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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Gyren seemed to wince at the situation. The whole thing had become a disaster thanks to her amnesia. As he didn't know either of them personally, he decided to sit there and wait for the three of them to resolve this.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: Angel (Ta-Koro)"Tuara!" Angelus yelled, trying to get ahead of her; the Toa of Fire's eyes were wide in fear and sadness. "It's me! Angel! Come on, snap out of it! Please..."-Teezy



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IC: Angelus (Ta-Koro)"Tuara, it's--!" he started to yell before she slammed into him, sending him flying. Dren's still-loose cloak flew off his body, revealing the still-fresh Mark of Lust that had been sliced into his chest; several crowd members gasped as he staggered to his feet, staring at Tuara and looking as if he were about to cry."You don't remember me, either..." he said quietly.-Teezy



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IC: Jikal"I apologize in advance for this." Jikal said calmly, a few paces behind Tuara. In an instant, a web of electricity appeared in front of Tuara. It wouldn't kill her, just stun her, but it would hurt if she hit it.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Angelus (Ta-Koro)"Chasing her is only going to scare her...!" he yelled, but Dren and Jikal weren't listening. He sat down exhaustedly on the ground and watched the two chase after Tuara, his heart breaking a bit more with each footstep they took.-Teezy



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IC: Naru

IC: Zauk"That," the Toa of Lightning said darkly, "Sounds like a plan."The Turaga, gone? That was hard to take in. The elders were almost like a piece of the landscape, they've always been there, and Mata Nui seemed incomplete without them. Zauk began to seach through the hut, looking for something, anything that might help them find the Turaga of Fire. He found what was to be expected: knocked over chairs and such, some scorch marks on the floor; but nothing that was really helpful.



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IC: Zauk

OOC: Just for reference, here's the Vakama post, by the way. http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=114&view=findpost&p=250295IC: Naru"The Matoran say that there were strange flashes from the fire in Vakama's hut, and that when they went to check in on the Turaga, he appeared in the doorway just in time to proclaim that they should "stay strong". Then he got dragged away into the darkness by an unseen force, before vanishing completely."The Toa of Plasma traced a hand along the floor, looking thoughtfully at the dust."The Guard hasn't found much of anything, except a few marks that made it look like there was a scuffle. There was also bits of crystal here, though very minor fragments. I'm no investigator, but I don't think this was done by a Toa of Crystal, at least."Naru next looked at the fire."The Ta-Matoran also say that the fireplace appears to have lit up brightly at some point, given the marks around it. Vakama's way of signaling for help, most likely. But it doesn't matter. He's gone just the same. Zauk... if the Turaga are even alive anymore I fear we can only find them at Mangaia. Before you say anything: I like to think I have some power, but I realize its foolish to attempt to just waltz in there. I have no idea what to do now."
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OOC: Thanks, I was just gonna go look for that. :PIC: ZaukThe Toa of Lightning glanced around, what were they to do? With the Turaga trapped inside the Mangaia, like Naru said, they couldn't just walk in there. He would have certainly tried, but what use would it be if he got killed along the way? And he didn't want to go dragging Naru along with him in the proccess."There has to be another way..." Zauk said outloud. "The Turaga must have left a set of clues... Or a message somewhere."But why would they? They had been kidnapped. The Toa of Lightning shook his head. "Nevermind, stupid idea. I just hate feeling so... Useless."He couldn't think of anyother way to desribe it at the moment. "Something to eat? Unless Toa of Plasma are made out of different stuff then the rest of us, we haven't eaten in... A while."OOC: Zauk's back-up plan: food. :P



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OOC: We could possibly bust into Jaller's office and get briefed by staff, though then I say Tuck, since I'm already having Nuju on call for the ILS business. But for now... yeah, food. :lol:IC: Naru"My body works on an internal combustion engine," the Toa of Plasma muttered. "I require only heat energy."A pause."Actually, I'm starving. Haven't eaten since... I dunno, that breakfast in your hut? Nokama's disappearance made me forget eating, I was so determined on searching the area."She wiped her mask's visor with her hand. It was getting sooty, and it still had some bits of algae stuck on it from the water in Ga-Wahi."I hope there's some non-ocean water in this place, by the way. I feel... salty. In more ways than one. It would be nice to get my armor shining again. I tried to borrow a sea creature's slimy armor ability with my mask while I was in Ga-Koro, but that just made it worse, I think."

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IC: ZaukThe teal-armored Toa's eyes momentarilly went wide when Naru mentioned the internal combustion engine. They returned to normal, however, when he realised she wasn't serious. "I think there's a place we can eat nearby," He supplied, "Although, I haven't been to Ta-Koro in a while, so we might have to search a bit.""Yeah, I think I got more sand in my armor then there was on the beach."



