you at the same time, but want you more. It wasn't right for John, but now I feel terrible for what I did to him. She told him telepathically. IC: Scorcher (Weapon-X HQ)Kane looked down at his phone. He had new orders from his father. It seemed that their spies that hung around the mansion had seen John Howlett ride off on a motorcycle heading towards the city. He was not their number one target. They were to bring him back at all costs. Scorcher looked up at War Machine and Mest. "Seems like we have a new mission." he told them, wondering if Legion would want in on it as well.

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IC: Alaric (Danger Room, Institute)If Alaric's wings had still been outstretched, they would have fluttered in confusion, but as it was, the closest Ashlynn would get to a real show of confusion/shock was the way Ric's mouth turned upwards for a second, chewing over the words that would come out of them carefully."I mean...I guess I hate you a bit. But it's a benign sort of hate, y'know? And besides, Dad always thought that if you're really, honestly in love with someone, then you're gonna end up hating them a little sooner or later. He said it's supposed to be someone's way of saying, like, I hate you, but I couldn't go on living the same way if I didn't hate you...come to think of it, that might've been why Dad couldn't hold down a girlfriend..."-Teezy



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Shawn IC: The energy around Shawn dissapears, and as the smoke clears Shawn falls down. His skin burned very badly, his eyes dripping blood, and the front lawn of the mansion partially destroyed, with a massive crater, some broken windows and a few trees on the ground. Shawn lays motionless. His face suffering severe burns.Emily IC: Emily makes it outside to see the destruction. "No.....not again..." Emily looks around. "How does this keep happening to him?!?"


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Braveheart Caleb rushe to Shawn's side and helped him up, "Let's get you some medical attention da...Shawn," Caleb said as he got him out of the crater.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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OOC: Can you please not break windows and knock over trees? If Shawn keeps messing up the mansion Beast might just kick him out XD.IC: Summer-flightShe looked up and him and couldn't help but giggle at what he said before wiping some of the tears away from her eyes. "I just hope that John comes back... he's like family." she said.

Edited by Flex Nard
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IC: Alaric (Danger Room, Institute)"He'll be back. I'm 75 percent positive that his healing powers work on his emotions, too. Besides, he and Dallas have yet to discover a thousand ways to ignore my history assignments; he wouldn't dream of leaving that noble goal unfinished."He smiled, his own tears dried up at last and his self-composure back where it belonged, and tightened his grip on Ashlynn's hands for a second."Now dry those tears and smile? Please? You have such a cute smile..."-Teezy



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IC: Braeheart"The pool! It was water, then concrete, then acid! We got people out, but Shawn was the only one harmed! We got to get him medical attention!"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Summer-flightShe chuckled at Ric's joke, her tears all but dried up now. She liked the way he smiled at her, it made her feel warm inside. She did as he said an ran her arm over her face drying her cheeks a bit, before blushing and giving Ric the smile he'd asked for. "Thanks, yours is cute too." she said.

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IC: Firespirit"Hey I already know there was a pizza party thing a few days ago, but I was thinking we could have a bit of a celebration for saving the President," Zac stated, "Sorry for the intrusion,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Alaric (Danger Room, Institute)Alaric smiled back and pulled Ashlynn into a careful hug, suddenly remembering a scene from not too long ago that was so remarkably similar to this one that it made him smile more just thinking about it...It was December 25th, 2006, and it was a remarkably warm, sunny day for the dead of winter in New York. Across the state, kids ran outside and played and chattered anxiously, waiting for their parents to wake up so they could open presents and blow the rest of their vacations from school breaking them in. Throughout all of this, one seventeen year old boy lay in his bed, shirtless, barefooted, but otherwise fully clothed, snoring the morning away softly, his blankets long since knocked off his bed. If he'd had his way, he would've woken up Monday and then found out how everyone's holiday went then. Unfortunately for the young Alaric Carlisle, he wouldn't have his way any time soon."Hey, RIC!"A fourteen year old, red-haired bundle of fun and wings leaped onto his bed, slamming her knee into his tightened abdomen; Alaric sat up like mummies often did in B-list horror movies, suddenly upright and staring into Ashlynn's bright green eyes as she giggled and he wheezed."Oh, uh...hey...you," he said, smiling dazedly. "Hey, Ash. Why so early? It's my weekend, too--Wait. That's your Christmas face. Is it Christmas? Really? I slept until Christmas? Wasn't it, like, just Thanksgiving?""Yes, it's Christmas! I've been waiting on you to open up presents!""Uh...thanks, I guess. Can you let me sleep for ten minutes or so?""ALARIC! It's 10:30 in the morning, you barnacle! Get upppppp!"Alaric, meanwhile, had laid his head down once again and rolled to the left, mumbling "Ten more minutes" like a zombie as he closed his eyes and sighed. All was quiet for a minute, and he had just drifted off to sleep when he heard something. It was...air conditioning? His phone vibrating? No, it was...humming. Someone was humming the theme from Jaws. Just as he had time to process this information, he felt a hard poke into one ab, and one eye opened in slight irritation at having his slumber disturbed yet again; Ashlynn's green eyes stared back at him from inches away, her grin still shining brightly in the room, and Ric sighed and pushed himself up."Abbas gave me fifty push-ups for an early Christmas present last night before the weekend started, Ashlynn, I'm bone tired and I--"Ric suddenly felt two long arms wrap around him, squeezing the air out of his lungs and the noise out of his vocal cords as Ashlynn hugged him with all the force of a boa constrictor."C'mon, Ric! I have your present separated from the rest so I can open it first! It was HUGE, I've been wondering what you got me all day...do you remember what it is?""Well, I...yeah, of course I do..."-Teezy



