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Blog Comments posted by xccj

  1. I'm not a huge fan of Inaho's character and all, but I have to say the best part of that anime is the clever tricks he comes up with to outsmart the enemy. I'd say more in defense of Kirito (I mean, he had some emotional trauma in the second season) but yeah his character is overpowered.


    As for the Psycho-Pass scene, while the scene is good storytelling, it's a sad ending, and I don't like sad endings, so I always think back on how they could've improved it. Which is what I would assume those other folks were subconsciously doing, even at the expense of, y'know, the actual traits of the character. (Man, Psycho-Pass ended up being a very interesting show, didn't it? I haven't seen the reedited version; I assume it's not much different?)



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  2. 1: NONE!  (Okay, Lewa, only one who's really unrecognizable, even if I wub the green.)
    2: Nuparu?
    3: Fire.  :evilgrin:
    4: Lightning / Electricity
    5: I'd wish I had pimple removal cream as effective as the Bohrok.
    6: Who put me in charge??  Um, more female characters, more sword fights.
    7: Become friends
    8: Crunchy
    10: Procrastination... I'll explain it later.
    11: Not very, if they can't even handle a basic spider infestation.
    12: Well, that would make sense, although I don't think the Toa are mentally prepared to enter it then.
    13: Buy them for the parts, assuming the clown wave would have some unusual colors.  (What, more blehs and silvers??)
    14: They didn't even like the 2001 story!
    15: The plastic toys are moving by magic!  Harness that for energy, like have them run on a hamster wheel after me.  You think you get get me, Tahu, because I dissed your fire element.  Well keep running, you plastic little generator you!



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  3. I get that the bones are usually hidden and so don't need to be flashy colors... but yes, having some more in non-black or gray would be nice. They appear in other colors, but it's usually only in one or two sets, and not in high quantities. (Like, I was building some Matoran the other day with just plain bone pieces, no armor, and I was disappointed that most of their limbs had to resort to black.)



  4. I gave blood once and then felt woozy and weak for the rest of the day. Not quite my thing, and they keep sending me emails asking for more even after 8 years.


    But then I knew someone in high school who would donate blood and then be nearly faint for the rest of the day... and they kept doing it over and over. So props to you for sticking up to it, cause you're a better person than me!



  5. Color wise in CCBS sets, dark red appeared in two HF sets (Pyrox, Black Phantom) and five Chima sets as shells; dark green appeared in three sets (Cragger, Cragger II, Ogrum); and Dark Blue hasn't appeared once in any CCBS set. But there are a fair amount of old school Bionicle elements in those colors which could be potentially added. Really, Onewa suffers the most, because Dark Flesh is such a rare color. It only appeared in 7 Bionicle sets in only 32 parts, most of which were fairly specialized. Not that I'm complaining too much. I've never been a fan of the darker Metru colors, and I'm glad classic red and blue have returned to CCBS sets. (If only classic green would return, not this bright-green-only-in-three-shell-types thing they've got going.)



  6. I dunno if they're the same model in the show, although I know that the show varies up the bikes between characters. (In fact, his bike kinda appears out of nowhere, so how he acquired it / touched it up must've happened in the background. He was shown stealing Empire bikes in the first episode, but that particular bike crash I believe.) Anyway, I guess that would be a worthwhile explanation.



  7. Should've upgraded your shack to the internet age.


    In all seriousness, it's kind of sad to see RadioShack go, since they've been around for most of my life. But honestly, I can't remember the last time I shopped at one, so I can see how that wouldn't be good for business. I'm sorry about your job, but hopefully you've got some experience under your belt that you can move on to bigger and better positions. Best of luck to ya!



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