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IC:Chimera cursed in frustration under his breath. he looked at the owner facing away from him, and then looked at his harpoon gun. "Ah forget it."WHACK.Zyckel was lying knocked out on the floor, Chimera holding his gun backward."Sorry about this." he said, grabbing crates from outside. The commotion allowed him to noticed quickly without being seen. Placing the crates around the shop, he broke one of them and put it in the forge, setting it on fire. "Sorry again."Throwing the wood chunk into separate pieces, he chucked all of the burning wood into the other crates, which immediately started to catch fire.Working quickly, Chiemra grabbed Zyckel from the floor and pulled him outside, making sure to knock down all the displays as he did. theyw ere metal, but it was still worth it to make the mess.Zyckel was already stirring when the flames started to intensify. "Sorry again." chimera whispered, running into an ally and activating his Huna. OOC: That was fun.


IC: Utu - Ta-KoroUtu looked hard at the wobbiling Toa."Two."He continued counting. He lifted up one foot and rammed it into the Toa's knee, whether he broke it or not Utu didn't know although he did here the sickening sound of a crunch. He was too busy looking at the still walking Salamander to notice.The Matoran too looked at the scaled Toa."Three."

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Posted (edited)

IC; Zyckel Zyckel groaned slightly, wondering if he had passed out after one too many drinks. No, drinking didn't make his head feel like this. He pushed himself off the ground, only to see his shop ablaze. "Someone do something! Help!" IC: Venator He went down, clutching his knee in pain. Whatever had happened to it, it hurt badly. But he couldn't just let the Matoran be killed. He drew his blade with one hand, still on the ground, and clutching his knee with the other. "Release the Matoran at once, or I shall... stab your foot until you stand no longer!"

Edited by The Dark Chronicler

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IC: Salamander Salamander ignored the Matoran's cries and continued walking into the alley. He had to find his coat... Ah, there it is. There was more dirt on it than he would have liked, but it was still manageable. Salamander carefully put it on as he walked back into the street. Suddenly, he heard a voice that sounded familiar. The Venator guy was standing in front of Utu. no doubt trying to convince him to let the Matoran go. Without warning, Utu attacked, throwing the other Toa into the ground. Salamander involuntarily winced at the impact. Sighing, Salamander slowly walked into the street and towards Utu. He pulled his collar up, trying to hide as much of his face as he could. As he walked, he tried to figure out the best way to deal with Venator. Only one idea came to mind. Salamander walked up to Venator and kicked him in the head as hard as he could, sending the Toa flying a good five feet. Salamander hoped that the blow would knock Venator out, bt he had obviously proven himself to be able to withstand a great amount of pain. Fortunately, it looked like it had worked. Venator lay slumped on the ground, barely moving except for the occassional breathing. Turning to Utu, Salamander frowned. "What do you want?"


Posted (edited)

IC: Venator Despite his pain, he managed to sit up. "Surrender!" Somehow, he was alteast five feet away from the fight. He started trying to wobble back over to it, a near impossible task. Added to by the entense throbbing in his head. Infact, he was accidentally going the wrong way.

Edited by The Dark Chronicler

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They don't say much


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IC"Do you hear that, brother, Sounds of screams.. maybe the rahi we heard has attacked. I cannot sit idle while Ta-Koro is destroyed." Toron said, hobbling upwards OOC: spose ill wait for Vigor to reply.. or Or Onorox

axonn, trying to excape my signature



IC: Utu - Ta-Koro StreetsUtu smiled. Instead of answering his question he pretended to be preoccupied with the Matoran's mask work, running along the edges of the mask with the sword, instilling fear in the Matoran, "You know," He started, "I've always wondered - among many things - why there are so many people on this island who think they stand a chance against Mata-Nui's brother." He ran the blade along the side of the Matoran's neck now, although too softly to cut."Unity, duty, destiny." Utu said in a slightly mocking tone, "They all think these virtues will save them somehow, like chanting a few words over and over again will stop the Master of Shadows from destroying their precious little villages." Utu continued, that "chanting a few words" spoken with some sort of gusto, "They think there is hope."He sighed, "When will they ever learn..." He paused and looked at Salamander, "That there is no hope for them anymore?""And ten."The Matoran's eyes widened at the sudden realization that the Toa of ice didn't care whether or not the Toa of fire came over. He cried out as Utu ran his blade through the Matoran, dropping his lifeless body to the ground.