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OOC: Hatann from Onu-wahi.IC: The Skakdi emerged from the dark tunnels, blinking in response to the bright light he had become accustomed to doing without. He had liked travelling in Onu-wahi. The dark tunnes and caves allowed his black armour to blend with his surroundings, allowing him to pass mosty unseen. The darkness was his ally, his accomplice in crime. Here, there was little of it, but it was an ally he had learned to work without. Blinking in the sunlight, he strode off towards Ta-koro with long, steady strides, full of deadly purpose.


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IC-Ferrosey:Ferrosey struggled against his bonds, fruitlessly. They were made of some material he couldn't identify, by the Vortixx who had him. He'd been drunk, gotten himself caught in a bar fight, and, well...this was where he ended up. He made a mental promise to himself never to drink again.He growled in primal frustration, still tugging fruitlessly. He was still standing in his anger, he wouldn't lay on the ground and just take whatever was given to him. "Let....me....out, creature!" He yelled, his voice echoing against the dank, dark walls around him."Just stay calm, Toa," the Vortixx said, stepping out of the shadows. "I am ready. I am fed." The Vortixx grinned, though due to how mutated the creature looked, Ferrosey couldn't be sure it was mutated or not."What the karz is wrong with you?" He growled, sweeping a hand out towards the Vortixx. He had grown himself protosteel claws, however useless they were against his bonds."Nothing is wrong with me, or this man...or you," the voice said, though it was slowly growing weaker...and less...natural. The Vortixx looked Ferrosey deep in the eyes, and Ferrosey sensed something, something that transcended his now-gone eyesight, somethin that wasn't relayed through the voice. Fear. That fear that most beings shared...the fear of death.Ferrosey recoiled as the Vortixx collapsed in front of him, letting out a calm sigh as it did so. He stared with unseeing eyes down towards the body-his mask had realized something was moving. Something lone, sinuous, and yet...thick. Armoured. He stepped back, though the living chains that held him wouldn't let him escape.The creature moved behind him, and he couldn't turn to face it. He gulped, every sense tingling...he felt a sharp pain at the base of his neck, and he gasped, falling to the ground. He let out a short cry of pain, transcending the physical, feeling a presence probe itself into his thoughts, like a red-hot spike driving itself into his leg. It held him in place, preventing him from using any part of his body to move.Slowly, the bite began to numb. All his limbs were tingling slightly, but soon, that feeling dissipated, covered, smothered, even, as though a large, warm blanket had fallen upon them. His mind was in a fog, and he could not think.Ferrosey sighed, his head dropping to the floor, sweet, painless, dreamless sleep falling upon him.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Zauk

IC: Naru"Right, let's get out of here."The pair of Toa left Vakama's hut in about the same mood as they entered. The search for clues had been fruitless, not that Naru had believed they would find anything the skilled Matoran hadn't already noticed. With little to do but rest and eat after the long day, the Toa of Plasma walked with Zauk until they found a suitable bar."I feel like drinking," she said, "but I won't. I'll just have a meal and wash up, then we can lay some plans."They sat down, and this time Naru insisted on paying."You did so much in Ko-Koro," she explained, "so now it's my turn. Heck, I would let you sleep over too, but unfortunately I don't even know where my real home is. I've never had one, I guess. I've been so restless since I came to this island. With recent events, I now see why. Makuta never lets us rest completely."Naru tapped the table with her forehead and laid it to rest there, feeling too weary to do much else while waiting for the food to arrive."That shadow is hanging over us every day, even when we can't see it in action. I'm so sick of it. I would fight it if I could - for all I know is how to fight - but there is nothing to fight but inconsequential Rahi! Kill one and another replaces it! Where does it end?"The Toa of Plasma fell silent, just staring into the surface of the table with her bright green eyes shining faintly through her Faxon's visor."I should have gone after that Rahkshi in the drifts after all", she muttered. "At least then I would feel better after doing something useful."
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IC: Naru

IC: Zauk "Yeah, we should have," the Toa of Lightning agreed. Zauk had been hunting infected Rahi for as long as he could remember, and not once did it seem like he had even bothered the Master of Shadows. And he had killed a lot of Rahi. "We should have burnt it's Kraata to a crisp, toss it down the Kini-Nui, and give Makuta a piece of our mind." Gah! What am I thinking? We weren't in any condition to fight, let alone against a Rahkshi. We would have ended up dead, or worse; and it would have been no better off then before. Still, it gave Zauk something to think about: electrocuting a Rahkshi. Before Zauk could persue the subject further, their food arrived. The Toa of Lightning at quickly, not really tasting the meal. Although, it did fill the feeling of emptiness inside of him, just a little.



