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OOC: Island Liberation Squad, prepare yourself!IC: Madrihk (Lake Pala)The constant chatter that had filled the air ever since the army formed slowly died out, as Madrihk took position in the midst of them all. His black armor gleamed in the sunlight as the Toa of Ice confidently rose upon a simple wooden crate, standing slightly higher than everyone else so that they could see and hear him properly. It was in the middle of the day, a perfect time to attack. Soon all that could be heard was the distant buzzing of Nui-Rama, a clear sign that they insects had noticed the army's presence. He looked towards the giant hive that could be seen over the treetops, and his ever-lasting smile became ever so slightly wider when he thought about what was about to happen."My friends!" he began, confident as ever. "This is it! In just a few minutes, we shall start a battle they will sing of for millennia. The Nui-Rama have plagued Le-Wahi for too long, and now we shall finally reap our vengeance. By the end of this day, their hive will be nothing but smoking rubble!"The ILS leader looked over his army and spread his arms wide."I dare say we – the Island Liberation Squad and all its formidable allies – have the best possible chance of success we could get. We have trained fighters, mighty abilities and the determination to pull it off. If the Nui-Rama wants to stop us, I invite them to try! It will not end well for them."The smile vanished from Madrihk's Kakama, as he went past rousing speech and instead focused on the most important matters."As you all know, you have been divided into squads," he said. "Each squad has a leader, and I ask that you all follow those leaders' orders for the sake of organization. While each of us are worth several Rama, it will not do us much good to fight individually. Fighting as a team increases our overall ability exponentially. Now then, a recap on these teams:""First we have the aerial troops. Alfon will be my deputy leader there, while the Gukko Force is of course allow to handle itself. Members of this team are Alfon, Kahlynn, Plagia, Auron, Dervian, Zealokan, Akinii, Lema, Leah and the Gukko Force. To my understanding Leah will be working on the support roles and stand by with medical equipment. If you get hurt and want out of the battle, she and others can help you. This brings me to another vital point: in case of emergencies, retreat is of course allowed. It serves us no good to have people dying here. If the Rama seems overwhelming to you, don't throw your life away. Retreat. You will most likely not be able to rejoin the battle before it's over, but at least you will still be alive.""Next, demolitions. Ta- and Ko-Matoran Guards, you are vital here, with your knowledge of explosives. They will march to the base of the hive under cover of the rest of us, and plant Madu fruit in order to weaken it later. Reordin leads these troops, while Trakuda and Mevi join the respective Matoran squads. Onyx, Aryll, Kirbati, Ril, Gron and Skrihen: you will protect this squad with your elemental powers.""Once a hole has been punched in the hive, it's time for the Strike Force to move in. I, Madrihk, will personally lead this team. Once inside we shall weaken the hive's internal structure and stir up the lower levels of it. With me on this I have Amerikos,Volin, Mussiki, Kal, Destian and Invictus.""Finally, there's the rest of you, who will march on foot or with whatever mounts you have brought. You are the ground squad, the largest group of them all. Due to its size, the ground squad will be led by both Vompran and Kethrye, both trusted members of the ILS. Ledzel will follow you as well. In addition, Sulov will lead the soldiers from Onu-Koro's Ussalry. The other people I have listed here are: JiMing, Dendron, Mehlnai, Aelynn, Zand, Ackune, Voriki, Dekuna, and Payiges. If I have forgotten someone, be quick to join either the ground squad or the aerial troops according to your own preferred combat style."The team listing done, Madrihk folded his paper up and put it away."That should be all, I hope. Now, the Nui-Rama are buzzing something fierce today, and I believe we all want to be finished before its bedtime."He drew his jagged sword and pointed it through the jungle, towards the hive."Strike team, join me! Aerial troops, take to the sky! Demolitions team, do your final preparations; and ground squad: move out! Today, we march for glory!"And even as the warriors carried out their orders, the Nui-Rama were on the move. A dark cloud of insects poured out of the hive, aware thanks to their master of the threat that had formed by the lake. Now they only had one thing on their infected minds: kill!OOC: The Hive Assault has offically begun!And again, make sure to read the rules posted by Nuju so we don't have any trouble. Also check my blog post for info regarding the teams and for a summary of the attack progress in case you need it. I'll do my best to keep track of everything. :)
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IC-Kal:Kal smiled, from where he and Mussiki had been standing next to Madrihk."This...this should be fun," he growled, a stone staff in hand."Truly," Mussiki said, holding Kal's father's sword. "I've got a friend to avenge, as it is."IC-Dendron:"Well, well, well, Kethrye," Dendron said, grinning, "It's that time! Let's move!"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Reordin (Pala-Koro)"I'm gonna give you cover!" yelled the Ko-Matoran, darting forward with all of his speed. "Ussalry bro, stay alongside me!"He ran ahead to the first two Rama, obviously sent as a lone scouting pair of sorts; the Ko-Matoran leaped forward and stabbed his daggers into the nerve clusters on its back, pushing them left. The Rama screeched in pain and veered with him.Reordin Saporta had created a chariot out of his enemy.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Madrihk"Let us hang back a bit at first," Madrihk said to his fellow strike force members as the army began to move. "We need them to clear the way for us, of sorts, and I want to properly assess the situation."IC: MeviMevi was excited. She was marching alongside Tarotrix and the other Ta-Koronan guard members, and already the Ko-Matoran had taken the offensive on the Rama scouting party. The red Matoran decided not to be as foolish of a scout as them, and instead focused the lens on her otherwise powerless Akaku to see further ahead."More incoming!" Mevi shouted, as she had quickly noticed the growing shapes coming out of the thick jungle ahead. A group of Nui-Rama was flying low, in order to catch the warriors in a sweep. One of the insects almost collided with Mevi, but she managed to tear a large gash in it with her halberd as it streaked past. It tumbled to the ground and lay dead, but there was no time to rejoice. The air was thick with Rama now, and all they could do was fight.

