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  1. Eranok
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    So yeah I changed my name.

    I made it that mainly because I love it when people call me Mister.

    And I love Eranok.


    What'da you all think?


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    Had to create this for a photography competition, I thought it was pretty cool and worth sharing, enjoy.



  3. bionicle_pieces_render_1.jpg


    So, I've spent about a total of... hmm... one and a half hours on these three pieces, and I think they turned out pretty well. Not bad for first time modeling pieces, I think. What do you think?


    EDIT: Here's another render I did; aside from different textures, I tweeked the ball socket piece a bit.


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    Recent Entries

    These are made by the random generator on a certain site.

    I will post hte 2 words I put in, than the sentence(s):


    Bush, Obama:

    "The pilot grabs Bush. Bush underestimates Obama in the preserving sport. Obama disrupts the lethal crystal. The venture smells on top of the ditch. The racial genius sugars Obama after the immortal."


    "Bush faults the raid. Bush boggles. When can Obama change below the pork? Before a pupil chews the biased trash. A precedent treks Bush."


    "How can a world poster water the elitist? Obama pinches the historic predecessor. Obama possesses Bush. My safeguard bringings Obama."


    you, I:

    "How can you blackmail a weekday? The fluid edges I. You burns I next to the surprising blessed. When can an institute spin the vicar? Should I tear opposite you?"


    Bzpower, Bionicle:

    "Bionicle glows over BZPower. BZPower reverts throughout Bionicle. A corn fears next to the finger. When can a welfare smile? BZPower wants Bionicle."


    Rainbow, toilet:

    "Toilet dashes outside rainbow. Rainbow elaborates! On top of toilet returns rainbow. The reserve chemical talks behind another widest moan."



  4. Soaring Strawberry
    Latest Entry

    zomn zomn zomn!!!


    So it turns out there was an error with the computer I initially ordered; None of the ones ordered came in, so I think it was a listing that didn't have an actual computer. But there was one virtually the same that I originally wanted, so I got it in store today. *Finally*


    Since my desk is almost done, I'm going to wait for that until I set it up. At any rate, I'm going to call it Alaraph, the traditional name of Beta Virginis from the constellation Virgo.


    Current Projects:

    • Concept art for B:NG
    • A comic... it used to be Bionicle fan fiction, but now it's not
    • Art class: Rendering a spray bottle and designing a label for it
    • English 103: an in-class essay is coming up, about Fences by August Wilson.

  5. I feel the need to do this, considering today is a special day in the US.


    Something I find sad besides the fact is how, when I checked the news this morning, there was only one mere article about 9/11. In fact, it was only to talk about the already well-known fact that there had been prior warnings. Other than that, nothing.


    It is rather sad that today isn't a bigger deal, or at least from what I've seen. I dunno, I may just be under a rock here.


    Either way, I am blessed and proud to be living here, in a wonderful slice of America where freedom is how we live.


    Hope everyone remember 9/11. Take care today, everyone! :flagusa:



  6. I became a member of this wonderful website.


    9 years.


    I feel old.




  7. durf500
    Latest Entry

    Im addicting to playing world of warcraft pr AKA wow.Its like the best game ever.



    ~D5 :tohu:

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    Well, it's official. Bzp and myself are undead! I came back around the 20th of september, finding that bzp was down. It took long enough for it to come back, but it's still worth it in the end!

    Also, flash is freaking out on me, so I cannot foucus on the writers yet. I want to find out what's wrong with my stupid computer.


    Also, I have started my first week of school, and I don't feel good! I'm gonna lie down now...

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  8. Hey.


    It's been a while since we've seen each other. How are you holding up?


    Are the kids alright? I still miss the littlest one. What did you decide on for the name--Jimmy?


    No? Oh, right, Timmy.




    Kind of funny bumping into you here. You look great, by the way.


    Anyway, I should really be going. But we should get lunch some time--catch up. You should still have my number.


    Yeah, well, uh, see you around--I mean, maybe--if we do. Good-bye.






    In all seriousness, though, now, I guess I'm back for a bit. What's with this new reputation thing on the posts? Is it like le epic Reddit upboats, and does it indicate who "reputationed" the post? Any other new features I should know about.