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IC: Salamander Salamander shrgged at Utu's words, and stared impassively as the Toa of Ice ran his sword through the Matoran. As the lifeless body hit the ground, Salamander reached back, and delivered a punch to Ut's mask powerful enough to send him realing. Without waiting, Salamander turned and started walking away. "I don't believe in any of that stuff, and as for hope... Well, let's just say that I prefer to take a more hands-on approach with my life." OOC: The punch was more to show how he felt... I felt as if he had to punch Utu in this situation... And by the way, can you please have Utu quit acting like a fool and just tell Salamander his name already? :P



ICToron was slowly stumbling out forward, taking 2 or so steps away from his seat before the cries stopped "Silence... another black heart-light..." he said before collapsing. The shadows of his pain had returned..

axonn, trying to excape my signature


Posted (edited)

OOC:I feel terrible now. :P IC: Utu - Ta-Koro Streets Utu reeled back. The punch hurt a lot more than he had expected, "Remember my name." Utu almost shouted, "You will remember my name, for it is impossible forget the name of whoever you walk away from in cowardice." He paused, "Utu."

Edited by MicroSnipe

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IC: Venator Venator lay flopped out on the ground, having fallen over when trying to drag himself around, hitting his head once again on the ground. "Ooh, so many Dragons spinning around my head. I must kill them all!" He struggled to swing his arm infront of his face."

This is my signature

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OOC: Perfect. :D IC: Salamander "That coming from the Toa who just gutted a helpless Matoran... I think I prefer my brand of 'cowardice' over yours. At least mine involves not killing people just because they are within arm's reach..." Salamander continued walking, his coat flapping behind him. "But thanks for the name. I will remember it. Until next time..." Once again, Salamander casually waved in farewwll. This time though, instead of entering the alley, he simply continued walking down the street until he was out of sight. OOC: Last post for the night. See you guys later. MicroSnipe, just so you know, Venator is off-limits to kill. At least for Utu. :P



IC (Erken, Ta-Koro): After finishing his drink, Erken exoted the inn, angry at what he had seen. He hated barfights. After walking for some time, he saw a little conflict between two beings. The other one left the other. "Remember my name", the other being, a Toa, almost shouted, "You will remember my name, for it is impossible forget the name of whoever you walk away from in cowardice. Utu." Erken could take these kind of comments no more. He approached Utu. "You might not want to anger him", Erken said, talking about Salamander. "It only causes trouble. I have seen so much of it already myself. Better give it in." Erken saw Utu was hurt. "You need any help?"


IC: The Vortixx pulled out a telescope, using it to examine the village from her vantage point around the lava falls. "Perfect. He won't be able to afford to rebuild." She waved a hand at one of her underlings, "Pay the man." A largish purse was unveiled from behind a long coat, and tossed over to Chimera. Tiberiam smiled. With Phase 1 complete, time to move to stage 2



IC:FivaBut Zycks store did not burn down. Fiva, who had stopped the dragon a while ago, had came down to see what was up with Zyck. And then saw the store catch on fire. Focusing, Fiva started to absorb the fire, waiting until he had absorbed all the fire, knowing that if even a bit remained all his work would be for nothing. After his elemental senses told him that the fire had all been absorbed he turned to the streets and released the power. It headed towards Venator.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"


IC: Utu - Ta-Koro StreetsUtu considered calling out to Salamander, "You could have saved the Matoran! You didn`t even try!" He turned to the newcomer, "I don't need your help." Utu sneered.He looked at the Toa he kicked, a few feet away, "And as for you you're lucky I don't kill you right now." He was in just too good of a mood. The amount of fear around was massive, and that was all he wanted. Fear. The feeling of having so much and the power as well.Utu thought it over. Salamander could have saved the Matoran had he actually taken action. Sure he had wanted a fight, but the look on the Matoran's face when Utu counted to ten made up for it.He sheathed his sword and started walking, stepping over the dead Matoran.

