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Blog Comments posted by xccj

  1. Heck, the books hardly had any non-Harry POV sections, except for the first chapters in the last few books. None ever really followed the other students around the school. Also, I think that home schooling was mentioned once as an option, since parents took their kids out when "dangerous stuff" happened at the school, only it got made mandatory when Voldy took over.


    Also, for Slytherin anyway, I can't help but feel that their beliefs had a major component, or at least heavily influenced their “self-preservation” bits.  They were all about being pure blood and hating on those who weren’t... and not to mention any Death Eaters were probably also about self-preservation because they figured, who not join the winning side?


    It would’ve been nice to see more characterization on the Slytherin students in the books outside of Malfoy, because it seems a majority of the characters were Griyffindor.  And I’m sure there were some who were not pure evil, but they didn’t out themselves and go against the social norm.  Partially because they’re kids, and partially because the entire wizarding world (in Britain, at least) seemed to be stuck in a status quo with few being unwilling to stick their necks out to change things or help. (See, entire fifth book.)


    Anyway, um, my point is, maybe they got the house thing together later on, but it was just really cut and dry, especially for Slytherin, in Harry’s years?  (Wow I wrote too much about this didn’t I?)



  2. IMO the Tahu animation seems a little tacky when it repeats every time you go to a new page.  Still is neat tho, and the links to the tools and mask and such are nice.  (Although when I click on the enlarged tool, ext, image, it just repeats the fly-in-from-below animation, ad when you do it with the center tool it pops up with the mask.  These little things always bug me when I've tried to make animaions, and I'm still stuck in the past with Flash.)  Anyway, nice job!



  3. I found that for a story to be considered dark, it has to take place at night. Or underground. In a place with a lack of light, thus dark. (And see, when it's dark you don't have to see all the little detail! That works best in movies, to make their effects cheaper. Not so much in stories, where the description is like "well, I could tell you what this is, but its dark so i can't see it, so never mind.")


    And I dunno, parts of the original Land Before Time seemed dark. Or maybe the word I'm looking for is "scary."



    • Upvote 1
  4. 1: Blank text

    2: Unleash it on the neighbor kids

    3: Whoops, Alt+Left

    4: Watch shows on my smartphone!

    5: Probably unleash an ancient evil, since that's what these expeditions tend to do

    6: Eh, nobody was probably listening to me anyway

    7: Magic

    8: Draw swords

    9: Pohatu Rocks, people just need to admit it to themselves.

    10: Hewkii?  Onewa was kinda annoying, so we'll skip him.

    11: Oh man, the blank text returns!!

    12: Dunno what it's called, but it's probably the Mask of Northing.

    13: My weapons are blank too.  Man, being a Toa of Blank is totally not worth it.

    14: Set WorldCanBeDestroyed = false;

    15: Well if it's just a regular telephone then I can't watch shows on it, so let them fight it out.

    16: It was?  Blank text then.



  5. I've been impressed by some of the fight scenes. Not just the action, but the choreography with the camera. There's a particular one in the second episode that is one continuous shot as the camera slowly moves back and forth to capture the entire sequence; it was very interesting. And while that ones still the best, IMO, they've done some other nice shots too in the later episodes. (I'm only up to 7, not quite binge watching but two a night, will be sad when it's over.)


    Oh yeah, also good story and stuff. B-)



  6. I don't get the "time running out of space" thing cause time is kinda infinite and doesn't take up space and won't nessessarily ever stop.  (Unless the roots refer to the lifespan of individuals, which do have an expiration date.)


    I'd like to think that you can't destroy past selves, because if the future self is still around, that means it survived the attack, so even if it pulls its past self forward with the intention to destroy it, it probably won't work and the past self will get away.  Destiny is, of course, making the whole thing up as it goes along, so you can't really trust whatever it says.



  7. Of the three virtues, Destiny was always the one that bothered me the most. It like, Destiny doesn't know what's gonna happen, but when it does it just brags that it called it correctly but didn't tell anybody. Destiny is smug, and nobody really likes it (but those who it favors pretend to.)


    Also isn't the MU like a toxic place to be now? So like some folks could stay there and all as part of their culture, but wouldn't it eventually kill them? (Never mind, in Gen1 of Bionicle they would probably just conveniently mutate and grow resistant to it.)




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