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IC(Alissita and Tairel)

"What seems to be the trouble-oh, it's you," he adds while smiling."Hi!" Alissita adds while smiling. Where was Ayra? The Matoran was dying to see her."Hello, I see you're doing fine. I'll let you all meet up with Ayra later, but she's been fast asleep for a while now..." he adds.-Mef Man

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IC: Laserbeak, Traveling + Krayzikk, HospitalLaserbeak cheerfully followed the others, eager to go to Ga-Koro.OOC: Laserbeak to Ga-KoroKrayzikk stood in the doorway behind Tairel, having no clue who was who and what was going on, busy being the awkward 4th wheel. Krayzikk looked down at the proceedings, struggling to figure out what was going on. Namely, why the little matoran looked familiar.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: Krayzikk, HospitalKrayzikk had a light bulb moment. When he was here getting his shoulder fixed up and Tarn hospitalized, the little matoran had been there. She and a few others. Thus satisfied, the titan began to search for a polite way to extricate himself from the proceedings, as he was seemingly surplus to requirements.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: Krayzikk, Hospital" Ah, um, Tairel I am going to go handle what we previously discussed." Krayzikk suspected he was about to be subjected to looks of surprise as no one aside from Tairel had most likely noticed he was there. "I am Krayzikk, by the way." The comment was directed at Neirak and Alissita.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC(Alissita and Tairel)

"You mean, Takimoc?" he asks in a low tone to Krayzikk."Oh, that's where I've seen you," Alissita says randomly. It took her a while to figure out who he was, but now she remembered. The being was at the hospital when she was being treated. "How are you?"-Mef Man

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IC: Krayzikk, HospitalIn a low voice, Krayzikk responded. "I more meant the note, but yeah." To Alissita, "I have been well, thank you." Well, it wasn't a complete lie. "And you?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: Krayzikk, HospitalKrayzikk pulled a mock bow to Tairel. "As you command, Lord Megatron Tairel. Call me if you need me." He then turned to Alissita. "Yes, the doctors are good at that. What is your name, by the way?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: Krayzikk, HospitalKrayzikk smiled. "Pleasure to meet you as well, Alissita. Now, I am very sorry to be rude, but I must depart for a few minutes. There is something I must attend to." Krayzikk turned and walked to Riaril's room. Entering carefully, making sure not to wake the sleeping toa, he slipped Takimoc's note into a pocket. He then slipped out of the room. Riaril will hate me for this when she finds out. Krayzikk thought grimly. But it is for her own good, and for her sake I will endure her anger.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: IraanusIraanus approached Ta-Koro's gate. Several short beings clad in red armor stared at him as he passed, but made no attempt to stop him. Matoran. Of course. The writing on the sign was their language. Entering the village, he was struck by the heat of the lava flows that surrounded it. The volcano came into view - he had been right. Turning down a side street, he entered a small bar, hoping to get some information about exactly where the karz he was.


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IC: Krayzikk, Hospital"I appreciate it." Krayzikk grinned from ear to ear. "You know, she will kill us if she ever found out we were co-conspirators. I mean, if it's just you, you'll probably get away with an irate lecture and maybe a water jet to the face. Me, I would probably get off a bit lighter. But if she ever find out it was both of us, we are dead men."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Krayzikk, Hospital"You kidding? She'd hurt me more then." Krayzikk joked. "Safest time to tell her would be on my death bed. That way, she can't do anything but hurry it along and she would spend less time grieving. "



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Krayzikk, HospitalKrayzikk returned with Tairel, just in case he was needed. His mind however, was far from the present scene. He had retreated deep into his mind, where many thoughts clamored for his attention, not the least of which being the complex web of chains, inexorably binding him to this hospital. Chains forged of friendship, guilt and spilt blood. Krayzikk thought ironically. The events of the past day or so had forever linked him to the hospital, no matter how far he might travel. And of course, because Riaril is here.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: AkiniiAkinii watched Rynekk leave. Oh, Mata Nui, what do I say now? He would have said something, but he was at a loss for how to console Plagia, or if he should even try. Um... Why must I be so awkward? I'm such a bloody introvert... IC: DivinexAfter exiting the gate of Ta-Koro, Divinex headed towards the Charred Forest. He didn't really know where he was trying to get to, nor did he care: he just needed to get away. Entering the edge of the forest, he sat down to catch his breath, with his back against a tree. He leaned back against a tree, and took a deep breath. Oh, Laihna... What have I become? Karz.

Edited by mandmboy
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IC: Nessarose, the Wicked Witch of the EastNessarose held her head up regally as her steward rolled her into the center of Ta-Koro. She motioned for him to stop and cleared her throat, sending a slight gust of wind in all directions to gain everyone's attention."Attention! If I may have your attention please! I am Nessarose, though many of you may know me as the Wicked Witch of the East. I am here because I need you all to hear my words." she looked around, not really caring who was listening so long as somebody was."People of Ta-Koro, the Great Spirit beseeches you. You have been living lives of sin! You have been dishonoring the Great Spirit with your ways! We must change ourselves before it is too late! If you are to be granted entry into the Realm of the Great Beings, you must repent! Give up your meaningless lives! Follow me and my Church of Mata Nui! Together we shall cleanse this island of all who disobey the will of the Great Spirit, and we alone shall live on with Mata Nui, eternally bathed in his glorious light! You MUST repent! Follow me, Nessarose! I shall cleanse your spirit and bring you into the light!"OOCI'm sorry for the large text, but nobody ever seems to notice my posts, so I've made this one a bit more noticeable.

