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Friar Tuck

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IC (Voi and Voima, Ko-Kini):Voima sighed loudly. "Look, I don't know what your point is, but I'm frankly not interested. I know nothing about any chaos theories, okay? I'm just a Toa of Gravity."Voima went over to the stone door with the carvings and tested the iron spike by trying to carve a replica of one of them."And I'm a poor carver too. Maybe if I work really slowly, I can get this done in a couple of days... or weeks."

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OOC: Aww I missed out on most of it.IC:By now, Kreigero had walked to the the 2nd doorway, observing the battle. So the toa of gravity was apparently the enemy. He seemed to know what to do, and was making a failed attempt to carve something. Seeing her chance, Kreigero silently walked inside. Knowing her disk would be useless in the battle with a gravity toa aware of her presence, along with anything she would throw, she used the element of suprise and threw her disk gratuitously at Voima's back.

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IC (Voima, Ko-Kini):Voima yelled in frustration as the disk flung to his back caused him to accidentally ruin the carving he was making. Angry beyond measure, he turned, back aching, to see a Ko-Matoran standing nearby with Stronin."I've had it with you!" he shouted. "The other one asks stupid questions and the other throws disks at me!"With that, he made both Stronin and Kreigero float."I could make your gravity increase a hundred-fold in a matter of seconds, making you splatter on the ground...", he threatened. "Or we can achieve an agreement."

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IC:"Making an agreement would be easier if you would tell us what type of agreement you're talking about", Kreigero remarked.

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IC:"Why?" Kreigero asked. now she was floating and holding on to her ice pick, which was lodged in the ceiling.

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Song- BloodbrandIC: A message reverberated across the Bloodbrand."Testing 1, 2, 3. Can anyone hear me?"

Edited by Silvan Haven

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC:"it has been my business to ever since I decided to help this fellow out", kreigero said, gesturing towards voi.

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IC (Voi and Voima, Ko-Kini):"He should never have dragged you into this", Voima said. "You might get hurt. Voi has never cared much for his friends."

"First, I'm not his friend nor enemy", Kreigero replied. "I just met him""And second, how should you know he does that (if he does that)?"

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IC (Voi and Voima, Ko-Kini):"Because I was his friend", Voima replied. Then, using his control over gravity, he sent Stronin, Voi and Kreigero hurtling out of the temple,"If you come back in, I won't be so easy on you!" he shouted, hoping to scare them from returning.

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IC:Her plan of stalling for time until the toa's powers were weakened didn't work, so Kreigero dragged Voi's unconscious body to the base of a pillar to block him from the wind and gave him her heatstone, which was hopefully enough to keep him from freezing to death.OOC: is ko-kini a structure someone could climb on top of, I'm not sure.

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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OOC: Ko-Kini is pretty much like the Kini-Nui of MNOG, with four pillars and an altar. The entrance to the underground chamber was discovered by Voima earlier on.IC (Voi and Voima, Ko-Kini):Voi slowly began to regain consciousness.Meanwhile, down in the chamber, Voima doubted he had seen the last of Voi's "comrades". They would come down again to challenge him, but it didn't matter. He would bring them all down. Literally. While he waited, he resumed his carving. He was forced to start all over again, thanks to Kreigero ruining his work by throwing a disk.

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OOC: K, just as wondering what it looked like IYOIC:Kreigero took his other Heatstone and, taking the isulation cap off and scooping it full of a handful of snow and setting it on top of the 2nd heatstone and it began to melt into water. Voi would want it later. Right now he was making small moans and trying to subconsciously mumble half-words and gibberish every few minutes. The wind seemed to get slightly stronger as the time passed and the cup of water warmed. Kreigero knew that trying to attack such a fiercely motivated toa of gravity alone was insane, if not suicidal. Stronin was keeping quiet, so kreigero wrapped her cloak around her to conserve her body heat, and held the 2nd heatstone and water "cup", as groans of frustration arose from the chamber below.

