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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC:It was now that Sisk actually heard what Lei was talking about the whole time and looked back at Juno. "I can well-see how you girls don't do a lot of grieving..." he said. A second later he added a wink. Despite the graphic images Lei had painted with her words, he found the good nature of Marines outweighed their stories of morally questionable techniques.




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OOC: Too.... inactive, must... post...IC: BonecrusherHe let go of the sword as soon as the strike collided with the side of his jaw, it should have knocked him out, but given his higher tolerance to pain, it didn't. He laughed, and swung his claw at the bothersome toa.IC: VelanHer strike had conected, but had no effect. It should have downed even the toughest Skakdi, but apparently not. She just barely jumped out of the way of the punch and blasted him with another jet of water, before taking out her flail and swinging it at him.



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IC (Madrihk, Ta-Koro main square):The Toa of Ice was hurrying along, with Zand trailing not far behind. In his hands, Madrihk held a horn he had managed to persuade a guard to lend him, and now he lifted it to his mouth before talking, thereby amplifying his voice so that it could reach across the yard."Attention, people of Ta-Koro!" he said, with slight triumph in his voice. "I ask you today to listen to me for just a short minute, for I have a message for all of you."He made a pause to allow people to shift their attention towards him."Me and my crew, the Island Liberation Squad, have secured Lake Pala as the base of a new settlement. I hope that this village, with your help, and under our protection, may become just as great and safe a place to be as the other established Koros."He drew his sword with his right hand while still holding the speaking horn with his left hand."Makuta. A name that strikes fear into the hearts of Matoran everywhere. His shadow rule grips this island and its people, preventing us from living the peaceful lives we want. War, conflict, turmoil... I dare say most of it comes from this threat looming above us all, setting us on edge. Toa, Matoran, Vortixx and Skadki fight among themselves. Rahi attack our homes and destroy what we have built. Sometimes, the very island itself opposes us, as I have recently had the misfortune of experiencing."Madrihk raised his sword and pointed it to the sky."But I have pulled through, as have my team. We have cleared Lake Pala and the area around it of what hostile influence we could find. We have survived the wrath of Makuta once, and by the Great Spirit, I swear we will do it again and as many times as we have to. This island has taken its first step on the road to freedom!"The Toa of Ice swung his blade once, then sheathed it."If there are any warriors here who would want to help us, we will gladly accempt them into our squad. If there is anyone who would want to live in the resourceful land around Lake Pala, we shall protect them. And even if you do not come with us, all we ask for is your approval and moral support. We are fighting for not just ourselves, but for every rightous being on this island. Thank you.Madrihk lowered the horn and bowed once. His speech was done. Hopefully it would have drawn the attention he wanted.

Edited by Katuko
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"Not much." Hotu said. "Lei's going on about stripping people down of their organs and using them as winterwear.""Well it's true we don't do a lot of grieving." Lei said. "Why should we grieve for the guy we put six feet under in the first place? AFTER we set him on fire?""Wuz tha' beefour or afta' we caut hiz feet oof an' turn'a dem inna sleepaars?" Yuni asked."Before." Lei said. "If you do it after you may not be able to save enough of the foot.""Stop encouraging her Yuni." Kali said."Jus dunna' let it bee said Oi dinna encoorage Lay ter get a hobb'a.""Eating things I killed is fun!" Lei said."Lei you're doing it again." Hotu said."Sorry!" She smiled brightly. "Just good times!""So what are we going to do now?" Tanuka asked.Kalama shrugged. "Probably going to end up heading up to Rock Frost before seeing to the preperations to keep our package safe before heading back home."

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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"Really huh." Kalama gave Tanuka a sideways glance. "And what have you been accomplishing in my absence?"

