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BZPRPG - Le-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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OOC: Sorry for being really freaking late to the party!


IC KIGTA: As the other fighters started wondering where the Le-Matoran was, they heard a sound from above. "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" Suddenly, Kigta hit the ground from above with his frying pan Midgetnir, causing a shockwave that killed all beetles in a 5-foot radius. "Thanks!" He called up ti the Gukko flyer who had dropped him. "Hey, Akhulli!" He shouted across the battlefield."Could ya coat this here frying pan with some of that fancy quick-killing stuff?"

"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran

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IC: Akhulii- Le-Koro


"If we can get some sprayers and some members of the Gukko force down, we can weaken the bugs heavily. I just hope that they watch where they're spraying... last thing we need is to get hit by that stuff."

Edited by Banana Gunz
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IC Izzun


Kigta was proving really annoying at times, but Izzun was working right now. He just got another wonderful little headache from that frying pan clanging on the ground.


So far Izzun had found out something very interesting about the beetles. They had exoskeletons, of course, but the way they were put together was very interesting. Their entire nerval system was attached from their heads through their bodies right up to their exoskeletons. If they could put the beetles in a state of shock, it would cause them to 1: be in a state of shock, and 2: lose their ability to coordinate their exoskeletons. Simply:


When the beetles flew normally, they used their nerve system to calculate how they flew, as the exoskeleton was a significant part of their body weight. If their nerves were in a state of shock, they would be unable to tell how to fly properly and maybe not even walk. That kind of advantage is what they needed to win the battle.


Izzun quickly went over to Artem and explained his plan, showing him the beetle he had and the unique design of their exoskeletons.

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IC: Akhulii


Akhulii listened to the discussion intently.


"That would have to be a very specific frequency so as not to throw off the gukko that the riders are on. Many rahi communicate similarly and wouldn't it be a risk to to send out a signal like that? Besides, it would take a good amount of time for Artem to find and get a solid hold on that frequency. It's not an easy process to get a specific sound wave like that, at least I wouldn't imagine it to be."


Akhulii realized how crucial conversations like this were right now. He has seen that this was not a fight they could win with brute force and numbers, but one that relied on clever thinking and complex strategy.

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IC: Baku

I finally find an old elevator and get in. It takes a bit but the elevator finally made it to the Koro. "Hey Vo-Toa Baku here to help however I can!" I yelled to the group gathered in the city. I send a blast of lightning and arc it between ten beetles dropping them to ground.

"When life gives you lemons.... Make orange soda!"


"You're immature for age..."


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IC Izzun


"But wouldn't the Gukkos be in danger of inhaling the poison? besides, I don't think anyone here has a dead Gukko to look at and determine the differences." Izzun walked towards the edge of the platform and caught a flying beetle. He froze the bottom section of its body securely to the ground.


"There's test subject number one. Let me know if you need a replacement."

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IC: Rune


The purple-armored Toa's words were genuine, and struck to the heart of the matter.


No matter how hard people fall, they'll always bounce back up again.


"You're right." the Toa of Electricity said, amber eyes gleaming with determination. "We'll show those insects who the real pests are."


After a moment of silence, she realized she hadn't introduced herself yet.


"I'm Rune, by the way." she said with a small smile, extending a hand out to her new ally. "Pleased to make your aquaintance."

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bro-ken: (adjective)

1: having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order

2: having gaps or intervals that break a continuity


IC: Vyartha / Airborne


I had never known Sloth to be such an optimist.


My confusion was obvious; to be an optimist is to be able to find the strength to get out of bed each morning and face a world that was just as bleak and desolate as it had been the day before and somehow still believe that the sun could shine the trees could grow back and the hard-working villagers could put their homes together in a show of spite against the powers of destruction. And when the plagues came again to them, they would rebuild yet again. And they would do so again. And again. And again. And each time they would delude themselves into believing that, "This time will be the the time; this time we'll show the forces of darkness that we're stronger than they are!"


As though the forces of darkness cared.


Such a childish sentiment would have drawn surprise from were it revealed in any of the other Daedra. But most of all, Sloth. Being an optimist, to my mind, seemed as impossibly far from the title of Sloth as being self-loathing pathetic monstrous could be to Pride.








It was a hoarse whisper.


"Could you and Rune silence yourselves? I need to concentrate here."





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IC: Akhulii- Le-Koro


"When the spraying starts, we ought to get inside the huts or it'll affect us if we inhale it. It might not directly paralyze us because it has already interacted with oxygen, but it'll still weaken us to the point where we can't fight. We'll have to try and make sure none of it seeps in through cracks or windows. Handling this poison will be a real tricky business..."


