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Blog Comments posted by xccj

  1. "Gentles, do not reprehend:

    if you pardon, we will mend:

    And, as he is an honest Pat,

    If we have a nasty spat

    Now to ‘scape the serpent’s tongue,

    We will make amends ere long;

    Else the Deevs a liar call;

    So, good night unto you all.

    Give him your hands, if ye be friends,

    And DeeVee shall restore amends"



    • Upvote 7
  2. I can't think of an exact combination off the top of my head. I would think it'd be some experimental pizza using an odd combination of ingredients which, on their own, are pretty good but when they come together they're kinda bleh.


    As for the others:


    Skull Warrior is peperoni, a little borning but a classic.

    Skull Basher is Hawaiian, a bit different but still an acceptable favorite.

    Skull Slicer is like a bit of everything, which sounds good but then it turns out to be pretty messy when you get the end product.

    Skull Grinder is cheesy bread, you're only ordering him because he comes with the Mask of Creation.



    • Upvote 9
  3. I never had any sockets break on me... before 2007. Since then, I've worn through a few of my older ones, but now I just buy a ton of replacements so it's not quite as heartbreaking anymore. I've stored a small collection of broken joints, but not quite as many as you've got there. Wow.



    • Upvote 1
  4. Toa Nuva. Specifically chubby Pohatu Nuva.

    Toa Hordika. Yes, the sets were "supposed to look ugly" but they're still ugly and having a storyline reason doesn't make it better.

    The Stars sets. Mainly just that cheap design, so you could also add in the Av-Matoran, Agori, and V1 HF Heroes.

    Titan Mata Nui. Or, well, I never actually owned it, but it looks like a messed up build, so might as well mention it.



  5. I didn't start flunking out until my second year... yay exceeding expectations!  (I know my school also required some profs to fail a certain percentage of students for each class... y'know, to make it more competitive.)


    You know what they say, do what you love and you'll never work another day in your life... because that field isn't hiring.  *Take business courses.  Dull but useful.*



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