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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Raion, Ta-Koro"Was that a threat?" Raion asked as he stayed in his current position, leaning on a building's wall. "I answer a question, and you reply with a suggestion of bodily harm." Raion said with a sigh. "Kids these days." OOC: Well, time for Raion to insult yet another person. Makes me wonder how Briani and him still are relatively close.


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IC: Angelus (Ta-Koro)"Yeah, actually, it was a threat," snarled Angelus. "Because my best friend's under god-knows-what kind of mental duress right now, and every time you open your mouth, you just spew out some boorish, useless babble that no one wants or needs. So do the world a favor and shut up."-Teezy



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IC: Raion, Ta-KoroFor a few moments, Raion regarded Angelus coldly, never speaking. "I see." He said slowly. "I see that you want silence. However, I don't see how your idle threats are any different than my babbling. In fact, I dare say your are more offensive, and seeing as they're coming form you, would be more disturbing to your friend."


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IC-Hasil:"Both of you, stop this," Hasil commanded to Angelus and Raion. "This is not the time for infighting, nor is there ever a time! What we must do is instead work together, to learn how best to help her," he said, gesturing to Tuara."Whatever has happened, she is suffering some form of amnesia. It may be reversable, it may not. But would the two of you rather stand here arguing, or would you rather try to learn what to do?"OOC: You guys do well at ignoring him.

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IC: OnuzekThe massive Toa soon reached over three-hundred in his counting, and eventually set the trees back down. He probably stopped either because he was tired, or he couldn't count any higher."Wait, what?" he asked the two Toa, not having heard what had been said. Working out with trees is distracting.



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OOC: He's been there a while, talking to Ara'kas. Who is with Kamaehu. Who was there for a while.IC-Hasil:"Good to know," Hasil said, "Though I figured most anybody would pick the logical choice." He turned to Angelus, looking at the large scar carved into his armour and flesh."I see that she left you with a mark, too," the Mri said after a moment.

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IC-Hasil:"It depends on the concept, Kamaehu," Hasil remarked to the other warrior. He pulled down his veil slightly, revealing the tri-pointed scars carved into each of his mask's cheeks."These are the Seta'al, the 'certificate of authenticity' for members of the Kel, if you will," he said. "These are the proof that you have undergone the trials and hardships, and are a true warrior of the people, the Mri." He shook his head."Though, for many on this island, it seems instead that they do this just for fun...some sadistic pleasure, knowing they've left a mark that can never truly be removed. As I believe both of us have learned, true scars are never skin deep."

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IC: Tuara - Ta-Koro StreetsTuara stood shakily before trying to walk away from the group. She was stopped by Dren, "Deputy, it's probably best if you don't go anywhere until we figure out what's going on."Tuara pushed Dren to the side and stepped towards the next layer of people, "Don't care." She needed to get away from the crowd as quickly as possible before something happened.

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IC: JikalJikal watched Tuara start to move away. Calmly, he moved and put himself between her and her intended destination. He hadn't had far to move, he had already been standing in that general area.Jikal crossed his arms. "Tuara, please remain where you are. You're confused. Just let us help you."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Three Toa, a Skakdi and a Vortixx walked into a bar. Whilst clearly the set up for some cosmic joke, the punchline had yet to arrive."Come one, come all, see the amazing Six Koro Players!"Oh, wait, there it was. Hamor had thought it a good idea to jump up on a table and loudly announce the group. Now, there might have been a few patrons who wanted to see a performance, but there were just as many, if not more who wanted a quiet drink


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OOC: Naru and Zauk to Ta-Wahi.

OOC: Naru and Zauk from Ga-Wahi.IC: ZaukThe Toa of Lightning leaned over the edge of the small boat, looking down to the clear water. His face was also a bit green, and he had a hand over his mouth. No, Zauk didn't do boats very well. He stood up, and backed away from the side; trying not think about the constant rocking. It was hard, and the Toa sat down with a small groan.The sooner they reached the docks, the better. Both to get to Vakama quickly and to get off this blasted boat.



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OOC: Naru and Zauk from Ga-Wahi.

IC: NaruLuckily for Zauk, the trip to Ta-Wahi did not take long. The Ga-Matoran got the two Toa to the beach near Ta-Koro in much less time than usual, given the dire circumstances. As soon as the vessel made contact with the sand, Naru jumped out of it and turned around."I hope you're not too sick to jog," she said to Zauk, without much humor. "For all I know we are already too late, but if we are then I want to take action at once."
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OOC: Ah yes, it's good to be back!IC: Lux - Lava LagoonLux nodded, bringing his swords back into a ready position. He narrowed his gaze, sizing up Readra. The Vortixx was much taller than he was, as well as much stronger. And much more proficient at fighting. Frankly, Lux was beginning to think this was going to be a quick fight.Shaking those thoughts from his head, the Matoran gave a small grin, "Well then teach, give me your best shot."-Void



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IC: Naru

IC: Zauk"I"m fine," Zauk said, jumping off the boat, "Just gotta.... Walk it off..."The Toa of Lightning began to jog over to the Koro of Fire, his face looking a little less green. The short boat ride seemed to be the only good thing that came out of this. The gates to Ta-Koro came into view, this only made him jog a bit faster. The two Toa soon reached Ta-Koro, but only after Zauk quickly convinced the Guards that they weren't there to blow up any hospitals. Preparing himself for the worst, Zauk weaved his way through the crowd towards Vakama's hut, glancing back to look for Naru.



