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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

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OOC: lolI.C. Kotahk and Kranuka"I can fix that." Kotahk used his elemental abilities to immediately stop the blizzard. "Let's go." They ran towards where they thought the flare had come from. It would take them a while to get there.Kranuka sneezed. "It's cold out here."I.C. Tamaka and Takana "Hey, there's a signal flare... You think maybe they are trying to tell us which way they went?""Probably. Might as well follow them. The blizzard is let up now."I.C. Zenex"Why are you pointing your spear at me? Have I ever harmed you? You don't even know who I am."


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IC: ZykeZyke walked through the gates of the Koro, despite a nasty look from the guards. He headed to an inn and checked in, paying the innkeeper and then leaving to the library for a little while. In the library, the first thing he noticed was a strange Vortixx with something slug like latched onto his back. He shuddered in disgust, walked up to the Vortixx, tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Hey, buddy, you got somethin' on your back."

Edited by Zyke the destroyer


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IC: KixinKixin whirled, eyes wide with surprise. "Yeah? What of it?"Kixin did not look alright, at all. His eyes and tone were panicky, and he seemed to have suspicious scars on both forearms.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Xicuta:There was another, Xicuta could sense it, a Skakdi. A strange hissing sound seemed to come from both Xicuta and Kixin at the same time, the Vortixx glaring down at Zyke. Xicuta did not like this being, it carried a false appearance to it. The Parakuka did not like that.Xicuta sent Kixin images of battle, bloodshed, of vicious Skakdi betraying their allies whenever they felt to, everything it knew of Skakdi. It hoped that Kixin would not trust this Skakdi, that he would drive the Skakdi away. But if Kixin didn't, Xicuta would have to take control.

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IC: Kixin"Shut up!" Kixin snapped out loud, toward Xicuta. "I know!"He looked back at Zyke, still slightly hunched over. "If I knew, do you thinknid be here? Trying to solve the puzzle?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC:Mariko and Draeverian hurried after Atvin and came to a halt right next to their fellow Toa, standing over the body of the Matoran they had spotted just moment earlier. Draeverian gave a low whistle, examining their surroundings, to paint an image of the scene in his mind from the sonic feedback. In the meantime, Mariko kneeled down, reaching out to feel the Matoran's pulse.His fingers softly touched upon the small figures neck, trailing down the main artery there. Then, as if someone had switched on a Tryna, the Matoran jerked back, his chest heaving with a rattling breath. Mariko instinctively pulled his hand back, the Katara conceiled in his vambrace sliding out of its compartment, ready to strike. But the Matoran was not undead, as he gasped and struggled to take shuddering breaths. Each of which sounded wet as if e was trying to breath through water in his lungs. Mariko frowned, an expression that was darker than anything Atvin could have suspected the Toa capable off, but which at the same time seemed fitting, as if he had worn it many times before.The Matoran would not survive. That much was sure. Mariko could see the eyes trying to focus on him, but failing. He could see the head trying to move but it looked unnatural, as if the spine was not doing it's job...or couldn't do it anymore. The small figure gasped again, coughing up blood. His body was beginning to relax, sinking back into the snow as it was losing the struggle to hang on to life."You..." the Matoran muttered weakly, his voice fading, "...you...kil-...killed me."And with one more rasping sound, it was over. His eyes went dim and cloudy, the heartlight stopping at the same moment. Now the only sound was the cold wind, howling across the plateau.OOC: Sorry for drawing this out, but this weekend was much less productive than I intended to, so I need to get back to work. Might be a very long night for me.