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Ic: Before Nuju spoke, Stannis instructed Aurax to step back again, which he did so. It was still not time for them to be reunited; secrets still existed.Stannis replied to the turaga's engagement with steely calm. "If I were not a hero, I would want my champion to be one who acts and does what is right himself, not someone who waits for an elder's nod of approval. I know you read it before, Turaga," he said. "Whenua told me. I had already weighed the action and concluded the importance of secrecy reigned over hesitation, secrecy that will now be protected even more devoutly than before."He considered his net words carefully. "But if there was more to be said on the tablet, then please share with me what you know. Without Taipu, you always were the only link to reaching this prophesy," he said. "No harm is done, but much can be done if you do not impart your knowledge now." Nuju knew this to be correct, and time was ticking away. Three (he could not have known of Onewa yet) turaga were gone already; it was only a matter of time before he himself was carried away, and his secret with him as with Kapura.Stannis waited for the clues.

IC:Nuju made a wet hacking noise in the back of his throat. "Ych," he spat, before going on to clicking and hooting like the birds. "You are a persistent one, Wanderer," Matoro said, "And indeed, time is running out. But I must confess that my memory, though sharp, is not sharp enough to recall the exact words written upon the tablet... Prophecies and other words of the Great Spirit are only perfectly remembered, as with those I have just imparted upon you, when they are heard spoken aloud. Unfortunately for us both, that which was carved on the tablet is only a hazy recollection to me; I read them, but never heard them."The Turaga approached one of the monolithic ice walls, and slid his fingertips absently over the precisely carved sigils in the ice, prophecies long forgotten or due in eons. "But we were also fortunate," Matoro continued as his leader recommenced." Taipu came to me when he was running from the hounds of the Shadow, after he had left Whenua and Onu-Koro behind. He relayed his clue directly to me, and in hearing it, it was branded into my memory. He said this: 'Only the strong will endure here.'"These words, heavy with ancient truth, had a similar effect on Stannis as had the words of the Second Great Prophecy. He would remember them forever with immediate ease. "Taipu is dead now. We found his foot in a patch of browned snow some days later... I would guess that a Muaka found him before he could escape. The foot was blackened, hard as ice..." Matoro shuddered as he repeated the Turaga's words - he must have been there, too. But Nuju did not cringe, only looked older, at the recollection of the gore. He frowned and looked back at Stannis. "I can guess at the nature of the final clue, Kapura's clue," Matoro said for Nuju. "If I remember correctly, it said something about --"


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ICNuju never had the chance to finish.The area suddenly became cold. Now, Ko-Koro was cold. Ko-Wahi was cold. The snow, of the ice, of the lack of heat and warmth… cold was natural, part of life for this region. This drop of temperature however, this skin-crawling chill that seemed to instantly permeate the room, was unnatural. Sinister. Evil.And accompanied by a distinct drop in light levels.Nuju slowly turned toward the ceiling, his blue eyes darting warily. He was not afraid, as were all the turaga, but the concern written across his face was as clear as the mask he wore. The room felt like a vacuum, all sound, cheer, heat, light; gone. It was the proverbial calm before the storm, the eye of the hurricane, the utter silence and heavy dread that happened right before all Karzahni was to break loose.“You will be silenced, old one.”From below Nuju the ground opened up, black, shadowy tentacles wiggling and swirling towards the ceiling, wrapping around the Turaga like a cocoon. Dark, shrieking sounds emanated from the shadow tentacles as the room was sucked dry of light and sound. Like the bandages of a mummy the tentacles snapped and locked around Nuju, the air cracking as they did so, one by one immobilizing and encasing the Turaga in a living, black prison.“NO.”In an uncharacteristic and indeed impressive if not dangerous use of a noble mask there was a whump, followed by an explosive ripping sound as the tentacles surrounding him were telekinetically blasted apart, pieces of black, wiggling mass flying in all directions. There was another loud shriek, this time out of pain, then anger, as the tentacles retreated slightly, most of them now half their original size. Nuju got up from his knees, looking very weak and exhausted from the effort of freeing himself. He raised his head, eyes boring a message straight into Stannis’ brain.RUN This time Nuju would not be so lucky. The shadow tentacles were quickly regrown and without any sort of mercy attacked him again, this time wrapping and burying him in several layers of impenetrable shadow, fully cocooned in this miserable substance. From the floor a black mist rose into the air, surrounding the cocoon and the tentacles that anchored it, hiding it from sight. Then as if to add insult to injury the ground opened up with a red chasm, sucking everything to the underworld below. Before Stannis or Matoro could react the ground closed up behind them, leaving the perfect, immaculate floor of the turaga’s hut before the matoran.The Makuta himself had taken Nuju.