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IC: After Mantoxis had finished his drink, he took a survey of the bar. Most of the toa and matoran were drinking peacefully, and Mantoxis prepared to leave the bar.OOC: Gravity, last chance to fight me.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC: Tuara - Ta-Koro StreetsTuara, why are they calling me Tuara?Adrenaline rushed into her muscles. She was frightened, and knew if she wanted to figure anything out, she needed to be away from all these people. She quickly jabbed the tall Toa in the face before spinning around him to the other side. She lit her hands aflame and continued walking, prepared to burn whoever tried to stop her next.

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IC: Zauk

OOC: How can Zauk be "less green" when he wears a teal Matatu? :PIC: NaruNaru struggled to keep up with the surprisingly quick Zauk. She had wanted to get to Ta-Koro fast, but her elemental training had taken all time away from actual physical exercise. That, and the amount of throwing knives she carried strapped across her chest and waist hindered her dexterity somewhat.I'll really have to get myself some form of movement-enhancing mask, she thought. But first we got to check in on Vakama.The Toa of Plasma's worries were somewhat calmed when she saw that the Matoran guards weren't screaming bad omens at them the second they entered the floating fortress, but then again Ta-Matoran tended to be quite stoic, and perhaps they figured all Toa would already know the grim news? Naru kept close to Zauk trying to get the hang of what was going on in Ta-Koro at the moment."The hospital seems to have been attacked," she said in a low voice. "Wonder who did that. Would take more than Rahi this far into the village..."
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IC: Lux - Lava LagoonWith a slightly jerky start, Lux managed to push the stab off to the side with his own sword. Barely breaking stride, the Matoran brought his other blade up, aiming his own stab at Readra's shoulder, albeit a weak one, barely enough to make a scratch if it made contact.-Void



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OOC: How can Zauk be "less green" when he wears a teal Matatu? :P

OOC: :PMaybe his Matatu was teal-greenish.IC: Zauk "Yeah," he replied, side-stepping a passing Ta-Matoran, "Rahi-even infected ones- know better then to go this far into a village. Perhaps is was a Follower of Makuta, or just an insane person. There seems to be plenty of those around."The Toa of Lightning saw something different in the eyes of the villagers, they seemed to be gazing at a non-existant point strait ahead, and he rarely saw a smile. It looked like something bad had happened here, and Zauk feared the worst. "They look like they've seen a ghost," he commented as Turaga Vakama's hut came into sight.It wasn't a very good sight, with over a dozen Guards swarming over it. It could mean he's still there... Zauk thought hopefully, but not really believing it.



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IC: Hakilve"Whatever, Readra, you can knock him hard enough to send him into next week," the Toa of Stone ordered with a strait face. The face promply broke down and was replaced with a grin, "Just kidding. But don't expect us to go easy on you Lux, you won't improve if we do. But you know that, right?"



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IC: Jikal Jikal reeled back from the blow, caught off guard. He hadn't expected Tuara to react so violently. Come one Jikal, let me beat the snot out of her.No. You've done quite enough for one day.Jikal could feel his Mark pulse. It wasn't much, but it was feeding. He lunged in front of Tuara, eyes and Mark glowing. Carefully, he moved his cloak to the side to reveal his Mark. Maybe that'll jog her memory. And if it doesn't, maybe it'll at least intimidate her.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: JikalWell, that back-fired.Jikal scowled, and ducked, the fire singing the top of his hood. He pulled his hood down for better visibility. "Tuara wouldn't panic like that. Which means that you aren't Tuara. Not really."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Zauk

IC: Naru"Oh no. No, no, no no no no--"The Toa of Plasma was not happy about the situation. Vakama was gone, along with all of the other Turaga. Nokama had been snatched away by Rahi, while Matau had seemingly vanished without trace. Naru hadn't heard anything specific about the others, but they were definitely gone as well. In Ta-Koro, at least, the Guard still kept order, and none seemed to be panicking, but it was only a matter of time before things would devolve. The Turaga were symbols of wisdom, security, peace, hope... without them the villages would simply not function as they did now."Remember when we went Rahi hunting in the drifts?" Naru asked rhetorically. "Remember that we could barely see anything in the snow until we suddenly stumbled onto something to beat the snot out of?" She began looking through the Turaga's chamber without really knowing why. "Well, if there's any trace of Vakama here, we will find it, and then we'll stumble around a bit more until we find some bad guys to kill."
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IC: Angelus (Ta-Koro)"She's scared!" he yelled. "Whatever you have inside your head did something to her mind!"He looked around and his eyes met Dren's."Get me a jacket or something, will ya, man?" he asked, self-consciously aware of everyone staring at the newly-minted scars across his chest.-Teezy



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IC: Tuara - Ta-Koro Streets"My name is not Tuara!"She landed a kick to the Toa's knee and punched him in the face when he stooped a little. She started running, pushing over anybody that got in her way.Dren had just handed Angelus his own cloak before noticing Tuara, who had just punched Jikal in the face again. He started running after her.

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IC: JikalJikal winced, and growled. He began to pursue, slowly gaining on Tuara due to the strength from his Mark. His knee and face hurt, but he ignored it.He had to stop her, help her. The situation was his fault, after all.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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