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IC: FeralHe nodded slowly, "Your right." He said. "I have to find out everything from my past." He said."Really?" He said looking into her eyes. He'd been afraid she didn't feel the same way.IC: Triblade"Hmm... How do you know that?" He asked her. "That's good though we Could use their help."

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IC : Icitine "Of course I do." Lilliana felt her cheeks turn pink as she whispered shyly. As he began to look in her eyes, she quickly looked down. She had never had romantic feelings for someone and had no experience with dating at all and this made her nervous.

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IC: Jace (Weapon-X Compound)Jace, meanwhile, stood next to the doorway quietly, observing Ashley and running a mental simulation of her powers, personality, and different methods of use in an escape attempt.-Teezy



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Shawn Ic: Right before he threw the kick, Shawn shakes his head and rolls his eyes "pfft,..... women" he then throws the kick. And gets slammed to the ground, he then used his free leg to try and stomp on Jake's face at high speeds.

Edited by The_Shawn_Legend


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC (Aldrich, NY, Countryside)Aldrich, though elated that he was no longer the last of his kind, was not pleased about the state of his door. Unaware of those creeping towards his manor he had descended into the basement and grabbed then needed tools to seal the gap until the door could be set right. So it was that Aldrich, holding a large amount of nails in his teeth, a large and piece of wood with a hammer taped to it, stepped out of the manor. His line of sight wasn't the best, but the hairs on the back of his neck pricked up. If his instincts were right...well, someone was here.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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OOC: So I did Flex. I confess I didn't spot it until you told me to lookIC: "Fair point Bright Eyes," said Alec, rifling through the remains of the garage looking for keys, "We just supposed to go right to the base?"IC: "You sure about that doc?" Alec asked, arm telescoping back to normal, "They were getting a bit lovey-dovey last time I saw them. Who knows what they're up to by now."IC: M'Kus stopped in his tracks, still growling. He was batting at his nose frantically."I...I do not understand brother," N'dine said, wishing not for the first time they had some sort of psychic link so they could understand each other in different bodies "What is it?"

Edited by Lord of Adders Black


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IC: Jack watched as the BrainBots advanced on him. Now he didn't want to attract any attention by being some sort of Weapon-X hero or something like that, He wanted to just to take a few out, and hopefully things would be cleaned up by then. The nanobot thing was largely just a test to make sure it would work. Unfortunately since the nanobots worked as planned, he drew the attention of two more. That he had to take out two which might draw the attention of three, and either Weapon-X would notice one agent was taking out way too many robots or he would get overrun.Alright, let's draw this out a little.Jack aimed a non-nanobot laced shot at the first BrainBot flying at him, and fired towards where it would be.

Edited by Minun4


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IC (Aldrich, NY, Countryside) "Hello? Is anyone there?" Aldrich had set the board and his tools down, if this was an ambush, going into the house to retrieve his weapon wouldn't help the enemy would have guessed what he was doing and have filled the entire place with lead. If it was simply visitors responding to the message he didn't want to introduce himself while waving a gun around. There were worse ways to make a introduction, but not many.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: (Scott) "Should we respawn to him or not?" Scott asked in a whisper. He wasn't sure of anything anymore.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC:(Scott)"Are you the one that sent the messages by raven?" Scott shouted out to Aldrich. Never hurt to be sure.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC (Aldrich, NY, Countryside)"Yes. Yes. You are here about that? Please come out. There is no need to stand about shouting like fools." Aldrich paused, the ruined door wouldn't make the best impression and he didn't want any unneeded questions until he presented his offer but they might not ask him about it, so why worry? He could craft a reasonable enough explanation if pressed.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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OOC: Ninja'edIC: Spirit"There's no need for that, I can heal you." Will's hands glowed brightly about to heal Nick."Oh joy. No one breathe a word of this to the guards." Will's hands stopped glowing and he helped Nick up. "Is everything healed?" He said out loud, then he said telepathically 'Not a mutant huh, well you can say that I healed you, if someone asks.'

Edited by Takanuvainika

"I once thought that I was the only one who fantasized about Bionicle; that no one else could have that little of a life.

Then I went on BZPower.