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OOC: Posting this retroactively. This part happened a few hours before the attack.IC: I awoke with a start, my eyes snapping open, energy coursing through my veins. And then, oddly, everything was still. I relaxed again, the sudden strength vanishing. Odd. I looked around, unmoving, at the peaceful clearing, seeing the dappled patterns of the sunlight, hearing the trilling of the Kewa in the distance. Where was I? I tried to remember, but...could not.And then, suddenly, I did. My eyes bulged, I sat up quickly, gasping for breath, as the dark memories flooded through my mind. I stood, grabbing my sword, gripping it with deathly intensity. “NO!” I yelled, swinging the blade toward the sky. Flames burst from the tip, leaping for the sky above, as I wrestled with the memories, forcing them down-There. It was over. Sparks rained down around me as I steadied my breathing. But wait. That...that was where I was. Not how I got here. So...how did I get here, then? I shook my head. I would never have returned here voluntarily...I looked at the cloth fluttering at my sword’s hilt, suddenly sick to my stomach. I had to get out of here! Panic welled up inside of me, my eyes darting nervously, desperately, around the clearing, and then, without thinking, I ran, sprinting for the treeline, breaking into the forest and crashing through the brush.OOC: Later.IC: I smirked as Madrihk called my “name.” The scene flashed through my mind...“So you’d like to join our attack, then. Very well; our strike team could use a few more. What’s your name?”I opened my mouth and hesitated slightly. My name, of all things, had escaped me. And try as I might, I could not recover it. Perhaps this had something to do with the symbol on my arm?I glanced down, seeing the inscription on my blade. :i::n::v::i::c::t::u::s: The name of the sword. But it seemed fitting, somehow. “My name?” I replied. “It’s...Invictus.”I flashed back to reality. “Fun?” I replied, as another member of the strike team spoke. A dark look entered my icy blue eyes. “That’s one way of putting it.”

Edited by Βalta


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IC: SkrihenWith an audible slice, another Rama fell to the ground. Skrihen walked forward gleefully, holding her massive zweihander with one hand.Raising a hand, several vines shot out and knocked a group of Rama to the ground. They weren't dead, but they wouldn't be taking off anytime soon.So much happiness. Hiding my Mark will take my concentration away from the battle... Alas, it must be revealed.Even as she slashed at another insect, her eyes glowed bright lavender. The faint, lavender ,outline of her Mark was visible under her jacket.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC:The sound of gukko wings was in the air as Tohgno and the other gukko force members took off. His goko-kahu mount, Klumy, tried to gain a good altitude while Tohgno threw a disk at a rama, creating a long gash along it's back. The rama's wings fluttered as it tried in vain to stay aloft before it crashed to the trees.

Edited by Hippopotomonstrosesquipeda

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC:Trakuda drew his sword as another Rama swooped overhead, slashing at him, only to have one of it's claws sliced off. The creature let out a screech and disappeared back into the air. Trakuda smiled, and threw his disk discus-style, disorientating another Rama and causing it to crash into a tree, falling unconscious, shortly before being stabbed between the wings by Trakuda.He turned to his brethren, "They can't maneuver well in these trees! Use it to your advantage." he called, still moving forward with the other Ko-Matoran, slicing through the belly of a passing Nui Rama shortly afterwards.