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IC-Xicuta:Xicuta constructed a mental image for Kixin, one of the Skakdi commiting suicide. He did say, after all, "Anyone you want dead will be dead." Xicuta rather liked the thought, but the Parakuka wasn't sure Kixin would go for it.Xicuta then sent Kixin another image, of him ripping the Skakdi's spine off with his teeth, and then choking him with it while stabbing him with his claws. That was another thought that the Parakuka liked.Hopefully Kixin wouldn't argue. Oh, how Xicuta hated arguing.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: I have another Character Development idea. :PIC: Optimus sighed. "At first, Magnus, we did not want to. But we were foolish not to see what history has taught us. Aukati and Phantoms will never mend their ways. The Phantoms must be destroyed." He walked off. At least he could get along with Magnus, despite their disagreements. "All right, Aukati. We must--""TAKE COVER! IT'S NEMESIS!""What?!" Optimus whirled around and drew his weapons. "You have no business here, Phantom. You will be killed if you attempt to attack us.Nemesis burst out laughing. "I have come not to kill you...but to aid you."OOC: Don't worry...more coming later.


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IC-Xicuta:Xicuta hissed itself, this time, not even using Kixin. Air forced itself out through spots on its chitinous exoskeleton, a low, growling hiss, like an angered cobra. Xicuta sent Kixin the image of him tearing Zyke apart again, using his claws and teeth, tearing out the Skakdi's throat, ripping his spine off in one fell swoop...gloriour bloodshed.Xicuta prepared itself to transform Kixin fully, though it had already started the transformation slightly, arm-blades starting to extend out, the scars looking like sheaths of flesh for the bony, metallic blades, his fingers lengthening and growing claws at the ends...something that would be imperceptible to Zyke, but Kixin would notice it all too readily.Xicuta sent a questioning feeling to Kixin, wanting to know if it should continue.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Kixin"Oh?"Kixin, after a pause, sent Xicuta images of the families he knew, families he'd helped. Then he sent images of them all dead, by Zyke's hand.After another pause, he sent a feeling in the affirmative.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Xicuta:Xicuta wriggled in excitement. It opened the flow completely, allowing the blood to mix again, allowing the mutations to spread out completely. The arm blades shot out, the hands lengthened into the Rahkshi-like claws, and the spines flew up on Kixin's back, all the mutation that Xicuta had given to the Vortixx.Taking the initiative, the Parakuka sent an image to Kixin of Zyke, rent limb from limb, blood pooling around his wide-eyed corpse, Kixin standing above it, smiling. Xicuta then had Kixin jump onto Zyke, knocking him over and backwards. There was now a larger distance between the two, Kixin pawing the ground in anticipation, a feeling he shared with the Parakuka on his back.Xicuta let loose another low hiss, sending the images back to Kixin that he had sent to it, inciting the Vortixx even further into battle.It also sent Kixin a feeling that, until he was more accustomed to using the mental images, he should just communicate with words.

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IC: KixinBut Kixin was far faster.With his Parakuka-enhanced speed, he caught up to Zyke in seconds. He leaped forward with a bestial roar, and slashed his long claws at Zyke's throat.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: lolI.C. Kotahk and Kranuka"I can fix that." Kotahk used his elemental abilities to immediately stop the blizzard. "Let's go." They ran towards where they thought the flare had come from. It would take them a while to get there.Kranuka sneezed. "It's cold out here."I.C. Tamaka and Takana "Hey, there's a signal flare... You think maybe they are trying to tell us which way they went?""Probably. Might as well follow them. The blizzard is let up now."I.C. Zenex"Why are you pointing your spear at me? Have I ever harmed you? You don't even know who I am."
IC Fehron & GeonMuch later..."I swear, this is the 150th time we've passed that stupid rock!" said Fehron"No, it's only the 78th time," replied Geon."EITHER WAY, WE'RE LOST AND GOING IN CIRCLES AND NO ONE EVEN KNOWS WHERE BOTAN, TAMAKA, AND TAKANA ARE!""Actually, they're right over there," Geon replied, camly pointing. Sure enough, the three were trekking towards them.IC DymiunDymiun tried to come up with some kind of comeback line, but found nothing. "..."


