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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

Nuju Metru

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"I've been well, Noshima, I've been well. Frankly bored to tears as of late, but I can't complain about my health, or that of my clan. Our most recent group of trainees just completed their Twin Souls training, so there has been a lot to celebrate." The Toroshu plucked a drink from a passing servant's tray and took a small sip, smiling at her companion.


"How have things been here in Sado?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"I am very much familiar with that." The Eiyu Toroshu replied, eyes lighting up with the gleam of curiosity. She took another sip, smile widening. "I asked around when the expedition returned, but there wasn't much they were willing to tell me, outside of the basics."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"No reason to apologize. From what I've heard, the expedition didn't stay long. I'd love to learn enough about it to add the knowledge to our library, but I'm afraid that most of that knowledge will likely come second and third hand." A pause, and her expression soured slightly. "Assuming some of the less wise Toroshu don't decide to press for an invasion."


"That would be a travesty."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"It's even more than that." Nihonei began, pausing momentarily as she carefully considered what she was going to say. "An invasion would be needless. Unless they prove hostile, there's no need, or point, in attacking them. Would it gain the empire more Power? Perhaps. But Power is not the only virtue."


"Attacking needlessly would be dishonorable. Attacking without purpose is disorderly."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Arsix Dastana

For twins that lived and breathed alongside each other and were rarely considered separate entities, there were often key differences. One of these differences was the way they smiled. Jasik's was warm and inviting with a sort of boisterousness to it, while Arsix's smile was much more articulated and formal. Despite not appearing fake, It was a smile which was refined for years, rehearsed alone.There were plenty of eyes on her. More than usual. It wasn't her unnaturally brilliant eyes that were attracting the attention - despite their fame - but the headdresses. She suddenly felt a second wave of fear over the choice of masks for the party.

:This was a terrible idea.:

:On the contrary. This was a catalyst.:

:We'll die, and it will be your fault. You know that right?:

:You worry too much. This will be a cinch. As easy as when we were children, trying to climb higher than our grandfather's falcon could fly. I got us through that one intact, didn't I?:

:Actually, no. I got us through that one.: Arsix thought, her facial expressions refusing to give away the internal conversation with Jasik.

:True, but you shook like a bush in the breeze before you did. This requires a little fearlessness. Picture them all nake--wait, no. There's the Herupa First Son. Judo? Jimbo? Either way, don't picture him naked. Whatever you do.:

She immediately pictured the Herupa's First Son very much naked. Arsix then glanced at her brother, still wearing a smile before flashing the same image into Jasik's mind. Sometimes Arsix doubted her choice of WIllhammer for a discipline. This was not one of those times.

:I hope you made arrangements to return home via casket.:


Arsix ignored Jasik's last comment, turning her face back to the other guests. The twins had just about reached the center of the room now, using their trip across to scan the various guests as they moved across the floor.

Let the games begin.


The Dastana Twins are open for interaction

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IC: Celis (Dragon Hall)


During her life Celis had been many things though only one thing did she truly excel at, her ability to seemingly become one with her surroundings. Some might say that it was due to a huna or volitak but they would be wrong. Never drawing attention to one's self was what kept her alive all these years. Even though she was Toroshu of Clan Vadiru and attention would naturally fall on her from her clan she often directed that attention elsewhere. Even as she hid behind the crow mask she wore her eyes roamed over those present. The very faint 'whir' of her eyepiece emitted from her as it focused on some of the newer arrivals, namely Toroshu Nera and First Son Kuno. She had met these two in the past, as is custom given her clan's close connection with the Fursics, but never had she seen them in such a... social gathering, why it was enough to elicit a small smile from her. Not wishing to intrude she went back to her otherwise hidden existence within the dragon hall, a mere shadow hidden amongst the light, ever watching and ever present.


OOC: Celis, open for interaction


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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[imperial Palace, Dragon Room]

“Wisdom is a more valuable than jewels, but I’m afraid charisma is quite more respected these days.”

Morie inclined her head toward Noshima and Nihonei.

“Forgive me for interrupting. You both look quite elegant, and everybody else seems to be talking about subjects best left to to the young.”