Akhulii wasn't fairly sure about it, but it seemed like the best they could do right now. Without it, the advantage leaned to the beetle's side.

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IC Knove, Buggsbi, Frest- Le-Koro

The three adventurers stepped into a hut, following Akhulii's advice, when suddenly Knove had an idea. ''Hey, Akhulii- could we not disperse the poison through the transport chutes?'' Frest nodded; ''Hmm... it would get it all over the Koro quickly...''


BZPRPG Profiles- Frest, Knove, Buggzbi

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OOC: Within the Koro, several complex systems of chutes, built by Onu-Koro’s engineers, wind and twist about the trees. These chutes run to and from different sections of Le-Koro, and can easily transport Matoran by a mix of air pressure and gravity. Smaller chutes are also used as quick delivery systems for letters and small packages. Each access point is a small “chute station” where the users might choose their destination and chute accordingly. The largest chute station is near the Le-Koro marketplace. -From the Le-Koro BZPRPG descripton


BZPRPG Profiles- Frest, Knove, Buggzbi

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OOC: For all intent and purposes, Detrix passed out because he was hit with severe hang over.


IC: Detrix


Detrix woke up to find bark and dirt in his mouth. He was covered in leaves and sticks. There was also a crawling sensation all over his back. He got up and immediately felt his headache. "Well... looks like that happened again..." He looked around and saw something wrong. An absence of health trees. "That's weird..." He heard buzzing all around him. He also heard a growl.

He turned around to see a large rahi glaring at him. "Uh... hi..." he said, feeling like this was not going to end well.

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" Well if I activate my mask at the right intervals I can effectively glide. If I disperse the poison at the right time I can wipe out a huge amount of the beetles. And if one of you Ko-Toa can make me something relatively high to land on I can minimize the chance of inhaling the poison myself."

"When life gives you lemons.... Make orange soda!"


"You're immature for age..."


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[Le-Wahi, Jungle Clearing]


Ranok didn’t really have anything to do except shout “good job!” every time Kunitu managed to take out an impressive-looking clump of beatles.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC Kigta:


"Could we poison-coat our weapons? The death-juice could be effective on a blade... or frying pan." Kigta blurted out with a newfound seriousness.

"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran

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IC: Akhulii- Le-Koro


Akhulii rolled his eyes with a smile.


"Frying pans aren't sharp, seemingly much like you my friend. The poison actually has to be injected into a being, meaning their insides must be pierced in some shape or form. A frying pan is just a wild bashing weapon!"


Akhulii considered the other options they had.


"Though coating our weapons with it might be useful first, but eventually the poison would be weakened to the effect that it stops being effective against anything. And that's a bold proposition, Uzan. It could work, but the risk seems very high to you. If you can do it, give the word. One way or another, the poison will rise, but it will be a little while, and we do it lightly. We don't need to bloody go crazy with the stuff. It's dangerous! Anyways, first things first we need to find ways of actually distributing the substance, like spray guns. We might be able to find them in the huts. The Le-matoran left a lot of useful stuff lying around."


OOC: Dang the BZRPG is just so dead lately. I don't blame it, but dang...

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IC: Uzan


"That comment about not being sharp had best been meant at Kigta." she said giving Akhulii a dirty look. "And I don't care about the risk to myself, I wouldn't have said anything if I was."


IC: Baku

I heard a voice that I thought sounded familiar and made my way to where the voice was. Sure enough there was Uzan spurting of some false heroic non-sense. I walk up and say to the group "Never mind her she does dumb things like this all the time."

"When life gives you lemons.... Make orange soda!"


"You're immature for age..."


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IC Izzun


Things were slow right now. No one seemed to be getting anywhere, just talking about whether or not frying pans were a good weapon. And that didn't help Izzun one bit. "Look, is there any better way to poison them? If I could get the Gukko flyers out of the way, Ryzen and I could-"


His speech was cut off by the appearance of another traveler, one who apparently knew Uzan. "hello there nice to meet you," Izzun hurried through the introduction, grabbing the stranger's hand and shaking it happily, then returning over to Ryzen. "If the Gukko flyers moved," he said in a whisper "We could give some freezing rain or showers of ice spikes or something of the sort."

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I look over to see a massive swarm of bug I pull out my whip and charge it up. I hit one but with the whip it's self and the immediately surrounding bug were kill by the electrical discharge. I knew that it wasn't an effective way to fight the bugs.


IC: Uzan

"Hey what's that supposed to mean Baku?"

"When life gives you lemons.... Make orange soda!"


"You're immature for age..."


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OOC: For all intent and purposes, Detrix passed out because he was hit with severe hang over.


