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IC: GarmeWrehn's shout was nearly blocked out by Garme's startled screaming, and she herself didn't hear it. Wrehn was quick, but Garme was slippery. She managed to slip free from the grabbing arms of her friend, before running for her life.She would have shouted at the Po-Matoran rockbrain that she was right, but he could probably have seen that for himself.

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OOC: This is fun. XDIC: GarmeIt's funny how little a person hear when they themselves are screaming. But she heard enough to know they knew her by name. That was not a good sign. They must have been planning this for a while, but why? Maybe they had Walker, Wrehn, and Savulg already... maybe they were trying to... horror of horrors, reduce the crime rates in the Koro.She wasn't going to stop, not when death was behind her... or a long prison term.

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IC: Ka'deI'll admit it, I was so astonished to see somebody pop out of nowhere that I froze for a few moments. Then, I took off after Ms. Sticky Fingers, who still hadn't told me her name. And because she was screaming (And could she scream!) I couldn't hear what the apparent attacker was yelling.Taking off after the two, all I could think was, Mata Nui, she is being chased! And if the way he grabbed her is any clue, he's a kidnapper!

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IC: Kulamus, noticing the Vortixx approaching him, drew his sword, preparing for a fight. "You will die here." he said.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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IC: GarmeGarme bolted as quickly as her legs could carry her dashing around the edge of a building. Po-Koro wasn't safe, where to run to? She had been to Onu-Koro once, that would work. Maybe she could escape them there. Now she just had to remember how to get there, and fast.

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IC: Ka'deI'm not exactly built for speed, but luckily I don't tire easily. Both Ms. Sticky Fingers and the apparent attacker were yelling and screaming and such, so I had decided to just ignore all that and focus purely on catching up to the oddly-colored little thief.I managed to catch up with the guy who jumped at my new-found ally after we rounded a corner, although I was careful to not get too close. It was beginning to look as though her suspicions about kidnappers and murderers had some substance to them.

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IC: Ka'deLuckily for me, I was still running. The blow just missed me, and convinced me even more that they meant me and Ms. Sticky Fingers harm. The result? I ran even faster. I had thought that I was already running at top speed, but having people swinging stuff at you is wonderful for motivation. I was beginning to close the gap between the green and black Matoran and myself.Deciding that one more loud voice couldn't hurt, I yelled, "Keep running! They have weapons and aren't afraid to use them!"

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IC: Jagorik:After departing from Onu-Koro from the two psychopaths that were leading him in no directions, Jagorik had enough of being around people. Po-Koro, however, changed his mind. The arid landscape reminded him of when he spent his first years in the Koro- enjoying himself along with actual friends. But they passed away long ago. Now he only had to wait before fate found its way again.OOC: Jagorik open for interaction.

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IC: Hantak walks into the Koro, up to Jagorik. "Who are you?" he asked, intending to rob him.

Edited by Toa of Smooth Jazz

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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OOC: This is hilariously entertaining. XDIC: GarmeThe Matoran shot out of the village, turning on her heels and dashing off in roughly the direction she thought had been taken to reach Onu-Koro a while back. She wasn't certain though, but it was better to take a chance than just stay in Po-Koro.

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IC: Ka'deI was still running after the oddly colored Matoran, whose name I did not know. "Oi! Wait up for a second, will ya?"We had exited Po-Koro, heading back out into the desert. Not the best of places to shake murderers off of your trail, but it wasn't as if we had too much choice. Or, rather, I had much choice. I was just following Sticky Fingers.

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IC: GarmeOf course, she wasn't going to wait up, even if her screaming had stopped in place of an all out run. She could hear, but she wasn't listening. Then, she heard her name, and it sounded like Wrehn who had said it. But Wrehn was nowhere to be seen. At first she thought it was merely her imagination, but then the thought of possibly her mind sending advice. What would Wrehn do in a situation like this?She reached down as she ran, grabbing a handful of sand, before throwing it back, hopefully it wouldn't hit rockbrain's eyes. Leaving a blinded Matoran was cold even for her standards. It was intended to be a smokescreen, block out the kidnapper's view. It turns out, sand doesn't make a good smokescreen"Karzahni, Wrehn. You're mindset is useless for escaping." She muttered to herself.

This is my signature

It has words in it

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IC: Sythrih"Ow...." Was all she could really say. The Toa of Earth was obviously hurt, and the loss of her mask only added to that.

IC: Naru
IC: ZaukTo Derivia he replied, "Well, I look foward to it." The Toa of Lightning was quite happy to finally talk to someone who shared his intrest. And wasn't Tehlin.Turning to Naru, Zauk said, with as straight a face as he could manage, "Well, you see, I could really use some help to get this sand stuck in my-"



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IC: Agate - Po-Koro - Agate used her elemental powers to gather the pieces of Sythrih's mask into her hand, and then dropped then back on the ground in frustration. Even if she could figure out how to put it back together it would never work again, they needed to get Sythrih a new mask. Agate looked at Laryn. "We need to get her a new mask now!"