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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OOC: How you blocked sound waves is beyond me. :PIC - Brawl - FightBrawl and the Phantoms scattered, gathering new positions. Brawl found another hidden position, firing arrows at Kahua.-Soundwave - FightSoundwave fired waves of screeching noise at Barricade and Dervian, making sure they didn't hit Mixmaster.-Incinerator - FightAs if on cue, Incinerator made Tahuva's upper body excruciatingly heavy, to the point he toppled. All this was from an unknown position.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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"Um... well I..." Tanuka started."No wrong answer Tanuka." Kalama said."Well... I fought off some slavers at the Kini-Nui.""Wait. Tanuka did WHAT now?" Kali asked moderatly surprised."Apparently she fought some slavers at the Kini-Nui on her way to Onu-Koro. Ain't that right Tanuka?""Yeah... yeah I did!""Well Makuta strike me down!" Maya laughed. "Shy Tanuka took up the fight for Matoran everywhere! I never thought I'd see the day!""How bad did ya thrash 'em?" Hotu asked. "I bet you flattened them HARD.""Well, I kinda just blasted this one Skakdi and...""A SKAKDI? Wait what's this Tanuka fighting again?" Lei asked catching the story."I blasted this Skakdi who was a part of this slavers group and then I attacked him in close quaters before Agarin dropped a cart on him."The Marines burst out laughing. "Oh man I wish I'd been there to see that!" Nuraka said.Tanuka grinned. "Then I got dragged to the ground by four matoran.""Whaja do? Whaja do?" Lei asked excitedly enjoying this."I blasted them off me and sent them flying!""HAH! I bet that showed 'em!" Hotu said throwing some shadow punches. "Don't ever tangle with the warriors of Ga-Koro! We'll smile and then beat you within an inch of your life!""Oh well... it was... it was nothing really." Tanuka said shyly."Nothing? I wouldn't say it was nothing Tanuka." Kalama said. "The slavers you fight today may keep someone free to enjoy life tomorrow. Somewhere out there is a Matoran who if you hadn't stepped up to defend yourself who quite possibly could have captured. Today she is enjoying her life still because you stepped up and fought for them even if they or you don't know it. Be proud of what you've done Tanuka. You struck a blow for freedom against the tyrany and darkness Makuta has shadowed this land with. It might not have been something large and grand but every little thing you do counts. One day you'll look back on it and realize just how much you've actually done. I don't even notice or bother noticing everything I've done anymore as each event was simply a tiny pebble at the time I did it tossed over my shoulder carelessly busily hunting down the next task. When viewed those pepples stacked up into a mountain of achievements."Kalama looked at Fragarach and shrugged. "Dunno. Just the way I was born. Mother says I'm probably some unknown breed of Matoran. Kali over here thinks I got bored and painted myself."

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC: Ara'kas chipped in, attempting to ignore the whirlwind of nonsense that is the marines. "The kid was rather impressive. On another note, Kamaehu will catch up with us. He has to talk to a blacksmith and run an errand on Mt. Ihu."

Progenitus Worldsoul

Marquis of making RPG profiles, but never actually posting.

"Strength through honor. Virtue through flames."

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IC Nen and Thama:"Tanuka was awesome!" Nen agreed."Quite. She's turning into an excellent toa," Thama observed. "As for color, being a female slate blue grey toa of air, I can safely say that color isn't as definitive as it used to be."

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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IC: Moriika's eyes widened again as he wheeled. Dung! "RIARIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL!"But fortunately Riaril had now heard his prayers. "Tairel-fortify the hospital! Faerulo and Takimoc-go get the other patient on a stretcher and follow Moriika!"That said, the Ga-Toa rushed off to the operating room. She'd need to prepare it before the operation-between all the patients they were now getting and Nakumir's recuperation, the Ta-Koro Fortress Hospital didn't have much time for cleaning up.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

"What's going on out here?" calls out Balaythah upon exiting his bed. The guard could hear screaming and, being a guard, he needed to get to the bottom of the disturbance."Some kind of attack; I suggest you get back in your room," Tairel says quickly while running into the closet and grabbing his trap. He runs back out and begins to set it up under the door and around the door frame."Done, Ma'am, what do you need me to do now?"-Mef Man

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IC:Angelus blinked once or twice. The guy was so loud...was it his senses being amplified or were the doctors preoccupied? Maybe it was both; God knows he'd seen plenty of patients since he got in here."The temple...Le-Wahi..." he managed to gasp out.-Teez



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OOC: I'm gone for a night and this happens! Oh, and Kalama... you forgot poor Xibre! How sad.IC, Xibre: "Tanuka! I'm so confused as to what's happenin'..." He looked behind her. There stood Kalama and the Raiders. Kalama didn't scare Xibre, but the Raiders were girls. That made him nervous. "Erm... 'ello Kalama... and Raiders..."OOC: Kalama, you'd better acknowledge Xibre :P