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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IC:Back in the inn, Kohra leaned back in the comofrtable chair. She was about to take a sip, when she felt a sudden change in her mood. There was a feeling of elation coming over her, like a shiver down the spine, but strange, as if it did not have its source in herself, but somewhere outside. That limited the choice greatly. There was only one other, residing in the back of her mind. After the initial surprise, she soon heard the thoughts that old her of the why. On the outside, the Vortixx only smiled slightly, just enough so that Lord Paikish might notice it. On the inside she felt like celebrating though.Something good had happened.




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IC: "So..." Lekua said to his friends, "did any of you ever-"He was interrupted by an unearthly shrieking from within the Sanctum, followed by a horrible ripping sound. Without waiting to ask the others - after all, he knew they would follow - Lekua spun and dashed into the building, entering just in time to see the floor crack open where the Turaga had stood mere minutes ago, sucking a dark mist into the ground. He ran up to Stannis, who stood staring at the floor, stunned. Lekua had not run far, but he was out of breath. "What happened?" he panted.


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OOC: I admire the coordination of those posts, guys. That was awesome how Nuju broke free of the shadows the first time.IC, Aurax: Aurax ran up to Stannis, eyes wide. "What just happened?" he asked, eyes widened. Then with horrible realization, he noticed that Nuju was missing. "Oh no..." he began.

