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Taka Nuvia

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Taka Nuvia

  1. Man, I really draw weird necks right now. That's annoying :

  2. Taka Nuvia

    new art plan

    If I'm out of "own" ideas, I will now resort to drawing fanart. After all, any practise is helpful. :3 Let's see if it helps overcome the current art blocky struggles...
  3. I am a huge fan of the silent beginning, it creates a fittingly mysterious atmosphere. The art style is interesting, and I like the Toa's faces without their masks, as they're both reminiscent of the old sets yet have a certain 'alien' vibe to them. Overall, this looks really promising, I'll definitely keep an eye on it!
  4. Taka Nuvia

    assorted doodles

    Figured I could actually post some art again, after all it has been quite a while since I last sat down to scan something (oh the joys of traditional art...) Top left was drawn after watching a documentary about South Korea, where they shortly touched on an artist who creates traditional masks; super-wonky because it was drawn in the lab in between measurements. ^^' The other two are some more thoughts on the whole 'more robotic Bionicle designs'-concept. Also been drawing the occasional knights, because why not. ^^
  5. 1/5 never seen you before, but hi there!
  6. That Rahkshi looks like he's up to something. E: The Rahkshi was missing an 'h'.
  7. This was originally just a random ballpoint pen sketch. Then I decided to colour it; sadly my scanner does not agree well with the paper (it really does look better IRL ), plus the drawing is kind of small. Anyway, the character depicted is just a random Toa of Water, no particular backstory or anything here. Essentially I just felt like drawing some 'classic' Bionicle stuff for once. C:
  8. It's great to hear from you again! And that good things happened. That's always good. ^^
  9. A flower that may or may not be of the carnivorous variety. Either way, it's a pretty one.
  10. Originally, way back in 2007 I chose a name that was essentially a feminine version of my all-time favourite Toa (guess who ;D). And that kind of stuck with me, although there were one or two 'alter egos', namely the Fairy Knight who eventually upgraded to Fairy Paladin, and the much older Demon Jester (that was around the end of high school. The memories!). Eventually I always went back to the original name though, even if only out of habit.
  11. Fun game! I also really enjoyed reading the scenes.
  12. You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) - Dead Or Alive
  13. Actually feeling relaxed for once. :)

  14. Taka Nuvia


    Great now you made me blush :c (thanks!) Thank you. Thanks! (of course I saw them! ) Heh, well, idk. MoCing was never my strong suit, sadly. (but why would anyone want to MoC this, anyway xD)
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