IC: Detrix


Detrix woke up to find bark and dirt in his mouth. He was covered in leaves and sticks. There was also a crawling sensation all over his back. He got up and immediately felt his headache. "Well... looks like that happened again..." He looked around and saw something wrong. An absence of health trees. "That's weird..." He heard buzzing all around him. He also heard a growl.

He turned around to see a large rahi glaring at him. "Uh... hi..." he said, feeling like this was not going to end well.


IC: Trava (Le-Wahi, Swamp)


"It's time for you to get up and at 'em, bucko" Trava said with a nudge on his shoulder to divert his attention away from the Gukko Bird.

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Akiri Nuparu Posts:

1. 2. ...

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IC Kigta (The Battle of Le-Koro)


Kigta sighed, taking one long look at his frying pan. This he unceremoniously threw it into the trees (taking down a few beetles) and grabbed a random Bonehunter Blade (sorry about the Bara Magna name :| ) and tested it out. "This weapon seems much better." he sighed, and asked the group, "What can I do to help?"

"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran

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The Toa awoke to a clear sky. He blinked repeatedly against the brightness, blurred spots obscuring his sight as he adjusted to his surroundings. Foliage swayed in the breeze above his still form. He was lying completely still, yet he moved forward steadily, as if being carried.


Where am I..?


He tried to sit up, but fell back down. Pain ripped its way across the entire right side of his body. External pain, without a doubt. He tentatively lifted his hand up to touch his right cheek. He winced as it made contact with raw, delicate flesh. 


What the Karz happened to me?


He took a moment to study the hand that hovered in front of him. The armor that adorned it was navy blue, with crisp silver accents and purple trim. The colors were familiar, and stirred up a sea of foreign emotions within him. 


A stranger's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Mata Nui, this fella's quick-awake!" 


Whoever was carrying him stopped abruptly, and lowered the plank he was laying on to the ground. The wounded Toa craned his neck to locate the spokesperson. A perky Le-Matoran was holding a canteen out to him. 


"Somebody push-help him up so he can drink!"


Strong arms lifted his body up into a sitting position. He accepted the canteen from the Matoran's grasp and drank greedily. The cool liquid quenched his dry throat, and he downed the entire thing in less than thirty seconds. 


"See? I told you he would be thirsty! Kid's been unconscious for at least a day and a half now."


The Toa's voice was strained. "What happened to me? Where am I?"


The being behind him spoke this time. "Le-Koro is under evacuation due to a beetle infestation. We're bringing you to Ta-Koro, where you will receive more sufficient medical attention. Another Ba-Toa dropped you off, said that you needed immediate help. Second and third degree burns are apparent all along the right side of your body. My guess is that you were either torched by a berserk Ta-Toa, or hit by several Patero launchers simultaneously. That's about the only two ways someone could be burned this badly." 


He took in the information warily. For some reason, he couldn't recall experiencing anything that even resembled what the man had described. In fact, he couldn't remember experiencing anything, ever.


Why can't I remember?


"What's your name, kid?" the being said, lowering the Ba-Toa's head back down to rest on the plank in preparation to lift the Toa once more. 


"I don't know."

Edited by Requiem
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OOC: Phew, I'm back. And it only took over a month to catch up to Le ^^ 


IC (Sisk):


High above the waves of Gukko, who dove and circled around the area, tightly maneuvering around the jungle trees so their passengers could strafe the beetles, the tamer lieutenant was riding on Skyscratcher, watching over the events, circling around and making sure the birds were spread out evenly so they covered as much of the beetles' swarm as possible.



IC (Rewera):


Back on the ground, near where Ranok and his companions were fighting the beatles, another figure suddenly showed up, her presence given away by the momentary reflection of light catching on the edge of her drawn blade. Swinging from a vine from somewhere up above, the arc of the motion carried her close to the ground, where over half a dozen of the beetles were bisected. Using the momentum, she let go of the vine. Claws stretched out on her hands and feet in mid air, before she caught herself on a  nearby tree.


OOC: Sisk and Rewera open for interaction.


IC (Aparangi):


The dark Toa's knuckles cracked loudly as he brought his fists together, eyeing the mooks. Alfon and the others charged, and he followed suit. As far as he was concerned, their host had thrown his last party. A bunch of Skakdi with clubs were not going to stop them from making sure of that. The Skakdi snarling at him brought down his club, but the weapon bounced off of his Hau's shield. The mook brought the club up again, but Aparangi caught him by the wrist and planted his clawed fist squarely in his opponent's face. This time it weren't his knuckles cracking. Several teeth fell to the floor.




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