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BZPRPG - Ta-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: Skyra


"Well...I'll just be going then." As nice as it was to stand there and talk about absolutely nothing, it was kind of boring. Destiny squawked, obviously demanding food as birds will do. 

Edited by Skitty

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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"Okie Dokey!"


And then came a squawk, and with that, Toa and Bird walked off towards the city gates.


Flays eyes flicked towards the Toa of Iron beside her. Not really disappointed that she didn't get any cake, considering she never expected there to actually be cake, she gave off a small shrug as she pushed that thought into the depths of her mind.




This was the...what, the second time she'd stood next to the murderous ex-mercenary/most probably psychotic/ephemerally law abiding/one and only Dorian since she'd turned into a Toa? And she didn't feel any anxiety, fear, nervousness at all.


Was that a good or a bad thing?

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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"From the way you're describing it, it sounds like half of Ta-Koro is already gone," I said with a brave attempt at a smile, "I'll join you"




Loraan jerked a thumb over her shoulder with a smirk.


"Welcome to the herd," she said.




After a half-hour's walking, the group reached one of the many entrances to the tunnels and catacombs of the Mangai. The tunnel's opening yawned before them, illuminated from within by the faint orange glow of lava.


There was nothing remarkable to be seen yet, but the questers kept their eyes open, ready for anything.


With Loraan and Sanguivox at the lead, they entered.




Ok, guys, we've entered the tunnels. From now on, I'll be describing the environment around the group. If you want me to give extra detail on something, describe your character examining it in bold so that I'll be sure to notice it.




Loraan took a careful look at the tunnel floor, to see if she could find any footprints or other signs of recent passage.

I'll tell you what they see ;)

Edited by Ghosthands





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IC: (Venemi/Mangai tunnels)


The Wasp felt uneasy. Something was wrong here.

She stepped to the front of the group, eyes scanning the surroundings, hand resting on Thrysus's hilt. This place was too enclosed to see an enemy before they were but a few metres away...



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"That bird gives me the frickin' creeps. I prefer walking." I grinned and stretched out an arm in front of me. "Yesterday was rough. So was the day before that. Day before that. And...pretty much most of the days since I left. I want talk. 'Bout...anything. Me. You. Piraka. Pool lessons. Just...shoot the ."





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The group carried on along the tunnel, in the silence of apprehension.


Rendo made use of an advantageous position just behind and to the left of Loraan to try and discern what was ahead. Squinting through the reddish gloom, he could make out nothing but the basalt walls: the passage had a slight curve to the right, making it impossible to see further than a few dozen metres ahead, but as they continued, he was sure that the orange glow ahead was growing brighter. They must be nearing lava.


Alsorate, meanwhile, was too far back to see clearly ahead, so instead he turned his attention to the walls. They were the usual craggy black volcanic rock of the region, with the occasional scuff from where lava farmers had dragged their equipment past. Besides that, there was nothing remarkable. There was no sign of the farmers themselves; perhaps they'd already heard of the possible link between the disappearances and their workplace, and got the karz out.


Perhaps they hadn't.





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[Ta-Wahi, Magaia Tunnels]


The dark tunnels felt pretty familiar to Lucira.  During her time in Onu-Koro, she had become used to dark, narrow spaces (not to mention that she was several times more compact than the toa with them), and the Magaia felt pleasantly warm in comparison.


Still, she put a hand on the wall to check for vibrations.  In the near-total darkness, it was the best way to check for anything that might be coming--or detect the possibility of a cave in.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Lucira felt no immediate vibrations in the stone, though the footfalls of the beings around her would likely drown out any softer movements. She did, however, detect the occasional tremor. They were faint, far-off, but definitely there.


The Mangai was known to go through periods of relative dormancy and activity; the last couple of months had been the latter, so shifts in the mountain's depths were to be expected. Not that that made them any the less dangerous to the party.

Edited by Ghosthands





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IC: Dakku (Mangai Volcano)


We ventured into deep tunnels beneath the great, dark grey mountain. I was slightly nervous because of the darkness and the faint, orange glow ahead of us. I held my lightstone in hand, although I thought about putting it back to my satchel, for the fiery gloom was getting brighter. I wasn't certain about what we would find there, but I made sure not to let my imagination run too wildly. At least these caverns were quiet, unlike the jungles of Le-Wahi, although that did make the cavernous passages more ominous..

still alive somehow

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IC: Photu (Mangai Volcano)
Photu wasn't sure how he got here. He was in Ko-Koro, saw a fight, and gone walking off to a nearby cave.

This place was once alive, he could feel it. The lava was resting, but was once, not too long ago, alive with activity. The minerals and ores here were nothing special, perhaps a rare lava-gem here and there.

He heard a loud rabble, coming from the other side of the rocky bridge next to the lava holes. He readied himself.


OOC: Photu joins the party...?

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IC Drararius: 


Being a traveler, explorer, and botanologist, Drararius was no stranger to closed spaces. Long had he dwelt in the dense forests of the island, so he was used to places like these tunnels. However what he didn't like was other people.

Squished in the tight caves with a boatload of others wasn't ideal for him. However his lust and desire to explore every nook and cranny of Mata Nui kept him from asking to leave. His curiosity about what was within the volcano burned as bright as ever, so he kept calm. Besides, dropping out on the mission would be a shameful and dishonorable thing to do. Of course, not that he had any honor to be lost. 

He began to wonder why the rest of the expedition was putting up with him. Not that he was disturbing anybody, for he had only one conversation with another member. But his specialty was his extensive knowledge of plants. How could there possibly be any flora that grew in this forsaken excuse for a Wahi? He was just a waste of space, another being to look after. This job was for heroes, not Ko-Matoran aimlessly wondering an island leaning about plants! 

But how could one's life be complete without laying eyes upon every single speck of land? He knew his life would certainly not. He had to see what was at the end of this tunnel for the sake of his sanity. 

He heard the others talking about this and that, but he couldn't care less. 

Pushing these troublesome thoughts aside, he kept walking into the bristling heat, clutching ever tighter to his jō. 


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IC: (Tarotrix)


Taro wasn't much fond of dark, confined places. But nonetheless, he kept as alert as he could in this situation, walking close to where Lucira was.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC: Corex (Mangai Volcano)


I'd ended up at the back of the group, something that I might have lamented if I hadn't been at least a head taller than everyone else around me. So far, the tunnel had proved nothing but dark and foreboding, something which could be either good or bad depending on which way one perceived it. For my part it was a small clue, a clue to the nature of what we'd be walking into, and I started putting together some semblance of a puzzle in my mind.


Around me, others tried to navigate the darkness and get a read on their surroundings. Commendable and reasonable approaches, all of them, even though the results seemed less than satisfactory.


My arm morphed into its drill form with a whirr and a hiss, and I lightly scraped the cavern wall to check the composition.

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IC: Turo

"Uh... Okay." Turo thought of the dried meat in his pocket. He knew he shouldn't feed other people's animals but if that bird tried to take it by force, he could end up with a very large hole in his thoracic cavity, something he didn't want. He silently wished for the bird to stop bugging them.

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"Ohhhhhhh....kay then."


This was... unfamiliar. People didn't usually come to Flay because they wanted company after feeling like ###### for the last couple of days. And Flay usually didn't go to others for company after feeling like ###### for the last couple of days. How do you socially navigate this puzzle...?


"How about I tell you an interesting story about me, and you tell me an interesting story about you? We can take turns."

Edited by Ice cream JL

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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