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  1. Roablin
    Latest Entry

    I just realized (thanks to Sumiki's recent entry title) that i have a lot of stuff that needs remembering and I should find some way to force my computer to do the remembering for me.


    Well after searching through my computer and googling stuff I found nothing extensive enough, so I just wonder if i could get any suggestions from ya'll. I need some program or preferably website that will allow me to make multiple personal countdowns that i can look up again later. Thanks for your time.


    EDIT: Oh yeah, and how do you change the date on blog entries to move them up up the list?

  2. So I suppose this marks the end of my Premier Perks and the end of this blog. Its been fun, and the moment I can spend money on the internet I'm definitely buying Lifetime PM, cause I mean honestly, if there's one place on the internet I feel deserves my money, it's here. BZPower has helped me grow a lot, both as a writer and a person.


    For now so long, and thanks for all the fishmemories!


  3. I feel the need to do this, considering today is a special day in the US.


    Something I find sad besides the fact is how, when I checked the news this morning, there was only one mere article about 9/11. In fact, it was only to talk about the already well-known fact that there had been prior warnings. Other than that, nothing.


    It is rather sad that today isn't a bigger deal, or at least from what I've seen. I dunno, I may just be under a rock here.


    Either way, I am blessed and proud to be living here, in a wonderful slice of America where freedom is how we live.


    Hope everyone remember 9/11. Take care today, everyone! :flagusa:



  4. Freddy Mallins
    Latest Entry



    * rocks

    * trolls with sticks

    * All sorts of dragons

    * Mrs. Cake

    * Huge green things with teeth

    * Any kinds of black dogs with orange eyebrows

    * Rains of spaniels

    * fog

    * Mrs. Cake

  5. Holy cow this place is different.


    I'm Biomech, I used to make signatures and stuff years upon years ago.


    I don't think any of my friends are still here.


    All my posts are gone too. I'm guessing that happened during the upgrade.


    Anyway, if you're reading this, sup.

  6. Than the Moa
    Latest Entry

    No, no, not building with Lego.


    Building with code!


    Microsoft announced their BUILD developers conference today.


    I also get a significant amount of money to go to a conference for work of my choosing.


    Guess I may be in Seattle the week of Halloween.


    (Please give me a free Surface tablet, please?)

  7. So, I've been wanting to write an article like this for a while now, coming from the view of someone actually involved in the forum.


    Take note, of course, that not only is this all opinion, it is of the most biased type of opinion you can get. By no means expect this to be the absolute say on this matter. If it does happen to stir up discussion, even up to debate, it will have more than achieved its purpose.




    There's a reason why Artwork III (now "Comics", but old habits are sometimes hard to break) has persisted as one of the most drama filled (and to many others, just plain annoying) forum of BZPower history. Several, to be in fact. I honestly think that AIII has evolved beyond a simple separate section of the forum for people to post their comics.


    Artwork III, simply put, is a subculture.


    That seems quite a lofty title to attribute to the forum, especially where the masses of other creative forums have, let's be honest here, a much more gratifying reputation. BZPRPG, BBC, Epics, Short Stories, General Art, all of these have history of being reputable parts of the forum to hang around. Inevitably, Comics and Comedies were shafted into being the least attractive parts of the forum as a whole, which, at that point, was honestly justified. Both were the spawning place of newer aspiring comedians/writers who started out with their skill level not anywhere near tolerable and then moved on once they began to master what they had practiced. For the longest time, Comics was home to the "MSPaint generation", who's only drawback was not that they used a certain tool, but that they used it poorly. This was not a welcome site to any newcomer, and those who saw what they had to offer as a whole routinely turned around without a word, save for the required post in the ever recurring "What Forum Do You Visit The Least?" topic.


    But Comics had something different about it - several things, in fact - which led to them developing their own history, legends, generations and more,


    For one, it was the method of making the sprite comics themselves. Sprite comics in general have had a poor reputation, mostly because they were the results of ripping the actual game sprites from numerous games and placing them in premade backgrounds from the levels included in the ROM. Complete with some unreadable text and horrendously written stories or jokes, they cluttered up the internet chock full with their sub-mediocrity. Generally speaking, the video game forums faced the brunt of this onslaught, with the obvious connotation that, at the time, most sprite comic makers were satisfied with either directly ripping the game sprites or minute edits to the bases. Very rarely was a whole new spriting style made for an existing sprite base or new sprites made for a series that had no basis in sprites whatsoever.