I must admit I felt a little upstaged. The Fursics, though they probably thought they were daring and subtle were predictable. (I suppose I was too, but at least I don’t put on airs about it.) Jiyu’s was interesting...if I little plain--I’m impressed he managed to replicate the Shinushya, but you’d think a soul devouring demon would look a bit more awful. He’s just a liar like the rest of them, pretending he doesn’t hate the company of those around them. They have their little moments of rebellion, but their all cowards in the end, including me.

The Dastana, however--

I wish I had thought of that one.

I didn’t hold back the guffaw of surprise as they stepped into the room. I don’t have a pleasant laugh, it’s more like a cackle really, and I could feel mother’s disapproving gaze centered on the back of my neck.

So it was the Dastana, or that ill fitted first son who had the decency to look affronted at his ridiculous costume, sulking in the corner.

I saw mother briefly glance in the direction of the twins.


The Dastana it was then. Mr. Butterfly didn’t look like he was going anywhere. I swished in their direction, the maniacal grin on the surface of my mask matching the face under it. They looked a bit surprised. Perhaps they were used to people like me avoiding them and skulking in a corner.

“So do you two have a death-wish, or are you just really stupid?”


I am the soul of courtesy, as always.

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

AU8R4.gif BkY1n.gif 5r6gI.gif MWEwd.gif ZMVSN.gif ODscu.gif FICZv.gif HZtia.gif XDvOI.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Jasik and Arsix shared an identical look of dull acknowledgement, and then one face - or the other, maybe - grinned cockily. One traced a finger around the crown, lightly flicking at the brow before curling the digit up.


"Who, us? We're just humble courtiers, here to add a little spice to the banquet. It's going to be a magical evening, you know."


"No gathering is truly a gathering without it," Arsix continued, not even sharing a thought with her brother to know what he was thinking. She leaned foward slightly, gesturing with her hand. Her palm was facing up, her fingers gracefully aiming to the Plangori, "The spice I mean, of course. You don't need my clarification on that," She paused, her palm closing up as another glance was shared between siblings, "Oh," Arsix's smile returned, intentionally amping up the fakeness of it while her hand was returned to her side, "Unless you've actually been to one of these before you wouldn't know would you?"


:Arsix, play nice. I think I saw her standing in one of the hallways on our way here.: She turned to him for the briefest of seconds when he rifled through his mind for the image he was looking for. :Oh, wait. Never mind. That was a gargoyle. Honest mistake.:






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IC: Soraya [soraya's practice, pre-party]


Nihi. Had she heard that name somewhere? In a snatch of conversation overheard rushing through the palace to deal with an Umbraline's order? Something about expeditions and islands and-


Morie cleared her throat, and Soraya snapped back to attention. "Janu, huh? Not a bad choice." Certainly not from a dyemaker's point of view.


She stepped around her customer, measuring as she went, and added, "We can go for a bit of a streamlined look; keep the dress simple but the colors popping." She moved from Nihi's arm to her leg. "Of course, 'dress' is relative. You could go non-traditional, wear something a bit more suit-like. Probably be a sight more practical in the long run. Any preferences?"

Edited by GSR

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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The lapse in conversation carried on for a few more minutes while Nihonei's gaze swept the room, taking in as many details as possible. Some of those in attendance were easy to identify, but others were not, either due to their costumes or their own security. Nevertheless, one thought leapt to mind;


"Noshima, running security for this occasion must be positively hellish."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Noshima


"Kama-Lady Kamari is well-equipped for the benefit of the guests," replied Noshima, slipping slightly with the use of such an informal reference to her right-hand. "It is in confidence that I believe her to act to the greatest extent in peacekeeping."


The Hogo Toroshu would have said more, had it not been for the interruption of Morie.


"Your companion humbly accepts the praise," she said deferentially, bowing slightly in respect to the elder Dasaka.

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IC: pre-party

"Whatever you think is best," Nihi answered, very much aware of the measurements being taken of her body. She couldn't remember the last time - if ever - she'd been so thoroughly physically examined, and the touch of the seamstress, though assured and knowledgeable, was alien and a little off-putting to her. "Simple sounds good, though."


