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Everything posted by TERIDAX941

  1. Raanu (really liked his and Malum's mask design
  2. Antidermis infected Matoran (who all decided to look like evil Piruk)
  3. The reason why the elemental powers weren't used was because (in the books) the Toa Metru had used up all their elemental reserve fighting the Morbuzakh. That's why they couldn't use them to prove to "Turaga Dume" and the matoran they were Toa. That's why there was such a push for them to figure out their mask powers, which they eventually were able to do thanks to Lhikan. They also didn't mention that in the movie, so yes it does seem really weird that they seemed to "forget" they could use them until the very end when they imprison Makuta.
  4. Also known as an Echo Fork, Staff of Disintegration, Staff of Heat Vision, and Gaaki's Rahaga staff (and probably many more) Red Star
  5. All in all, probably has to do with how the Ignika is designed. It's hard to tell in the sets because when worn my Mata Nui it appears to sit atop his head like a helmet. However masks actually attach to the front of the users face, so design wise, the entire back of the head would be exposed (for example Toa Ignika). The glatorian helmets would follow the approach of sitting atop their heads (easy ways to see this are Berix, Malum, and the Vorox's helmets. All this to say, it probably looked more like a mask than a helmet to Tuma.
  6. Key to Nongu (had to do a bit of digging to find this treasure, but here we are!)
  7. Copied from Christian Faber. This was his tribute to the community, those who keep BIONICLE alive. LEGO knows we love it, and we're not going away anytime soon!
  8. Hey Tattorack, haven't seen you in awhile, good to see your artwork again! Love this spin on the epic meme! The Zamor Launcher is a very nice touch!
  9. I feel like I'm missing something... what's the story behind this power struggle?
  10. Very pretty! What's your method for chroming the various pieces out of curiosity?
  11. I personally was thinking a system bionicle set would be perfect, you could make one similar to the 2006 sets (I feel like those were the best of all three as far as character accuracy and cool ideas) but with the Toa Mata, buildable Rahi, or even Rahkshi, Makuta himself in as a "mini" version of himself.
  12. Personally I (and my brothers) LOVED this year. The order in which the sets were released went perfectly with the storyline, with the Piraka and the Matoran being released first, and then finally the Toa Inika arrived to save the day. Much better than the heroes being just there, and the villains being released later like 04-05. The titan sets were epic, we ended up only getting Brutaka, but man, he was epic! It's still my dream to collect Vezon and Fenrakk. We did get Irnakk though, and the golden piraka head is also quite epic! I also enjoyed the LEGO system sets that included the Toa and Piraka in minifigure size. My favorite was the Piraka Stronghold, lots of play function, the giant piraka head gate, and the spider chariot to name a few. The "minifigures" were a lot better than the -05 hordika figures too. Storywise, it was epic. I loved the Piraka as villains, it was so nice having villains that weren't a part of a horde or swarm (the Kal don't count). They were their own masters and they were on a rampage. We collected all the books and waited with baited breath to receive the next comic edition to see what happened next. The introduction of the Mask of Life was really cool and it was epic seeing the Nuva back. I was even okay with how they were defeated by the Piraka, it just set up how powerful those guys were (even though it still hurts reading about their defeat...) All in all, it was a great year!
  13. His Great Being is showing, look how he killed off two Toa Hordikas and wears their "masks" as trophies! In all seriousness, this is quite excellent! I like how you put his hands and weapon together!
  14. Well, the votes have been submitted and the polls are closed. May the vote be in our favor everyone! Next vote will be the 3rd of February where we pick the best of the top 3.
  15. Bionicle all the way naturally! Second vote for me is Adventures, I came to that theme rather late in the game, (orient journey) but I loved the characters and the stories the LEGO catalogs told of them! I can't decide what my third vote will be though...
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