    But for Comics, something interesting happened. Not only were 100% hand-pixelled sprites actually created and used, they actually became the norm. Ironically enough, while BIONICLE's early Game Boy Advance exclusive titles did include a variety of Matoran sprites, never were they known to be used in BIONICLE sprite comics. Instead, the standard was (unknowingly) raised for the entire forum by having different artists make it general practice to create their own representation of the characters, pixel by pixel, and put them in different "poses" for others to use. In other words, what is known as the sprite kit. This practice is unheard of in other general fanbases that have sprite comic communities, and while hand-pixelled creations had always existed, never had they been so expansive and diverse. In fact, it was the fact that each artist hand-pixelled his sprite that led to different styles of sprites existing simultaneously and in turn, different styles of comics. In fact, that is the perfect segway to my next point:


    Note: The following is a rather large rant on the history of the Comics Forum; feel free to skip past it if you want to get to the point proper instead of getting a more in-depth look.



    While there were numerous kits made before the time, arguably the two most popular in the early days of comics were Razor (made by Marty Razor Kirra) and the various Rayg series (made by InnerRayg). The two were as different as day and night: the massive headed, skewed proportions of Razor Matoran, compared to the more set-like and anatomically correct (for toy-based biomechanical beings, at least) Rayg Matoran, Toa and everything else drew a distinct line in the sand between the styles of comics (there were, of course, several other kits that saw frequent use, such as the Chibi and Rahi Zaku Mega Kit (otherwise known as RZMK), but their styles folded mostly into the Razor and Rayg sides, respectively).


    The lines they drew were best personified by the most popular comic makers of those styles back in the day: the Editorialist for Rayg users, and Dark709 for the Razor ones. Dark709's early Razor strips followed a classic formula: a slapstick, almost random sort of style of humor reminiscent of the Merry Melodies of Looney Tunes fame or the more recent SpongeBob SquarePants. The Editorialist had started out with Razor, but soon switched to Rayg and took on the embodiment of a more situational comedy, an almost dry humorist look at the world the characters lived in. While this didn't stop each from crossing into the established "territory" of the other, clear lines were certainly drawn between the two. Lavaside Rahi took note of this in his own article, "In the days of Razor and Rayg..." (which, from the point of view of someone who actually lived through this era, has a lot more credence than my own opinons do). Obviously, with such a common denominator separating the forums, there was plenty of controversy to go around. Razor users were "childish, random and nonsensical", while Rayg users were "stuck-up, sarcastic and rowdy".


    The differing styles were in turn represented by the kits they used: the more cartoonish Razor was used for the zany humorists, while the more "edgy" comic makers found refuged in the more grounded in reality Rayg. Even after those two kits fell out of use, their successors more or less followed the same formula with the advent of Razor icon Dark709's Chimoru (which notably gained more of a following after the retooling of the kit into the less ugly Chimoru Omega) following Razor and Rahi Zaku Mini Kit (more commonly known as RZMIK, not to be confused with RZMK, the Rahi Zaku Mega Kit noted above*.


    Dark709 still stayed as the mainstay Razor/Chimoru representee, but the Editorialist left and was succeeded by not just one comic maker but a whole group of them. Often just called "The Group", they took the essence of Rayg humor to a new level, developing and popularizing the "multi-author series" (or MAS, as they are often referred to as), a cooperative circular format introduced with their Project Klinkerpoop, and moved into a more definite snarky style of comic making. It was also during this age that many users started to switch to different programs for comic making that offered them a wider range of tools. GIMP was the common tool of use due to the obvious benefit of its cost (free!), while Photoshop was used by those who could either afford it or had a copy stashed on their parents' computer for some unknown reason. While before colored text and static pixel lines were used to differenciate between the characters' dialouge, stroked text and word bubbles began to spring up. Graphical effects began to be less pixelated and instead done with brushes, patterns and filters. Backgrounds went from two blocks of color to a gradient and wood pattern, a black line firmly inserted between the two to mark the end of one and the beginning of the other.


    Even farther after that, Chimoru Omega began to become larger and larger due to fan additions, with more poses created as time went on. Six Shaded Chimoru Omega (a fan revision by Gerlicky) slowly replaced Chimoru Omega as the de facto version of the kit, and a comic maker named Dokuma made comic history when he actually took

    care to make his sprites look like they fit into the photos as a whole and, at the time, made the most photorealistic series to date. Other comic makers like Nuparurocks and RZMIK Revolutionist Emkay took it further with series like The Fourth Wall, Irreversable and Worlds Beyond the Horizon of the Mind, making use of the "Photorealistic Comic Technique" (or PRCT, as Ennar nicknamed it later on). Ironically given its appearance, RZMIK soon became the icon of serious stories within the forum, contrasting the more popular episodic comedic series.


    The controversy also continued on, with the same general arguments given before, but with an additional point of argument: graphics vs. humor. Several started to state that one was more important than the other, while another vocal group voiced the latter. This was rooted more in style than actual kit use, but many saw the early veterans as an example of what the comics forum should emulate instead of focusing on "shiny new backgrounds and explosions on unfunny comics were just a shine of gloss over a rusted car". Others found that the older veteran comics were outdated in visuals, and that "No amount of humor in the world could make any unreadable comic enjoyable".