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IC - Komisk - Nui-RamaganzaKomisk handled an exploding fruit in his hand, his satchel full of those and fire making materials among other things. He eyed the approaching Nui-Rama without fear. This enemy would go down. They would fall. Not just the Rama. Makuta himself would fall."Ussalry bro, stay alongside me!"That was all he heard before he saw Reordin begin to use his enemy as a chariot. Komisk's grin was feral as he pulled out his sword and charged a Nui-Rama. Slice! He created a gash in its arm. Using the pain to surprise it, he mimicked Reordin, stabbing it's nerve cluster and directing it."Where to, captain?"

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: AckuneOne of the plus sides of an Arthron is the fact that no one can attack you unaware. This is why the Toa of Fire was ready once the Rama came over them.Ackune pointed his sword to a cluster of the giant insects, and a jet of flame shot out from it; killing a couple while wounding more. The blind Toa was trying to use attacks that would do damage over a wide area, letting others pick off the injured Rama. A group of fireballs downed another one, while lighting a few on fire.IC: AelynnThe Fe-Toa grinned as her massive blade impaled a Rama, slicing through a nerve cluster and killing it. Aelynn swung again, and sliced a wing off another, the insect crashed to ground; stunned.She flicked her wrist, and the spikes embedded in her blade shot out. Directed by her elemental power, they stabbed into Nui-Rama wings, joints, and limbs.



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IC: JiMing (part of the ground squad)"Come on guys, let's win this!" he exclaimed to encourage the rest of the ground squad.He raised his shield, and slammed it into one Rama, knocking it aside, letting him stab it with his sword. He once again raised his shield to guard against any other Rama.OOC:Hopefully I don't fail on this battle. That would just be humiliating. Tell me if I'm doing something wrong, okay? I'm not all that experienced with RPGs....

Edited by Belonephobia

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC:Now at a decent speed, Tohgno and klumy began do wide circles around the ground squad.A rama chraged at them, claws extended under it, attempting to raze them in one pass from above. A quick throw was all it took to ruin those plans, crippling one of the feeble wings. The forward momentum hurtled it down too fast to slow down safely with only one wing. In one consecutive motion, klumy swooped down at a rama that was about to attack the ground squad and sliced the exposed upper half of the rama, using his momentum to gain back the altitude quickly as the rama tumbled to the ground.

Edited by Hippopotomonstrosesquipeda

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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OOC: Completely unrelated to Rama battle. Sorry.IC: As Rhow talked with their new ally, Iraanus had been working on a message to his fellow Skakdi. “Read this,” he said, showing his companions the scrap of parchment. In the Skakdi language, he had written:



People of Zakaz.

The time has come.

The time to take back from the Makuta what he has taken from us. He has robbed us of our home, of our life, of our dignity. The time has come for him to learn that this was the greatest mistake he ever made.

He has driven us to war.

Now we will bring war to him.

If you wish to destroy the one who has destroyed our people, meet Rhow, Iraanus, and Viloz at the

The message stopped there. “What’s this place called, anyway?” he asked, looking around.


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OOC: Onyx with Demolitions Squad. Aerial Squad, regroup with Alfon.IC: Alfon / OnyxAs quickly as he could, Onyx fashioned a sturdy iron sword for Auron before giving him a quick nod and following closely behind Reordin and his team. The sheer amount of Rama buzzing in the air heading towards them would make any regular person cower in fear.Thankfully enough, Onyx was a hardened warrior.Foolish as a few Rama were, they seemed to take a liking to the big shiny target, looking like a nice and juicy snack. Wrong. As a Rama neared the armored menace, he swung his broadsword with his Pakari now active as if it were a tow, crushing bone and flesh rather than cutting it due to the lack of it's sharp edge. The creature fell dead instantly and with his spare hand, he picked the dead animal and threw it at one of its brothers with incredible strength, zooming at high speeds before finding a home in its target and sending it sprawling to the ground.With those out of the way, he ran closer to Reordin, swatting a few Rama in his path and occasionally have his armor nicked.Meanwhile, Alfon shouted one last time for the rest of his unit to regroup and follow him as he marched over to the Gukko and Kahu stables. Examining the steeds rather quickly, he mounted himself on a beautiful and porud-looking Kahu bird."Mount up! I'll see you in the sky gentlemen and Leah, get into formation with me once you take off. Try to stay close together and do not separate unless necessary." With that said, his mount soared into the air, flying at a slow pace towards the hive as it waited for the others to join it.