    (And I am very sorry for the above awkward-encounter-w/-estranged-person-dialogue-thing, which dialogue-thing didn't really stick to a solitary theme or storyboard and was generally kind of lamely executed. But it felt oddly fitting and humorous, and I find myself funny when I do stupid junk like that.)


    - BioGio

  9. I should have talked about this sooner, but I just got Grand Theft Auto IV and I've been playing non-stop.


    I have closed due to my lack of time to make episodes.I should be out on vacation soon, and during my time I will make a fifteen-minute episode.

    The most probable thing for Silencium's rerelease is that it will come out on February 24th.(Anyone see the pattern in the dates?)


    That's all for now,



  10. Years ago, a single person turned this universe upside down, and changed the lives he touched indelibly.


    In his past, he was a rising elite, trained to be an enforcer for the shadows that kept the universe blind from the corruption within; but a chance encounter led him to an awakening to the light and a mission to turn against the darkness that had infected the universe he called home. His life changed from one of darkness, death, hatred, destruction, and deception to of life, light, love, redemption, and restoration -- and he would give his own life time and again to restore what the universe lost when the shadows claimed power.


    For the first time in ten-thousand dark and aimless years, light exploded through the universe and a beacon of hope shone brightly, drawing many to its source. And those who found this source found themselves forever marked by it, connecting them to countless others who had also tapped into the source and claimed it as its inheritance. A revolution, the first successful one in as far back as anyone could remember, had begun; and those touched by the long lost light this stranger preached made an oath to finally purge the world of the oppressive dark order that had pervaded their universe for so long.


    So much of the story of this force of freedom fighters, these kin to the light, these inheritors of an inheritance known only to them, has been told a hundred times over, though no one knows the ending. None remain to tell the tale to its conclusion as it deserves to be told.


    ... until now.



    The story as you know it, dear guest, ended when this single person who spoke love and light into a world oppressed by darkness and hatred succumbed to the very fallen nature of the universe he gave his life to protect... by becoming one with a creature his followers thought was his most promising apprentice. This act restored part of his soul that had been split off from him after his last great sacrifice; he was made whole and it turned him into a literal hole in the spiritual fabric that connected his beloved followers to each other, to the universe, and the world beyond.


    In that moment, this charismatic spiritual leader transformed from a restorer to a destroyer... chaos incarnate.


    With one of his last moments of lucidity before becoming one with darkness, he confessed to his would-be rescuers that the shard of his soul that he reclaimed was his own personal darkness and he begged them to find him again to finish what he started in order to save the universe they, too, had sworn to protect... but he wasn't able to tell them everything before being consumed by rampancy.


    Ever heard of the 'Law of the Conservation of Energy', dear guest? The same applies to the light and to the dark. Any discarded excess has to go somewhere. This fallen leader of these kin to the light had started a process within his followers in an effort to make them suitable heirs; a process not unlike what their beloved universe was going through... and that process would grow them from those who were complacent in the shadows and transform them into shining paragons of light. But, after these nascent heroes have grown, matured, and purged themselves of their darkness, where would their old demons go? Surely, their old hosts would not welcome them... but a plan was put in place long before the madness set in.


    You see, the fallen leader's "apprentice" was the key to ensuring the collective freedom of these kin to the light from the shadows. Yes, these kin to the light knew this apprentice was a walking, talking black hole in the spiritual fabric; what they did not know was that it was also drawing into it the pain and the suffering the universe had accumulated over the millennia, and their own darkness as well, in a pre-programmed effort to become whole. And with a shard of this fallen leader's soul, a hero well known for his ability to give life to the lifeless, this primordial slime of the universe's collective darkness was given its own life and identity.


    By re-absorbing this wayward shard of his own soul, this fallen leader absorbed with it the very weight of the world, a weight that obviously no mortal soul could bear. Of course, by now, this fallen leader was no longer mortal at this point, and he had little to lose -- other than his mind -- by doing so. He knew exactly what he was doing, even though he knew it would cost him the trust of the those who followed his path, and perhaps, even sacrificing his immortality, permanently.


    In lucidity, he unified those who responded to the call of the spiritual planes. In madness, he remained in his duty to the universe. In both minds, he guided the kin to the light to their destiny the destiny they chose freely to pursue, an inheritance that they chose to earn and protect.