    The Group soon faded away and Dark709's visits became less and less frequent. In their place sprung the Continuities, groups of comic makers that banded together to create their own personal cooperative BIONICLE universe and timeline. While the original famous continuity, the North Western Isles Continuity (NWI, of course) had existed during the age of the Group, they never really got anywhere and had faded as well by the time the Group left. BZPower was instead greeted by the International Comic Continuity (the ICC), which gathered many popular comic makers together in order to tie all of their series together in a cohesive timeline. The success of the ICC led to many others making their own spinoff continuities, although none but the Next Generation Continuity (the NCG) managed to stick.


    With continuities also came continuity wars, and these spread throughout the forum like wildfire, often escalating into flame wars that had to be broken up by the ever vigilant Pohuaki. Even beyond that were untrue conspiracies of members trying to shut down other series or get people banned, which by themselves gave the forum a more sinister undertone than previously thought possible.


    * To make matters worse, most comic makers refer to RZMIK as RZ, and even more confusing is that what most comic makers refer to as RZ/RZMIK is actually RZMIK Revolutions, a fan revision by Emkay and Tahuri, which added colored outlines and 360-degree views to the original kit.



    Well, wasn't that an oh-so-informational history lesson, you say, but what does this have to do with your original point: why comics are their own subculture? Well, unlike the other forums, the separation in art styles and humor led to a giant separation within the forum, almost like two opposing political parties. We had controversy and legends and debates and spokesmen, but most of all we had an notable evolving style that enveloped both parties and made several key stops along the way. The kits unified the forum while also separating them, and the evolving status of quality in the forum alongside the many comic makers who came and went gave us something more than just the usual addition and subtraction of artists in the forum. Using sprites gave us a common ground, something that allowed enough diversity for personal style but enough in common to properly track the style of a evolving art style. This was more easier to identify than normal writing, and the common ground made it easier to pick out than general art or MOCs.


    The next point was BZPower itself. Unlike the Library, whose forums were given leeway, AIII originally had the strictest revival limit around: 20 days with no posts and the topic was dead. This led to one of the things that have also driven many away from the forum itself: the spirit of competition. Competition, of course, is nothing bad in an of itself, but within Comics it seemed to take on a more sinister tone. The only way to keep your series alive was to become popular, and if your series wasn't popular, it often died with no resulting fanfare.


    As a result, popularity became a key player in the forum. The amount of pages and posts in a given topic drew much more attention than it should have, becoming almost like a trophy as to how popular you were among the other members. Competition drove critics to be harsh and for newer comic makers to be constantly put down, but it also gave many members the motivation to improve. Many strove to be "the next Gavla", "the next Dark709" or "the next Nuparurocks", and studied the more popular series intently to see if they could try and do something more.


    This unfortunately led to harsher critics, but it also gave the forum a sort of "survival of the fittest" aspect to it. Several members were made to pay attention to what was current or be washed over by the waves of newer or popular comic series' posts coming in. GIMP was pressured onto many users and the result was that the noobish members got weeded out quickly, if not by the death of their series by the critiques that they met. This was not to say that the critics were upright snobs who never really gave any useful advice; there were layers of useful tips and tricks laced into the reviews and there were also countless newer members who were apparently astounded that anyone would find their work anything less than amazing. What it did mean, though, is that the older comic makers were not afraid to be blunt and didn't bother to sugar-coat what they had to say. The newer members either had to get with the program as soon as they could or just leave the forum.


    Again, the comic revival limit did contribute heavily to the evolving state of the art style. When comic makers left or when newer comic makers just fizzled out, they died and they stayed dead. This resulted in something resembling the layers of earth in an archeological digsite. The death of a comic series often discouraged newer members, and the rules didn't permit them to restart their series without something new. This led to piles of dead series in "layers" coinciding with the art styles of the age while the new "dirt" or posts of popular and new series covered them and shuffled them lower and lower down the list of topics. MSPaint style comics, while they would endure popularity through the lower levels, were quickly killed during the GIMP layers and remained buried while the current comics continued on. If the comic maker came back, he had to try something different. Very few continued to do the same thing (although there were many notable ones, take my word for it) and when they soon became talented enough, they kept their series going. Basically, the terrible series would, more likely than not, get buried under the new layers of posts very quickly until they finally got something that kept them alive enough to keep up with the top layers.


    While it was far from a perfect or even ideal system and by no means meant that every comic series on the top layer was a good one, it kept the system alive and kept the art style evolving.


    That's why Artwork III is the subforum it is today. That is why members find it harder to pull away. That is why, even after many have been banned, left the site, or just plain retired, they still check back up from time to time and even return once in a while.