Just call me Taka or TNI



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OOC: Wait, how long has Will been able to heal people?IC: The group emerged to Aldrich's view. N'Dine in her tarpaulin draped on her like a really cheap toga, M'Kus the panther prowling by her feet and the odd-looking cyborg Scott clanking along on his metal legs, another borne in his metal arms. Motley crew only began to cover it


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IC (Aldrich, NY, Countryside)Aldrich had been prepared for a strange visitor, it came with contacting the X-men he had not been prepared for this however and he briefly wondered if the grocer who sold him his coffee sold drugs under the table and had mixed the two up. Still, if this was a hallucination he'd already shouted at empty air, so it wasn't like he had anywhere lower to go. Aldrich approached the group, pausing only to brush some dust from his suits shoulders. "Before we get down to business...I would like to extend my sympathies. This whole situation is a god awful mess and you fellows got caught in the middle of it." Aldrich paused for a moment. "I assume you have a supply of food? If not I can offer the contents of my pantry." On the off chance one of them accepted his offer, he would prefer it if they didn't lose a battle with hunger and ruin his other door.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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OOC: Will's energy can hurt, heal, destroy, and repair. Did anyone even read his profile?IC: SmithJoe was regeneratingIC: Spirit"You'd think they would at least stop when somebody got hurt, what are they fighting about anyway?"

"I once thought that I was the only one who fantasized about Bionicle; that no one else could have that little of a life.

Then I went on BZPower.




Just call me Taka or TNI



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OOC: His energy is so OP. I can see him switching fro healing or harming… but destroying and repairing? How does that even work…IC: Scorcher (Weapon-X Facility)Scorcher jumped too his feet as the sound attacks impacted the ground around him. He was ****ed now. Both arms flew forward as the flame wall in front of him exploded forward in a wave of flame heading for the robots.IC: Feral (Weapon-X Facility)“Good then.” He said grasping her hand and squeezing it again, then without warning he got up, moved towards her, placing his hand on her shoulder so she would look up at him before he went in for a kiss.Suddenly he heard an announcement from Colonel Johnson. “THE BASE IS UNDER ATTACK, ALL WEAPONS OUTSIDE TO DEFEND IT OR BE TERMINATED.”“**** it…” he said. “Guess that means us.” He sighed.IC: Summer-flight (Weapon-X Facility)“That’s good.” She smiled at Ashley. “I just wanted to see how you were holding up in here.” She said. It finally snapped into place that other then Beast she was the oldest of the X-Men within the Weapons. It was her responsibility to protect everyone. She had to be more proactive from now on.“Is this Giles’ cat?” she asked surprised as she looked at Sebastian. She glanced at Jace and smiled at him. “This is my friend Jace.” She said pointing to him.IC: Unbreakable (Weapon-X Facility)Jake stumbled back from the kick shaking his head. Suddenly he could hear the Colonel’s voice over the loudspeakers.“THE BASE IS UNDER ATTACK, ALL WEAPONS OUTSIDE TO DEFEND IT OR BE TERMINATED.” He yelled.“Let’s save this for later.” He said before sprinting off.IC: Matt (Hotel, NY)“Well how did you get there…” he said. “Don’t tell me Dallas used his powers and came here then took you there and back again.” He said,IC: Songbird (Mansion grounds)“They are supposedly in a hotel, and yes we should go there. I can take us there from Shadow’s memories.” She said.“The keys are in the ignition, “Let’s go.” She said before climbing into the passenger side of the hummer, watching as Dallas came as well.IC: NPC Novocain (Weapon-X Medical bay)“Yes…” he said. “Tell them to ignore the Colonel’s orders, my experiment is priority 1.” He said.

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IC: Jared's armor was pitch black from absorbing light as he swept his beam in an arc, hopefully cutting down the 2 bots unlucky enough to be caught in it.OOC: what time of day is it?IC: Fox grinned. "Lead the way."IC: Nick shrugged. "I'm going back to my room to work on this some more." He walked off.OOC: seeing as Tali is supposed to defend the base, could you free her from the torrent of inactivity that is the torture room? Preferably uninjured?

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

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OOC: He destroys stuff by overloading it with energy, not that hard to do. And his repair energy can just hold stuff together for a few minutes.IC: Spirit"If Shawn hits like he throws a frisbee, this is going to be some fight."'There are tests you can do to find out what powers you have, I could probably set it up in the lab if we could get in there without the mad scientist.' He thought back.“THE BASE IS UNDER ATTACK, ALL WEAPONS OUTSIDE TO DEFEND IT OR BE TERMINATED.""I'd better go." He said running off.

Edited by Takanuvainika

"I once thought that I was the only one who fantasized about Bionicle; that no one else could have that little of a life.

Then I went on BZPower.




Just call me Taka or TNI



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IC Icitine Lilliana blushed as John went in to kiss her ad right before their lips touched, the alarm went off. Lilliana frowned. "Guess so." She quickly ran and put on her suit before returning to John. "Ready?" She asked him, her blonde hair now wildly around her face from the rush.