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IC: Zyckel He watched as Fiva pulled the flames away from his store, wincing when he saw the hole that had burnt into the roof. "Oh, this is terrible..." That's when an idea struck him, a brilliant idea. "Fiva, I had the greatest plan even. I'm going to rebuild this place, out of Metal!" IC: Venator As Utu spoke to him, he shouted back. "Go ahead and Try! I dare you! At least I will die knowing what I do is right!" He tried to sit up, unable to rise fully. "And you can't say that, can you? Your life has no purpose!"

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IC: Utu - Ta-Koro StreetsUtu smiled a bit, "Oh I have a purpose," He started after stopping and facing the Toa, "And it's much much greater than yours." He said as he turned around, lifting his hood up over his face again.

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IC: Lux - Lavapool Inn Lux yawned and stretched his sore muscles. A full night's sleep. At long last. He decided to grab a quick bite to eat before heading out. It wasn't bad, but he didn't taste it much, as he was trying to remember how to get back to Solia's inn. Lux passed by Zyck's Armour, where the yelling people were still yelling. He chuckled softly before continuing on. After a few wrongs turns, he finally managed to find his way back. He took a deep breath and walked into the front room. OOC: @wotsiznum It's up to you whether Solia is awake already, or still asleep. -Void

OOC: Woah a lot has happened in this region. Solia was asleep, but got woken up when Lux walked in. IC (Solia, Inn bedroom): Her eyes slowly opened as the loud creaking door opened, "Uhh... What time is it...?" she slurred, still immensely tired after such a late night. But she forced herself to sit up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Ic: "Cool, awesome. Anyway, this mold was taken from one of my digging sites just outside of the forest in the many ridges around the Hura Mafa river. Whatever civilization made this stuff had to have had a settlement or something there, maybe even a temple or shrine or whatever. I've only started digging a little bit ago, but I uncovered the wall enough to make the mold. I'm actually headed there now, if you want to come and check it out with me!"

Ic: Acheno Acheno nodded and followed the Toa without a word. The adrenaline had decreased just a tad and he didn't feel like wasting words.

hey it's Studio Comic

Posted (edited)

OOC: Twiak and Lost (Xeren Ozone) from Le-Wahi IC:The figures in the streets, and even the beings in the forest did not see this coming. Spiraling down from who knows how far above, were two Toa Canisters. Fused together in an attempt for the two being inside to stay together.CRASHThe inhabitants in the street were immediately distracted by the dual-canister crashing down into some poor saps house, destroying the small hut from the velocity.One canister opened and out stumbled Twiak, swinging hiss word aimlessly, he looked over and saw two beings in the street. Twiak stumbled forward a couple steps, stopped, threw up some horrible green vomit, and then collapsed on the street before letting out a shrill laugh."FUN FUN, hurt yes..but more..kyahaha. where we now?" OOC: if this goes unnoticed then I will be diasapoint. "What else do you need me to-" Chimera was cut off by a loud crash he heard coming from the direction of the village. "What the Kharz was that?"

Edited by The True Zedd of Ponypower
Posted (edited)

OOC: I was not aware Toa had ribs...ICToron turned to his fellow Toa, it at not been long since the two matoran left. "I do grow worrisome, brother. Not that Nikaron has been gone for a while, nor the le-matoran, but of panic they both may spread. We send word of an army to help us, would this not cause concern in the turaga that an attack approaches?"OOC: Also, the Two Le-Matoran are still open for interaction. Talk to them, theyll ask you to join us.