    Its not just because of BIONICLE. Its not just because of what they created. Its not even just because of the community of members. No, they all contribute to varying degrees, but that's not it. Some came back after BIONICLE ended. Some came back restarting everything they did before. Some came back even when other people they knew didn't come back with them.


    I think its more deep that than. Its because it has unique combination the art style and the rules it was blessed and cursed with that all unwittingly shaped the forum into one of the most interesting subcultures on BZPower. And because of that sense of culture, its a lot harder to pull away.


    Spoiler tag removed. The spoiler tag is only to be used for spoilers. - Kohaku

  8. Cap'n Ikki
    Latest Entry

    wher can i riport 2 get porto?1 :???:


    cuz i wunda


    wher r my lief!!1 :o

  9. kyuubi
    Latest Entry
    I'm finally in High School.....And everyone one in my family calls me fresh meat, which kinda scares me cause our mascot is a Bulldog.
  10. For Dalek's art contest. Link.

  11. Tahuri
    Latest Entry



    Entry 85




    Lego DeLorean Is 100% Remote-Controlled Brick Awesomeness



    Link to the future



    Found this on Gizmodo, EPIC WIN! I would buy this in a heartbeat!


    Also added my Twitter section to the content box on the left (no, your other left...)


    Tah, Tah!




  12. UngluedBike
    Latest Entry

    I was very sad to hear today that Andre Hurley (You should all know him as MaskCollector, owner of the Platinum Avokhii), has decided to sell everything in his collection. After years of preparing to create a museum of every part and collectible made, its all gone now. He's supposedly keeping the Avokhii, which is sad really, because no one else will have the chance to complete what he started. For one of the biggest collectors in the community to sell up, I'm really wondering what has happened to our truly beloved theme.


    Until next time,



  13. Had an old CD, thought I'd play with it. There's a video on it.


    Anyway, I covered it in fingerprints, ran it along a carpet, and played frizbee with it. It still worked. :)


    Maybe CDs are a lot tougher than we think they are?

    • 90
    • 147
    • 14988

    Recent Entries

    Latest Entry

    after my brief break from bzp, i'm back again, and so is my blog. i've changed the look and feel of it, and i'll be posting more often. :)

  14. The best movie ever if you haven't seen it yet go watch it right now if you have seen it go seen it again.


  15. Bionicle Dragon
    Latest Entry

    I thought it's been seven days...


    HAS IT!!?!!???!!!!1

  16. Konahrik
    Latest Entry





    The goal here was to update the Zyglak, while retaining some of the aesthetics from the original combiner.

  17. Ghidora131
    Latest Entry




    BZPower has been running all this time, with quite a ton of setbacks, but thankfully it's still going strong. Let's all celebrate the 14-year anniversary of everyone's favorite Bonkle site! :D

  18. Enfero Lunos
    Latest Entry

    Yeesh, it's been like forever

    Well, school started a couple weeks ago. My AP psych, AP calc, AP physics, and french teachers are teachers I've had in the past for other subjects, great teeachers, but I already knew I would have them. My AP stats teacher, from what I've heard, isn't that great, but I've yet to have a problem with her. My econ and english teachers were the only ones I didn't know about before the year began, but they both seem to be good enough teachers.


    At my school, we have "senior walls". It's a stretch of wall where it's decorated, and the year is put up, then signed by every senior. Unfortunately, this year, The "Class of 2009" is written in a ###### surreal style, and there's not really any background. I would rather have an unoriginal but good-looking wall than an original yet hideous one. Oh well.


    AKA: Christmas Coming at Misfit Meadows. I’ve really missed it here! In the blogs where I’ve formed a habit of being a happy-bumbling open-dumpster fire about art and my life (I apologize, but on some level, maybe honesty makes others feel better about their own lives?)

    I’m trying and failing at using IG embedding as the new Majhost. So here are IG posts written for this bitty BZP blog here, life from late last year. Copied, linked and screenshotted +copy resized in MS paint with undeniable professionalism. I also tend to infodump in creation batches in moments of extreme illness on IG,  and never proof/reread so my captions later, so these musings here are likely mock-worthy. 

    Excessive pics in IG slides if anybody cares to click. 