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IC: BraveheartCaleb stopped Emily and placed his hands on Shawn's burns, and cools his face to stop any stinging, "I'd rather him get help while not in pain,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC-Luka:"Not to worry, Jared," Luka said, stepping in smoothly. "Ashley and I were just chasing down some of her plants-we're both a little worn down, is all. Nothing a good night's rest won't fix once we're done with Shawn." In his mind, though, he was wondering whether or not Jared actually did know what Luka had done with Ashley. Still, he kept his street face-or trader face, or whatever you want to call it. Poker face was the most common.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: BraveheartCaleb nodded as he helped bring Shawn to the basement, hoping he wasn't too out of shape.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC:Shadow sat down in the lone chair that made up her room's seating possibilities. No once could be quite sure how she'd managed to get up there without going past Alaric and Ashlynn, but she did. She even managed to make it up to her room without seeing another living soul.She'd seen Ric go to comfort Ashlynn. Despite her own feelings toward the nurse, she could understand that. They'd been best friends for years, and Alaric harbored a crush that, she suspected, was as deep as the Atlantic. And with what she'd seen John do just before he left, she could probably use some comforting, she grudgingly admitted.She winced as she shifted slightly. She'd finally noticed her injuries on the way up, and wrapped gauze around her middle several times, tying it off at her side. The cuts weren't deep, it was mostly just there to soak up any leaking blood and prevent infection. Even the pain was relatively easy to ignore, consider what she had endured earlier in the day.But she hadn't come up just to fix herself up, and sit down for a while. No, she had a reason for needing the quiet solitude of her dorm. For the first time, she was aware of something in her mind. Consciously aware, that is. Before she woke, her memories were just gone. To her, at least. Telepaths who entered her mind could find a 'barrier', keeping anyone out of the knowledge locked away. But now that she had woken up, she could see it. She could feel and find the barrier in her mind that kept her past locked away from her.She didn't know why. Not for sure. She had a theory, however. It stood to reason that a significant enough mental event could have triggered this breakthrough. It wasn't telepathic attack, or intervention. That much she knew. If it was, it would have occurred long ago, the first time Ashlynn or Ric had probed her mind. Shadow had pondered this question long and hard, and she thought she had found the answer.Hours earlier, she died. Ric and Ashlynn.... They hadn't made it in time to keep her alive. But Ashlynn started healing her moments after her passing, and had brought her back without even realizing it. Shadow didn't know for sure, but it made sense. It was like drowning. She had died, but Ashlynn was in time to revive her. And she had never even noticed that, for a moment, Shadow had been gone. But she hadn't come back the same as before. Something had changed during that time. Something that let her percieve the barrier keeping her memories away, feel the locked room in her mind.And the locks had loosened.It was how her subconscious had kept up the steady stream of horror in her coma, by tapping into images from that room. Never enough to let her figure anything out, just enough to make her suffer. She had known it was there since she awoke. If she didn't think about it, it wasn't there, so it was pretty easy to ignore. But when her thoughts turned to it, there it was. Sitting in the center of her mind, inviting, beckoning her to come learn its secrets. She had been resisting the temptation since she awoke, pretending it wasn't there. Now that she had the chance. she wasn't sure she wanted her memories back.Then she'd heard Ric's story about his father, and she realized the hole that had been in her heart all along. She didn't know who her parents were, who her family was. The memory was a source of great sadness for the history teacher, but he had good memories of his father too. And Shadow realized she wanted the chance to have parents, to have a family, the good memories with the bad. So now, as she sat in the only chair in her room, she made her way to that door.And she pushed. The "door" resisted, but slowly gave up ground. Shadow's fists were clenched with the level of concentration she maintained, pushing against the barrier with all her might. Whoever had made it had done a good job, for despite all of Shadow's efforts, she was making little headway.But a little was enough.With unimaginable force, Shadow was shoved inside the door, and into the memories she longed for so much.