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  1. Vezok's Friend
    Latest Entry

    A few things I've worked on over the last two years have finally come out as well, so it's time for another update to the list!



  2. This new building contest, (Battle for the Gold Mask) is one of the only Building contests in a long time that I've really gotten excited over. It definitely looks like I'll have to take out my technic pieces and build some sort of creation for this one! Although the chances of winning are small, I'm still very excited to see all the entries for this contest!

  3. 4839348217_bf786af7c1_z.jpg


    real photos probably tomorrow when I get good lighting

  4. Tahuri
    Latest Entry



    Entry 85




    Lego DeLorean Is 100% Remote-Controlled Brick Awesomeness



    Link to the future



    Found this on Gizmodo, EPIC WIN! I would buy this in a heartbeat!


    Also added my Twitter section to the content box on the left (no, your other left...)


    Tah, Tah!




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  5. It's the 20th anniversary of the Metru Nui saga's beginning. So this years theme is the entire Metru Nui saga! 

    Toa Metru, Hordika, Vahki, Dark Hunters. Not just characters, locations, items, or even vehicles! 

    Rules: Your design must be a simple design, one color, and must be medium sized. 

    Your design must also be black on a clear white background. This makes it easier for the screen printing process.

    You may post your entries in this thread, and have until the end of May to submit your design.

    The Prize: The maker of the winning design will receive a free T-Shirt!


    The winning design will be chosen through a voting process of the members of BZP.

    Colors will be suggested and chosen by the members as well.


    Feel free to ask any questions if needed.

    That's all for now. Have fun, and good luck!

    Latest Entry

    Haven't been here for a few months, whoops. I just don't have the kind of time I used to.


    What's been happening?


    BTW I retired

  7. Disky
    Latest Entry

    Remember how last year, during my spring break, I had a pretty bad fever?


    Well after a few days of minor sickness, I got a fever today. It happens to be the week before a break from school, too. I may have to miss the last two days of school depending on how I feel, but I hope nothing major happens since the semester is ending this Friday and finals finished today.


    At least those art supplies I ordered are here to keep me company... and my DSi (aaaaah I want a 3DS for Pokemon).

  8. 53529712370_b619e7de33.jpg

    As the cold curses the land
    She persists

    For every winter that comes

    There is a spring that follows

    No chill has taken her

    None will

    For she is evergreen

    More on Insta

  9. Toa Nidhiki05
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  10. 80 Dollar
    Latest Entry

    After whinning a few days about new Hau not being fully compatable with a Metru head, I took my rasp and modified the head a bit. (no harm done to Hau)


    Befoh :





    Once again proving that I have nothing better to do... :)




    Sorry Piruk you´ll be getting a new head shortly. :)

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    So I have this


    and its breaking and the battery barely lasts a day and its really laggy and slow and has a heart (processor) attack every time i get a message while i have an app open and freezes. So I've been looking at cool phones and I want this >: )


    That would be the sony xperia S and its cool and stuff.. and It got rated higher than an iphone 4s in a review on some website that i cant remember the name of and its round €100 cheaper and i tried out the xperia U which is like cheaper version of that and that was very good. I dunno what else to say. I would like this phone :) If anybody feels the urge to buy me it i can give you my address so you can post it here :L

  11. Captain Marvel
    Latest Entry

    Well, I haven't been on this website in almost a year, and I haven't been on this blog in almost two years. All of the people I know from this place are probably gone.




    Well, LOL I guess?

  12. Cap'n Ikki
    Latest Entry

    wher can i riport 2 get porto?1 :???:


    cuz i wunda


    wher r my lief!!1 :o

  13. Oh.


    A blog.






    I think Messi will win the Tour.

  14. Takuta-Nui
    Latest Entry

    Just finished booking flight and hotel for a week stay in Seattle at the end of February. I've never been there, let alone out of the country, so I'm super excited. It'll be mainly a solo vacation, as I've discovered that I like to do these things every couple of years.


    I found a great little boutique hotel that looks very homey. It's right in the middle of the Belltown area, which apparently is one of the best places for cafes, shops, and seaboard walking. I get the feeling I'll be doing a lot of writing while I'm there!


    On that topic, I've started to progress past the phase where one begins a book and then realizes that one needs to fill out more details of the story. I've always had the grand vision of this book with the important plot points, but realized that I needed a cast of characters. It's interesting as it starts out bigger than the beginning of A Play of Light due to the already established characters, but if I say more I would be spoiling some parts of the plot in Play right now.


    Another interesting thing to note is that I was worried I was moving on too quickly, and would get stuck in writer's exhaustion after finishing Play. It seems not - I've been able to write a bit every day. The chapters are turning out a bit longer, which I'm happy with since it feels like Play's were a bit too short each time I post them now.


    I may update again during or after Seattle. Look forward to that and perhaps a couple of pictures! =)

  15. Voltex
    Latest Entry

    Today is #810nicleday and so I thought I might use this opportunity to visit this old place to once again share some of the artwork that some fantastic folks have done for the campaigns I run over in the BZPGOT Discord server!