    Sorry If I accidentally say something not welcome on BZP/religious content accidentally. I assure all that my mental, as well as physical capacity, is slowly but surely returning....on the last-ditch-doctors-didn’t-help-i’m-dying alternative treatments my mom got. It’s taking so much (non-presciption) just to get my glucose in the acceptable range even with insufficient eating. My doctor is surprised it’s working so well. "Not intended for humans" is a nice suggestion on some stuff. Team farm animals all the way. 5 months since starting. It’s still hours a day of issues (I am a slave to my enraged GI tract) but I’m in observable better health, and all 3-5 people who see/ know I exist can attest to this. My mom even just built me a swingset! So I wheel out there and enjoy as a “workout” now. Such fun! Finally just now seeing ever waitlisted endocrinology. So unexpectedly happy, because they are both local/nonDuke doctors, and male(Duke dude doctors were an extrta-awful experience for me), and are excellent in care/horrified by the overall medical neglect/misdiagnosis years at Duke. So weird, they actually believe instead of blame me. I feel like giving them each this mug:https://www.google.com/search?q=not+the+worst+dr+mug&client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=55574f6ac650f86f&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=414&bih=693&sxsrf=ADLYWIJws-gBCbrZ7_aKTEWFo-vmurT-SA%3A1717370162667&ei=Mv1cZuSnKIK2wN4PyPSciAw&oq=not+the+worst+dr+mug&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhRub3QgdGhlIHdvcnN0IGRyIG11ZzIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIESI0aUJ8PWM4XcAB4AJABAZgB4gGgAc0FqgEFMS4zLjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgSgAugEwgIGEAAYCBgewgIFECEYqwKYAwCIBgGSBwUxLjEuMqAHwQ0&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=eAf7W0V9Yt-l_M&vssid=mosaic It's great not driving to Duke 3hrs away as I could never travel so far now.

    Hope to one day elaborate, too tired now, haha! But yeah I’m so grateful to be alive right now and nobody expected I would be beyond 2023!



    “"1/4 The Christmas cards! Rushed like never before on the floor! With my paintings done for my mom last year. And two leftover laminated prints of a pup penciled in 2021? In my past posts. Didn’t get to mail any of the deer/moose/elk ones this year, so please attain amnesia if we ever mail you one, dear reader! Thankful my mom has humans to send them to, haha.

    #Card construction times/quantities because recording it fulfills me, the slow Snaily! (per card): 1hr/girls. 1hr/deer. 1hr/dog. Quantity: 26girls, 16deer, 2 dogs. 44hrs/44cards total. Thank you to the floor and clipboards for sponsoring this. I drew the inner “Joy to the World” and bird wreath designs then printed copies and colored in by hand. Finally realized I could print designs on cardstock. Thanks mom for figuring out how to refill our inks!"

    Rosy reds! Birch trees! Nordic nostalgia!The Reindog!










    A drawing of our family friends N&W as a gift for Christmas . 20hrs, 5x7 on a clipboard, consciousness not at 100%! Thanks to mom for attaining a frame! Pencil, mech pencil, watercolor paper.



    Drew this on the week in Fall I was 100% sure I was going to die from the chronic hours of GI fluid loss+hyperglycemia and overdosed on my Plaquenil trying to survive. It reduced severity/time by 50% and I gave thanks for this bonus time. I have never felt…known I was dying so clearly in any other such time of illness. 


    Ornament Upcycling Extravaganza: ‘Xmas at Misfit Meadows. Christmas!The so longed for first real family Christmas in the new old home, fully renovated! Going to preface this with: We choose not to use a Christmas tree, so these are designed for shelves and misc. hangings. Was going for gingerbread theme. Most paint matches our home and was left from my 2022 renovations Unsure how to post all this discombobulated content, sorry for excess poorly edited photos and posts incoming of me trying, haha! This may take me multiple days or weeks, so sorry for bother in the feed. Perhaps a photo video would be more appropriate? In October I got very excited and blasted Christmas music, decided to undertake doing a “Real Christmas” this year in our new 101 yr old family home! Because 2023 was the year of “home/life setup/seasonal decor totes/wow normal moms have these things but mine never could”. So I started planning the holiday decor designs and working away on turning our old ornaments and junk in our Christmas trunk into things matching and new in her her honor( Made with more love than skill or supply!). I did a lot of ornament painting via the floor and a wooden trolley wagon while coping with aftermath of eating, haha. Broke myself physically but jolly grateful for projects so fulfilling!







    The evolving by 1 exhausted elf with unhealthy enthusiasm! (And leftover paint from home Reno). I Pinterest planned and plotted colors, but didn’t finish ¾ what I hoped! Next year! First real Family Christmas fest together here! Went fully Buddy the Elf in the office on our raggedy remaining trunk trinkets. I cannot remember a time without these decorations, a scrappy discombobulation ( feel bad for mom, oh my goodness, what a mess). Was going for cohesive muted #vintage multi-color theme and lots of gingerbread joy. I sadly didn’t get to do the stockings sketched this season, but soon! I was cripple-cart dolly-trolleying these projects mid medical episode like a merry madman, haha. My plans and scheme.”





    “A snoopy from my childhood valentines candy box. PugBrother got into my room and gorged on all my candy that year, poor pup Snoop put up his best fight but got permanent war wounds (bites). Dipped in chalk paint and gingerbread detailed the Valentine’s veteran + my felt-plus-paper tree dipped in kitchen paint. Wire and pearl swirl.”