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IC-Xicuta:Xicuta had Kixin twist away from the gun, before the Vortixx kicked the gun from the Skakdi's grasp. Xicuta fed Kixin images of bloodshed, dead families, constructed images of many helpless beings that Zyke had killed.The Parakuka hissed again, before it made Kixin kick Zyke backwards. Nothing lethal, but just to make space. Xicuta then sent Kixin an image of a quick pounce, something that Zyke wouldn't be able to dodge, someothing like a Muaka would make. It then forced Kixin to look about the room, notice all the various angles and improvised weapons that the Vortixx could use to kill Zyke.Xicuta then sent the sense of attack to Kixin, wordless command to pounce and rip apart this Skakdi.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: They're not bullets, they're metal spikes. Kinda like crossbow bolts.IC: ZykeZyke stumbled backwards from the kick and coughed. Ow. With his weapons gone, he could only brace himself for another attack. If running was futile, there had to be another way to escape this with his life. Or maybe there wasn't."That hurt," he said. Too bad Corex wasn't here.

Edited by Zyke the destroyer


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IC: Zyke Zyke was now willing to accept the fact that he would undoubtedly die. That is, until he felt the presence of another Skakdi and made out a vague shape through his blurred vision. He drew on the elemental energy of the other and discharged a massive amount of electricity.IC: GrimlockGrimlock knew how Skakdi powers worked. That's why he had rushed to Zyke's aid after seeing him being nearly killed at the hands of this beast from the inn's window. He activated his own Iron powers, reaching out with a tendril of metal and wrapping it around the creature that was attached to the Vortixx's back.


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IC: KixinBut electricity has to build up first, and in the process, tipped Kixin off when his skin prickled. He jumped off the Skakdi, avoiding both attacks.He looked at Grimlock, who was currently the bigger threat. He ran forward, pushing the limits of his speed. To Grimlock's eyes, he would be little more than a black blur. He grabbed the Skakdi by the neck and, in an extreme display if strength, hurled him head first toward a wall.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Zyke and GrimlockZyke stood up, coughing and grasping his wounds. He began to charge his electricity and hope for the best.Grimlock hit the wall with a loud crash. The bulk of his body and the thickness of his skull allowed him to sustain less harm than perhaps Zyke would have, but he was still hurt. "Now," he said, dazed, "you make Grimlock mad." He pulled out his fire sword, ignited it, and swung it around menacingly. Using his iron powers, he attempted to compress the metal spikes and armor on Xixin and hopefully do at least a little bit of damage, or at least enough to distract the Vortixx and give Zyke some time to recharge.

Edited by Zyke the destroyer


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IC: KixinKixin roared, and lunged forward again. With incredible speed, he darted to Grimlock, and bashed his head against the wall, before throwing him at Zyke this time.If his hits succeeded, the compression would stop, as the Skakdi's concentration would be broken.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: ZykeZyke unleashed what little electricity he had gathered in the form of a bolt directed at Grimlock as he was thrown. He probably didn't have time to effectively dodge the other Skakdi's unconscious body, but he didn't have to. The bolt struck Grimlock, who was instantly jolted awake upon contact and brought up a wall of iron to block himself from hitting Zyke. Zyke continued to charge as Grimlock absorbed the metal wall and pulled his sword towards himself with his powers. It was once again ignited and Grimlock, while a bit dazed, was ready for another attack. Zyke dove behind a bookshelf, hopefully making himself a little less vulnerable.

Edited by Zyke the destroyer


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IC: KixinBut in the time it had taken for that to occur, Kixin was right in front of Grimlock, too close for him to use his sword properly.In one move, Kixin slashed his forearm blade diagonally across Grimlock's chest.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Grimlock and Zyke"OW!" Grimlock stumbled backward. His armor had taken most of the cut, but he was still slashed. He repaired the armor with his powers, stopping the blood flow, and tackled the Vortixx to the ground. It may or may not have been a stupid move, but it was something.Zyke, meanwhile, was still charging his electricity. He felt like he would soon have a good amount, but he still needed time.


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IC: Big Convoy"Yeah, I suppose that's what we'll do." Brig Convoy replied, as the nurse started looking Lio over.IC: KixinWith a single move, Kixin shoved Grimlock off of him, sending the Skakdi flying back. In one move, Kixin drew his sword from his cane, and stabbed right at Grimlock's heart.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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