    It felt like years passed since that moment, all the events of that time condensed into a few hours; heroes were resurrected at the heart of the universe to fight once more, others called to arms and hurried to the forefront of the pursuit. All of them pledged to hunt down a man who was once their teacher and spiritual father -- now a monster and a literal symbol and vessel of everything they had sworn to purge from their universe.


    And this is where the story ended for many other threads in this universe. Some of those threads started anew elsewhere, and the threads that had no discernable ending were either forgotten or remembered as laughable children's fairy tales.


    To begin where the story left off, we'll be brief: the universe was ending. That was it. The universe was being devoured by the darkness and destruction that was both attracted to it from the outside and grown spiritually from within. Some of those who lived in this universe had resigned themselves to remain on the oroboros when the world was to be reborn and others had chosen otherwise. The kin to the light were part of the latter, convinced in and convicted of believing there was more beyond the universe of mortals.


    A Risen Angel. An Heir. An Assassin. A Genius. A General. A Mother. A Disciple. Seven scions to the fallen leader's legacy, their names forgotten to time, leading a small platoon of other now nameless heroes to the final confrontation with their lost teacher. Among these other heroes was a reborn bearer of life and another was a resurrected hero with the heart and mind of a child.


    It was in the final arena that the fallen leader gained one more moment of lucidity. The heroes were told everything in this moment; the truth behind his darkness and the nature of his mission to activate the last light within him. The last light that the fallen teacher carried was something he could not activate on his own, but his kin to the light were not ready to activate with him when he was last lucid. Only when they had become more than his equals on the path he had set for them would they activate the last light as it was intended to be activated... not as a weapon of ultimate demise, but a tool of definite rebirth. Now these heroes were paragons, and their journey was almost complete.


    "If a wise man sees a wild bird for sale, would he not buy it with the intent of setting it free? If the bird has forgotten how to fly, would not a wise man teach it to fly again? With this, I say, if a man buys a slave with the intent to set the slave free, would not the slave find another master if slavery is all the slave knows? A wise man would teach the slave to be a free man before giving the man his freedom, even if teaching a slave how to be free would cost him everything. This is what I had hoped to do for you. and those of you who stand before me, here to end what I have started, are now ready to claim the inheritance set aside for you. It will cost me everything, but I ask you as I have before -- Finish this fight, and return to save your world."


    The battle between the paragons and their fallen leader was one too epic for words to give justice to. Years passed since that time, and no account remains of the fight. It was simply that horrible.


    And then, as brutally as it began, it was over. A final prayer was spoken and in the aftermath, a broken body lay there in the middle of the room, the dark armor that symbolized this fallen leaders descent into the shadows and transformed his identity now lay shattered in a dozen pieces all around him.


    Some had lost their faith in that battle before that moment, absorbing their old darkness in combat, hissing that they hoped he was pleased by the pain he had caused and that he found whatever he was looking for. It was these who chose to walk through the portal the fallen leader had activated during the fight in a brief mortal urge to escape what he knew was the destiny he chose... and they continued to remain on the oroboros for eternity.


    Those who remained faithful forgave their fallen teacher as he did for so many before, and as per his last lucid request, these remaining paragons performed the activation protocols. In a flash of light, the remains of their fallen leader vanished, disintegrated as the last light activated in his stilled heart and coursed through his bloodless veins... and with their leader, their universe (as they knew it) was torn asunder.


    Demons, black and gray, descended upon the remains of the paragons, home, coming to whisk away any survivors back to the oroboros -- only to find themselves thwarted by an army of what seemed to be angels. Heroes of the kin to the light returned in new form, touched, empowered and reborn by their inheritance; as one they drove away the darkness and set to work rebuilding their universe as it should have been pure, innocent, and in peace.


    A cocoon of time and light surrounded the nascent universe as it was being reborn, and while only a few years would pass beyond the womb of light, five thousand years would pass within it.


    Five thousand years of peace. Not a lot of time for those who lived in this universe, but it was enough. The Mother and Life Reborn had a child in this time, and this child had matured and had trained to an adequate level before the five thousand years lapsed, allowing the Paragons to fully entrust the universe to him. As he ascended to his rightful place, the Paragons prepared to finally leave the oroboros for what was their true inheritance beyond the mortal realms...