    “My cotton Didn’t-work-drafting-tester deer got adopted by me, Mother of the Misfit Manefesto, hohoho! Sewn at last closed, antlers on and hand painted.”



    “My lil dino dude, Rodney! Heavy hard plastic? fellow originally orange. Dipped in dilute kitchen paint + detailed. His tiny toes and teeth delight me.”


    “Detailed the dreary-themed Duck Hunter to hopefully be more friendly. That ducky is his dog BTW, not dinner anymore! All nobs and swirls restyled in German-Christmas ideals . My grandma’s handmade/molded in kiln ceramic squirrel. Recolored. Art fixative to seal all these.”



    “My grandma’s handmade/molded in kiln ceramics repainted. To look like our late petite PugBrother, spike-but in gingerbread form!. Parking lot pup. 2009?-2022. Grumpy lil grandpa dog, if I’m honest with you, haha! Miss him. This one had Googly eyes and a Georgia Bulldogs white design prior. My mom and I cringe at sporting themes-as per they were valued and completely prioritized over family, sadly. So grateful not to be terrified/hide during crazed screaming at the TV, and someone for- snack steamrolling me, haha.”


    “Failed at fabric-from-pants-paper- mache-sleigh, so Strips of faux suede wrapped instead! Faux fur and thick padded fleece lining handsewn on top with leather thread. Hands only mildly bled, haha. Stevia got temporary holder from that scrappy saucer too. , haha. I saved the white sleigh tinsel from it for the winter-wonderland room decor. This was a sleigh my exdad got me in the hospital in Xmas 2017. Looking back, the weirdest part of those 3 months impatient was that he never once called. I didn’t even notice this until last year though, thankfully, haha.”



    Recovering the cone head comrads. Fabric, twine and Elmer’s glue


    I’ve always adored the #vintage bunny bride and groom my parents were gifted by a neighbor. So I sanded off the recorded date of one of the worst mistakes made in bunny history and repainted their outfits a bit! Now a very hoppy couple. And repaint of a so-tiny wooden Angel from my grandma’s home.



    2013 was a decade ago?! Baby-bear tones from former loud reds for this favorite forest fellow. And stocking stuffer sewn bun from before.


    Repainted metal orn’ with gingy good fellow on both sides +ikea pine cone-comrads thanks to the free forestry supplies found here. That glorious art is the back-a leftover mistake order print of a 2019 painting I crammed into a broken feather frame for filler, haha. Gingerbread color crochet garland because supplies were at-hand.



    My ugly-to-me stocking stuffer gingy make from childhood. I temp sewed more decor matching details on his back, mild Halloween attack! And my scary skewered kidmade Marshfellow in the fake felt fireplace. #twofaced #donttrusthim


    Also Plastic Eiffel and gingerbread deer my bro got proabably 20 years ago?. And some random progress/before photos? 



    Matching accents on Sir Nuttingham. Blue dipped train in the leftover front door paint (appropriate as tint name was “night train”). My bro’s baby-made craft bear got bows, love, care and a fresh painted axe to swing in the air!


    Repainted the lost/broken advent calendar mini orn’s to adorn a twine string for our mirror, will post pictures of decor in home later. Gingerbreads dancing through my head! All this brown is outdoor paint for the windows of the house!


    Gingerbread engine!


    Gingerbread homey all paintbrush baked up.



    Gingerbread engines again!



    Just again Gingerbread jazzed up.




    Blue blobs, and lots of dots on these dudes. Don’t understand how they survived the wild 2022 U-haul ride! For the sunroom Hummel shelf. Tan details and happy handmade bears. Mr Moosekins returns again, this time having swiped late seizure-Santa’s hat, haha.

    The plaid sheet set from aunt Jane became the living room decorations, haha! I am basically a bumbling bird harvesting misc things to make nest messes from!



    Dipped the grungy glitter flakes + a few randoms into my DIY mix chalk chair paints. Actually worked, a grateful goof I am over it! Gold beads from grandmother’s bead box.

    Twine twirls over the former feather bird balls, thanks to mom (twine tool store goodies!) attached with wood glue and pins. Laminated cardstock icesicles.

    Ruffle is from a fitted sheet I cut up. Crochet chain snows. Laminated Star garlands. Feathers from church wing making in 2019?


    This doesn’t really count, but decor haha.) When I first started self-taught patternmaking sewing as a wee one, all I knew how to do was plushies so plagued my family with all these each year, haha. First time it occurred to me to use them as decor! Little leather bits and scarves to match decor.