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Apparently the first son was trying to tell her something that went a bit beyond the confines of the game. At least, that was the impression he made. Ayiwah slightly raised an eyebrow and took a long sip. Sparring was an important part of her weekly schedule and whether she was in the yards or away, cruising the archipelago, she'd always made room for it. And sparring involved losing. It was an important part to learn to deal with success as well as failure and to better oneself as a result of it.


For young Menti it was a lesson in humility and self-evaluation, to rid them of any illusions about the reality of fighting and combat. But for her, it was to practice against the other schools of the mind, to test out new ideas and strategies and to see what worked and what didn't; or what would have worked if circumstances were a bit different. And it was an invaluable resource when it came to passing her knowledge on to the Menti students.




"I have never been bested by anybody in my own discipline, during or after training."

Edited by Smaug the Terrible




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OOC: Partially jammed with Snelly.



As it usually was around noon the Yards were filled with students of all clans and disciplines moving about. The younger ones made the quick trip from their lessons to their school's cafeteria while the older ones and their teachers walked to the food carts to pick up something more to their individual likes.

Only not all of them. Some decided to have more peaceful moments. As Inokio made his way through the streets towards the postal office he paused, struggling against a just-released session's load of pupils who were like a school of fish against his path, and noted a single Menti on the edge of a dock. There was no mistaking the unique armour pattern of Arikasa, and the first son took advantage of the situation. As soon as the kids swarmed away, he made his way towards the meditating warrior.

Though from her pose she was likely praying, not merely meditating. Opting to be courteous and not an intruder he paused at the start of the pier and waited for her to finish her litany.


Inokio didn't have to wait long before the Menti's head rose and her eyes beamed back to life.

"Ah, you wish to speak with me, Battlemaster?" Arisaka seemed to have recognized him, despite never turning around from where she sat.


"I do," Inokio said and stood up straight at the mention of his rank. The fact that she didn't have to turn around to recognize him didn't faze him; after years serving under powerful telepaths he'd become desensitized to the phenomena. "You could say I have a job offer."


"A job offer from the Battlemaster himself? That is quite an honor," Arisaka mused. "Let's hear it." Arisaka, as always, was to the point, not one for idle talk.


As was Inokio—political subtleties weren't his thing and dancing around bushes never got anywhere. "The chōjo will be going on a large expedition to Mata Nui," he stated, "and appointed me her chief retainer. Four others should help me protect her in an honour guard and I want you to be one of those few."


Arisaka nearly raised an eyebrow at that. Such an offer wasn't given to just anyone. And while Arisaka was more than confident that she was fit for the job, there were plenty of others just as capable.

Arisaka stood up from where she'd sat on the dock, turning to face the Battlemaster completely. "I'd be more than honored to be part of the Chojo's guard." Arisaka hesitated before inquiring further. "Any particular reason why you've chosen me? There are others who match my...credentials." Arisaka was merely curious more than anything.


"Because you're faithful," Inokio replied quickly. "You're competent, powerful and respected, but you're also an Umbraline. I know the chōjo prefers being protected by people she can trust, and her clanspeople are among those few. That factor alone considerably narrows down the applicant pool."


"Very well." Arisaka seemed satisfied with the answer. "I accept.


Inokio gave a gentle headbow. "I'm delighted to hear it. I don't know for sure when the expedition leaves, but I think I can find that out soon enough. Hm. I'm curious—did Yumiwa extend an invitation to her festivity to you as well?" he asked.


"Yes. Yes she did." Arisaka tried not to sound unhappy about it. She was honored to have been invited of course...it was the socializing part she dreaded.


"Then I'll see you there. Have a good day in the meanwhile, Arikasa—we'll be in touch."


Arikasa nodded.




Two of the four down, so that left Sinshi and Xania to be spoken to. If Arisaka was any indication, Umbralines of all levels were being invited—Yumiwa did love her people—so there was a strong chance that both the other warriors would be present at the party.