Edited by Toa Xemnas of Crystal
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OOC: Okay, I can't NOT get in on this one..."Fields of Blood" TSFH is the song here, fyi.IC: Draeverian JoskiirDraeverian hadn't stepped more than three paces past the gate when the sounds reached his ears, a wrenching screech of pure evil. It came from the center of the koro behind him, radiating through his world of sound until it distorted into an nefarious black bile spilling over his pure mental image. Drae! What's going on? Rivet yelled at him as he stood still in the flurry of snowflakes. Draeverian was rooted to the spot like a frightened rahi, frozen like ice into an inept shape, useless to the world. The sound overflowing from the region, like a massive geyser, held him rooted, unable to process, unable to rationalize. DRAE!His name brought him back to the world. Forcing himself to take a step back, he marched through the gateway into the koro, his fists balled in revolt to his decision. Forcing the fear deep into the gut, storing for later use as power, Draeverian picked up his pace, soon beginning to sprint towards the origin his face glowing with the continuous increasing of the Calix's power until his head seemed aflame, bathed in the opalescent light of resolve.I'm a hero, I have to help, Rivet. What you're doing is crazy! I don't care. Kopaka would do the same thing!You're NOT Kopaka.I know that. I'm Draeverian Joskiir. Toa of sound, accomplice in the destruction of the great mines, failed arena fighter, and blind.Then WHY?! Rivet cried out, attempting to pull the toa's body back into halt. Draeverian shook his head and rushed forward, kicking off the ground into a wall run that placed him parallel to the ground as he curved around a group of scholars.Because, it's my duty... As a toa. Draeverian skidded do a halt at the stairs to the building hurling its protestations to his ears, wailing a levels so high most beings were unable to hear the words coming forth. Without even entering, the gigantic pressure of sound showed him a perfect visual of the interior. Running up, he felt his foot connect with each step as if a million years were passing with each new thud into the snow-sprinkled ice. He could hear the words being screeched, though he could not understand the language. It was something old, older than anything he had ever experienced. It was like mountains moving, their basins rumbling, the trees shrieking as they became uprooted. There was nothing but black despair and hatred in the tone. Makuta.Rivet fell silent, drowned by the enormous callings of the great-being as Draeverian finally reached the confines of Nuju's home. His voice was drowned out by the noise, the threatening howls removing every word of courage from his lungs and mind. Stealing his heart, Draeverian ran to the lip, throwing his weight into the crevice, Rivet biting deep into the icy floor to keep him safe. "Nuju!!" He screamed, hand held out, but the turaga was too far down into the abyss to take notice. Draeverian knew he could never reach the turaga without falling as well. Falling would mean death. Toa could not die rashly. The fiery pits of karzahni called out, the heat scorching Draeverian's dangling body as he pulled himself back up, rolling over the lip onto the safe, freezing, floor. Tears moistened his eyeband as he lay prone, to weak from the sudden exertion to continue any farther. The sounds disappeared, and with them the floor returned to normal. There was no turning from his course now. His turaga had been stolen from under his nose. I should have waited to speak with Turaga Nuju, Draeverian thought, his mind racing out the possible alternatives if he'd been present. I could have pushed the sound with my powers, perhaps saved him with precious seconds, or given my life as an alternative...Don't think such things! Rivet hollered back, her voice biting as she continued her jabs into his psyche without words, poising to deliver more harmful blows if he were to be stupid enough to think about an alternate course of action. "I failed him," Draeverian muttered, pulling up onto his knees. He could hear Lekua's words of questioning to the matoran standing nearby. Matoro was in the room as well. There were others, several others. Using Rivet as leverage, Draeverian stood up, his sallow, grieving body limp with exhaustion. Pulling Rivet out of the floor, Joskiir collared her silently and asked, hands loosely hanging from his limp arms:"What happened?"

Edited by Band Wagon Jumper
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IC:By now nichou had followed the others and stood there in a wordless silence, too suprised and saddened to react properly

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IC: Matakite"I know only what Voima said," replied Matakite. "I hope that, despite his other lies, he was truthful when he told us of the staff. If so, it could be important in restoring Mata-Nui to peace."Unlike Tuanuku, Matakite had not considered the very true fact that they would stand no chance against Voima. His eagerness to begin taking action for the island's benefit had blinded him to reason.After a while of waiting, he asked Tuanuku a question. "Are you cold? We went to the inn in search of warmth, and yet here we are once more, waiting outside the Sanctum. As a Ko-Koronan, I have a natural resistance to the cold and I have no idea what you may be feeling. If it is bad enough, we may have a problem. We don't want to miss Voima, but deep cold will do nothing to aid your wounds."

Edited by Tazakk

believe victims. its actually not that hard, and youd look kind of bad if you were to, say, side with an abuser because theyre your friend

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OOC: Oh dear. It looks like Tuck's post has put a spanner in our plans. I guess we won't be talking to Nuju any time soon.IC: Tuanuku was about to answer the Ko-matoran's question when a blast of cold and darkness came from inside the Sanctum, chilling those wh owaited outside. A wall of sound followed it, and finally, the doors of the sanctum burst open to reveal only two figures inside, and neither of them was Turaga Nuju."What was that?" Tuanuku wondered out loud. He was shocked by the display, and also confused by it. "Is that normal for the Turaga?"


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IC: Draeverian JoskiirDraeverian heard Tuanuku's question, and responded with solemnity; "Our turaga had been quickly eaten, by the ground so hallowed this evening. We all failed in our attempts, to bring him back from his bitter rest." He was speaking in rhythm again. It felt good to work with words in such horrid times. Something about the phrasing calmed the toa, allowing him to straighten up slightly and place his feet more freely on the ice, something allowing him to realize the truth in his actions. I haven't failed Kopaka yet. Turning, Draeverian pointed in the direction that he hoped was Matoro, given the large number of matoran in the room, and asked;"What were the Turaga's words before this happening? How can we act fast, and catch Him." Of who Draeverian spoke, there was no doubt. No one could have seen the events and not known Makuta was the first name on their lips. Everyone needed a plan, and Draeverian was going to be part of it.