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OOC: As long as it only holds it together for a few minutes then. Yeah feel free to say she was released to fight… It’s like lunchtime now 1 PM?IC: Feral (Weapon-X Facility)John had jogged back to his room and changed into his own suit when Liliana stepped out suited up. “Yep.” He said the sleek dark black suit making his dark blue eyes stand out even more. “Let’s do this.” He said as his metal claws slid out of his black gloves.He was so angry that the alarm had gone off before they kissed…

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OOC: asking because Jared's powers depend on the amount of light.IC: Tali ran through the hallway, and bumped into Shawn, as well as Nick, who hadn't gotten too far. She had bleeding scratches on her cheeks, back of her hands, arms, and was obviously shaken. "Shawn..." She fell against him, grateful for the support. She was trembling slightly.IC: Nick whipped out his vial of serum.

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

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IC: MTM and RobotsOne BrainBot was hit and went down but the other one went for Jack's gun, then the one that went down came up behind him, with it's glass cracked from the bullet and tried to grab him from behind.Mega Matter and the robots jumped to the side to avoid the fire, temperarally stopping the sound attack although the music was still blaring.

"I once thought that I was the only one who fantasized about Bionicle; that no one else could have that little of a life.

Then I went on BZPower.




Just call me Taka or TNI



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IC: Ashley - Weapon X Facility -Ashley nodded. "Yeah, it's Giles' cat, Sebastian. I'm keeping him safe." She looked at Jace as Ashlynn introduced him. He was rather tall, and quite captivating. "I'm Ashley." she said after looking him over a bit. “THE BASE IS UNDER ATTACK, ALL WEAPONS OUTSIDE TO DEFEND IT OR BE TERMINATED." Ashley cringed as she heard the Colonel's voice. "W-what do we do?" She really didn't want to go out there, especially after just getting out of that awful lab, she was a bit out of sorts as it was. IC: Krystal - Weapon X Facility -Krystal was still sitting on the floor when the Colonel's voice rang out. She slowly stood up, she knew that she most definitely needed to go out there if she wanted to keep her head. "**** your experiment." She said to Novocain as she ran out of the lab, heading toward the outside.When she got outside the first thing she did was run at the nearest BrainBot and and attempted to grab it, hoping to then thrown it at another robot with her incredible strength.

Edited by Overlord Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Jack tossed the rifle at the BrainBot, in an attempt to disorient it for a few moments as he laced a bullet in his Weapon-X issued pistol. The BrainBot reached for him however before he could fully turn around knocking him to the ground. However he managed to reorient himself and fire the nanobot-laced shot at the flying robot.How much do they pay these agents? To deal with stuff like this...


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Shawn IC: Shawn nods his head towards Unbreakable "Yeah mon ami, I ain't done with ya." He then turns to Mimic "Chere, take care of your bro and we will take care of dis" Then he notices Tali with injured "Professor! Jeez!! what did that punk do to you." He then hears the message and turns to Mimic again concerned "Hey take care of her please, while we go and see wassup...please."


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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OOC: These are BrainBots http://mega-mind.wikia.com/wiki/Brainbots They are only heads and although Brawnbots are the size of humans but they don't have heads.IC: MTM and robotsThe bot grabbed the rifle but when Jack shot the other bot it dropped the rifle, grabbed the nanobot infested Brainbot and flew off.The robot barrelled at Jered, avoiding the laser fists and slaming into him.

"I once thought that I was the only one who fantasized about Bionicle; that no one else could have that little of a life.

Then I went on BZPower.




Just call me Taka or TNI



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IC: "I got her.You guys go on, I won't get my head exploded. I can also touch her without draining." Nick sat Tali down, opened the vial and put a few drops on each of her cuts. IC: Tali sat down. Her scratches healed, but they would leave thin white lines. "I can fight once the pain stops."IC: Nick nodded. "Scalpel is scum. The pain stops about 5 seconds after the damage is healed, from my experience."

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

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IC: Summer-flight (Weapon-X Facility)“Well that’s good.” She said petting the cat for a moment until she heard the announcement. “Don’t worry… I’ll go.” She said. “You stay here and keep Sebastian safe.” She said.IC: Scorcher (Weapon-X Facility)As Mega Matter dodged the huge wall of flame along with his robots Kane grimaced. Both arms flew forward as a whip of flame lashed out at each of Mega Matter’s legs threatening to slam him to the ground and burn his legs.IC: Unbreakable (Weapon-X Facility)Jake charged outside and began smashing Brain Bots with his huge fists.IC: Mimic (Weapon-X)She nodded slowly wanting to go out and fight. “I’ll watch over them.” She said. “C’Mon lets get you to my room sugar.” She said to Tali.But then Nick took over. “Alright I’ll go help then.” She said.

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