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Blog Comments posted by Valendale

  1. Hey, I guess I stumbled on this at the right day. Right now, I'm going through with my cat a lot of the same things you mentioned going through with your dog and I'm worried I might be about to lose her for good. Come to think of it, I got her right around the time I joined BZPower too. We're just voices on a silly old forum, and your status as the person who comes back and posts a blog entry every so often has long eclipsed anything I might have known you for when you were actually active in my mind, but for just a moment I was able to feel like there was someone else out there who understood me. I'd give you a hug if I could.

    Give yourself as many days to cry as you need. It might take longer to get over than you expect or feel is expected of you. That's okay. You may feel good for several days and then suddenly find yourself a wreck again. That's okay too.

    And I hope grad school is as good for you as it was for me.

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  2. Quote

    Translation: A blog so big I’m a bit worried about it breaking BZP.

    Uh oh 😜

    It is a lot of stuff. All your creations look so good! You must really love your baby Yodas a lot. They seem like they're having so much fun with the things you make for them. The totoro outfit in particular is super cute! And the hot air balloon! I love decorations with a hot air balloon shape.

    I think the little pumpkins/eggplant are another of my favorites of the batch despite their simplicity. They look cuddly.

    Holiday hummingbirds are cute and suitably festive. Hope the cards go/went over well. (Depending on if they're for this year or last year.)

    I'm sure everyone enjoyed your gifts! I know I did. 🥹


    Does anyone know why the official set by LEGO does not have the side window or house side roof? Was it structurally impossible? 

    I'm guessing they just picked a price point and tried to stick with it, which necessitated dropping certain details.


    As for the medical stuff...a lot of it goes over my head, but I'm really sorry you're having to live like this. 🫂 I wish you were able to enjoy all the yummy kitchen creations you've made to their fullest extent. And the idea of your own father intentionally ignoring your allergies to mess with you is particularly horrible. He's in the wrong there.

    Again, I don't know a lot about medical stuff, but I hope having a more accurate idea of what's going on makes things at least a little better for you going forward.

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  3. On 8/14/2023 at 10:30 PM, Mushy the Mushroom said:

    Congratulations on the many fortunate things and such success! That sounds like a dream to travel on foot to work, also. 

    Aw, thank you a million! I surely, seriously uphold that this case is vice-versa! 💙  

    Is there a lore/history of BZP Brickfair Breadsticks? (Apologies for the ignorance of an online-only site citizen!) 

    There's a combination Pizza Hut/Taco Bell very close to the convention center/hotel that several of us (especially "Team Farm Animals") have frequented. I have many good memories there.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Voltex said:

    congrats on getting your masters!

    Thanks! It was a big move, and I'm very proud of myself for getting it, even if I'm not necessarily "using" it for my job at the moment. (Although a lot of stuff I'm doing at work was only covered in the masters level courses.)

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  5. Hey, glad you stopped by. I'm not sure if I'm remembering you right or if I'm confusing you with someone else, but I hope you're doing well. I can maybe do my best to answer any real questions if you have them.

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  6. I looked back over my journals for the year. There was a lot of work related stuff for me this year, including starting two new jobs. The other big thing I noticed is that I feel like I'm under a lot less pressure at the end of the year than I was at the beginning. So I think it was a decent year overall. ^_^

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  7. Coup and Red Dragon Inn are definitely favorites around my college, or at least they were since one of the recent changes for me has been getting out there less. We like the gambling rounds though and generally get excited whenever someone plays one of the gambling cards. Codenames is another fun one I've been playing more lately.

    I'll echo the Letter Recommendation. It's basically an ideal travel game. All you need is the 15 card deck and the rounds are quick.

    Nescent mentioned Dominion and I'll say that it's my personal favorite game. It's amazing for a 1v1 game and can scale up to 4 players for a nice more casual experience as well. Not easy to travel with though given the shear number of cards.

    Catan is a good game; I've played plenty of it in the past, but now really only bust it out a couple times a year. Always play it at Brickfair though, and things can get a little cut-throat as I'm sure TMD can attest to. 😜

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  8. On 9/5/2022 at 12:50 AM, Mushy the Mushroom said:

    If it's alright to ask, how many BZPers typically attend? I assumed it was only around five or ten members. It so amazes me that anyone has the courage to interact in-person with internet people! ^-^

    I guess depends how you define it. Probably a couple dozen at least, although most aren't really active here any more.

    It was definitely scary for me the first couple times too, but if I hadn't met a few people in person, I don't know if I'd have even stuck around so long.

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