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IC: Kearrstrun - Ko-Wah, Utu's VillageKearrstrun avoided looking at Tank. He wasn't supposed to be there.He shook his head before Utu brought the sword to his neck. Kearrstrun laughed but quickly answered Tank's question, still avoiding eye-contact."Kearrstrun."IC: Tank - Ko-Wahi, Destroyed Village"And who's book is this? Who is Arekule?"Kearrstrun looked Tank in the eye, his own eyes narrowed, "The... Administrator."Tank shook his head, "He made these?" He asked, gesturing to his Mark.Kearrstrun started shaking his head again, "No, no, no, can't, won't, don't."Tank and Utu exchanged looks."Well I think we got what we need. For now at least."IC: Utu - Ko-Wahi, Utu's VillageUtu breathed heavily before getting up again, allowing Kearrstrun room to do the same. He still held his sword out threateningly regardless.Kearrstrun didn't respond, but upon standing up again, he went for the book Tank held. Tank stepped back, "You need the book don't you?""Then you'll stay with us."Kearrstrun nodded his head in a rotating manner, still avoiding eye contact with Tank. Utu however smiled. Tank knew it wasn't because of what they found. It was more about who they found. Utu now had yet another Toa unable to defend himself, to boss around. On top of the answers."I suppose we've got a lot to read about then."

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IC:"Can he teleport? If not, he'll still be carving away." said Trad. he stopped to listen."I think he's cursing about his carving skills. Want me to sneak up on him?""I'll follow!" piped up Ire."It's too dangerous!""Was it too dangerous for you to enter that military base?""That was not."Ire looked down at her feet."I wanted to be like you.""What? Oh um ah....OK. Stay in front of me. You can push him, while I'll zap him. OK?"

"Wer Traumt?"


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IC: TehlinThe Toa of Plantlife looked lazily at the Toa of Gravity. Having not been thrown out, the Santum Guard member was still with Voima. "Yo, dude, not cool," Tehlin said to him. "Can't just go throwing people around like that."Tehlin was leaning up against the wall, as if he was having a casual conversation. "Oh, and by the way, you try that increased gravity trick again and you'll find yourself with a tree growing out of you stomach."



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IC: [stronin]"Voi, unless you explain to us fully what is going on, we'll be unable to help you."

IC (Voi, Ko-Kini):Voi finally regained his consciousness. For a moment he was silent, looking around at Stronin, Keigero, Tehlin, Trad, Ire... then he rose up."What... what are we doing up here?" he asked. "Did Voima get away?"

IC:"I agree with Stronin", Kreigero said, handing the "cup" of warm water to Voi. "We need to know more about what your trying to find.""Voima was trying to carve something, but I destroyed his progress. Then he pushed us out, threatening to crush us next time. but tell us the backstory behind this. We need to know."

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OOC: Meja from Le-WahiIC(Meja): Meja's wind current was weak compared to the powerful winds that came over the Drifts. She quickly gathered snow, using her mask, to create a cold platform which brought her down. To her surprise, she found herself in between two massive glaciers. She was also standing in the middle of a road that ran East to West. She picked to go West, knowing it would probably take her to Ko-Koro.


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OOC: Meja from Le-WahiIC(Meja):Meja's wind current was weak compared to the powerful winds that came over the Drifts.She quickly gathered snow, using her mask, to create a cold platform which brought her down.To her surprise, she found herself in between two massive glaciers.She was also standing in the middle of a road that ran East to West.She picked to go West, knowing it would probably take her to Ko-Koro.

I.C. UssalaiusIn the distance Meja spots an elder toa. He wears a black cloak and wields the element of fire. He approaches her.


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