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Jam Pot Studios

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Everything posted by Jam Pot Studios

  1. This looks fantastic! How much will the bundle cost, and will you be shipping internationally? I live in the UK. I can't wait to see this come to fruition. Have you thought about crowdfunding via Kickstarter? If you can publicise it well, then you'd get funded very quickly I'm sure. This is something a lot of BIONICLE fans will want to see come alive!
  2. Gavmou. I ship it. Great story. I can't say anything that hasn't already been said, but I always like to see more Ahkmou.
  3. Here are the parts for some of the sets: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemInv.asp?S=6620-1, http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemInv.asp?S=6637-1, http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemInv.asp?S=6638-1, and http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemInv.asp?S=8715-1 I couldn't find inventories for the others, but you might want to check Brickset.
  4. I'd probably be a teacher or an archivist. Not sure, but those seemed to fit more than some of the others.
  5. Power of six overcomes egotistic shadow monster. That's just for '01 to '03 though.
  6. Infinitely better than anything I could do. Great job!
  7. Lhikan looks every bit like I imagined he would as a human. The pose is especially Lhikan-esque (if that makes sense) and really grounds it back to the original character. He also kinda' reminds me of a Power Ranger in civilian form, not that that's a bad thing.
  8. These are awesome! If they were real, I would definitely buy them. All of them. Especially Chronicler's Coffee.
  9. Good point, but I did love the fact that early canisters had play functions. The Bohrok and Bohrok Kal ones could be used to make a hive, while the Toa Mata's were actual Toa canisters, which I thought was really cool. Just a shame I never had any of the Toa Mata (I came into BIONICLE in '02, from the Toa Nuva onwards). Maybe a combination would be better: Toa could come in canisters and the villains come in pouches, in the second wave. Plus, Titans, Matoran and other sets could be pouches or boxes or whatever, but my point is that they could still use canisters in fewer numbers to be story significant. The pouches work well for Chima, though, both for the Speedorz and for the Ultrabuilds. Last year, I found the Speedorz box things really annoying to open, so the pouches have been a blessing. To be honest, I always got rid of mine anyway, so storage isn't an issue for me, though I am tempted to buy a Toa Mata on ebay just to get a canister, for the first time in my life. On another note, I can't understand why so many people here are 'anti-human'. I do understand that a lot of people here may have been bullied at school (I was, for years) or be a bit of an isolationist, but making the statement that you dislike humans, in fiction and/or in real life? The former I get to an extent, but if you really have no faith in humanity, then I think there are some things you need to come to terms with in your lives but that's a really sad and lonely way to lead them. And Kitania, I didn't miss the point.
  10. One other thing that might be cool in a new BIONICLE saga would be if it was post-apoc Spherus Magna, but so far in the future that this second civilisation had actually started to mimic that of the original '01 to '03 saga. So there's an Agori/Matoran society but Toa haven't been seen since before The Fall, the land is rampant with a variety of MU Rahi and evolved SM fauna, and the Agori/Matoran society have split off into Koro based on their elements, mimicking stuff found in their 'legends' (which are based on their programming from when the Matoran and co were still a functioning part of the Mata Nui robot, which has all but faded from memory). So there's still a lot of mystery, and we're once again in a geographically diverse land like the island of Mata Nui was, but the difference would be that while we as the audience know the truth for once (something uncommon to BIONICLE, lol). The new society treats mask and elemental powers as magic (since they can't understand it any other way) and in their legends, Mata Nui is once again a god of creation where Makuta is their god of darkness, '01 style. And it's at this point, when the world has started afresh, that the Great Beings return. I don't know how it would go on from there, but that's just an idea I thought was cool. You don't have to agree with me, but personally I quite like this idea, almost as much as the last one. It could offer some interesting twists on the story, and could easily be written so that new fans just see a society with a mysterious past (especially if the Agori and Matoran go by the name of one people, rather than recognising themselves as two, even if that just meant they were called Villagers or Tribesmen) while old fans have the backstory and know that there's a connection between this world and the world of the original saga, now the distant past. Again, for that to work it'd need to be cleverly written, but there are people clever enough to write it. After all, someone wrote BIONICLE in the first place. If there are people creative enough to not only think up the Mata Nui robot idea, but to keep it a secret for nigh on a decade whilst still telling an interesting set of stories, then there are people creative enough to write almost anything, and to write it well. Honestly, I can only dream about being one of those people.
