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OOC: Kal was just trolling, and he didn't say it was pre approved. He just asked if you thought we were doing this without any sort of permission.This however is Pre-Approved.Name: Geoffrey Philip BrockwayCodename: Rookie, Delta NineAge: 16Gender: MaleFaction: EnforcersPower(s): NoneAppearance: At 5'4'' he is of shorter stature, something that causes many to pick on him. Not that it matters when he's in a Mech. He has short, black hair, tanned skin, and hazel eyes. In terms of clothing he wears a simple brown vest utop a white shirt, and jeans.Weapons: ENF-007 'Israafiyl': Whereas the 002 is an all around fighter, and the 003 is built for damage. The 007 is the fastest of the series, and is also capable of turning into a jet. It possess two 30mm Machine Gun on its chest, Grenades built into its legs designed for disrupting sensors, two laser-beam machineguns in its wrists designed for firerate over power, Beam Rifle-which acts as the Unit's front piece in Jet Form, A Beam Saber stored in each Side-Binder, Beam Cannon with limited shots located in Side-Binders and capable of rotating backwards to shoot at Enemies, Two Missles stored in each leg. On its left arm is a long telescopic Blade, which is useful for melee attacks and does not use up energy. It also possesses a cloaking systems, however, this uses up a large amount energy when active for a long time, and prevents the use of any Beam Weaponry. The Unit is mainly black, with Neon Green Lights.Skills: While still a rookie, Geoff is considered one of the best pilots out there, hence why he was given the 007. Outside of the Mecha he's merely adequate at hand-to-hand and shooting, prefering instead to quickly take down enemies from the shadows, via a Knife.Personality: While inside a Mecha, Geoff is one of the most fun-loving people you'll every meet. Pulling off crazy stunts that are generally frowned upon by his superiors. However outside his Mecha, he has a bit of an inferiority complex, and is quite shy.Weakness: Due to all the Beam Weapons it possesses, the ENF-007 possesses a large risk towards running out of energy. Should such an event occur it will enter reserve mode, shutting down all weapons systems and rerouting energy to the thrusters, giving the pilot just enough time to escape. Geoff himself isn't the best fighter out there.Bio: Geoff had grown up constantly being bullied and picked on. This led him to develop quite the inferiority complex. However other than this, nothing else was very special about Geoff's life. His parent's however, had a very interesting life. They had been working on the ENF Series, and one faithful day they took Geoff with them to work. Mainly because they couldn't find a place to store him. Sadly that day, Mutants attacked the lab and killed his parents. During the confusion Geoff jumped into the cockpit, and barely managed to defeat the Mutants. However due to his piloting the Mecha, it became bonded with him, thus leaving him the only one able to pilot the it. Due to this mishap, Geoff was sent to train with the Delta Squad, and was taught just how to properly pilot the thing.


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IC: (Scott Jackson)Scott was about to block Beast's attack when the sim overloaded. "The simulation overloaded it's self trying to use the Phoenix powers of Jean." Scott had recived a notice on his HUD when the room overloaded.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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OOC: We never stopped approving things that way, I don't know what's going on round here.IC: Summer-flight (Classroom)She smiled at him when he said love. "Awh thanks." She smiled as she grabbed the frosty and a spoon and took a big bite, closing her eyes at the delicious taste. "Thanks again Ric." she smiled at him. "Oh and I can't believe you haven't shown me your new car yet." she said. Upon uttering the word car her eyes widened."Holy ****!" she said. "I left my dad's car back at that little airport yesterday when I drove there to fly us all to DC!" she said. IC: Destruction NPC Nyx (Rikers)"Yeah are you blind?" he said to Rosalina. "Let's get this thing off the ground, now." he said.Nyx appeared behind them, a cloud of grey smoke materializing into her lithe form. "I agree." she said.

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IC: MIchael"Okay, giant net over me," muttered Michael. "What do I do?"A sudden flash of inspiration came to him, and every single weapon of the Jibryaail opened fire, demolishing the net around him. Of course, this came with the drawback of having no more ammunition other than a weakened and damaged laser rifle, but he quickly shifted to jet form, speeding away towards his fellow squad-mates."Sorry about being late. Became a fish for a while."

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OOC: Also Dunamis, Sayf's Mecha, it too has been Pre-Approved.ENF-004 'Dunamis': The 004 is designed for taking out enemies from a distance, and thus possesses state of the art Targeting Systems, this includes a special Sniper Mode in which the forward crown splits, and lowers a single monocle. Inside the cockpit a gun shaped Sniper Control is also lowered. In terms of weaponry it possess a Beam Sniper Rifle stored on right shield section, Two Beam Pistols, Two Beam Sabers stored in the hips, 24 Missles- 16 of which are strored in the front skirt armor, and 4 in each knee, and for special circumstances a special Super Substratospheric Altitude Gun can be deployed for sniping anything in the air, even from the ground. However the weapon is unwieldy and can not move positions without external help. The 004 also possesses two Shields on each shoulder, capable of being manipulated to block incoming shots. On its rear end are two thrusters used for flight and quick evasion. Weaknesses: Like the Israafiyl, the Dunamis is very reliant on Beam Weaponry, thus runs the risk of running out of power, in which case it too will enter a reserve mode, in order to allow the pilot time to escape.