    ... and like that, they were gone. They were gone, leaving behind a, pure, peaceful, and ultimately empty universe for those who were willing to find it and shape its story.


    This universe is the universe you now live and play in. Yes, this tale is about your universe, dear guest.


    As for the paragons, these kin to the light, they now exist in the realms beyond the mortal coils, all of them kings and queens over their inheritances. Some are content to stay where they are, commanding many angels and directing the courses of a million, million stories. Others wander the otherrealms, searching out and righting the injustices they find, and setting into motion the stories of a million, million more.


    And as for me... how do I know so much? How am I so sure of this tale I am telling you?


    You need only guess, dear guest.




    I am not called "The Redeemed" for no reason, beloved.





    It's been three years or so. I doubt anyone remembers me, and if not, thats good in essence.


    If you do, I want to start by apologising for taking so bloody long in writing this wrap up for the Kin storyline. There were several factors, all of which I am not proud of, that contributed to not only the long wait, but also to my disappearance.


    One factor was the fact that I had made the biggest rookie mistake any role-player could make, and that was making the game personal. As an RP veteran, I shouldn't have done that, and it made writing and watching others play through the ending far more painful that it should have. For me, this was a chapter that needed desperately to be closed long ago, and I just wasn't mature enough myself at the time to close it properly. For this factor, I also apologize.


    Other factors included a series of difficult IRL events starting at around that point, all of which I didnt handle all that well. I'm still recovering from these events, but they are in the past, and I hope to put this story in the past with them.


    The final factor was the fact I had really bitten off more than I could chew. There really was no feasible way I could do justice to the story with the many threads that needed to be tied down, and the number of details I wanted to include. I hope that this post is enough to tie those ends off and put the tale of the Kin to rest.


    As for me, I am moving on, permanently. I still remember BZP and its community fondly. Its where I met some awesome people and I still keep in contact with a few of them to this day. Few other were blessed with a so-called legendary status during my tenure here, as one of my contacts had relayed to me over a regular instant messenger chat, and for that bit of recognition, I am thankful, and frankly, all I needed.


    That said, I hope the best for all of you still here. May the site keep kickin' even though its boom days seem to be behind it. Keep finding new friends, and making legends out of yourselves. I'll miss you guys.


    Have fun, be safe, and be awesome.



  11. Up until now, he had been in silence, a deafening silence interrupted only by the sound of his own footsteps on the rocks. There was no breeze here - the air was still and lifeless. The faint huff of his breath was the only motion that air saw, and its steady rhythm was almost reassuring.


    Then he heard something slip against the dust on the floor, quickly, as though it were running, or sliding, away. Or toward him. But he only heard that once. He sighed, and continued onward, fully expecting to bump into a wall at any moment, except he didn't. He just kept walking, and lost track of how long he had been. Even though the tunnel felt straight, when he turned around, he didn't even see a point of light where the shaft branched off, just more darkness. Still, he continued forward. There had to be something here, maybe even, he dared to hope, a way out.


    Then he heard that noise again, that unsettling slip against the dust, moving toward him now.


    Then he heard a faint hiss.


    He heard it scream, and he screamed.


    Then he stopped.


    And Everything was dark, and silent again.

  12. Soroc: Jedi of Stone
    Latest Entry







    girlfriend. (YAY!!!)


    no time.



  13. Lime Paradox
    Latest Entry

    Actually I was GOING to take advantage of the new rules but it turns out there is very little I do elsewhere that qualifies as 100% safe-for-BZP


    I guess the Solace of Legoman Values is pretty BZP-friendly, although I personally rarely post anything there


    Also the Official BAC Tumblr should be fine I think??


    But most importantly, HERE IS MY DEVIANTART


    I had to remove some SEXY HAKANN FANART from my favorites just to post it here so I hope you're all happy

  14. Once Known as qwerty613
    Latest Entry

    Wow. WOOW. It sure has been a while. Haven't been on the boards in months. I guess I stopped coming here after my interest in Bionicle waned. So. Hi! How's everyone doing? What have I missed?

