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Friar Tuck

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IC: Lexon & Onyx, Onu-Wahi CatacombsLexon was lifted up by the sand, but pushed his way out of it before impact, narrowly escaping death. Turning to fight walker, A bullet shot by Lexon's head, hitting the sand behind him. Charging foward, Lexon let out a extremely loud yell, making concentration harder. As he did this, His chains shot out in wide arcs, aiming to smash into the pair with tremendous force.Onyx's shield blocked the bullets with ease, only making him take a step back from the force. Onyx controlled the pillar to smash into the pair from the back, the only area they had (Except foward) to escape from Lexon's chains.


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IC: WalkerWalker crouched to the ground, dodging the chains as they whizzed past his head and he sidestepped out of the way before the pillar could hit him. Hopefully the same could be said for Savulg. Twirling his hand and moving his fingers in a complex manner, Walker caused the sand which had risen to the roof of the cave to separate itself into a collective mass of tiny sand projectiles.The multitude of hardened projectiles were sent flying at Lexon as the Toa of crystal replaced his weird hand gestures with two fingers pointing at the Vortixx.

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IC: "Well we take the right-fork here," Lepidran said to Lekua. while holding a frond of the odd glowing planets that thrived in the tunnels, "Marks on wall are Hoto fire-tracks. Heat-bugs passed through here but didn't stop. Something fear-scared them. Kofu-scorpion most-like. Don't want to end up in a cave-nest of those."Finally, a use for the buzz-speak. Even if this was the only thing he did for the team, those years studying insects had not been a waste of time


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IC ChronnI was already awake, Arkrak had seen to that, right before his unpleasant little shock. Oh yes, I was awake, and I could hear all they were saying. When you sleep as long as I have, you learn to fake it when you don't want anyone to annoy you. Though they didn't know it, half of my 'naps' had been fake... the other half were me making up for not getting any good sleep at night for the past week or more. But... I didn't really care.Someone after me? Hadn't I already proven myself impossible to kill? Two attempts on my life had failed already, a third would be no different. But, there was something more important... Bringing down NEX. A single killer was nothing compared to what seemed like a group of them. It seemed the best idea was to just let the person go free for now, we had more important killers to bring down. If I had let myself go after the small time killer instead of the large ones, I would have never have been... that, is a part of my history better left hidden in the sands of time, and in my room of tablets...To their probable surprise, I unexpectedly rose from my chair, from what they thought was sleeping."So, another being who wishes me dead... I could start a collection of those. No matter, we have more important issues at the moment. Our first priority is to see that the funeral trap is accomplished, then we can worry about some small time killer."IC: Garme"Remember, sharp force means broken diamonds!"She cheered Savulg from the side, where she was not so quietly sneaking around."Kick his backside!"

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IC:The door opened quietly into the dark back-street. On the far side of the market-square there were numerous huts, mostly used for storage and the protection of goods the merchants sold at their stands. They were quite unremarkable and that was just what the contact of the dark one had wanted. After handing the Vortixx the wares she had come for, he had told her the way to get out of the underground cellars again, the stretched out under this particular area of the village of earth. Slung across her shoulder and back was a burlap sack, held in place by a leather-belt. Its contents would help her to further her dark guides' plans. And for that he needed chaos. And she was his agent for that.Making sure nobody had seen where the Vortixx had come from, she began to walk back, heading towards the inn, mostly using the side-streets of the village and a few short-cuts through gaps in-between huts, in case her 'friend' was still keeping an eye out for her.If Clo'on was still looking for her at the market, it was good. If he had returned to the inn as well...well, then she'd just have to make up something.The Vortixx frowned. Something deep inside her wasn't approving of lying to the Toa of stone. Of course she had done that from the start...why now? She didn't have an answer for that. Then she remembered the dark servants words, how she had gotten sloppy. Maybe it had been a mistake to travel with the Toa in the first place. She should have just ditched him, back when the Nui-Jaga attacked. Why had she helped there? Still no answer. The Vortixx didn't like the thought that there might be some sort of conscience left in her. Trying to ignore her feelings and thoughts, she continued on her way back to the inn.




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IC, Aurax: "Well... sure is dark, isn't it?"

