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Mafia III-3: Cult Fortress


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HANGING 2: ONU-KOROThe hooded figure with a scythe laughed maniacally at the success of his dastardly plan when Burnmad, who clearly should've been a suspect for the Pyro, was instead sentenced to death by the Village over the issue of the Cult. He pulled out pistol and put three bullets into the Scout's head.Scout Executed.However, if the creepy figure with the scythe thought that was funny, he was rolling on the ground crying with mirth as not one, not two, but three of the suspects for the recent Pyro killings were all forced to their feet by the Detective and marched up. While doing so, the scythe figure's hood accidentally came off, but thankfully none but the Pyro suspects realized who he was."Alright, in a line facing the Matoran." the scythe figure told them, standing to his feet."Man, this sucks." Smoothjazz said. "I was marked down twice last round, too.""It sucks even more for me." Constructman said. "I build things, I don't destroy them. I even just finished building that new wooden hut over in Ko-Koro!""MMMMPH!" yelled the other suspect."Wait a minute..." Smoothjazz said."Hey! You! Pyro, get over here!" the Detective ordered.Realizing what was about to occur, the Scythe Figure pulled out a bow and arrow that used to belong to the Sniper. He pulled the drawstring back with an arrow loaded and let it fly.Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Thock!With those exceptionally comforting noises, Smoothjazz, Constructman, and Unit were all nailed to the wall with an arrow, a lit flamethrower conveniently poking out of Unit's pocket. Everybody breathed a sigh of relief that the Pyro was gone as the Scythe Figure disappeared, until they all realized that the building was on fire.Pyro, Civilian, and Civilian all arrowed.All roles (minus Demoman and Sniper) pm!-Medic (pm for protection target and Heavy guess)-Heavy (pm for Medic guess)-Cult Leader (pm for kidnapper, kidnappee, hiding spot)-Detective (pm for location search, investigation)-Spy (pm for decision about whether you'll stay loyal once again)-Engineer (pm for whether you'll kill people this round)

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To all dead people, if you wanna know who the cult leader is, send me a PM :PMan, 3 pro town V 1 neutral dead. You guys are just....voting for everyone.
Say, JL, I know I'm not dead yet, but could you let me in on that little secret as well? That last PM you sent me was so very useful, so why not keep up the good work? :)


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Yay we got the Pyro! In your Pyro face! XDAh well a few villager casualties... such is war.What about the sniper is he still kidnapped? And like for the rest of the game?
I dunno, is the Detective going to even do his job?Scene tonight everybody.-ibrow
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SCENE 3: KO-KOROIt was with great sadness the day after the hanging that the Matoran all gathered to discover that the late Unit had managed to incinerate The Lorax, the one unfortunate chap that had been standing right next to him when he died.R.I.P. CivilianWhen the Cultist assigned that day came around to then kidnap The Lorax, all he found (unfortunately) was a rather dead and scorched body. Being exceptionally uninformed, the Cultist went ahead and prematurely called the Soldier into action to go on a killing spree instead. As the Cultist was leaving the building, he waved to his best buddy Flex Nard.A split second later, Flex Nard was showered in bullets and blown to pieces by rockets. The Engineer chuckled, until the ID landed in his lap.Civilian Gunned by Engineer.The Engineer gulped and hastily packed away his gear, running into the forest to hide. The Cultist decided to do the same, before the Cult Leader got mad at him.The Medic and Heavy had run into each other at the bar the night previous after the hanging, and had decided to enact a plan. Unfortunately, their first target when they activated the ubercharge (Lorax) was already dead, so they went after two others instead.JiMing screamed when he saw them and wondered why he had been unable to discover their identities before he was mowed down.Detective mowed down by Heavy and Meic.Sukapon, on the other hand, was busy sniffling in a corner with his rocket launcher, simultaneously crying out of gratitude that a Cultist had given him work while still sobbing over the fact that in the eyes of iBrow, he seemed not to exist. Unfortunately, it so happened that the Heavy and Medic came across him and the Heavy punched him into the moon.Soldier sent into orbit by Heavy and Medic.And that was that.The Suspects:Engineer Killing:-Mr. Chicken-Nara-Tyler Durden-NevermoreMedic/Heavy Rampge:-Taka Nuvia-Meta Nuva-Zakaro-Vinylstep-Sechs-Xaeraz-Zyke the Destroyer-Constructman-Impulse-DdudeVoting Rules:ONE VOTE ONLY FOR ENGINEER SUSPECTSTHREE VOTES FOR HEAVY/MEDIC SUSPECTS. THINK ABOUT IT, YOU MIGHT GET IT.

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Oh hey look I died. NOOOOOO. It was an epic death though. My final moments:I stumbled towards the Engineer blood pouring down my chest from the many bullet holes that dotted its surface. "Why..." I whispered as I grasped the Engineer's shoulder before falling to my knees, coughing blood as I laid down for the final time. Breath exploded from my impacted lungs, one breath, two breaths. No more came, Flex Nard was completely still, his eyes staring forward, all life in him gone. Oh hey I'm a ghost now.

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Iiiii'm gonna guess Nara is our Engie, and that the Hoovy is either Impulse, Vinylstep, or Sechs.

Edited by Xaeraz Classic

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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For Engineer Killing: Nara.For Heavy/Medic: Meta Nuva, Taka Nuvia and Ddude.Disclaimer: I am not heavy nor medic. Plus, do we really want to kill the medic? Seems more counter-productive than anything, killing the only person that could save us from assimilation.

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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Killing the Medic or the Engineer seems pretty ridiculous...-Teezy
Yeah... Honestly that's probably just there so that the cultists have an extra chance to take down some of the roles to even things out, but the way that this game is going that probably just makes it even easier. Really the main Pro-town role that can actually do a lot would be the Medic, and while he can protect some people, without the Detective this game isn't looking to be very good.Also, I'm kind of curious to see why I have the most votes on the Heavy/Medic. I imagine that it's just people guessing, but I'm kind of wondering about that.
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Have you ever had the Ubercharge Medic Duo on your team? Let me tell you, if nothing else makes you want to kill your own medic, that will.

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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Engi:Nevermore - 1Tyler - 1Nara - 2Chicken - 2Heavy/Medic:Meta - 2Vinylstep - 4Ddude - 3Zakaro - 2Zyke - 1Impulse - 3Sechs - 1Constructman - 1 Taka Nuvia - 1 Also, I'd just like to comment that there are sooooo many medic/heavy suspects for a reason... do you all honestly trule 100% spectacularly believe I have enough pro-town/neutral roles (LET ALONE CIVILIANS) to fill those spaces? The Cult is at a serious risk of being torn in half right now, if you find the right people.

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