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IC: Lux - Lava LagoonLux whirled around, and almost instinctively whipped his swords around, sending Readra's strike flying off-mark. For a moment, the Matoran was stunned at having managed that, but quickly responded with a jab at the chest with one of his blades.-Void



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OOC: Kaerhi from Oun-WahiIC(Kaerhi): Kaerhi followed Hatann to the surface. They were back in the burned forest were they first met. If Kaerhi wanted, he probably could have found the ring of trees he knocked down, but he didn't. He had to walk a little faster to keep up with Hatann, but he didn't mind.


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IC: Hatann made his way to the edge of the forest, and surveyed the village in its lake of lava. He withdrew back into the trees, satisfied with what he saw, beofre addressing Kaerhi. "Alright, here goes" he said. "We'll head back into the village, but quietly this time. We're not here to cause an fuss, just to get a job done and then get back out. After what happened yesterday, the guard will all know what we look like, and will likely attack us on sight. There could even be extra guards on the gate, so we're not going to get in that way - it will be over the walls for us. Once we're in, we'll go take a look at this in and see of we can find this Zyckel. If we can't, well find out where he is and go there. If we get separated between noe and then, we'll meet back at the same place we did yesterday, alright? The place where you knocked down all those trees."


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IC: "Gravity" Hatann replied as he made himself as light as air, before repeating the process on Kaerhi. "We're going to fly over". By quickly manipulating the force of gravity, he guided the two of them across the surface of the liquid rock to the base of Ta-koro's sheer walls, and then up and over them. He kept them close to the stonework to avoid being seen, but even so he couldn't be sure that they hadn't been spotted. Gently, he set then down on the roof of a building.They had infiltrated the koro. Now came the search for their target.


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IC: "If that's what you want" Hatann replied casually, and leapt to the next roof, landing silently as a cat. He leapt from hut to hut, moving towards the centre of the village where a couple of inns were. He had landed on the roof or what appeared to be a small business when he noticed that this roof bore a sign reading: "Zyck's Armour". Could this Zyck of Ta-koro be the same being he was looking for? It was certainly possible. As quickly as possible, he concentrated on focussing all the area's gravity onto a single point inside the roof. It imploded in a cloud of dust and broken stone, as a section of the roof collapsed and allowed the two Skakdi access to the shop.


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IC: JikalJikal cursed, as he tripped over the cart. In this state, she is a danger to herself and others. I can't let her roam free like this, but I can't catch her... If only I could use my mask....Quickly, he stood and continued to pursue.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: The inside of the shop was dark and dusty when the two Skakdi dropped in through the ceiling. As the name suggested, it was a blacksmith's shop. They found a variety of tools lying around, and a forge in a different room. There were a few weapons and pieces of armour lying around too, and Hatann's sticky fingers found their way onto a long knife. He flashed it round for a moment, before pocketing it and searching the place for what he was supposed to be looking for. In a small room off the forge, he found it. Hanging on the wall was a picture of the owner and a certificate indicating his membership in the Ta-koro Crafters' Association. "Zyckel Kraar" it said. This was their man. The toa in the picture wore an arthron, and had bronze overlaying his black armour. He carried a twisting black blade."Perfect" he smiled.


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IC: OnuzekThe massive Toa had long since left the Charred Forrest, along with the two Toa who seemed unable to stop arguing. The two Guardmatoran at the gate nodded to him as he walked through, his heavy footsteps announcing his presence to them. Onuzek lumbered through the Koro of Fire, not having a specific destination.In truth, the gigantic being was bored. Although, there was many things he could do, but none of them would keep him occupied. Onuzek found that after loosing track of Ryllia, Skyra, Lazerbeak, Tillian, and Emotia he was bored a lot more often. His friends seemed to have disappeared in Ga-Wahi, and no matter where the Toa of Gravity looked, he was unable able to find them.He knew that they wouldn't have left them there, oh no, they would've never have done that; he was sure of it. As he wandered around Ta-Koro, occasionly drawing glances from beings, he thought about these things.



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IC: JikalJikal slowed. He had tracked Tuara's electrical signature into the bar. He couldn't isolate it anymore, but he would be able to tell if she left.Carefully, he entered behind her. "Excuse me miss."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Emarosa (Ta-Koro)"Angel?"The Toa of Fire turned around, and she gasped."What...what happened to you?""Mark Bearers. It's...a long story."Her eyes widened and she ran over to him, pushing her head into his shoulder and beginning to cry."Ema...""Angel, I just want to go home."The Toa of Fire looked up at the direction Jikal and Tuara had run in and sighed after a minute."I know."-Teezy



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OOC: Right, I'm back. Could somebody give me an update on what's happened since I left, please? Sorry for the OOC-only post.

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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IC: Angelus (Ta-Koro)"She," Angel corrected. "And she's gone. Probably Ga-Wahi, after Utu and the others."Ema couldn't help but giggle a bit into his shoulder."How many girls have beaten you up, now? I think I've lost count.""You can't count to two?"-Teezy



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