    But first things first: an invitation. If you're interested in potentially participating in any future games (or simply want to hang out with other Bionicle fans), you can click the invite link to join us!

    Anyway, onto the art. Today I wanted to highlight the series of covers that I commissioned for Verdant Wind two years ago. If I've done it right, you should be able to click the image to see a higher resolution.


    Verdant Wind was the ultimate culmination of five years' worth of stories. It served as a grand finale for every character and story that had appeared up to that point, and to celebrate the occasion, I commissioned several covers for it.

    The first cover, done by @TBK, is the official cover of Verdant Wind. It features the leaders of three player factions standing off against the game's main antagonist, with the broken pieces of my own NPC's mask in the dirt behind them.

    The first variant cover, done by @ToaTImeLord, features those same player characters standing off against each other - fitting, as Verdant Wind brought them back into conflict before bringing them together.

    The second variant cover was done by @xccj. In addition to the leaders, this cover features much of the other player characters - those who made up the core cast of the Edge of Dawn arc.

    The third and fifth variant covers were done by some of my IRL friends (and yes, that fifth one is watercolor!). Both feature the faction leaders.

    The fourth variant cover was done by @ZippyWharrgarbl. Like Xccj's cover, this one features much of the player cast, with a couple cameos and secrets sneakily inserted as well.

    The sixth variant cover was done by @Jakura Nuva. It features the three player faction leaders being crushed beneath the game's main antagonist.

    The seventh variant cover is a unique one; I commissioned it later than the others, as Verdant Wind reached its halfway point (and the big twist that would come with it - one that ultimately united the entire game world together). @Akaku: Master of Flight did a fantastic job bringing it to life; it features a set of characters who together represent every era of the games up to that point, working together.

    The eight variant cover is also unique. I am responsible for the design, but I take no credit for the artwork used - that's all TBK and Akaku.


    Anyway, that's all for today, folks. Hope you enjoyed!

  16. I can't believe it's been this long. MakutaFest started in 2010 as a side project established by The TTV Channel (then The Three Virtues podcast) and the BS01 Podcast (then the... BS01 Podcast. We kinda suck at naming stuff xD).


    Does anybody remember the first livestream? I don't. Literally cannot remember it happened, or that it was even a thing until 2011 rolled around. But I honestly cannot imagine what life would have been like during 2010-2016 without MakutaFest. I'm not going to say we influenced the return of BIONICLE (we didn't) or that we kept the fanbase alive (it'd live on without MF) but, personally for myself, BIONICLE would not be the same without MakutaFest. It's what keeps me excited for everything.


    With that said, this will be our finale. Our last blast, as it were. Why? Times change, we keep moving forward, and in order to do that we need to say goodbye in a proper venue. For me, that is MakutaFest. For others, they may have already come to terms, and wish to reminisce with the good ol' times of G1, or reflect on what was and could have been in G2. For even more others, they may still be looking for closure, and I do believe MF is the closure we all might be seeking.


    So please, feel free to join us on Aug. 19th. It won't cost a dime to attend, it just requires you to go check out TTV's YouTube channel and watch the livestream. Couldn't be simpler.


    ... Also we're giving away one of BS01's artbooks. Should I have started with that? More info here.

  17. Here it is!


    Please note that this is all my own opinion.




    - :infected:

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    My glasses are broken in half. I've had them for a really long time and if I can't fix them, I will die a little inside. Tape isn't working. They're plastic so I need the best plastic adhesives you know of, and some reassurance. They're my glasses.


    :l: :e: :h: :v: :a: :k: :l: :a: :h:

  18. So yeah, it's been more than a month since I've updated this thing. And really, not much has happened. :P


    Well, this is the first week of my three week holiday until I go back for Term 4, which means that exams are coming up soon, about five weeks. This means that while I'll be on BZP more, it won't be by much, since I'll be trying to cram a lot of study into this period. My exam time-table's come out pretty well, and, while I don't have any days off throughout the period, I have only one exam on most days. One day, my first exam isn't even until 12 PM. =D


    My sister's come up from Melbourne for two weeks, which is great. I have to watch her though, while my dad's at work. If you have a little sibling, you might know how much of a handful they can be at times.


    So, yesterday we went to the park; it was a bit too chilly for the beach. Kite-flying is pretty cool, but combat kite-flying is cooler. Don't ask. :P


    Also, I rented Bioshock 2 for a couple days (this being the last). I'm pretty sure that the feel of the game can be summed up in a single phrase from the game: "Daddy, you always save me from monsters!"




    ^ Some really great entries this round. Check them out!

    (A review for A Fall of Four and One would also be greatly appreciated ^_^)


  19. Blessed Blade
    Latest Entry

    Alternative Title: Oh Forgot To Mention This


    Hi everyone! How are you all doing~~~~? So, hi, my name's Chloe, everyone knows me as Blade, yada yada yada~.


