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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Wraith - Casa Juturna, Ga-koro -"It's a long story, but there's a whole lot more mark bears like yourself, most of them are either somewhere in the house or nearby. They have a plan to remove the marks, and judging by the way yours is effecting you...you'll probably want to go with them."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC-Praggos:"Matoran, I have been a doctor and a guardsman both longer than you've been alive," Praggos said sternly. "Do not presume to treat me in such a condescending manner." Then he turned to Jikal, tossing him a small bottle full of pills. It was labeled "Mark Retardant."

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC:MihaThe words meant much more than they were probably supposed to, due to Miha's past. Praggos had unknowingly made a very angry and determined enemy. The Matoran glared, and thought about the many ways she could hurt Praggos. Without killing him of course. She wasn't that mad yet.PearlThe Matoran continued being in ADMIRATION of all the people in the wedding house, like she had been all day.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC-Praggos:"One tablet per meal," Praggos said, twitching slightly. He looked about the room, noticing the various being's reactions within there, finding the one who seemed to be causing him pain. Instead of say, tossing her out like Tank might, or ripping her to shreds like Utu, he just took some pain killers and tried to ignore the feeling.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Utu - Ga-Koro - BarUtu watched Praggos get up and leave, "Don't go too far Praggos."He looked back to Salamander, "Tillian's wedding."IC: Tank - Ga-Koro - BarThe way they spoke totally contradicted their body language. Every time one of them opened their mouth the other looked about ready to break teeth. He got up. If Praggos could leave so could he. Tank signaled to Dalia, "We'll be right back Utu."He had to get out of there while there was still a bar to leave.

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IC: Tillian (Casa Juturna, Ga-Wahi)"Allow me to help with that," Tillian said, walking past them with a smirk before turning in the Toa's direction."Ay yo, Skyra!" he yelled. "I need to make another Salamander's run, and you're gonna be my wingman!"-Teezy



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IC: Tillian (Casa Juturna, Ga-Wahi)"I've still got some wine saved in my bag, actually, man," said the commander with a grin and a wink. "180th birthday was a couple days ago, and Laserbeak picked it out for me. But hey, thanks for the suggestion. I'll buy some while I'm out."-Teezy



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OOC: Mushy, we aren't ignoring you. The problem is that almost every character in this topic is in one of three locations: the bar, the cafe (if that's even a different location, which I'm not completely certain of), and Casa Juturna. As such, your character is not being interacted with because there are no other characters in your character's area. If you want to get some interaction, try a few of these methods.1. Try playing on your own for a while. People may see what you are doing and think "Oh, hey, that looks like fun!" and join up with your character that way.2. Go find (as in, have your character walk around the village) someone who is doing something you think is interesting and interact with them. Ask them what they are doing, or why. Anything to get the conversation started.Hope that helps, and welcome to the BZPRPG! :)IC: Salamander"What? That Tillian guy? So... Are you planing on crashing his wedding? You said you weren't invited earlier, and since it seems like you are planning on going anyway you must have something in mind."Salamander watched as members of Utu's group lost interest and left. At this point, he was immensely thankful for his decision to try talking to Utu first; at this rate, there wouldn't be enough of them to pose much of a threat if he and Utu came to blows. There also seemed to be at least one whom he could count on to help him against Utu, which was nice. Perhaps not particularly helpful, but nice to know.


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OOC: So... what's the current count of Mark Bearers still at the bar?IC: Salamander:"So then... Are you not going? I have to admit, I'm kinda confused here. Also, was he 'one of you' back in Po-Koro?"Salamander was getting really tired of having every answer of Utu's leading to him suddenly having more questions to ask. He didn't like how he was constantly asking Utu questions, but he also realized that there were some things he simply needed to know. As such, he had no choice but to either leave and find somebody else who know what Utu knew (assuming, of course, that Utu would let him leave), or to bear through it and get the information he needed.As much as he hated himself for it, he decided to take the latter route.


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OOC:Utu, Yuru, and Frieza.IC: Utu - Ga-Koro - BarKid asks too many questions.Utu thought back to his first meeting with Salamander in Ta-Koro. He hadn't gotten such a high since then."No, we'll be there."He sat up even more, "He never had one until he killed the previous Bearer," Utu sighed heavily, tired of all of Salamander's questions, "Look, Scales, are you gonna keep asking me stupid questions? Because as far as I know, the only reason you're acting slightly interested is because you just want to mess with us, get in the way of our plans. Mess us up somehow."He leaned forwards again, "And if that's the case, you'll find yourself looking for information nobody has, and nobody ever will have. Not even me."Utu shrugged, "But if you want you can talk to Tuara I'm sure you can find her lurking around Ga-Koro somewhere," A look of malice came over his face twitching back into a smile. He stifled a chuckle, "She's a little different though."

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IC: Salamander"I suppose that'll have to do for today. You're clearly getting tired of my questions, and I'm pretty sick of asking them. Besides, I think I have just about all the information I need. You're up to something, I don't really care about the specifics, and I'll be there to try to interfere however I can. We both knew it would come down to this, right?"Salamander stared at Utu, his eyes betraying no definite emotion. "As for Tuara, the only reason I would have looked for her would have been to get information on your whereabouts. Since I've clearly found you, I have no real need to speak to her. Besides, from the sound of it I'd be in for some nasty surprise if I tried to talk to her now, and quite frankly I'm not interested enough to see what said surprise is."Salamander stood up, a fierce grin upon his face. Things were finally beginning to get interesting. He turned to face Angel for the first time, taking note of the Toa's appearance. Sure enough, something about the Toa just seemed as if he didn't belong amongst Utu's group. Although he didn't have much of a choice in the matter, Salamander decided to trust him."I just have one more question, but it's not for Utu. When and where is this wedding?"


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IC: Angelus (Ga-Koro)"Tomorrow morning," he said, speaking for the first time in several minutes. "At his house in Naho Bay. You can't miss it: just keep going down the beach until you reach the place."-Teezy



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IC: HakilveThe swordsman grinned, and said, "Yep... That's a house."Gosh, that's a bit further then I thought... Wish we could get there faster, the Toa of Stone thought. Hakilve suddenly disappeared, literally, as he teleported to the front of the three story building. Realising that he had activated his mask without meaning to, he teleported back over to the Vortixx and Matoran."Sorry 'bout that."IC: HonnakA certain suit wearing Fe-Toa finally made it over to where his fellow guardmembers were. Clearing his throat, he asked, "Yes... What's going on?"



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IC: Emotia - Casa Juturna, Ga-Wahi -"Well, it's been a while since I've been to one but, they're supposed to be really wild, exciting, and of course fun." Emotia grinned at Reaver as she said this. IC: Frieza - Bar, Ga-Wahi -"Ah, that is a ironic twist isn't it? Us saving lives? Who would of thought?" Frieza said, making a shrug, still grinning.

Edited by King Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Tillian (Casa Juturna, Ga-Wahi)As Tillian and Skyra moved to go to Ga-Koro, the door was knocked upon and then thrown open: only Tillian's reflexes allowed him to catch the door and prevent a slam to the face. His face brightened and he laughed as he moved forward and embraced the Vortixx at the door."Readraaaaa!" he yelled jovially, finally releasing the warrior he'd fought alongside in Po-Koro. "How have you been? How's the prosthetic working out?"-Teezy



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