The party he now stood before. Like many others, he ruffled to perfect his costume before the steps to the hall's entryways. Owing to his clan's ancient past as fishermen, his dress was inspired by the regal-looking Oki kingfisher. A delicately layered orange silk robe, folded across my chest and held in place by a knotted bow through a hole, simulating a button, was covered by a coat assembled from scales of blue fabric of various hues, simulating the many feathers of the bird. The coat flowed back and formed a pointed tail that barely touched the floor, and conversely featured a hood that spiked in an elegant crest. A headdress was worn under his hood that poked forward with a beak, though it wasn't large enough to prevent him from eating or drinking.


With a posture fueled by a sense of pride in his heritage and accomplishments that didn't betray his weariness of these events, Inokio stepped up to the entrances and pulled the invitation from his pocket and presented it to the attendant.


"Just you?" she asked him, looking for a servant or fellow clansmember behind him.


"Just me."


"Welcome! The Honourable Battlemaster Inokio, First Son of Clan Korae!" she bellowed to the party as he glided into the obscenely regal festivity.


He nodded in recognition of several Hogo guards, faces he'd seen plentifully in his days among the rora's personal guards. Rigidly, and with discipline, they nodded in return out of respect. Inokio never was allowed to forget that he decided to retire; had he wished, he could have retained the position for as long as he lived and been attending to the royals right then. For most of the Hogo guards this was the first time they'd seen him casually, and the difference between the two personalities was a little surprising to them. Still, he wasn't there to socialize with them and quickly entered the Dragon Room's floor.


Hardened by dozens of similar festivities, Inokio seemed like an impassive commander in the occasion and awkwardly fit in. He struggled to smile, not out of a lack of personality but just because he wasn't used to. His place had always been around the sovereign, warding off threats with a glare and ensuring security—neither of which allowed much for happy happy joy joy. Still, he had to try.


And still... his old habits were hard to kill. Instantly his senses were assaulted with the surroundings, taking in ever detail therein. His eyes shot from one character to the next, every time spending a fraction of a second to immerse in the person's clothing and identify names, clan allegiances and threats. He'd seen most of the toroshu, typically in the court proceedings as supplicants or admirals to the rora, but rarely had the opportunity to speak with them. One in particular was Celis—stories of the clan's loyalty to their Fursic lieges was always cause of some alarm, and their latest toroshu's habit of seeming invisible only added to the legends surrounding Clan Vadiru. Inokio was too wizened to discount the clan as mere honey bees to the Fursics, but with his apathy towards politics he'd never once voiced his knowledge otherwise.


He approached Celis quickly like a cat prowling towards its prey, then greeted her fairly. "I hope it's a good evening for you, Celis," he said, then added an introduction in case she wasn't keen on seeing through the costume. "Inokio, formerly of the rora's guard."



OOC: Because I forgot to bring it up in the previous post, here is what Yumi's dress looks like, courtesy of Demitsorou's grace and goodwill. Yumi still has her arm armour and Kanohi on so the drawing is only accurate for the dress itself, though it's a stunning one if I do say so myself—thanks, Demi! <3



"Princess Yumiwa," [Jiyu] said, coming to a stop in front of the Chojo, "I know this day has probably been very difficult for you, and you would loathe the idea... But may I have a word with my sister, in private?"

My dances with Hana had come to an end by the time Jiyu strode towards us—say what you will about Jiyu, at least he has the graces to wait until a proper moment to intercede. I glanced back at my bestie for her opinion, and when she nodded nervously once I released my dance hold on her and tilted my head at her brother. Family mattered, I just hoped that the mood of my beloved wasn't ruined by whatever conversation they shared now. "If the two of you need somewhere more private, use the upper porches," I suggested. "Take care," I bade to Hana and flashed a compassionate smile as I slipped away into the crowd of participants.


And my, there were a lot! The event seemed off to an excellent start not a few moments into it. Many high-stakes nobles were already present, including the ones from the other great clans; neither of whom I really wanted to speak to but I knew it was going to be inevitable. Whatever it took, Nera would pressure her son to me even if she had to carry him hither, of that I was sure. Even the Dastana twins, who looking as though they wanted to rub their clan's opulence in the face of royalty, seemed to pale in comparison to the nausea Kuno and his Zataka-inspired suit gave me. I wanted to throw up just thinking about it, honestly, but held back the bile while I collected a glass handed to me by a servant and stuffed the bile back by downing the glass of peach wine in a single gulp. Quickly enough to do it before the servant walked away, which surprised her for a number of reasons, I set the glass on the servant's platter and took a second one as an accessory.