*****************************************************************************************************************************************************She found herself in a large room. In many ways, quite similar to the Danger Room. They both seemed to have the same principles in mind; training.But this room didn't have the futuristic, hopeful air of the Danger Room. Where the Danger Room's walls were smooth metal, this room's were concrete. Some places had mysterious dark splotches, both on the walls and the concrete floor. Small walls were erected randomly inside, pillars were strewn about. Directly behind her was a metal door, securely closed. An identical one was on the far wall. High above it was an observation window, made of one way glass. Going the other way.The first sign that something was wrong was obvious; She was wearing her combat suit. The same one she had found in her storage pocket.The far door opened, and a teenage boy, probably sixteen or so, was shoved into the room. The instant the door slammed shut behind him, the cuffs keeping his hands bound behind his back released, allowing him full movement once more. He looked around the room frantically, slammed on the door behind him, trying to find a way out of the arena.A loudspeaker activated, and issued forth a cold voice, filled with detachment and disinterest. "X-497. Cease and desist, or we shall be forced to terminate you."The teenager stopped instantly, and looked at the speaker in fear. "Better. Now then.""X-322, X-497. This is the Testing Room. In a matter of moments, the two of you will fight until one of you is dead. We only take the strongest to be one of our Weapons, and this is how we weed through all of the mutants we take. Try and escape, and we will terminate you. Now. Fight."Both teenager stared at the speaker in fear, and horror. X-497 looked to her first. Shadow looked back, a pleading look in her eyes. The boy looked her in the eyes as his face morphed into a savage snarl. He had just been told that only one of them would be getting out alive. And he was determined it would be him. He ran fprward, every step cracking the ground in his rhino-like charge.Shadow put her arms up in a futile attempt to defend herself even as her foes' punch slammed into her gut, and slammed her against the wall. A follow-up slammed into her nose with a sickening crack. X-947, for that was what he was now, a weapon, grabbed her by the neck and hurled her into one of the free-standing walls, which splintered and snapped when she hit it. She landed with a thud. Everything hurt. Her nose was broken and bleeding, and her right eye was swollen shut. Judging from the pain when she tried to stand, several of her ribs were broken too. She didn't even get the chance to react to the kick the screamed toward her face. She was thrown back, and her head hit the concrete floor with a resounding crack. Spots filled her vision, and she became dizzy upon impact. The next thing she knew, she was hoisted into the air, and slammed against the wall. Her vision cleared to see X-497 pulling back his fist, preparing to strike, and end it all......................................She closed her eyes. A quiet beeping was heard, and all of a sudden she had been dropped and coated her face was wet. She blinked her eyes open.X-497 lay with his back to the ground, his head conspicuous by its absence. "Test aborted. X-322 has failed. Security. Get her, fix her up, and get back to training. Call a clean up crew to take care of 497."The memory faded out, but Shadow was immediately thrown into another one. She was back in the same room, but this time her opponent was a blond-haired girl. The loudspeakers switched on, but Shadow took no notice. The memory blurred, as if on fast forward. And stopped with Shadow standing over the girl's battered and broken body.The came one after another after another, an unceasing parade of death, pain and blood.****************************************************************************************************************************When SHadow surfaced, she wasn't sure how she had ended up in a corner across the room. She didn't care. Her arms hugged her knees to her chest tightly, and tears streamed down her unnaturally pale face. Her whole body shook with silent sobs.She had gone into her past, hoping to find her parents. Her family. She had instead been forced to watch the ultimate horror show, made all the worse by one simple fact; It was real.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Wild Card:Card, still in his X-suit (he didn't have any clothes to change into) heard this, and rushed to where Emily was. Making sure his gloves were on, he made sure there was a empty bed in the infirmary before rushing to where Beast was, and tapping him on the shoulder with a gloved finger, "Shawn is hurt, we need your help."