Edited by TX Wade
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IC: Auron"Thank you!" The Toa of Fire shouted out after Onyx and then rushed back to where the Aerial squad was. He arrived just in time to hear Alfon's comment before launching himself into the sky. He groaned as he looked at the rahi birds, not sure how to even get on one of them."Help?" The Toa asked to no one in particular, hoping someone knew what to do.

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OOC: Ground Squad Leader:IC:Kethrye held up his hand and jabbed it forward, indicating for the squad to follow him. He led from the front as the ground squad began to march toward the scene of the coming battle."Ussalry; head to our left flank and prepare to charge when we engage a larger group of Rama," Kethroue shouted, drawing his axe as he sighted a forward group of Rama approaching through the trees. "The rest of you; try take out any incoming hostiles from a range, we don't want to get caught in close-quarter combat yet." He held his weapon aloft, firing a white beam of cold energy at the rahi, freezing one of the Rama's wings. The Rama plummeted to the ground. That won't stop it for long, he thought. Probably will need to get closer to finish it off.
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IC:Leah had listened to Maderihk's speech with crossed arms and an expression that was unreadable, somewhere between realistic, hopeful. In any case she looked determined.She uncrossed her amrs and walked back to where the Le-Matoran had sat up the equipment. Stretchers had been prepared, each with a crate for emergencies, under the cover of low trees to protect them from the Rama, at the far side of the clearing in the opposite direction of the hive. With over a dozen birds they had brought equipment that would easily cover the needs of two dozen injured or more. She held her arm up high and made a circling motion with her hand, signaling the Le-Matoran to rally."This is it lads." she stated. "This is the crucible. Today we will test how much strength really is in Makuta! He thinks of us a little more then insects. Nuisances, interfering with his plan, easily crushed and left for dead. I say we show him that he's wrong."By now, she had the attention of all those under her command, the Matoran standing around in a loose group, listening to her. She looked at them intently. "Not for one second think that just because we assist from behind the lines that you're not crucial to the success of what is about to happen! We're not just here for supllies and disks. We're the rear-guard! Whatever the outcome, this is where all the fighters will come back to! This is their safe haven and it is our job to keep it that way! I want each of you to look to your right and left. Look at the face of the one next to you. This is what we fight for, not just for ourselves, but for every free Matoran, wherever they may be."The assembled Matoran did what they were asked, determination glowing in their eyes. Leah continued in her instructions:"You've each been assigned to your teams and you know your duties. Make it happen! Guard the sky!" There was general cheering. Leah was pleased with herself. The speech was incredibly cheesy, but it worked and that was the important part. She turned to Kara. "You're in charge of Team Hau, Sergeant. Secure the perimeter and rearm those who need it. No matter what happens, we hold this clearing. The Rama won't leave us alone back here, that's for sure, so if you can take a shot, take it.""Yes ma'am!""Good, then let's get to it."OOC: I'll reply as Rhow next post! If you are injured, out of ammo or your birds has been injured, try to make your way back to the clearing, you can get a new bird, more ammo and medical help here and can get back in the action quickly, if you're still able to fight!




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IC: VolinLuckily enough for Auron, Volin was staying behind with the rest of the Strike Team until they would have a way into the hive and the garbed Toa of plasma just so happened to know how to ride a flying Rahi. Using his Matatu, he lifted the Ta-Toa into the air and onto the saddle of his Gukko bird before making him kick it's sides lightly to make it take off.Auron would have to learn how to drive on the spot.OOC: Have fun :P

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IC:Tohgno dispatched another rama with a disk and tried to gain altitude

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IC: MehlnaiThe Toa of Water blasted incoming Rama back with jets of elemental water. She managed to knock a few Nui-Rama into other ones nearby, sending them to the ground, stunned. Next to her, a Toa of Fire; Ackune she believed was his name; was sending jets of flame from his sword.