IC: After seeing zyck's armory get burned, Nichou had to find another forge. he decided to ingore a large crash nearby.more fools fighting. he assumedHe saw 2 le-matoran walking around.Le-matoran are talkative, right? they should know where a good forge is to fix my mask."Excuse me, but do you know where a forge is?" he asked the matoran Edited by bulik

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)


IC: Zyckel He walked into his smoke filled shop, setting back up armor stands and righting furniture. Luckily, his armor was still intact, built to withstand more than just falling to the floor. "I think I can actually keep working from here for now." He explained to Fiva, looking into his forge. The armor he had been creating before the fire had melted away from being in the forge too long. "Well, time to start over." He grumbled aloud.

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BZPRPG profiles


IC:Fiva"Can I help with anything?" Fiva asked with a grin. "Fire control just in case something like this happens again?" Fiva asked, his face beaming at the fact that he had saved Zyck's Armory.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"


IC:FivaFiva nodded and sat near the doorway. He used his power to detect any body heat coming from inside the shop, but only detected Zyck's and his.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

Posted (edited)

IC: Agni stood up from the bench and waited for Valria to follow. "The Infirmary is this way. Just follow me. Don't worry about the plate, somebody from the canteen-staff will clean it up." He led the Toa of Gravity back down the corridor they had come, before taking an early turn right into another hallway. This was just a shortcut to the Infirmary and it didn't take them too long to reach. Except for the writing carved into the wall, the style of the rooms was pretty much the same. Some Matoran attendants were on duty, but preoccupied, despite there not being any serious patients. But there was always work to be done, something to be cleaned a little more, some herb or medication that needed to be restocken.Agni had a quick chat with the healer responsible for the shift and made sure Valria would get a quiet bunk.Following the directions the were given by the Matoran, they made their way there with ease. While Valria took a look around, Agni had stopped near the doorway to the room and leaned back against the wall. The bunks themselves were very spartan, but still were suited for bedding the patients comfortably. The Toa of fire spoke up:"The healer assured me you will have privacy here. If you don't mind, I think it would be best if you got some sleep now and I will check back with you, once I've spoken with the captain."

Edited by Vezok's Friend





IC: LostLost stepped out of the canister. He was rubbing his shoulder. It looked a bit.. Off. He punched the metal, and his arm snapped back into place. "I'll admit, not my best idea. But at least we didn't land in the volcano." They had landed right on the edge actually, on top of some Ta-Matoran. "Oh, sorry." He pushed the canisters away, and he forgot about the lava. "Look out!" They walked backwards, the Matoran just getting up. "Wha?" A splash of lava was flying through the air. "Aww, Kar-" The lava landed on him. He screamed. Loud. He ran in circles, until he hit a rock pillar, and knocked himself out. Lost could see Twiak's face. "No, he's not dead. You can't eat someone who isn't dead. Now come on, let's find something to do."


IC: Standing guard on the door Fiva picked up a heat trace coming towards the Armoury. The another, and another...But before he could arm himself or prepare a blast of fire the three figures stepped forwards from the shadows. They weren't assailants come to finish the job, they were customers. A trio of Vortixx. "My my, what happened here?" said Tiberiam, "Looks like you suffered a misfortune brother-in-trade. Perhaps I can be of assistance?" She grinned.


Posted (edited)

OOC: response for bulikIC: Two le-matoran NPC's"A earth dweller.. no, we arent village-bright with Ta-koro." Replied the pilot, his gunner whispering something in his ear "Oh yes, Excuse me , but can i be duty-asking of you? My friends, fellow toa-heroes, are in quick-need of your assistance. We are long-gathering a group to join us in defeating the makuta, Can you help us?"

Edited by Astrotorical

axonn, trying to excape my signature



IC: "T-thank you." Valria smiled weakly again, nodding. She removed her cloak and parts of her weakened armor, before getting into the bed and pulling the blanket over herself as she drifted off into sleep. She hadn't a bed before, well maybe at one point, but not in the longest time and certainly not recently. Maybe for once she could rest and gather the shattered remains of her psyche and try to remember.


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