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IC (Angela Dean) [Oracle]Angela shrugged, her eyes sharp. "I heard someone screaming, and popped down here in time to see a guy with an anger management problem tear apart that wall and run away. Makes me wonder what you're doing down here."The teenager paused then, and seemed to drift off for a moment. "Never mind me, though. Someone's hurt, and they're gonna need you."One. Two. Three.On cue, a man in an X-suit ran up to Beast and tapped him on the shoulder. "Shawn is hurt, we need your help."

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IC: (Sarah Jackson)Sarah had reached the healer, gotten healed, and headed back to her main safehouse. She took at a look at her blade, and almost cried. It was ruined. It had deflected the blast, but at the cost of melting the blade. It was beyond repair, even by a master such as her self, without more steel, and a Black-smith's forge. She put the blade back into it's sheath, keeping it there till she could get it repaired. It saved my life, and I will repair it. With that, Sarah went to sleep.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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OOC: Leave for a day to do business and then 11 pages sprout up when you get back. Makes short post based off last relevant post found, hopes no other important ones have been made.IC: Derrick honestly didn't now what to say. He looked around and surmised what had happened and evaluated her emotions. It didn't help much. Derrick sat beside her silently. They were plenty of cliche things that he could of said, but the right one could not find the top of his tounge, so he merely sat in silence.


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OOC: ^Join the club.IC: War MachineDurham raised an eyebrow, "A new mission, what or who is the target? He knew full well that 95% of all Weapon X missions involved killing or kidnapping and the other five percent were no different.IC: UltravioletLana had come from the kitchen, where she was having an animated discussion with the cook about the soy sauce, when she heard the noise caused by previous events. After piecing together what had happened she muttered something about melodramatic teenagers and returned to the kitchen.

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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IC: BeastBeast looked at Zac. “I suppose we could have another party but I’m not in the mood to help set it up, it will have to be up to the students to put it together.” He said. “I will also be there this time. I won’t leave myself alone in the school during the party, last time I did that and I was shot.” He said.Beast turned to Angela, “This area is for X-Men only. I’m here because I’m supposed to be.” He told her. “That guy with anger management was one of my first X-Men and like my son.” Beast growled, clearly not in a good mood and Angela wasn’t helping.He felt Wild Card tap him on the shoulder and he turned around, “Ashlynn will heal him, Ash hurry!” he told her. “What happened?” he asked Wild Card.IC: Summer-flightAshlynn accepted Ric’s warm hug, placing her head on his shoulder when suddenly she heard shouting from down the hall, and when Wild Card told Beast what was going on. Ash got to her feet, quickly reading Emily’s thoughts to see what’s going on. “They need me.” She said before running down the hallway to the medical ward.Once she was inside she found Shawn laying on a cot, his skin badly burned and his eyes leaking blood. She stelled herself and quickly began to run her hands over the most seveer burns first, as green energy poured out; seeping into the wounds and healing them. She continued to work healing Shawn as beads of sweat dripped down her forehead. IC: Scorcher"His name is John Howlett." Scorcher said. "He's an X-Men and he's the second son of Wolverine... the first Weapon within Weapon-X and still probably their most lethal ever. You can see why they'd want his son." he said. "He just left the school, going down a lone road towards the city, if we hurrt we might be able to catch him." he said.

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IC: Firespirit"Already harthe party planned, just wanted your approval," Zac said, "I'm gonna go check on Shawn now! See ya Mr. beast!" Zac said heading following Summer to the medical area. He then found his brother and Emily, "Is he okay?"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Shawn IC: As Shawn gets healed he wakes up from his unconsciousness. He writhes in pain, as he sobs. Tears of blood stream down his face. "I...just..wanted...to...save.." He cannot finish, but continues to weep because of the pain.Emily IC: Emily does not answer Zac, she focuses her attention to Shawn. "It's okay baby, you are going to be fine...we are here for you...just a little while longer baby. I'm here."


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Braveheart and Firespirt"How bad is?" Zac asked Caleb,"Acid," Caleb shuttered,"Yeesssh...." Zac said, "I'm sorry Shawn, you'll feell better I promise,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: ShadowSo much pain. So much pain.Shadow stared into space, trying to clear what she'd seen from her mind. Tears streamed down her face. The door in her mind was firmly closed, it had done so after she'd managed to get out of the horrible space beyond.I don't want to know my past, I don't want to, I don't want to, I don't want to.....



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Dallas (Westchester, New York)Out of impulse, Dallas checked his phone and read Matt's text; his face didn't change, but his eyes seemed to darken momentarily as he slid the phone back into his pocket."Y'know...the team has a couple days off, and I'd rather not get interrupted while prepping for SNL, so...why not rent a hotel room here in Westchester? We'd never have to leave the room: just get room service, enjoy the view, maybe cuddle and flip through every HBO subsidiary known to man..."-Teezy



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