  15. Before I continue my years-long pattern of "Hi I'm back" posts followed by radio silence, I thought I'd drop in to the forums once again to see what's been happening. It's been a decade since I made my account, and longer since I started reading the forums (though I couldn't tell you when). Reading back over my old posts has the expected embarrassment of encountering your younger self at any point, but it's cool to see that some people I recognise are still around. I really enjoyed taking a look at the Dark709 Hereafter series in particular; those old flash movies were really inspiring back when they came out, and I hope Dark and the whole comics crowd have gone on to even better things since.


    I stumbled back here after I found that someone had made a small page about me over on a wikia site dedicated to the old BZP comics community. I don't know how I compared to someone like Dark709 back in the day (though my younger self certainly felt I was right up there with the big dogs), but it was nice to see that someone remembered me enough to record a couple of random facts and images.


    I should really go back and see if I still have all of those old comics buried somewhere on my computer. Now that Majhost is gone, a couple of twitter avatars are the best things I can find outside of Brickshelf.


    These days my main presence on the internet is a YouTube series reading some silly old Japanese Visual Novels with a friend of mine, so if that's your speed I'd love if you could check it out.


    So hey, if you happen to run past this post and you want to chat about anything old forums, new forums or how much we've all grown up while this place has been around, drop a comment. I promise I'll try not to disappear for at least that long.

  16. Gallery


    It seemed much more crowded than usual; maybe that's just cause I usually go on Sunday.



    I only took a couple pics of the Bionicle section. The official BZP pics should cover it enough. But that drawing was awesome.



    My bro's MOC.


    We signed the guest book Black Six gave us each a prototype piece, but there was no quiz except B6 asking who my favorite admin was. :lol:


    Janus said he wanted to assault me. Other than that we didn't talk much. Maybe they were too busy eating their pizza.


    img_4944.jpg_thumb.jpg img_4945.jpg_thumb.jpg img_4946.jpg_thumb.jpg

    They have cranes every year, but I think they're getting bigger. Maybe they grow. :rolleyes:



    Why the NXT sensor in the gravestone?



    55555 has a strange black aura. I don't know why.



    Looks like someone's got a headache.



    One less monkey to trouble the world.



    Tribal Viking dance?



    Castle village.



    The green arch was there last year. I still don't know what it is.



    Giant minifig on a mini segway.


    img_4996.jpg_thumb.jpg img_5001.jpg_thumb.jpg

    Ewoks stealing gold. :???:


    img_5008.jpg_thumb.jpg img_5009.jpg_thumb.jpg




    Aliens, zombies, and cyborgs had their own section this year. Apocalego.




    Abraham Lincoln popped out of his grave. And pulled an AK-47 out from under his hat. And blew Batman away with a rat-a-tat-tat


    "The memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever." Heh heh.



    And if you still want to climb, a minifig is setting it on fire with a flamethrower. Actually, the creator said that there might be zombies inside. :rolleyes: Obviously.


    img_5027.jpg_thumb.jpg img_5026.jpg_thumb.jpg

    The Doctor has arrived to save the world of Apocalego.



    Darn those monster roaches.


    img_5019.jpg_thumb.jpg img_5020.jpg_thumb.jpg

    I've never seen anything quite like frogs in mech suits. :blink:



    General Lee, General Grant, and of course: Wolverine.

  17. Master Reidak
    Latest Entry

    I think I have a hernia. A little bump in the middle two of my abdominal muscles that I can push in, but it pops back out. Eep. My dad had one. It usually requires surgery. I haven't been in surgery before...

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  19. 43757682181_2c584cb339_c.jpg


    A reimagining of Nocturn, where he sought redemption in his imprisonment.

    Image links to the gallery which should have complete photos by the end of the week.

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  20. Come gather around grampa MoJ, it's story time folks. I was hanging out with my friend today, and we decided to walk to where my other friend works So, as soon as we step outside, it started pooouuuring rain out. I mean, seriously, it was like the sky bust a pipe or somthing. I was soaked , and so was my friend. And as this happened, we saw lightning out in the distance. Not the little flash, but the whole bolt. It was terrifying, but awesome at the same time.
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