IC:"Not really, but it does feel refreshing, after being on the surface so long" Nichou commented, as he continued down the tunnels.

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IC, Aurax: "So says the person who lives here. I don't live here, so it feels unusual to be here."

IC:"You have a point there", Nichou chuckled.

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IC: Lexon & Onyx, Onu-Wahi CatacombsLexon did what any sensible experienced master-assassian would do if he saw a elemental making complex signals. He attempted to lash him with his chains, much harder than every before, an attack that would be quite hard to dodge, considering that he was focusing so hard. As Lexon swung, the sand particles slammed into him, causing pain, but not making him flench.Onyx's tendril grew larger as he added crystals to it. It was know 6 foot tall and wide, a deadly gigantic tendril-pillar hybrid. Swinging around again, the now-huge pillar attempt to kill Savlug through a gigantic swing from the ground (The pillars on the ground, attempting to kill him through a leg-sweep-like move), leaving only one direction to go. Up, where 6 more feet of open space resided.


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IC: WalkerWalker, rather than dodging the chains, caused the sand in front of him to shoot up like a wall, blocking the chains and partially submerging them. Now that they were vulnerable, he hardened the sand which was holding Lexon's weapons and caused the rest of the body to yank with all its might, while being fed more sand from its surroundings, making its way up the chains' bodies slowly, covering them and hardening around them.Meanwhile, the the last bit of sand projectiles fired, none of the 'sand ammo' left.OOC: Gotta get rid of those weapons :P

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IC: Lexon, Onu-Wahi CatacombsLexon remained silent as the sand covered his chains, not even flinching from the onslaught of projectiles beating on him. Suddenly, he acted. charging foward, Lexon wall-ran the mound of sand before grabbing a ledge and flipping over, slamming his foot into the Toa's head as he made it over.OOC: You can chose to dodge that, of course. The only reason I didn't post "attempted" is because "He attempted to slam his foot into the Toa's head." Sounds kinda weird.


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IC: WalkerWalker caught the kick as he reacted with his Kakama but his rash speed caused him to wrongly position one of his hands, causing the impact to break his left ring finger. He let out a roar of anger mixed with pain but did not let go, even as the foot pressed against his broken finger."Check mate." declared Walker with a grudging tone but also satisfactory, causing the sand around the two to once more shoot up from all around him, this time in a much wider radius so it would be much harder to roll out of the way before hitting the ceiling like the Vortixx did last time.As the sand shot up violently and quickly, Walker was too quick for it as he released the foot and backed away, all at Kakama speed. He noticed he was standing outside of the sand now; he'd have to get back in at some point.

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IC: Lexon, Onu-WahiLexon remained eeriely silent as the sand surged u-ward, but he wasn't about to die yet. Whipping out with one of his now-free chains, Lexon wrapped it around the now distracted Toa of crystal's ankle, keeping himself from being slammed into the ceiling with fatal force, and dragging the Toa closer.OOC: The only reason I did that was because you were distracted from your broken finger, and the fact that it's not a attack, simply a manuver to have Lexon not take a fatal blow.


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OOC: I never indicated that he was distracted whatsoever but I'll let it slide. I don't get how that move's supposed to prevent him from taking the blow.IC: WalkerWalker felt the chain wrap around his ankle and soon slipped as he was being dragged away by Lexon, now rising in the sand towards the ceiling. Before he would get caught up and injured by his own attack, sand shot upwards into multiple holes of the chain and pushed outwards with enough force to snap it, releasing the Toa of crystal.Getting back up, he observed as the massive column of sand slammed into the roof of the cavern, content knowing that he had finally gotten the best of the Vortixx. Knowing that the Vortixx would be pressed directly against the ceiling, supported by the hardened mass of sand, would run out of oxygen in due time. The Toa never killed anyone in his life and the thought of it made him sick.Thinking he was overly nice, Walker made a tiny tunnel about half the size of a hand in the sand, extending to Lexon so he could breathe. For now, he would be trapped but at least he wasn't dead. Eventually, the sand would lose its hard complexity but that wouldn't be any time soon.OOC: Check mate. Character's not defeated but he can't move. I'm not considering this an auto-hit since you acknowledged that you were hit by the sand so I pretty much fully completed the attack. If you have a problem with this, message me.