  11. Let's make this one a bit more interesting then, by bringing Bionicle into it. Let's not. The last thing the Bionicle universe needs is humans becoming the center of attention like they already are in all other science fiction. Humans would never be the center of attention; not even close. Just in the picture, on the fringes. And what exactly is wrong with a story dominated by humans, anyway? Humans are the only ones that write and read science fiction. Believe it or not, when I read science fiction, where anything is possible, I'm not reading it for boring, egocentric humans with their boring, egocentric human problems. Bionicles biggest appeal to me was a completely alien universe with completely alien characters and species, character who we connect with because of their personailities and struggles, not the fact that they share DNA with us. I liked exploring alien worlds, not having humans forced upon me when I read to escape how terrible humans are. I cannot understand how you can see this untouched alien world that formed all on its own without a hint of human to it, and then say "you know what would make this even better? HUMANS!" Teridax, most Makuta, Tahu and Vultraz are pretty egocentric. Luke Skywalker doesn't have an ego (in the films). Just sayin'. It's not about using humans to make it 'better', it's about developing a potentially interesting idea. Potentially interesting. Nobody says we have to agree, since notions of interestingness are subjective. I understand your point, Eightfold Father, as I think the Transformers movies suffer a lot from thinking they need a human anchor (which 2 to 4 don't, and I'd love to see a Fall of Cybertron movie), but it's entirely down to how you write a story. For instance, to say that all action movies lack character development and a meaningful plot clearly shows that whoever says so hasn't seen The Matrix. Likewise, if one thinks all romances starring Katherine Heigl are without merit, you haven't seen 27 Dresses. Weird examples, I know, but they sort of made sense in my head. Sorry if it's too weird, but my point is that you can't make sweeping generalisations and say that "because [this] didn't work when [Writer A] wrote it, [Writer B] and [Writer C], and even [Writer Z] are also doomed to fail". It doesn't work like that. And not all humans are terrible. Just remember that it was humans who brought you this wonderful, fantastical universe. I know we're never going to see eye-to-eye on this, so how about we agree to disagree?
  12. Wow, Adventures was magnificent! What about the flute element from the Le-Koro Band, from after you escape the Nui-Rama hive in MNOG? Y'know, the bit when Lewa gets his silver Kanohi in the suva, there's this beautiful flute bit. Just a suggestion.
  13. These are great, especially The Swarm, which has a wonderful underground feel to it. You have a new follower on Soundcloud!
  14. Not was I was expecting from the title, but this totally works! The piece is awesome. I never would have thought of using house for BIONICLE, but it works!
  15. Whoever made this is a legend. While it has a few glitches (and the fabulous aforementioned ladder animation) I really love what's been done. I only played it for a few minutes just then, but the Le-Metru interior is exactly how I always pictured it.
  16. This. I think this look works really well. It's an interesting take on the Toa-to-Turaga evolution, suggesting that it doesn't necessarily mean one becomes crooked and senile upon the transformation. The lighting is also brilliant.
  17. Indeed. In regards to Bionicle, time-travel comes to mind. Greg said it was outright impossible, and then, lo and behold, Bitil has a mask that can summon his past selves to the present. Quicksilver (from Marvel) could do that as well, for a while. I still don't completely understand it, but it was something to do with jumping forwards in time by a few seconds. Sorry. Off-topic.
  18. These are neat! The polybag bird is my favourite of the bunch, though they're all pretty fun. The Dermis Turtle is also very cool; I like how you've adapted it to be a little more real world. It reminds me of the style used in the first three movies.
  19. Great stuff! The Takua is my favourite. Neat little inclusion of the backpack from MNOG! Me likey
  20. *jaws drops* *clatters to the floor below* *can't reattach jaw* It's that awesome! I especially like the shot of the cube with Gahlok Kal. Makes me wish I had access to a 3D printer/any kind of modelling skill. It's so cool when people make other Bioniverse items like this. Really brings the story to life to see the Nuva Cube outside of the comics and promo animations.
  21. Very nicely detailed, and it's also nice that he's a little bit dumpy. Adds more character to him. I like that you filled in the gap between the 'toes' as well. The only things I think are a little off are the bands around the wrist, as they're smooth while the rest of him is blockish and full of hard edges, but it isn't a problem. Doesn't detract from the model itself.
  22. Never thought I'd see those petal pieces be useful for anything, but that belt and loincloth is brilliant. The arrow-shape of the head is also nice - quite different from typical humanoid builds. The colour scheme is perfect.
  23. I'm...guessing you aren't considering the fact that Greg has said that they aren't in the same universe, and the Bionicle universe doesn't have [all of] the physical laws of the universe a "real reason"? Like, I guess I see what you're saying. But they did already say no on that, so I don't really see them going back and changing it (especially if Greg is on the story/development team). Good point, though there are plenty of shows, both live action and animated, which are set on Earth and yet don't rely on real-world physics. A lot of the Marvel universe completely flouts regular physics. The Fantastic Four do it almost every issue, especially if the Microverse is involved. The Infinity Gems are basically the equivalent of Kanohi of godlike power - inanimate physical objects that somehow grant the holder power, said power(s) being activated via telepathic demands from the user. But like you say, it depends on the writer's intentions. Things get retconned in fiction all the time, and in-story there's no way of saying that Earth and SM are in different universes (omniverse omniverse omniverse), but for now it looks like they'll have to stay separate. I'll leave this point now. Thanks for being somewhat civil, Kopekemaster.
  24. I agree that you shouldn't have posted it if you didn't want to face the idea of people disagreeing with you. It's not disagreement, I have no problem with that. I regularly produce stop-motion animations and am used to discussing criticism with people, especially when it's constructive. My problem is that there no constructivity here; I can respect Lyichir and Aanchir's responses (though I disagree to an extent, as ancient astronauts don't have to fly in the face of modern religions if you're a good enough writer), but flat out refusal to even consider my ideas borders on offensive. Instead of "That might be cool, but there's also this problem and this problem", whenever I post something I seem to get "No, your idea is foolish and I can't believe you thought to post it here, foolish human". Plus, quite frankly I don't like your sarcastic attitude. In no way is that constructive, and all you'll normally get out of people is a wall of anger-driven text. Be civil.
  25. Well, nice to know the entire universe disagrees with me. Not sure why I bothered posting to begin with. Such a constructive environment.
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