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Zauk[...]Turning to Naru, Zauk said, with as straight a face as he could manage, "Well, you see, I could really use some help to get this sand stuck in my-"
IC: NaruWithout a word, and with an almost emotionless expression as well behind her faintly glowing Faxon, Naru laid her hand upon Zauk's mask with a dull, splotchy sound. A faint trail of a clear, stringy material ran from her palm, smearing itself across the area she had touched."Fikou webbing, as you may know," she noted. "Land-based Rahi, close enough to desert to allow use. Should make sand stick to it easily enough. Once it dries you can peel it off to remove the sand." Edited by Katuko
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IC-Kun:'Hunter' walked boredly along with Mita and LoJak, thinking. Sand Tarakava would commonly hide out in the desert, yes, but they lived in some small caves-not the easiest to find. That, and there were higher populations of them nearer to Mt. Ihu, the opposite direction from where they were going."I think we ought to turn about," the Toa of Fire said suddenly.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC (Deriva)"An excellent solution. Water is in short supply here, using it for something like sand is...unwise." Deriva looked out towards the entryway to the village. "One of the best time's to travel is at night, it's colder and the Rahi tend to be less active. Though if we don't keep warm there....will be consequences. Morning would be ideal, but it's a small window and we won't get much searching done during it." The female Vortixx paused for a moment before going on. "We travel at night, we'll need lightstones....you did bring lightstones correct?"

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: Mita"What for? You forgot something in the village or something?" Mita asked. "Well, I suppose we might need a trip back anyways, given our current lack of... well, anything."IC: Naru"If we were a bit closer to the water I could make my body glow through use of my mask as well," Naru said. "Unfortunately, right now I don't have any lightstone with me. I tend to use my element to create some light."

Edited by Katuko
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IC: Vinathli & Jilsud, Po-KoroA lone Toa, female, her black and purple skin glowing with beauty, sat alone at a small table, outside a comparably smaller cafe. A wooden box, around a foot and a half tall, sat in the chair next to her. She stared at the world around her from behind her Venetian mask, seemingly both indifferent and disapointed.A Matoran waiter, who was also the co-owner of the cafe, walked up to her, notepad out, and pencil ready, smiling broadly at the beautiful female, who, even sitting, stood taller than him. "Coffee. Black." Vinathli said harshly, not even letting the waiter greet her before overpowering him with her distractingly attractive voice.As the waiter turned to leave, rolling his eyes, Vinathli spoke once more. "It'll have to be on credit. I have no widgets on me." She said softly, staring at him intensely with her glowing green eyes.The Matoran, having turned around, opened his mouth in protest, and then closed it again, noticing the belt, covered with knives, hanging loosely from Vinathli's waist.The cafe's other residents, forced outside as well, thanks to the small group of turaga who occupied the cafe's only inside table, all stared at Vinathli, as they had been for awhile. Her beauty was mesmerizing, and none of them could take their eyes off of her. Braver than the rest, a Toa of Earth, a small, lesser-known merchant, walked up to her table, smiling casually. Vinathli stared at him coldy, not returning the gesture of friendliness. "So you're out of widgets, hmm?" The Onu-Toa said, standing before her. "Well, I'll give you the money for your coffee... and more, if you just show me a good time." He said, reaching down to grasp her chin. "What do you say? Kissy, kis-"Before the Toa's hand reached Vinathli's chin, her hand, fingers straight, slammed into the Onu-Toa's side, causing him to gasp in surprise. As Vinathli stood up, she drove her other fist, fingers straight as well, into his stomach, causing him to gasp yet again. Without pause, she drover her knee into his doubed-over body, sending him crashing to the ground. As he struggled to his feet, Vinathli retained the cold stare, still not speaking. With a roar of fury, he activated his Pakari, lurching forward in a powerful punch.Vinathli calmly stepped aside, grabbed his wrist, and snapped it back, breaking it with minimal effort.As the bewildered Toa grasped his hand, and ran off, presumably towards the guard, Vinathli sat back down, making no further move as she cross her legs, placed her hands on her knees, and calmly viewed Po-Koro from her stone chair.Suddenly, a voice, male, and of normal pitch and tone, filled the air, singing an incomprehensible song, consisting of Madu fruit, pickles, and what happens when you poke a Nui-Jaga with a reed. Walking slowly, occasionally pausing to smile at a random passer-by, Jilsud ended the song in a epic crescendo, informing any views that poking a Nui-Jaga with a reed ends with a painful death. Namely, yours.With a surprising lack of grace, Jilsud fell into his chair, positioned on the opposite of Vinathli, gently laid his brown-paper bag on the table, and smiled a broad smile at Vinathli. "V!" He proclaimed, raising his arms into the air in a gigantic air-hug, calling her by his nickname. Not waiting for a reply, Jilsud reached into a pocket in his armor, he retrieved a black and purple money purse. Handing it to Vinathli, he spoke."Thanks for letting me use your widgets. Oh, and I got Madu Peppers!" Madu peppers are renown for their extreme heat (Hence why they were named after the exploding fruit), and only eaten by the brave. Or stupid. No points for guessing which one Jilsud is."That's nice." Vinathli said, sounding infinitely bored as she stuffed the bluging money purse into her pouch, took the coffee from the waiter, who brought it on a cheap metal platter, (much to his relief & surprise) paid him twice what it was worth, leaned back, took a sip, promptly spit it out, and laid the cup and saucer on the table.Grabbing the paper bag, Jilsud stuffed his hand inside, and then promptly pulled out a small sandwhich, covered in bright yellow slices of Madu Pepper. His eyes wide with excitement, Jilsud bit into the sandwhich. As he began to cough in pain, and his eyes began to water, Vinathli rolled her eyes and looked away.As she expected, a being, dressed in a cloak and hood, stood before her, attempting mysterious, but really just looking out of place. Picking up the wooden box, she handed it to him. Inside, there was a severed head, proof of the sucess of her last assassination, requested by this being.Dropping a bag of widgets on the table, the being ignored the now-moaning Jilsud, and teleported away. Vinathli pocketed half the widgets, leaving the other half for Jilsud, leaned back, and closed her eyes, attempting to rest.OOC: Open for interaction.