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IC - Raehn - Descending toward Onu-Koro: There was something to be said for a bounty hunter who had recently killed a target. At least, that's what Raehn had always assumed; at the moment, however, no words came to mind. As she descended the tunnels of Onu-Wahi, making her way through the darkened paths using the ocular scope on her mask, the shadows providing the perfect backdrop for her mood, the Toa of Iron considered the events of the past few days.Admittedly, she didn't remember much; her battle with the former Captain Decaia had been a long and difficult one, spanning across a large portion of Le-Wahi. As a matter of fact she still retained several of the injuries that had been inflicted upon her body -- her hand was still numb, though was gradually regaining its sense of touch; she was sure that at least two of her ribs had been cracked; and a bloody cloth covered a wound on her other palm. And that was all that had happened to her.By now, she knew, Decaia was probably dead, drowned beneath the waves of the sea. She hadn't wanted to kill him, but he hadn't exactly left her a choice. What had started as a seemingly successful capture in Le-Koro -- a 'meeting' in a bar, surrounded by easy-going residents of the treebound village -- had descended into a frantic battle below the village once Decaia had devised a plan of escape. Managing to stall her descent once they had fallen through the broken floor, she had given chase to him through the trees, occasionally catching up with him and trading blows before falling behind again.Eventually, they had come to the cliffs, beneath which had lain the turbulent waters of the ocean. That was where the real battle had began, adrenaline and fatigue causing much of it to go unregistered in her memory. What she did remember was his final action: A leap toward her once she had been pressed against the edge of the cliff. She had thrown out her hand as she rolled away, forming a chain and weight around his ankle in an attempt to stop him. But the ledge had crumbled from the stress of his landing, and he had fallen, disappearing beneath the waves...She had miscalculated. And Decaia had been killed as a result; she accepted that fact, and accepted the fact that she was responsible. But that didn't make the truth any easier.Raehn sighed. When she had become a Toa she had sworn to never kill; to do so would be to break the most important code of a virtuous being. But now...Now what?

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: Onyx & Lexon, Onu-WahiOnyx, seeing his 2nd hand man in a potentially dangerous situation, created a secondary pillar, one that went directly through the sand-pillar, causing it to crumble. Lexon fell to the floor, knocked out from the attack. Turning to Walker, Onyx, through the use of his element, forced the secondary pillar back into the ground, and re-used the energy to create four massive diamond walls on each side of him, which went from ceiling to floor. The crystal Toa could certianly escape in a short time, but it would hold him for at least a few minutes.OOC: Onyx's first attack is still there, Mef Man.


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IC: GarmeThis time, she moved after the strike, dodging the knee to the face barely. She had to find somewhere his armor didn't cover, and not get smashed into next week."Hey, big cool dude, what's the matter? Can't hit a little Matoran?"She was now attempting distraction... hopefully that would end better.

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OOC: Like I said, you can't recycle energy like that.IC: WalkerWalker, now trapped within the confines of a diamond prison, created diamond bars of his own pressed against two of the walls, pushing outwards as it keeps growing. Just to make things even faster, Walker created his own diamond war hammer, swinging it at Kakama-speed at one of the walls. That combined with the bars began to show its results as cracks began to take shape on the diamond walls.OOC: For future fights, don't use diamond as a prison. It's nigh impossible for a character to actually break diamond (there are exceptions), pretty much ensuring one's own victory. Even what my character's doing is pretty unrealistic but I gotta get out of this thing. However, if you do end up using such a resilient substance such as diamond as a prison, give your adversary to escape from something so powerful.

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IC: Incommodo"People I know... There only is one person I know, and I don't know where he is, nor do I believe he'd be happy to see me, dead or alive." Incommodo said. "If it was just the detectives, it would be believable enough. I'm not exactly well-known on the island."


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IC: [Arkrak]"Yes it was," he replied. "I had to make sure nobody realised that you were still alive, and I had to stitch up several rahi body parts together and pretend that it was your corpse. They needed proof that you were horribly disfigured in death. Now all I need is for you to write a will."

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