I held my head up high as I waltzed through the sea of faces on the hall's floor, most of which I recognized. They all bowed their heads and bade hello before adding some sort of compliment towards my person or the party, and I often replied with a congenial reply, usually accompanied by a fact-driven remark about their castle or family members. It was boring, really. There were only a few people I actually cared to carry a conversation with. Most nobles were stuck up duchesses with self-serving interests, others were depraved first sons with angst issues, neither of whom i really wanted to spend a second more than was required with. It was formulaic, but I did it well, each and every time leaving my perfume and charming smile in my wake for people to pore over.


Finally, a sight (or rather, the chirp) I could tolerate came up between the long legs of a few patrons: Kama the janu bird. I came up towards where Vilda Mako stood, but before I could meet him once more one of my own clanswomen intercepted me and wasn't hiding her swooning very well.


OOC: Cue Xania, Demi. :3

Edited by Crown Princess Yumiwa
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IC (Tazera)


So far, Taz had drunk to oversleeping and both the losing-fights 'nevers'. Her opinion of their male companion was gradually worsening, and she had actually stared in stony silence for a few seconds when he boasted about abusing his position.


Once. Bloody ONCE I've overslept on a work day. And at least I have the honour to admit my own defeats.


Not intending to be outdone, the Lieutenant interjected her own 'never'.


"I've never been reprimanded by my Toroshu."





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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


As party progressed, more nobles arrived. Place became more lively by the minute.


Xania discontinued talking to Mako just because she couldn't find an interesting topic to talk about, so, deciding not to bother him anymore, she wandered off, her bracelets tinkled softly. Though, she didn't wander away too much as she noticed a figure slowly making her way through the crowd. Princess Yumiwa herself, in a dress that almost made Xania faint (or was it excessive amounts of alcohol she drank?). Dasaka fixed herself straight and approached nearing chojo, smiling under her mask.


:Your highness, you look absolutely gorgeous today,: Menti used ideatalk abilities to greet her princess, and then bowed her head. :May I be of service?:


Xania's eyes continued to inspect all the little details of princess' magnificent dress.

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Ic: "Xania!" I exclaimed, recognizing my clan sister's familiar voice, even just the mental projection of it. .:Thank you,:. I replied similarly and . .:You're looking quite lovely yourself!:. I looked her dress over, but before I could go any further Mako had found me.


.:I agree, actually:. Mako added to Xania's compliment. .:Interesting seeing what Soraya was working on the other day actually ended up becoming. Kanohi Dragon, eh? Appropriate:.


.:Isn't it just gorgeous?:. I reveled and gave a quick spin to show off the glittering gold thread and glistening jewels. .:A perfect fit in every way. Your, uh, wolf motif is fantastically made as well.:. I wasn't a fan of the costume in particular—it just failed to impress me—but its owner hadn't done anything to earn my ire and the costume was made by the same Soraya as mine, so a nicety was thrown anyway.


My eyes quickly focused again on Xania, though. .:I recognize those seams. You went to Soraya as well, then.:. There was an aura of austere but mysterious allure surrounding her, especially in her avian garb, and it begged for a closer look, and the fact that Xania was suggested by Inokio as one of my honour guard to Mata Nui only furthered my curiosity in her. Though I knew who she was and all, I wasn't familiar with her, certainly not like it was in the reverse. She was invited here as an Umbraline of good social standing, nothing more, but I was glad she was here. I turned on my Akaku for that closer look and my eyes shed her clothes as though we were in a sauna, and— Mmmmmmmmmmmhm yeah! I absolutely dig those curves. :devil:


Oh, right, let's pull it together, Yumi; let's be smooth. .:Say... has Battlemaster Inokio spoken to you lately?:. I finally asked her.