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IC-Dendron:Dendron smiled, standing beside Kethrye. He watched the Nui-Rama go to the ground, and noticed the Toa of Ice beside him debating with himself whether or not to run up there and finish the thing.Suddenly, as the insect was stirring, vines shot out from the trees, grabbing it. The vines tightened, and a creaking sound could be heard, a few clunks of gears being stopped forcefully coming out too, due to the vines entering inside the Nui-Rama.The creaking intensified, culminating with a loud POP as the Nui-Rama was ripped apart, bits of armour and greenish fluid falling to the ground, as the vines dragged the parts they had grabbed each to their respective homes."Carnivorous plants," Dendron said, satisfied. "They're always useful."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: SkrihenSkrihen ran forward to meet a new wave of attackers. She quickly caught up to Onyx, and jumped up, and pushed off of his shoulder to propel her up. With a grin, she slashed the wings off of a Rama, and tangled another in vines as she started to fall toward the ground.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: (Uar)"My quarrel's not with you. That Vortixx's out to kill me!" Uar said after nearly colliding with Lema.

IC (Lema): "Nobody will be killing you while I'm around" Lema promised. "And I think you will have more bad-troubles today. I heard that there will be a great rama-swarm quick-flying here very soon. Your Vortixx will be too busy with them"Even as he spoke, a group of rama flew over the canopy above them, pursued by a gukko. The attack had started. "Quick-come!" Lema called to Uar. "Fly-battle begins now. I go to aid-give!" Activating his kakama, Lema raced to the camp and mounted one of the spare gukko birds that the Le-koronans had brought with them. He wished he could be riding Zadok, but his own mount was too far away to summon now. The bird flapped its wings and rose to meet the rest of the squad, where he joined their formation.OOC: Flying Force. Lema: toa of air with a kakama and an axe. Riding a borrowed gukko.IC (Dekuna): A shout came up from the ILS fighters as they charged towards the nui-rama, even as the insects swarmed towards them. Dekuna took aim with his first dagger and, when the moment was just right, flung it into the swarm. Guided by the power of his sanok, it spun through the air and shattered an infected mask, bounced off and fell straight through the wing of another nui-rama before slicing off the tip of a third's stinger. All three hit the ground hard, with the knife impaling itself in the ground between them. Dekuna leant over and picked it up as Aki-Nui sped past, grinning at his success.OOC: Ground Squad. Dekuna: toa of sonics with a sanok, daggers and a Kopaka Nuva style sword. Has acquired a modified lightstone rifle (weapon approved, won from a Vortixx in combat). Riding on Aki-Nui along with Payiges.


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IC:Kahlynn climbed atop Breygo, and they rose into the air. Once they were level with Alfon, Kahlynn fired a blast of heat vision at one a Rahi, sending it crashing into the brush below.Trakuda, meanwhile, was jogging through the forest with an athletic pace, closely followed by the Ko- and Ta-Koronans, including Mevi and Darrick, taking shots and slices at Rama at every opportunity.

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IC:Tohgno took out a madu cabolo and hurled it at a nui rama. Tohgno cursed silently as the rama dodged, the bomb sailing through the air into the trees. Seeing a toa of fire flyin- attempting to fly, and some rama were coming, knowing they should take out the weaker links in the chain, so to speak. Tohngo sent Klumy into a dive, the bird maiming another rama on it's speedy descent. Tohgno felt the familiar stomach lurch as klumy opened his wings wide to end the fall. They were now flying beside auron. "Need some help?" Tohgno asked as he threw another disk at a rama's wing, letting gravity do the rest as it plummeted to the ground.

Edited by Hippopotomonstrosesquipeda

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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OOC: You'll thank me later AuRon :PIC: OnyxIf Skrihen wasn't as fast as she was, Onyx would've almost crushed her just by reflex seeing as how not too many things put their weight on his shoulder. While distracted, a Rama came from behind with blinding speed and shoved it's stinger into Onyx......only to have it completely crushed. Extremely thick and heavy armor that any normal person couldn't wear proved very useful when you had a Pakari. Turning around, he rammed his weapon into its head, crushing it to an unrecognizable point. It reminded him of the time he executed Ferrin.How jolly."Demolition Squad, if you need any weapons, solid defense or anything else my iron-based powers can do, don't be a stranger!"

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IC:Slicing the stinger off a swooping Nui Rama, Trakuda let out a battle cry, continuing to rally the Matoran through the jungle. He threw his spear like a javelin, it's point stabbing straight between a Rama's eyes, killing it. He paused for a moment to both regain some strength and retrieve his spear, before continuing to charge through the jungle.

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IC: AelynnThe Toa of Iron soon found that he training with Onyx had payed off. Although creating elemental Iron was still tiring for her, she found controling the metalic bodies of the Nui-Rama to be quite simple. Across the battle field, various Rama found themself crashing into their fellow Rama and the forrest floor.This, however, left the Fe-Toa open to attack; and a lone Nui Rama moved to sting the Toa.



