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As of a few minutes ago, I posted the epilogue to my last Bionicle epic, thus officially ending the Shikaverse and my career as fanfic writer (at least for the foreseeable future, anyway). Unlike with every other week, I'm not going to quote an excerpt from this chapter because I do not want to spoil anything, not even a couple of lines of dialogue. So just go ahead and read the entire epilogue here for yourself. Or, if you haven't been following since the beginning, I suggest starting from the prologue and reading from there. With the entire epic posted, you can now read the whole thing at your own pace if you want. Tomorrow I'll do one more blog post regarding the Shikaverse and fanfiction and stuff, but for now, I just want to thank all of my readers for faithfully tuning in each week to read the newest chapter. I honestly expected In the End to sink into obscurity, maybe get a couple dozen views a week or so, if even that much, so to see it average 100 views a week just blows my mind. That number will probably decline now that the full story is completely posted, but it was just so fun to watch each chapter average 100 views every week. That that very number remained steady, week after week, tells me that I was doing something right. Granted, the vast majority of those readers never commented, but people don't come back week after week to read stories they hate or find boring. I think that, in terms of page views, In the End was my most successful epic (though I haven't really looked at the page views of all of my other epics, so I don't know that for sure). Knowing I had some readers--even if most of them lurked--who came back week after week really helped me get over some doubts about my writing ability I've been harboring recently. You guys rock. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Mondays
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One more week. Just one more week, and I'll post the epilogue and this will be all over. As usual when I get near to completing an epic, I both dread and anticipate it in equal measure. Until then, here's an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter XX here. And don't forget to tune in next week for the epilogue! -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Dawn Duology
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It's Monday again. That's pretty much all I have to say. Here's an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter XIX here. Just one chapter and the epilogue left. Chapter XX will be next week and the epilogue will be the week after and then we'll be done. Yay! -TNTOS-
- Dawn Duology
- Mondays
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A mere three weeks until the final chapter now (really the epilogue, but semantics amirite?). Until then, here's an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter XVIII here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Dawn Duology
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Can't believe there's only three chapters left now. The end is indeed very near. Here's an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter XVII here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Dawn Duology
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Once again, it's that special time of week that pretty much everyone hates: Monday. Weird how one of the least liked days of the week happens to rhyme with "fun day." Anywho, here is an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter XVI here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Dawn Duology
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We're now at the fifteenth chapter of In the End, meaning that there are only five chapters left until the end. As I always do whenever I am about to finish posting an epic, I feel a strong sense of excitement and dread. Excited that I will have more time to focus on other things when this is done; dread that I will no longer have that dependable routine I've developed over the past fifteen weeks of a chapter a week. In any case, here's an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter XV here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Mondays
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Monday. Again. Weird how it seems to come every week. Just like how it's weird that my birthday is once a year. I suspect a conspiracy involving the Illuminati, gummy bears, and Luigi's mustache. Oh, and George Takei is in on it, too. Probably the mastermind now that I think about it. Anyway, here's an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter XIV here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Mondays
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Once again, it's Monday, and once again, I have posted a new chapter of In the End. Here's an excerpt: Read the rest of Chapter XIII here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Mondays
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It's that time of week again, when the demons arise from the bowels of the earth and the sky rains blood on all. . . . wait, you mean that's Tuesday? Oh, never mind. I guess that means that today is Monday. Here's an excerpt from the latest chapter: Read the rest of Chapter XII here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Mondays
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It's Monday again. Here's an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter XI here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Mondays
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Fun fact: In some Greek versions of the Book of Revelation, 616 -- today's month and day -- is the number of the beast. I have no idea what that has to do with In the End or Mondays, but I thought I'd share this with y'all anyway. Anyway, here's an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter X here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Dawn Duology
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Good lordy it's Monday already. Feels like last Monday was only yesterday. Anyway, that means it's time for the next chapter of In the End. Here's an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter IX here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Dawn Duology