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IC: Riaril gesticulated vaguely while striding into the room to begin setting up. "Make more traps and place them." She then started to fill up a tub with water.Faerulo took the other being from Soli and Stronin. Gingerly moving the unconscious body, the aged Ta-Matoran set it upon a stretcher and began to wheel it after the other one. Takimoc followed."Stop!," Moriika ordered again. "Don't talk or move. You'll be unconscious soon anyways."The stretcher was now in the operating room. So the doctor carefully moved the Ta-Toa onto the operating table. He then began to ready the primitive ether mask they used.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC:Angelus tried to open his mouth to say he understood, but he was racked by a violent burst of coughing. Two seconds later, he felt something on his face...something warm and sticky. His own blood.Karz, that can't be good...He had about a split second to realize he was going into shock before he slipped into unconsciousness.-Teezy



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OOC: Sound travels through air, so if he makes the dome without breathing holes, as long as Dervian's not in there too long he's fine.IC: Kahua fell down from all the lasers and arrows. "KARZ!" He started running around with his mask power, searching and dodging frantically.Dervian and Barricade were hit with more soundwaves. "WE'RE DEALING WITH BRAWL, SOUNDWAVE, INCINERATOR, MIXMASTER, BONECRUSHER, AND I THINK I HEARD BLACKOUT!""Is the annoying rat Frenzy here?"No...OW! Idea..." The sound waves sent them both to the ground, rolling over.Barricade made another protective earth dome. "My ears are still ringing!"Dervian formed wind shurikens outside the dome and sent them in the direction of the sound, straight for Soundwave. "That should keep him busy!""Wish I had a (censored) Akaku!"Tahuva used his Kadin to (sort of) resist the extra gravity. "INCINERATOR. GET OUT HERE." He pulled out his Blast Rod and fired on all the enemies from above, able to see them due to flight giving him a bird's eye view. He shot Incinerator the most, because after 3 shots at Incinerator his Kadin was exhausted, and he fell from the gravity. "DERVIAN! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, WE MUST ATTACK INCINERATOR!"


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OOC: We didn't see you and Kalama didn't meet you. XDUntil now.IC: "Depends." Kalama said. "I'm a knife and unarmed fighter. You want weapons. You need to talk to someone else." Hearing the male voice coming from a Matoran, Kalama paused.He examined Xibre for a minute. "You seem familiar..."

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC, Xibre: If I seem 'familiar' to him, that means that my plan only partially worked... unfortunately... the Matoran thought to himself. "Remember me, Kalama? I'm Xibre! We were 'acquaintances' back in Ga-Koro. Well, we were.. until I left." He looked back at the Raiders. Their presence still made him a bit nervous. "And these are the Raiders I have heard so much about?"

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IC - Incinerator - FightThe Toa considered his options. Use of the Tryna was out of the question: no one dead yet. Spinning blades? Eh...nah. Messing with Tahuva's inertia was more fun. And effective.Scampering behind buildings, he took up position somewhere else. Now, he made Tahuva's top half even more heavy.IC - Soundwave - FightSoundwave moved in, creating sound directly in their ears. It felt like it was coming from their minds. It hurt like karz. It intensified, and intensified, and intensified...It was excruciating...And he slashed down with his sword, the sound still growing.IC - Brawl - FightBrawl let loose a few razor discs at Dervian before firing more arrows.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Takimoc examined both patients with his mask. Telling Riaril of their injuries, she gave orders.The doctors split up for simultaneous operations. Moriika removed the armor of the being without a spear stuck in them; Takimoc then exploited the gap with a cauterizing flame. Meanwhile, Riaril carefully extricated the spear from the toa's stomach.

Edited by Pein



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Barricade blocked the sound attack by NOT lowering the earthen dome, but then Brawl's attacks broke it from the other side. Dervian formed a colossal wind sphere and held in in front of Brawl's attacks, not only blocking them but SENDING THEM BACK TEN TIMES FASTER THAN BEFORE. Only one with a Kakama could avoid such an attack. "I'm running my elemental energy like a drunkard runs his mouth!""At least we make a good team." He formed another protective dome, and used his disk launcher's claw to block the sword slash. "You'll have to do better than that!"Tahuva obviously missed with his Blast Rod. He needed a wider attack. Lifting his axe, though lying flat against the ground facedown, he let loose an arc of flame that expanded every second without losing any heat or speed or power. By the time it was within Incinerator's range, it was so huge that it burned everything around Tahuva in a semicircle, with the flat side being his waist. It burned all the hiding places in range, leaving a plain and an exposed Incinerator. Following up he fired with his Blast Rod while using his Kadin (and the distraction from the explosion) to momentarily get loose of the gravity and charge to close range.Kahua formed a sword of Iron Sand and used his mask to quickly run around and slash Soundwave and Incinerator all over, since they were the only enemies in sight.


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