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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


As Yumi made a spin, Xania gave her a few claps and made a tender sigh.


"It is gorgeous. You are gorgeous too, my princess," her voice was full of happiness for Yumiwa. "And yes, I stumbled upon Soraya's as well," Xania quickly glanced at her own dress. "Though, I didn't want to do anything outstanding."


Yet, exchange of courtesy ended and her highness asked a question that made Xania cock her head in interest.


"No, he didn't," she admitted, fixing one of her bracelets and sending away emptied glass of wine using her Mindarm discipline. "Is there anything I should know, your highness?"

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IC: Celis (Dragon Hall)


Celis turned her full attention towards the voice, clearly masculine in tone but lacking a gruffness to it, more of a soft kindness. With a very soft smile she let her gaze roam over his outfit before she spoke

"It is much like any other evening, surrounded by excess and flaunting." She said without any real disgust in her voice "Though I'm afraid my memory fails me and I do not remember you even though you know me. But is an honor to make your acquaintance Inokio, I hope the evening is treating you well? Heck i am surprised your not out there." She made a rough gesture towards the main floor of the hall with her right hand "surely there are more interesting notables present then myself."

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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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Kulrik took two sips of Bumboo, one for each question asked by the two women.


"While I may be superb with my Soulsword, I'll gladly admit my Sighteye discipline has room to improve" Kulrik conceded. In a clan full of prodigious Willhammers, it was difficult to find a training parter who's mind and senses he could control. After his Menti training and return to Oki, Kulrik had rarely practised with his second skill.


As for the comment about reprimands, Kulrik decided not to answer. His Toroshu was his mother after all, so it was impossible for him not to have been reprimanded during his formative years.


The First Son wondered who two Dasaka might be. They had some association with water as he guessed earlier, but the Dragon's answers implied she was disciplined, honourable and a teacher. The Hawk less so, but the two were friends so perhaps she worked for the Dragon? Kulrik audibly hummed, thinking both about the mystery and what question to ask next. As best he could guess, the Dragon could either work in the navy or in the Training Yards.


"I've never sailed a ship."

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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OOC: Sorry, Yukiko, I missed the Morie post. This is what I get for posting late at night. XD




"Subjects for the young? Well, I hope I'm not old just yet." Nihonei quipped in amusement, turning slightly to regard the new arrival. It was almost interesting; Toroshu Morie was one of the older Toroshu, almost as old as some Datsue, while the Eiyu Toroshu herself leaned towards the younger end of the spectrum, even among others of her caste. The juxtaposition was interesting, though not particularly unlikely in such a setting. "No disrespect meant, Toroshu Morie. I hope that I shall be able to age as well."


"Thank you for the compliment, as well. Your own attire looks very well made, though I would have been surprised if it wasn't, given your clan's skill." A momentary pause as she looked towards Noshima. "I'm sure Lady Kamari is doing a fine job, though frankly, I think it might be difficult for those who are not Soulswords to smuggle weaponry in to begin with, given the fashion choices present."




"Masuyo will catch up with us when she is ready." The Eiyu Menti said, thoughtfully, as she stood and moved towards the door. "I already have all that I need, as does Enali, so assuming that our last member is ready, we can set out at once."




Never before had Sinshi so wished that she was invisible.


Not that she really needed to; In such a setting, the Umbraline Menti might as well not have existed. She was not announced, not really, she more just... Drifted in. She had spent the last few minutes wandering more or less aimlessly throughout the crowds, interacting with no one. Most of the nobles didn't even really note her presence; Until they got a better look, they likely suspected she was just a servant. The only things that set her apart from them, after all, was her masquerade attire.