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IC: Alaric (Institute, Westchester)"Hey, don't worry about it, it's no problem," he said with a shrug as he leaned back in his seat. "I'll take you for a spin in the California after school, we can go and get it. I could stock a bunch of **** from the teacher's lounge, put it in the trunk...we could have a picnic. I mean...it is Friday, and there's this cool spot about fifteen minutes out from the school, great view of the sky and right on the river and everything..."-Teezy



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IC: Destruction (Rikers)"Good luck getting this thing to fly with hefty on-board." he said looking at Rhino.IC: Summer-flight (Classroom)"I'd love that." she told Alaric. "It sounds like a great way for me to talk to you about some things that have been on my mind." she said as she took a bite of her burger. "I really wish I didn't have to teach this class... math is so boring and easy for me..." she said. Ashlynn was a great teacher, in fact all of her students loved her, she just wasn't very interested in the subject."I really hope no one has stolen the car." she said. IC: Triblade (Outside the school)Matt sat up a few minutes later. He watched as the Blackbird flew off into the clouds. "Well ****." he said. He got up and saw someone walking towards the school (Nat). "Hey buddy what's up?" he said rubbing his temple.

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IC: (Lexie: Prototype)Lexie had gotten her fill. She let the armor back into her, and then went and boarded the plane.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: RookieA sleek black Mecha swerved out to meet with the rest of the Delta team had arrived. Inside the cockpit was a young boy, whose appearance made him look even younger. However up here in his Mecha, he felt like he could take on the world. Sure outside of the cockpit things were a different story, but right now that didn't matter. He was in his Mecha and nothing else mattered."Hey guys, sorry I wasn't around to help. They just finished outfitting Israafiyl with the new gear. This cloaking system is boss." Rookie yelled excitedly. "Oh yeah, and Sayf, there's a package that just arrived for you, evidently you passed all your simulation tests. Congrats! Oh and one more thing, Jayne the engineers want to see Seig, evidently they have something they want to try out now." That was it, there was nothing else for him to say.


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IC: (Scott Jackson)With the simulation over, Scott takes his helmet off,and turns to Shawn. "Think about. With all the stories of the Phieox's power being almost God-teir, you think even the Danger Room could replacate that? If it did, we would most likely as dead as the orginal X-men, save Beast."

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: Spirit"Well I going back to Beast and see if I can enrol yet, see you later Krahka... I mean Wild Card." Will said.

Edited by Takanuvainika

"I once thought that I was the only one who fantasized about Bionicle; that no one else could have that little of a life.

Then I went on BZPower.




Just call me Taka or TNI



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IC: Dallas (Hotel, Westchester)"We could find out later, I guess."IC: Alaric (Institute, Westchester)"No one has stolen the car, alright?" Alaric asked with a small smile as he leaned forward to kiss Ashlynn's cheek in between chews. "I promise. We're gonna get it, drive out to the river, eat like royalty, and then spend the night cuddling, just like last night. Alright?"-Teezy



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IC: Rookie"I'm fine, how was Riker's Island, reports are just coming in over the news." Rookie responded. He then looked at Sayf, "Well you did pass all the Simulations, so yeah you got a Mecha. Pretty sweet one too. Trust me you'll love it."IC: KatherineKatherine was finally starting to wake, however due to all the damage Pietro had taken, it'd be a while before he awoke. As soon as her eye's shot open she asked the first question that came to mind. "Where's the prisoner?"

Edited by Toa Onarax


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Rosalina IC: Rosalina looks down in sadness, but still feeling a bit relieved because at the very least Quicksilver is okay. She then raises her head and says "I am not too sure how much power I have right now, but If you can get this plane moving. I can use my Chaos Magic to take us home." she says while coughing.


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: JayneJayne sighed. "Yeah, Sayf. We got you a mech. Now does anyone know what the **** the engineers want with my mech?""This isn't about the rumor of that project, is it? I mean, that was a rumor."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Rookie"Well that's what I believe they want it for. Evidently with the introduction of the Dunamis they ready to iniate the project or atleast will be. Sieg and Dunamis are the testing units." Rookie informed Jayne.IC: Katherine"Delta Six," Katherine corrected, "Remember men, protocol dictates continued use of our Designations, if an enemy tapped into our communications learning our identities could be detrimental. Delta Two, those cells will work, now please break his arms and legs and sedate him. We don't want him waking up right now."Katherine then looked behind her, "Delta Thirteen, is there a reason why your face is that color? Are you ill?"

Edited by Toa Onarax


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IC: Krystal - Davis House, New York -Krystal let out a yelp as her nose was slammed into, as Alek twisted her left so that he was on top of her she saw Alek coming down on her with the butterfly knife, before he could slam the knife under her jawbone she grasped his arm with her left hand, her superior strength allowed her to stop his arm easily. With the other hand she swiped at his face with her claws. IC: Windrider - Riker's Island - As Demon began to increase my powers I began to channel a massive current, it started from under the plane, pulling up at the wings. "This might be a bumpy ride for everyone inside!" I shouted as I strained to put my powers to the max. The plane began to slowly lift and move forward, the sound of metal scraping the earth could be heard as the plane slowly began to lift from the ground. It didn't seem to bad so far, but I realized that having to get this thing in the air and keep it there for a good half hour at least was gonna be a test of my powers, even with Demon's help.

Edited by Overlord Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Shawn IC: Shawn turns to Scott and says "but that is the fun!! I want to see this power for myself, as fighters there is no better feeling than putting yourself against the best and truly putting your abilities to the test, to see if you have what it takes to take on a legend........well actually there is one more feeling that is better....hahaha....but that is not for the kids" As Shawn scratches the back of his head laughing.Rosalina IC: Rosalina suggest to Windrider after some time to rest up she can carry the plane home with the use of her chaos magic.


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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