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Looks like I managed to find the time to post this new chapter after all. Here's an excerpt from it: Read the rest of Chapter VIII here. -TNTOS-
Tomorrow I will be out of town for a week and may or may not have Internet access during that time. So I might not post the next chapter of In the End on Monday or the next story in The Biological Chronicle series, nor will I be on BZP in general during that time. Just thought y'all should know so nobody thinks I dropped off the face of the earth or anything, heh. -TNTOS-
- 1
- In the End
- Flash fiction
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Once again, it's Monday, and that means it's time for another chapter of In the End. Here's an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter VII here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Dawn Duology
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Good grief, it's Monday already? Oh, well. That just means it's time for this week's chapter of In the End. Here's an excerpt: Read the rest of Chapter VI here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Mondays
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Once again, Monday is upon us and that means a new chapter of In the End is as well. Here's an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter V here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Dawn Duology
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Monday is that day of the week that everyone hates. I think we should petition the government to make it illegal. Who's with me? While we figure out how to do that, here's an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter IV here. As for the "special announcement" mentioned in this post's title, starting tomorrow I am going to begin posting a series of flash fiction in the Short Stories forum. The series will be titled "The Biological Chronicle" and each short story will be based on a year from the official Bionicle story (first story will be titled 2001, second story 2002, third story 2003, fourth story 2004, etc.). I will post one story a week. Yes, I know I said In the End was my last Bionicle fanfic, which kind of makes me a liar I guess, but the idea of writing ten flash fiction stories based on every year of Bionicle was too much for me to resist. Besides, I need practice writing flash fics and this seemed like a good way to do it. And anyway, I'll probably have them all posted before I finish posting In the End, so In the End will still technically be the last Bionicle fanfic I post on BZP. That's all for now, so see ya, -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Dawn Duology
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Another week has come and gone and it feels like it went by too quickly and that it didn't go by quickly enough. Anyway, it's Monday so that means it's time for a new chapter for In the End. Here's an except from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter III here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Dawn Duology
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Hey, everybody. Back in the old days, I used to do this thing on my blog where I'd announce a new chapter of whatever epic I was in the process of posting. This usually included a summary of the chapter in question or an excerpt, depending on what I was posting at the time. It was always a lot of fun, even though I am not sure how much it actually helped raise awareness of my epics. Because In the End is my last epic, I thought I'd bring this feature back. "In the End Mondays" will include a short excerpt from this week's chapter, as well as a link to the chapter itself for those interested in reading the whole thing. Thought it would be fun and might even get me some more readers for all I know. Anyway, here's an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of the chapter here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Mondays
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Hey guys. I just posted the epilogue to An Unlikely Alliance in the Shika Trilogy Omnibus topic a few minutes ago, That means that the entire Shika Trilogy has been reposted, which means anyone who was putting off reading it until it was all up can read it now. Yay! Unfortunately, I am feeling really sick right now, with only enough strength to post AUA's epilogue. Unfortunately, that means I've decided to put off In the End's release date a week. That means, instead of being posted today, In the End's official release date is now Monday, April 7th, 2014. I severely apologize to anyone who was looking forward to reading the prologue today, but right now I am in no mood to mess with the links and writing up a summary for the library and posting and other issues I usually deal with when posting a new epic. There's a good chance I'll mess up if I post it now, when I'm sick and tired, so I've decided to do it when I'm feeling better, which should hopefully be by next week. Again, I really sorry. I was looking forward to posting In the End today, too, and I know this announcement was extremely last minute, but frankly I didn't plan to get sick and I don't trust myself to get everything right when I'm feeling this way. Barely even trust myself to write up this blog post, actually. So just to be sure everyone knows, I will post In the End on Monday, April 7th, 2014, exactly one week from today. No later and no sooner than that. My apologies, -TNTOS-
- Fanfics
- The Shika Trilogy
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Good news, everybody. I just finished the first draft of the sequel to Dawn of the New Century, tentatively titled In the End. I am going to work on something else for now, but rest assured that I will start work on the second draft as soon as possible. It will have to go through at least six drafts before I feel ready to post it, however, so don't expect to see it posted this year. That's all the news I have right now regarding my fanfics. So see ya, -TNTOS-