Which was, admittedly, nothing to boast about. The Umbraline Menti's income was enough to live on, a little more in fact, but it most certainly wasn't enough to afford an elegant masquerade dress. Perhaps given more than a few days notice she could have managed to scrape the dragons together; With only a few days, however, her budget was very, very limited. She had finally resorted to having one of her dresses altered, and a few small additions created. It had originally been a simple purple dress, no particular adornments save her clan's symbol, but she had done a little work herself and allowed an artisan to do the rest. It had been a difficult task to find a motif, there was little doubt that the Chojo would desire the dragon and it was unwise to do likewise, which had left very few possibilities. Even fewer that fell within her budget. Nevertheless, she had managed to fashion together something passable. The dress hadn't been altered very much in and of itself; It left her shoulders bare, the purple fabric temporarily covered by a crystalline breastplate before continuing downwards, tightening briefly at the waist and loosening slightly as it continued downwards to end at roughly mid-calf. On a second glance, the alterations became much more apparent; The rear of the dress had stitching patterned after feathers, and a scarf was wrapped around her neck, both ends patterned after wings and hanging down her back. The mask she wore was plain, but effective; A simple rendition of a birdlike visage. The overall effect worked well, but anything more than a cursory glance showed the signs of quick work, and decidedly plain materials. SInshi would not have looked out of place at an event populated by less noble guests, but surrounded by such finery, it was apparent that she did not belong.


The Menti was acutely aware of it, as well. Despite that, she did not allow her unease to show on her face. The Umbraline stood proud, face set in a polite smile as she moved about the floor. This was far from her natural habitat; By Zuto Nui's will, it would be one day. For now, however, she had to accept that she did not belong.


OOC: Sinshi open for interaction as well.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC (Enali)


Enali looked to the third member of their little expedition for her response, tugging at the straps of her own rucksack in anticipation of their impending adventure.




IC (Tazera)


Taz and Aya drank in unison. It was evident that their companion was now going for more tactical questions, trying to deduce their identities. Tazera felt like a little detective-work herself.


She pondered for a moment. Aya stayed silent; either she didn't have any ideas at that time, or wanted to give Taz a go.


Let's see...he's got to have some degree of status to make abusing it worth bragging about. And clearly he's been in trouble with his Toroshu at least once - he kept reticent about that. Interesting. Clearly quite a bit of an ego in there, too. Hmmm...


The question presented itself.


"I have never held a...political title."

Edited by Ghosthands





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Kulrik frowned, but still drank from his cup.


"That's hardly a fair question. Most of the men invited to the party are First Sons, and those that aren't are probably guards. And I can tell you right now, I am indeed a First Son. Really, if that's the best you can do..." His tone indicated that that the statement was more of a welcoming challenge than an admonition.


Considering both Dasaka had drunk, they were both seawomen. The Hawk served the Dragon, so she must have been brought as the guest on her supervisor's invitation. There was no other clue to the Hawk's identity, so Kulrik decided not to pursue it. He focused on the woman clad in purple cloth, reviewing what he knew about her. Being important enough to receive an invitation to the Chojo's party indicated she was not only a captain, but commanded a much more powerful position. She was either the Toroshu of a shipwright clan or something similar, or a important figure in the navy. Maybe even... Commodore Ayiwah?


Kulrik almost laughed at the thought. A military person as important as the Commodore playing a drinking game at party full of influential leaders? It was hardly believable. And yet it seemed like the perfect choice. Why couldn't the Commodore be a simple sailor at heart, eschewing formal functions for a more entertaining activity involving Bumboo. And if the Dragon was Ayiwah, then the Hawk could be Tazera, the Agery Kilanya had told him about. Everything made much more sense now. Well, if the Dragon was Ayiwah, Kulrik chose to keep his finding to himself, for now.


"I've never had the pleasure of meeting our great Chojo" Kulrik said, a fact for which he was very grateful. He thought he knew the answer, but he asked just to make sure. That, and he wanted to know just how much a sailor could drink.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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[OOC: Gonna be limited to phone internet after about an hour from now until Saturday, so I may be a little slow to respond. Also the fun little color tricks of Soraya's posts are going to vanish.]


IC: Soraya [soraya's practice, pre-party]


"Simple, huh?" She took one last look over the Dasaka - a scar or two jumped out at her - and stepped back. "We'll go for the dress, then. Serving up training-yard elegance is doable, but anything but simple. 'Sides, who knows when you might need a decent dress on hand?" She turned, scribbled the measurements down, and then handed them off to one of her coworkers before turning back to Nihi.


"Any questions or worries?"