    Well, this is probably going to be a short entry, but....


    Oh, by the way, I'm a transgender girl, so, yeah, there's that too~ ^^


    P.S. I'm Windy's Lesbian Lover now, so <3

  20. If you read What If?, you've probably noticed that my update schedule is grievously slipping. While I promise weekly updates, it's been more like monthly updates. This is because I bit off more than I could chew and started What If? during the summer, thinking I could keep up a chapter a week. As soon as I went back to school the September after the book started (I'm homeschooled, as I've mentioned before in this blog, but I'm taking classes at the local community college), it slowed down. By December the semester was over and I sped up a bit, but now the next semester has begun. In addition, I've recently been having a series of minor family crises, along with extracurricular things, and of course, sometimes even when I can be writing, I'm too stressed or uninspired to put any words on the page. I try not to force myself to write if I'm not feeling up to it, because I've noticed that when I didn't feel like writing at the time I wrote some scene, it's evident in the bland narration and dialogue and lack of anything interesting happening.


    Still, Book 7 is a 20-chapter book like most of the others in the series, and it started in late July, so it should have been finished by the start of December. It's inexcusable to only be on Chapter Fourteen when the book started 37 weeks ago. It's already gotten to the point where I will have to delay the start of Book 8. And like I mentioned in my last blog entry, I want the series to be finished by the end of next year. As of this writing, there are 90 weeks until the end of next year, and 60 of them must be used on Book 8, 9 and 10. The remaining 30 are obviously for the intermissions between books. Normally I give myself 8 weeks between books, so if we assume 8 weeks between Book 8 and 9 and 8 weeks between Book 9 and 10, that means I have 14 weeks to work with before I start Book 8. I could safely drag Book 7 out to mid-July and still finish on time. Obviously, I don't want to do that.


    However, expecting myself to write the remaining 6 chapters in 6 weeks is too much right now. Being realistic, I expect it to take at least 10 weeks. During school, it can take me almost 3 weeks to write a chapter (obviously depending on the length of the chapter, which varies from around 3000-8000 words), but when I'm off school I can occasionally manage one chapter a week. I seriously doubt that the rest of the book will take more than 14 weeks, especially considering there are only 5 weeks left in the semester, but if it does, I will simply have to shorten the other intermissions. Either way, there will be no intermission between Book 7 and 8. Because of these severe delays, Book 8 will start after Book 7 with no more than a single week of a break. This is well enough, because Book 8 picks up directly after Book 7 ends (I obviously haven't written Book 7's epilogue yet, but depending on if I can make it work as an ending, Book 8's first chapter might literally begin only seconds after the ending of Book 7).


    This segues into the next part of my plan: writing ahead. When I started this series, I was updating three times a week. This was because I had written all of Book 1 before I began to post it. If I had done this with subsequent books, we might be seeing nearly year-long breaks between books. Because the books were so short at first (Book 1 was only about 70,000 words - for comparison, Book 7 had hit that mark by Chapter Eleven), I decided I would write them as I posted them. With Book 2, it worked out okay - I stayed ahead of my update schedule until almost the end. As I got more busy though, that became increasingly difficult and with Book 7 I was practically behind the update schedule before the end of the first month of the book.


    To mitigate this effect, I'm writing Book 8 before I even finish Book 7. I'm already behind my intended schedule (I wanted to be finished Chapter 5 by now, but I'm only on Chapter 3), but since this is my final year of high school and I shouldn't have a very busy summer, I am hopeful (though not at all making any guarantees) to finish writing Book 8 by September, when I will start college full-time (as opposed to part-time as it is now). Whenever it finishes being posted really depends on when I finish Book 7, but I'm more concerned about staying ahead of my update schedule than I am about the update schedule itself.


    It may seem counter-intuitive to be writing two books at the same time. Wouldn't that just make both of them go more slowly? Yes, really, it does, but I've already basically given up on finishing Book 7 with any amount of regularity to my update schedule by now. Please just bear with me until I finish Book 7. As long as I finish it within the next 14 weeks, I'm still on schedule. I am really hoping to finish it before then, so I can have Book 8 written by the end of summer, but I can only write as fast as my circumstances will allow.


    By no means have I given up on the series - I will finish it out as long as I'm physically able to do so. Whether I will finish it by the end of 2012, and whether I will manage to provide any regularity to my updates from here on out, I can only make promises, but with this much work put into it, my own death (or losing my arms or something like that :P) is all that's going to stop me from finishing.


    Again, I'm really sorry that I've been unable to hold to my promises regarding the update schedule. I've always prided myself on having a story where you could count on there being an update, even if it might be a few days late - not like the multitude of excellent fan fiction I've read only to find that the author has given up or isn't serious about updating regularly. But I've fallen into that myself now. Serves me right to make such steep promises, I suppose. But rest assured, any readers I still have - I am still here, still writing, and doing the best I can to keep putting out updates.

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