Edited by Ace of Skulls
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IC: Tuara - Ta-Koro StreetsTuara started walking with Utu and Tank close behind, Dren behind them, Kinvex beside her and Angelus leading the way. They were moving to the gates.IC: Utu - Ta-Koro StreetsUtu was emotionless. At least, he appeared to be. He didn't want to go with anybody, minus Tank. Maybe Tank. On second thought no. Tank wasn't somebody who would love giving Utu space. He would just get in the way. Although, he did almost get Utu out of Ta-Koro on his own. Only reason he didn't was because walking across lava wasn't feasible.Utu looked at Tank, who seemed to always wear a sad look on his face. Utu hadn't noticed before, because he could hardly see. But now things were becoming more clear now. Tank was. Interesting to say the least. Probably the most interesting out of the whole group. Less because of his character, more because of the Mark on his arm. It made sense. Why would Makuta create only one? No, more didn't make Utu any less special, if anything it reinforced everything. Makuta didn't want Utu to work alone it seemed.

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IC: NikaronThe Night Angel was on the move, he had again caught sight of Utu. Thankfully this time he was being escorted by Tuara, Kinvex, the Guard from before, and another Toa. The Night Angel only hoped it was enough. So patiently he hurried across the rooftops, watching Utu for signs of any struggle.


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OOC: Hey Mef, would you agree that if we consider Takimoc's departure to be around nine AM, that it should be around five-ish? Just trying to geta sense of the time within the hospital.IC: Krayzikk, HospitalKrayzikk snapped out of his thoughts and into reality. He idly wondered what time it was, as he looked around.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Gutlun stomped through the ash and heat of the Ta-Koro air, moving through a dark alleyway, before taking several sharp turns down random streets to make sure he wasn't being followed. Eventually he arrived at a hut that looked like it did not belong. It was made out of scraps of sheet metal and other old pieces of junk. Xa-Koro would be a more fitting home for it, but Gutlun entered anyway.In the middle of the room he entered was a stone slab with bonds nailed into it. It was evident the bonds had been broken. The Toa had escaped. Sentraken would not be pleased, but fortunately for Gutlun, it would be a long while before the two of them came face to face again. The silent Vortixx walked over to a crate in the corner of the chamber, and took out several scrolls of parchment, and a glowing crystal which he placed inside his left arm. The blade-like weapon on the end began to glow bright red, then dimmed to a dull glow.His deeds done, Gutlun swung his tool, completely demolishing the hut, which was barely staying stood up in the first place. Brushing scraps of iron of his muscular form, the Vortixx left the village, heading for Le-Wahi.OOC: Gutlun to Le-Wahi.

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IC: Kitsune & Raion, Ta-KoroThe merchant's house was heavily guarded, Toa, Skakdi, Matoran, any being you could name, they were there.And they were oblivious to the current danger.As the guards sat around their make-shift fires, drinking and fighting, their employer's house was being looted.Kitsune sat crouched on the roof's edge, nigh-invisible, thanks to her Volitak. Sneaking to the currently unguarded north wall, she silently opened a window and snuck inside. Pausing in the shadow as a guard walked pass, Kitsune wondered how her partner in crime was doing in his quest.Suddenly, a horn blew at the south wall, accompained by shouts and screams. From the sounds he's making, very well. She thought with a smile as she glanced over to the hallway. The guard had ran off to join the others in their defending of the wall, leaving her to resume her theivery. Locating the merchant's personal quarters, Kitsune located a hollow section in the wall, and removed the panels, finding her prize. Grabbing a few handfuls of the merchant's treasures, she stuffed it in her bag before soundlessly sprinting from the room. Finding the window she entered with, she skillfully climbed to the roof. Down below, Raion had grown to 30 feet, and was easily defeating the guards. At least twenty of them were unconsious, and many more were soon to be. Turning around, Kitsune leaped to a nearby roof before leaping to the next, carelessly deactivating her Volitak as she raced through the night. OOC: Kitsune (And soon Raion) Open for interaction.


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IC: Krayzikk, Hospital"Yeah, fine. I was just deep in thought for a minute there. I just realized what time it was, I am going to run out and pick up some food. You want anything?" Krayzikk asked. He was already forming a mental list of what to get, pick something up for the various staff members and Riaril. Plus Tairel, if he wanted anything.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC - Neirak - Hospital"Well, I'm not completely sure. I just woke up and my leg was hurting." he explained, rubbing his left leg for emphasis. He looked around. The hospital hadn't changed much since he'd last been here.

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Kitsune, Onu-KoroKitsune, noticing a being below her, walking, deactivated her mask to speak. "Tell them I'm going to the left!" She shouted in her sly voice to the being (Krayzikk).As soon as she said this and reactivated her mask, two of the merchant's guards ran up to the being. "Have you seen a thief?" They demanded, grasping their weapons.


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