IC: Soraya [Dragon Room, the night of the party]


"Hm? Ah." Soraya grinned a bit sheepishly. "Didn't mean to mislead you. I'm not a musician, I'm just a dyemaker. My shop put together a good third of the dresses here. If I'm gonna be doing any 'performing' tonight, it'll be handling last-minute wardrobe malfunctions."

Edited by GSR

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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It takes only a moment to spot all sorts of controversial costumes; the Daikura twins, a Rora and consort; the Fursic Toroshu and First Son, the sky and sea themselves, almost solid white and black. I'm unsure whether to laugh, applaud, or worry, so instead I just smile and decide to go find some company.


OOC: Moeru still open for interaction.

Xbox LIVE: FlamingCheese77

BZPRPG Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=547516


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Ayiwah slightly leaned her head to the side. "Not Fair?" she asked, her eyes showing signs of amusement."Hardly. You proposed the game and set up the rules we are playing by. Can't fault the players for adhering to them."


She emptied her mug with another sip and without missing a beat, reached for the bottle and filled it up again.


"Anyway, I have never had a personal servant."

Edited by Smaug the Terrible




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"Neither have I." Kulrik nodded towards Seigyo in the corner. "There is a Herupa sworn to me, but I hardly think of her as a servant. Although if you insist, I'll take a drink."


The Vilda First Son wondered what other questions he could ask to confirm his suspicions.


"I've never liked the crystal towers of Sado as much as I do the wildness of nature."

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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At the mention of 'personal servants', Seigyo turned her head to watch her master Kulrik more closely. She was in a similar getup to her master, albeit more suited to her body rather than Kulrik's.


Did she like her master talking to strangers whilst she hanged back? No. But Kulrik did want to interact with others unhindered.


Seigyo wished she had something to do.


OOC: Seigyo, open to interact.

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IC (Dakte)


"I was addressing our friend," Dakte replied, indicating Amaki with a mild smile, trying his best to spare Soraya any humiliation.


IC (Tazera)


"Ha! I'll drink to that."


And she did. The Lieutenant could feel the warm glow of - how many glasses was it? - of the Bumboo in her stomach, and sense its warmth giving her a little more ease, but she was still only just getting started.


"I have never..."


Let's think. We know he's a First Son. We know he's a little...ah, there are so many adjectives I could use. And I'm pretty sure that's genuine Ransu hide.


Narrows it down.


"...lived on Oki."

Edited by Ghosthands





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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall

"You could say so," I teased. Did I want to steal Inokio's thunder and tell her that she's invited to be a personal retainer? Ehhhhhhhh yeah, I kinda did. :P "Well... my mother has decreed that there will be a new, larger expedition to Mata Nui and wants me to go and represent her. We—Inokio and I—think you would be an excellent member of my honour guard."


I remembered what Inokio said of Xania when he listed her among the candidates, that "she's a good soldier who would devote herself and serve you to the ends of the world," and that fascinated me, especially considering that my cruise would indeed take me far beyond the horizon to what may well be an end of this world. "Personally, I think you'd be great; it would very much please me if you came." Between Inokio's high praise and Xania's immense eyes I could tell she was honest, a far cry from the court pretenders who kiss my butt in hopes for some goodwill when I sit on the throne. Basically, I liked Xania and wouldn't be against getting to know her better on the journey and back, and if she was half as good at war as Inokio she'd be perfect.


Smiling contentedly, I sipped from my glass and looked forward to what i expected would be an euphoric acceptance.



IC: Celis (Dragon Hall)

"Why should I be 'out there?'" Inokio asked glancing at everyone around him as though he was looking for someone more familiar and failing. "As you say, it's just another party. It's a social event, so I'm socializing. Besides, this is one of the first times I've been free to do so in a very long time."


He was a little disappointed Celis didn't recognize him, though to be fair for the most part he was an unnamed bodyguard until he achieved his prestigious title near retirement, so the many times Celis had met him he was just another guard. "Let me try and refresh your memory a little: I used to stand at Yusanora's left at court—I was the one with blue armour on teal with a topaz katana."

Edited by Crown Princess Yumiwa
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