Edited by D.A.V.E.


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IC (Deriva and Tarvak)"Unfortunate. My brother and I have a supply, but they'll last a few days at most. We will have to improvise. I don't-" Deriva was quite suddenly interrupted by her brother. Who held up the bag he'd been hauling about ever since he'd exited the shop. He opened it and exposed a healthy supply of lightstones."Several weeks." With that, the Vortixx closed the bag and fell silent once more."Nevermind then. We have a healthy supply of water...correct? Four beings will consume a healthy bit of water each day..."

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: NaruNaru looked at the bag, slightly amused."I didn't think that lightstones ever ran out," the Toa of Plasma commented. "And if they do, then carrying a bag of them won't do you much good either. They glow of their own accord, so having many won't extend their lifetime, just make the area brighter while they last. It's like having all your candles lit at once and not ebing able to put any of them out. That's a lightstone for you."Naru coughed when the Vortixx mentioned water."Nope, no water," she said. "I didn't think we would have to go into the desert at all. Tarcvor was looking for Turaga Onewa. I believe that he's either hiding in the area, or he's gone to some other region. Toa of Stone or not, hiding in the desert wouldn't do him much good considering that he would have to fetch water too."

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IC (Deriva)Deriva paused. "Hm. Here I thought...." She paused for a moment. "Well, those merchants lied to me. I need to attend to something, Tarvak...the bag, if you will." The silent Vortixx handed his sister the bag without a word. Silently accepting the entire situation. "Tarvak, I trust you can handle the situation...?" Tarvak nodded, the the male Vortixx was a creature of few words but when he needed to he could be a little more verbose. Deriva, meanwhile, headed off into the market to give a few merchants some choice words."Perhaps. But the lack of witnesses is a problem. no approached besides us regarding him correct? Perhaps he was chased off." The Vortixx shrugged. "We didn't notice anything. But we were hunting." With that, he clammed up once more."

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: Vorasku and his Organization walked up to Jilsud and Vinathli, seeing them where they sat. "Are you interested in Mercenary work?" he asked , noticing their weapons.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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IC (Deriva)
IC: Naru
IC: ZaukThe Toa of Lightning shrugged. Zauk was feeling a bit stupid, as him, being a hunter, should have remembered to bring all that stuff. Well, minus the lightstones, as both his and Naru's elemental power put out a great deal of light. But then again, the two Toa had been running around the island, and not stopping to think about that sort of stuff a whole lot.The teal-armored being touched the side of his mask, and wished the webbing to dry faster. While normally the webbing was clear, a big spot of it wasn't, and Zauk wasn't overly fond of having a white hand-print on his mask.



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IC-Kun:"No, it's not that. In my experience, Sand Tarakava have been more like to live closer to the mountain than out in the dunes," the Toa of Fire told the two with him. "The hills to the south, leading up to Mount Ihu, should be more likely to yield us a Sand Tarakava than this wasteland."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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