    Entry mirror decor! Dot det’s and reinforcing backs on my 2017 leather reindeer. The advent gingy repaints as garland and impromptu pony bead string from grandmothers’ bead box . Enthroned in a wreath base made in September ‘23 from vines mom chopped down for me! And crochet chains. Socks are my brother’s, a gift from our honorary granny. ❤️

    https://www.instagram.com/p/C3M0-l5udTE/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==Rocking horse adorned on every angle.


    Gingerbread engines, cookie version


    Restyled the bulgy-eyed “Bean” deer to be more serene. Enthroned in a wreath base made in September ‘23 from vines mom chopped down for me! Ribbon from grandma gift once because we don’t waste anything, hahaha. Knit Star by Mom. Crochet tiny chains for color by me.




    That’s all of the ornament-extravaganza, I have more Xmas decor/november/december making content I’ll cram into a later blog, hopefully! But yeah that’s where I was in November. On the bathroom floor for hours on end trying to stay alive. Painting ornaments like my life depended on it, haha. Grateful!

    Virtual hugs to all, thanks to the few who still inhabit this bit of internet, I’ve quite missed it around here! Hope you had a great last year!

  20. I became a member of this wonderful website.


    9 years.


    I feel old.




  21. Music:


    1) White & Nerdy - "Weird Al" Yankovic


    2) Canadian cool dude - "Weird Al" Yankovic


    3) Weasel Stomping Day - "Weird Al" Yankovic


    4) Candy Shop - 50 Cent


    5) Emo Kid - Adam and Andrew


    6) Lonely - Akon


    7) Bananza - Akon


    8) Chain of Fools - Aretha Franklin


    9) Chemical Drag - Astronaut


    10) Cryin' Out Loud - Astronaut


    11) Julia 84 - Astronaut


    12) Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne


    13) Copacabana - Barry Manilow


    14) Stayin' Alive - The Bee Gees


    15) Stand By Me - Ben E. King


    16) Check On It - Beyoncé


    17) Naughty Girl - Beyoncé


    18) Beautiful Liar - Beyoncé & Shakira


    19) Red Flag - Billy Talent


    20) Let's Get It Started - Black Eyed Peas


    21) My Humps - Black Eyed Peas


    22) Three Fingers - Buckethead & Saul Williams


    23) Mustang Sally - Buddy Guy


    24) What The World Needs Now Is Love - Burt Bacharach


    25) Everytime We Touch - CASCADA


    26) Switchback - Celldweller


    27) Ridin' - Chamillionare & Krayzie Bone


    28) Hello Zepp - Charlie Clouser


    29) Don't Forget The Rules - Charlie Clouser


    30) Rib Caged - Charlie Clouser


    31) Shithole - Charlie Clouser


    32) The Final Test - Charlie Clouser


    33) Creeping In My Soul - Christine Lorentzen


    34) Battlefield - Cirque du Soleil


    35) Theme from "Six Feet Under" - Countdown Singers


    36) The Goonies 'R' Good Enough - Cyndi Lauper


    37) Breakfast Machine - Danny Elfman


    38) Whip It - Devo


    39) I Touch Myself - The Divinyls


    40) Break On Through - The Doors


    41) Light My Fire - The Doors


    42) People Are Strange - The Doors


    43) Alabama Song - The Doors


    44) Hello, I Love You - The Doors


    45) L.A. Woman - The Doors


    46) Peace Frog - The Doors


    47) Boogie Wonderland - Earth, Wind & Fire


    48) Mr. Slue Sky - ELO


    49) Livin' Thing - ELO


    50) Going Under - Evanscence


    51) Fat Kat - F.A.K.T.