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IC: AelynnThe Toa of Iron soon found that he training with Onyx had payed off. Although creating elemental Iron was still tiring for her, she found controling the metalic bodies of the Nui-Rama to be quite simple. Across the battle field, various Rama found themself crashing into their fellow Rama and the forrest floor.This, however, left the Fe-Toa open to attack; and a lone Nui Rama moved to sting the Toa.

IC (Dekuna): The rama tumbled to the ground, both its wings broken by a sonic pulse. A moment later, dekuna rolled of Aki-Nui's back to finish the job by burying his sowrd in the base of its neck. The insect shuddered once and was still. "You're welcome!" Dekuna yelled over his shoulder as he ran to catch up with Payiges and their mount.OOC: Ninja'd! Ah well, it works anyway. :) Edited by The Lorax


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IC: Destian, Nui-Rama AssualtDestian remained silent as he awaited the order to move. Madrihk was clearly a wise and knowledgable being. Like Onyx. Destian winced as the name flashed in his mind. So many sins I have commited under that banner... So many lifes ruined... including Hajia's. He sighed as he thought. But no time for that now. A new battle is being waged, and I am in the thick of it.


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IC:The Hordika ran forward in sheer glee, the sounds of the beggining of the battle stirring its primal instincts to fight. The Hordika was agile and used the Nui-Rama as a steed, jumping atop them and letting them fly him towards the attackers. The Nui-Rama treated the Hordika as an ally- both fought for Makuta, even if the Hordika did not know it, and fought purely for pleasure.The Hordika and the Nui-Rama he was flying were nearly at the center of the battle, where swords and stingers clashed amid houls of anger. The Hordika added his vocie to the tumult and leapt off his Nui Rama onto another, then another. The Hordika saw the squad of Toa riding Gukko birds and launched himself at the one called Lema, arms raised high and about to be brought down onto Lema's face.We will die if you do not let me take control!Never!!!Lantz and Skaarn continued to wrestle mentally for control of the Hordika's body, each unable to vanquish the other.ooc: the Lorax?

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC:Kethrye nodded at Dendron. "Good work," he said, firing a blast of sharpen icicles at another Rama. "Although, could you try to keep the bodies. . . intact?" I need to try out my new mask power sometime, he thought. A mask of reanimation should more useful then a mask of vision, at least as far as combat is concerned.

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IC-Dendron:"Thanks. And no problem."

* * *

Dendron watched the battle, though he himself was staying behind slightly. Roots and Hyphae were wrapped up his legs, preventing him from moving but giving him a great sense of a very large swath of jungle, due to the hyphae in the fungal mycelium also being wrapped up in, and being symbiotic with, many more of the roots and plants in the jungle.His eyes, also, were open. Through the plants, he felt less like a Toa, and more like a nature spirit...enigmatic, ever changing...and hostile towards those who would destroy the forest, his forest.He looked over to a small swarm of Rama that were coming near him. He raised a hand, and vines shot out, grabbing the insects and quickly throwing them to the ground. Roots and Mycelium burst out, sucking away the water from the Nui-Rama, then enzymes from the fungal mycelium cutting into the Nui-Rama's bodies, fungal growths beginning to set themselves inside. Soon, the bodies were covered over by plant growth.His head was beginning to hurt, he felt as though he was taking in too many sensory perceptions...oh well. A small group of Nui-Rama seemed to move around, according to the plants, trying to flank the group. A vine shot out, grabbing one, and forcing it into the maw of a large venus-flytrap like plant. Another was quickly caught in the branches of multiple trees, that had each been connected via fikou webs. The small spider-like Rahi would soon swarm all over the giant, stinging insects.A couple Nui-Rama from the squad managed to keep themselves safe, however. Dendron couldn't open his mouth to warn the others, his mind was completely focused on the plants. A muffled groan managed to escape, though most others probably wouldn't hear it.Hopefully the others would be able to see the Rama themselves.

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: Um Fanixe, we're in the sky...I don't think a Toa Hordika can jump that high.IC: AlfonOut of the corner of his eye, he saw a creature he had never seen before in his life, something that resembled a crossover between Toa and Rahi. How little did he know that his guess was on par. With a wave of his hand, electricity shot forth directly at the Hordika in a net of flashing blue and white at high speeds. Evading in mid-air with no way to move would be near impossible.

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