    52) Theme From "Family Guy" - Family Guy


    53) Fergalicious - Fergie


    54) Glamorous - Fergie


    55) London Bridge - Fergie


    56) Fully Alive - Flyleaf


    57) Cassie - Flyleaf


    58) Red Sam - Flyleaf


    59) Breathe Today - Flyleaf


    60) I'm So Sick (EP Version) - Flyleaf


    61) Fully Alive (EP Version) - Flyleaf


    62) Breathe Today (EP Version) - Flyleaf


    63) I'm Sorry (EP Version) - Flyleaf


    64) Cassie (EP Version) - Flyleaf


    65) Much Like Falling (EP Version) - Flyleaf


    66) That's Life - Frank Sinatra


    67) Ooh La La - Goldfrapp


    68) Hoist The Colours - Hans Zimmer


    69) Day-O - Harry Belefonte


    70) The Cloak Theme Song - Jason Steele


    71) The Afterlife is France - Jason Steele


    72) Hard Knock Life - Jay-Z


    73) Egyptian Magician - The Jerky Boys


    74) Firecracker Mishap - The Jerky Boys


    75) Terrorist Pizza - The Jerky Boys


    76) Bird Feed - The Jerky Boys


    77) Hot Pockets - Jim Gaffigan


    78) Theme From "Halloween" - John Carpenter


    79) Waiting On The World To Change - John Mayer


    80) Slow Dancing In A Burning Room - John Mayer


    81) Anakin vs. Obi-Wan - John Williams


    82) Jedi Rocks - John Williams


    83) Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash


    84) Milkshake - Kelis


    85) I Like To Move It - King Julien


    86) The Candy Cave (Knox Remix) - Knox


    87) Blue Hands - Knox


    88) Animals - Knox


    89) Crocky - Knox


    90) Door Stealer - Knox


    91) Foil Hat - Knox


    92) How - Knox


    93) I Have An Apple - Knox


    94) Magnetic Hero - Knox


    95) Mean - Knox


    96) Mechanical Elephant - Knox


    97) Race Car Fantasy - Knox


    98) R080T1C - Knox (ACTUAL TITLE)


    99) Secret Man - Knox


    100) Stink Bug - Knox


    101) Tinker Man - Knox


    102) The Tiny Man Song - Knox


    103) Treeday - Knox


    104) I'm So Strong - Knox


    105) Talking Drum Madness - Knox & Jason Steele


    106) Penguins (In My Hair) - Knox


    107) Yellow Book - Knox


    108) Twenty-Four Eleven - Knox


    109) Smoke, Smoke, Smoke That Cigarette - Leroy Van Dike


    110) The Candy Cave - The Letter Y


    111) In The End - Linkin Park


    112) Ohmygodimonfire - Logan Whitehurst


    113) California Dreamin' - The Mamas & The Papas


    114) Monday, Monday - The Mamas & The Papas


    115) I Saw Her Again - The Mamas & The Papas


    116) Creeque Alley - The Mamas & The Papas


    117) Glad To Be Unhappy - The Mamas & The Papas


    118) Anywhere But Here - Man on Earth


    119) Grow - Man on Earth


    120) Lackluser - Man on Earth


    121) It Feels Like... - Man on Earth


    122) Irresponsible Hate Anthem - Marilyn Manson


    123) The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson


    124) Heart-Shaped Glasses - Marilyn Manson


    125) mOBSCENE - Marilyn Manson


    126) (s)AINT - Marilyn Manson


    127) Disposable Teens - Marilyn Manson


    128) The Hate Song - Marilyn Manson


    129) Personal Jesus - Marilyn Manson


    130) Tained Love - Marilyn Manson


    131) This is The New ###### - Marilyn Manson


    132) The Dope show - Marilyn Manson


    133) Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Marilyn Manson


    134) Family Affair - Mary J. Blige


    135) Lapti Nek - Max Rebo Band


    136) Forget To Remember - Mudvayne


    137) These Boots Are Made For Walkin' - Nancy Sinatra


    138) Promiscuous - Nelly Futardo & Timbaland


    139) If Everyone Cared - Nickelback


    140) If You Were Gay - Avenue Q


    141) Stupid Girls - P!nk

    142) Get The Party Started - P!nk


    143) Sleepers, Wake - Bach


    144) Toma - Pitbull & Lil' Jon


    145) Infra-Red - Placebo


    146) At The Rave Inn - Pram Maven


    147) I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers


    148) Dani California - Red Hot Chili Peppers


    149) Ride Of The Valkries - Richard Wagner


    150) Eyes - Rogue Wave


    151) Paint It Black (Live) - The Rolling Stones


    152) Remind Me - Röyksopp


    153) Push It - Salt-N-Pepa


    154) Love Song - Sara Bareilles


    155) Breathe Me - Sia


    156) I Got You Babe - Sonny & Cher


    157) Stewie's Sexy Party - Stewie Griffin


    158) Burnin' In The Third Degree - Tryanglz


    159) Photoplay - Tryanglz


    160) You Can't Do That - Tryanglz


    161) The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia






    1) Saw II ®

    2) The Shaggy Dog (PG)




    TV Shows: (TV Shows sorted by Episode #)


    * Heroes:


    1) Genesis


    2) Don't Look Back


    3) One Giant Leap


    4) Collision


    5) Hiros


    6) Better Halves


    7) Nothing To Hide


    8) Seven Minutes to Midnight


    9) Homecoming


    10) Six Months Ago


    11) Fallout


    12) Godsend


    16) Unexpected


    18) Parasite


    20) Five Years Gone


    * Robot Chicken:


    1) Midnight Snack


    2) Toyz In The Hood


    7) Vegetable Funfest


    10) The Deep End


    17) S&M Present


    2) Federated Resources


    * South Park:


    5) Fantastic Easter Special





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    So this is the new site design, eh? I have to say it's not what I expected, but I'll have to deal with it.


    I just came here to stop by, I'm not considering doing anything special or important.


    Also uh


    What does the spinning Rahkshi head mean again.

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